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Two slide shows on mission history

Contains: Text to a lecture with photographs by Volkmar Schrenk, held at the Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Oberkochen on 9 July 1990 under the title: Christian Hornberger, Ein Oberkochener Missionar, Forschungsreisender und Photographer (1831-1881)...

In: State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik) >> Unofficial documents >> written records of parties, associations and societies >> Other associations >> 7.1025 North German Mission Society (inventory) >> 4. the missionary society in the homeland >> 4.9 Collections, materials >> 4.9.4. materials from historical research, memorials

collection of proverbs

Contains: N.K. Dzobo: Ko nu makpo, Madzipe-Ho, Ghana 1984 (print) with translation into German: Let me see you laugh, through Paul Wiegräbe, typewritten. - Note: 2 issues of approx. 50 pages each.

In: State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik) >> Unofficial documents >> written records of parties, associations and societies >> Other associations >> 7.1025 North German Mission Society (inventory) >> 4. the missionary society in the homeland >> 4.9 Collections, materials >> 4.9.3 Collaboration with the Church in Togo - gathering of the missionary Paul Wiegräbe

Estate of Dr. Eugen Löffler, Ministerial Councillor in the Ministry of Culture (* 1883, 1979) (title)

Löffler, Eugen (24.03.1883 - 05.05.1979), 1907-1918 teacher at grammar schools in Ulm and Schwäbisch Hall, 1918-1951 (from 1924 as ministerial councillor) activity in the Württemberg and Württemberg-Badish ministries of education and cultural affa...

In: Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik) >> Bequests, association and family archives >> Political estates

Education and training: Colonial School Witzenhausen/DITSL (inventory)

History of the Inventory Designer: The 'Deutsche Kolonialschule GmbH', founded in 1898 by private shareholders, formed the following educational institution German farmers for tropical and subtropical co...

In: Files from 1867 >> Specialist administrations and institutions >> Education and Culture >> Education and training

Paul Wohlrab (1866-1949)

CV from 1891; Letters, circulars, reports, 1890-1907; "Bewegliche Stunden, Bericht über die Beginn der Mittelschule in Lwandai, ca. 1902; Korrespondenz (allgemein), i.a. deutsche Schule u. Mittelschule, 1908; Agreement between the Evangelisch...

In: Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik) >> Archive of the Bethel Mission/Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft für Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1885-1970 >> personnel files >> Missionare

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Siegfried Delius (1875-1935)

Christening ceremony in Tanga, 1904; trip to Gombera, 1904; report about the visit of Professor Haussleiter in Tanga, 1909; thanksgiving song of Africa to the emperor, in Swahili by Jakobo Ngombe, teacher in Tanga, translated into German. by Siegf...

In: Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik) >> Archive of the Bethel Mission/Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft für Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1885-1970 >> personnel files >> Missionare

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Knight, Gerhard (inventory)

History of the Inventory Designer: Andreas Dorpalen, Gerhard Ritter. In: Deutsche Historiker I, Göttingen 1971, p. 86-99 Historiker, Hochschullehrer Description of the holdings: Manuscripts of his lectures at the University of Freiburg/Breisgau, o...

In: O - R

German Society for Missiology (DGfM)

Minutes of the Annual Meetings; Annual Accounts, Correspondence with Rosary and Genius; Statutes of the DGfM, Dr., 1918 1960; C. Mirbt: German Society for Missiology, 7 p., Dr., 1918; The catechumenate in the RMG churches in; Southwest Africa by F...

In: Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik) >> Archive of the Rhenish Mission Society >> Contacts and correspondence >> German Evangelical Missionary Committee (DEMA)

Rhenish Missionary Society

Reichsanstalt für Wasser- und Luftgüte (Existing)

History of the Inventory Designer: On April 1, 1901, foundation of the "Königliche Versuchs- und Prüfungsanstalt für Wasserver‧sorgung und Abwasserbeseitigung" (Royal Testing and Examination Institute for Wasserver‧sorgung and Sewage Dis...

In: Federal Archives (Archivtektonik) >> North German Confederation and German Reich (1867/1871-1945) >> Interior, Health, Police and SS, Folklore

Olpp, John George Henry (1870-1948)

1895-1937 in Otjimbingue, Karibib, Praeses and Inspector from 1910; Letters and reports (Presidential files separate), 1895-1910; application for missionary service, curriculum vitae, expert opinion Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp, 1894; private lett...

In: Archiv- und Museumsstiftung der VEM (Archivtektonik) >> Archiv der Rheinischen Missionsgesellschaft >> Die Rheinische Mission in Südwestafrika/Namibia >> Missionare

Rhenish Missionary Society

German Evangelical Missionary Aid (DEMH)

Minutes, circulars, annual accounts, notices, correspondence; Constitution of the DEMH of 5.12.1913, amended 1939, approved 25. 11. 1940; Dr. Freytag: Facts on the question: Mission, 4 p., Dr., 1941; Overview of articles published in leading missi...

In: Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik) >> Archive of the Rhenish Mission Society >> Contacts and correspondence >> German Evangelical Missionary Committee (DEMA)

Rhenish Missionary Society

Krug, Ottomar: German Generals 1867-1945

History of the Inventory Designer: Since the beginning of the war in 1939 Ottmar Krug (died 1976), Mayor of Aschersleben, later of Goslar, has compiled a collection of general biographies, mainly for the period 1880-1945 (MSg 109). As a former reg...

In: Military Historical Collections

Reichsamt für Wirtschaftsausbau (inventory)

History of the Inventory Designer: 1938 Formation essentially from the Office for German Raw Materials formed in the Four-Year Plan with the task of organising and promoting research, development and development in the field of industrial raw mate...

In: Federal Archives (Archivtektonik) >> North German Confederation and German Reich (1867/1871-1945) >> Economy, Armament, Agriculture, Post, Traffic

Residual administration of the former Reich Ministry of Finance (inventory)

History of the Inventory Designer: The "Restverwaltung" (Residual Administration) was created in Berlin as an immediate post-war institution from a small group of former members of the Reich Ministry of Finance to compile overviews and c...

In: Federal Archives (Archivtektonik) >> North German Confederation and German Reich (1867/1871-1945) >> Finance, Building and Regional Planning

Results 1 to 30 of 3805