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Archival description
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 40/72 · Fonds · 1806-1920 (Nachakten bis 1922)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

History of the Ministry: The Württemberg Ministry of Foreign Affairs, initially also known as the Cabinet Ministry and headed by two ministers, had existed since January 1, 1806. According to the Organization Manifesto of January 18, 1806, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had been the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Württemberg" since then. March 1806 it had "all negotiations with foreigners, the maintenance and strict observance of existing treatises, correspondence with foreign ministers, the execution of the King's public correspondence with other regents and governors, the affairs of the royal house, the ceremonial with foreigners, the ceremonial inside, the management of the postal service, matters of the order, raising of rank, the use for the royal subjects abroad, issuing of passports and certification of documents intended for the same". It also supervised the police in the residences of Stuttgart and Ludwigsburg. By decree of 12 February 1812, this area was separated from the Ministry and an independent Ministry of Police with extended powers was set up. 8 November 1816, the Minister of Foreign Affairs was responsible for the organisation of the Privy Council, which was essentially the tasks described in the organisational manifesto. Only the post office was subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior, as far as it did not fall within the area of the House of Thurn und Taxis. The Chancellor of the Order, usually the Minister of Foreign Affairs, was now responsible for the affairs of the Order, while the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of the Interior shared responsibility for the administration of the affairs of the nobility. A Royal Rescript of 19 July 1819 approved the division of the Ministry's internal service into two sections, a general political section and a legal section. The latter was responsible for political and diplomatic relations, the latter for consular and international legal assistance. The Transport Department, established in 1864 alongside the Political Department, supervised the general directorates of the Württemberg Posts and Telegraphs and the State Railways. The Ministry also included the envoys, consuls and other diplomatic agents, the Haus- und Staatsarchiv, the Lehenrat and the Zensurkommission until its abolition in 1848. After the foundation of the Reich in 1871, the Ministry continued to exist with limited responsibilities. After the President's decree had merged the Chancellery of the Political Department with that of the State Ministry with effect from 1 January 1920, the Foreign Ministry was finally abolished by the Act of 29 April 1920; the remaining tasks fell to the State Ministry. The overall registry: The records of the political department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were arranged according to a classification scheme. Within the individual categories, the files were usually arranged chronologically according to main fascicles, which in turn were arranged and numbered according to subfascicles. The headings could change over time (e.g. "uses"). If the order in the registry of the ministry had already been disturbed, it became completely unclear due to the numerous deliveries between 1872 and 1938 to the Haus- und Staatsarchiv; because these ministerial files, sometimes mixed with documents of subordinate authorities, were distributed among the holdings between E 36 and E 65, depending on the date of delivery. The order begun in the 1960s has the aim of forming "classified inventories" according to the categories used in the Foreign Ministry. The categories that belong together are grouped together in one inventory, whereas the categories "Varia" and "Uses" are dissolved and classified under the corresponding categories. Found condition and formation of the inventory E 40/72: The inventory E40/72 consists of the following categories:1. "War material" from the inventories E 36 Verz. 18, E 46 and E 52, extent approx. 3.3 running m2. "German Affairs 1866-1871" from the inventory E 41 I. Appendix, volume approx. 2.5 m3. "War" (concerning I. World War) from the inventory E 49 Verz. 12, circumference approx. 7.5 m4. "Uses" and "Varia" (concerning military matters) as well as documents without recognizable registry designations from the holdings E 36 Verz. 14 and 58, E 41 Verz. 63 and E 49 Delivery 1938, volume approx. 0.7 linear metres. m Accordingly, the larger part of the holdings consists of documents from the First World War. Obviously the formation of the registry at the ministry could not keep up with the general temporal development, because under the file number "War 1 General" serial files were formed, which comprised 41 bundles (altogether 5.5 m) with 16339 quadrangles when the ministry was abolished. The situation was similar with the file number "Krieg 4 Kriegsziele und Friedensschluss" (war 4 war aims and peace agreement) (a total of 1.5 m), although a distinction was made between general files and the classification by states. It was only gradually, especially towards the end of the war, that the creation of files was begun; documents were also taken from the general files, and it was therefore necessary to dissolve these two large blocks in favour of the principle of files. Moisture and mold damages were determined in places, whereby after consultation higher place with larger damages, above all with threatening further writing loss the documents were copied. Gaps in the general files are also striking; indications suggest that some documents were subsequently added to the legation files and to the "federal files" (B. A. ); individual secret files kept in the "iron cabinet" seem to have been lost. The extensive collection of newspaper clippings, which is now to be found in the fact files and represents a unique documentation, is also worth mentioning. Since the total stock E 40/72 is composed of chronologically arranged rubrics, the classification according to the principle of the fact files appeared necessary here as well; however, overlaps could not be completely avoided. Files from the Conference and Army Ministries were added to the holdings E 272 and E 273, documents from the provenance of the War Ministry were handed over to the Military Archives, and only duplicates and blank sheets were collected. Pagination applied to various clusters of the total stock has become obsolete. Stuttgart, July 1997Wilfried Braunn Preliminary remark for the new edition of the Findbuch 2011: During the incorporation of the oldest delivery of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (former signature E 36) into the new inventory structure in 2007, it turned out that in particular in Verz. 60, which was arranged exclusively according to country categories, there were numerous other files concerning war and military matters. Since the content of these documents did not differ significantly from that of the documents already contained in E 40/72, a general classification in the holdings on general foreign policy (E 40/14 or E 40/18) did not appear to be in the spirit of the new resistance structure drawn up in the 1990s. In order to ensure that the structure of the inventory can also be traced from the user's point of view, these supplements were therefore incorporated into the existing inventory and the finding aid book was reissued due to its extensive growth. Minor content overlaps arise with holdings E 40/54 (police) in relation to rural policing and gendarmerie matters and E 40/59 (deduction, emigration and immigration, travel, citizenship) in relation to Württembergers in foreign military services (e.g. Foreign Legion) and the obligation of Württembergers to conscribe abroad. 1074 tufts or 16.0 linear metres of shelving are now held in the holdings.Stuttgart, March 2011Johannes Renz

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 151/41 · Fonds · 1814, 1820-1945, mit vereinzelten Na
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

The history of the authorities: Within the Ministry of the Interior established in Stuttgart in 1806, Department IV was responsible for local government matters. In the course of the dissolution of the four district governments (established in 1817/18), in June 1924 the Ministerial Department for District and Corporation Administration was established as a middle instance affiliated to the Ministry of the Interior, which existed until 1934 parallel to Department IV within the Ministry (cf. holdings E 180 I-VII in the State Archives Ludwigsburg). After 1934 the ministerial department was only a department of the interior ministry. In 1945, responsibilities were divided regionally between the newly established state administrations of the interior in Stuttgart and Tübingen. From 1952, the newly established regional councils of Stuttgart and Tübingen were given the same responsibilities to a large extent as had previously been assigned to the ministerial department as the central authority of the interior administration. The eleven to thirteen business units or Division IV's papers essentially covered the main areas of responsibility: church and corporate matters:Membership of local authorities, changes in regional, district and municipal authorities, national emblems, municipal names; representation and administration of official bodies and municipalities, supervision of administration, visits, state supervisory municipalities; legal relationships of civil servants and employees of official bodies and municipalities, salaries, pensions, accident and health care;Supervision of the asset management of municipalities and official bodies, budget matters, foundations, accounting; municipal uses, real community rights; publications of municipalities and official bodies; savings banks; taxation, finance statistics; water matters general and individual, division into three ("technical") business divisions or The three regionally defined districts I, II and III have departments for the organisation and distribution of responsibilities. The files E 151/01 (Chancellery Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior) Bü 284, 285, 289, 753, 774 contain information on the organisation and distribution of responsibilities. Processor's report: The records of Department IV - Municipal Affairs of the Ministry of the Interior were previously available in the partial inventories: E 151 d I : Handover register from 1956 with a special register from 1966 for the files concerning the State contributions to the water supply of the municipalities (both now part of inventory E 151/41);E 151 d II : Handover register of 1958 (now part of inventory E 151/41) with a special register of the files of the Ministry of the Interior on municipal finance statistics received via the State Statistical Office (now inventory E 151/44);E 151 d III: Handover register from 1981, partly with files, which have entered the Main State Archives via the Regierungspräsidium (now part of the holdings E 151/41);E 151 d IV : Documents concerning the Sparkassenwesen (now part of the stock E 151/41), received with the files of the stock E 151 d III; a special list of personnel files of the municipal and corporate officials of 1966 (now stock E 151/42) and a special list of job files of the local heads of 1966 (now stock E 151/43). as the overview shows, the files concerning the state contributions to the municipal water supply were included in the files of the same subject from the delivery of 1958 (AZ. IV 2499), arranged according to counties, arranged in the same subject from the delivery of 1958 (AZ. IV 2499) (AZ. IV 2499). These documents comprise 2.8 linear metres and can now be found under the signature E 151/41 Bü 1110-1144. The provisionally formed part of the savings banks sector was also dissolved. The file group was added to the main holdings E 151/41, and a separation of provenance was also carried out between files of the Ministry of the Interior (4.6 linear metres) and files of the Ministerial Department for District and Corporation Administration (2.9 linear metres). m) ClassificationSince it was no longer possible to determine a file plan of the municipal department of the Ministry of the Interior from the time before 1945, the order and classification of the holdings was established on the basis of the file numbers assigned throughout (from department number IV and a file number of up to four digits, recorded in the Findbuch as the first preliminary signature). This procedure proved to be useful insofar as after 1945 the files continued to be filed according to this registry plan and were thus also transferred to the Main State Archives in 1956, 1958, 1962 and 1981 ( cf. the holdings EA 2/401-404 ).The structure of the holdings attempts a reconstruction of the file plan. In addition, some older files still have a box/special signature, which was not taken into account, however, as a presignature in the recording. The few tufts on school matters within the Ministry of the Interior are, however, to be found in fonds E 151/02 (Ministry of the Interior Department II). The order of tufts of files within individual series according to districts is based on the administrative division according to the Law on the Division of the Land of 25 April 1938 ( Reg.Bl. für Württemberg vom 3.5.1938). In general, provenance separations as well as a separation of pre- and post-files (cut-off date 8 May 1945) were made in the indexing, provided that it was not only a matter of individual documents whose removal from the present set of files would not have made sense (see list following the preface).Larger cassations were not carried out, only duplicates, other duplicates and a few tufts were sorted out (0.4 m). In November 1990, Dorothee Breucker, an archivist, began the cataloguing of the holdings. She was in charge of the main part of the order and indexing work (indexing of tufts 1 to 997 and 1101 to 1256 as well as separation of provenances and pre- and post-production work). Within the framework of the practical training of participants of the 26th and 27th semesters of the Second World War, the Commission has developed a new training programme. The students of the second Fachhochschule course worked on the drawing with Daniela Deckwart (Bü 1110-1144, drawing and classification), Nicole Röck (Bü 1257-1265), Thomas Schreiner (Bü 1266-1268), 1317-1330), Katja Hoffmann (Bü 1269-1301, 1315, 1316), Edith Holzer (Bü 1302a-1314, 1285a), Armin Braun (Bü 1331-1356, 1358, 1359), Andrea Rößler (Bü 1360-1379), Hartmut Obst (Bü 1380-1391). Working student Ulrike Kirchberger (Bü 1392-1413) and Archivoberinspektorin Sabine Schnell (Bü 1424-1557) finished the indexing; the latter also took over the final editing of the find book. Archivist Wilhelmine Kovacs took care of the demetallization of the files as well as smaller repairs and the packing of the tufts in archive boxes.The title entries were recorded on MIDETIT forms, the find book was created with the help of the MIDOSA program package of the Baden-Württemberg State Archive Administration. The E 151/41 collection now contains 48.5 linear metres of files with a running time of (1814) 1820-1945, with a few follow-up files up to 1955 (1965). The majority of the files date from around 1900. the partial holdings E 151/42 comprise 1.7 linear metres, E 151/43 2.3 linear metres and E 151/44 14 linear metres of written records. Stuttgart, November 1992Sabine Schnell Provenienztrennungen: Old signature EA 2/401:New signature E 151/41: No.59 (AZ: IV 201)Bü 983 No.74 (AZ: IV 347)Bü 984 No.79 (AZ: IV 370)Bü 985 No.117 (AZ: IV 986)Bü 986 No.152 (AZ: IV 1518)Bü 987 No.158 (AZ: IV 1710)Bü 988 No.161 (AZ: IV 1760)Bü 989 No.162 (AZ: IV 1775)Bü 990 No.164 (AZ: IV 1850)Bü 991 Old signature EA 2/404:New signature E 151/41: No.589 (AZ: IV 290)Bü 992 No.609 (AZ: IV 330)Bü 993 No.683 (AZ: IV 444)Bü 994 No.684 (AZ: IV 445)Bü 995 No.694 (AZ: IV 447)Bü 996 No.791 (AZ: IV 601)Bü 538 No.1273 (AZ: IV 4020)Bü 997 Old Signature E 151 d I:New Signature: No.186 (AZ: IV 1450)E 151/02 Bü 903a No.189 (AZ: IV 1471)E 151/02 Bü 915e No.194 (AZ: IV 1525)E 151/02 Bü 915c No.195 (AZ: IV 1530)E 151/02 Bü 915b No.196 (AZ: IV 1533)E 151/02 Bü 910a No.197 (AZ: IV 1534)E 151/02 Bü 915a No.201 (AZ: IV 1544)E 151/02 Bü 918a No.300 (AZ: IV 5015)E 150 Old signature E 151 d II:New signature: serial no. 37, 40-44, 48-50A 39, Supplements serial no. 38, 39, 45-47, 52E 175 serial no. 51J 251 b no. 304-307 Old signature E 151 d III:New signature: serial no. 499 (AZ: IV 5005)E 151/02 Bü 1174 serial no. 1174 503 (AZ: IV 5020)E 151/02 Bü 1175 serial no. 506 (AZ: IV 5035)E 151/02 Bü 1176 Old signature E 151 d III (serial no.)/New signature: New signature E 151/41 (Bü): Serial no. 506 (AZ: IV 5035)/New signature: New signature E 151/41 (Bü): Serial no. 506 No. 1 (AZ: IV 2)E 180 running No. 14 / Bü 623 (AZ: IV 33)EA 2/404 No. 250 running No. 41 / Bü 625 (AZ: IV 41)EA 2/404 No. 250a current no. 26, 22 / Bü 643, 644, 667 (AZ: IV 50) EA 2/404 current no. 253a No. 37 / Bü 685 (AZ: IV 85)EA 2/404 current no. 302a No. 302a 38 / Bü 686 (AZ: IV 87)EA 2/404 No. 304 current No. 42 / Bü 690 (AZ: IV 95)EA 2/404 No. 308 current No. 51 / Bü 701 (AZ: IV 118d)EA 2/401 Bü 35a current No. 35 / Bü 690 (AZ: IV 95)EA 2/404 Current No. 51 / Bü 701 (AZ: IV 118d)EA 2/401 Bü 35a current No. 70 / Bü 718 (AZ: IV 129)EA 2/404 No. 430 current No. 75 / Bü 723 (AZ: IV 142)EA 2/404 No. 444 current No. 85 / Bü 732 (AZ: IV 162)EA 2/404 No. 452 serial no. 98, 99 / Bü 741-743, 746-748EA 2/404 serial no. 476a (AZ: IV 181) serial no. 97 / Bü 752 (AZ: IV 181)EA 2/404 serial no. 2/404 476a current no. 99 / Bü 754 (AZ: IV 181)EA 2/404 no. 476a current no. 96 / Bü 762 (AZ: IV 181)EA 2/404 no. 476a current no. 476a 103 / Bü 768 (AZ: IV 186)EA 2/404 No. 487 current No. 110 / Bü 776 (AZ: IV 191)EA 2/404 No. 491 current No. 119 / Bü 788 (AZ: IV 198)EA 2/404 No. 515 serial no. 121 / Bü 790 (AZ: IV 200)EA 2/404 no. 516 serial no. 123 / Bü 798 (AZ: IV 211)EA 2/404 no. 538 serial no. 140 / Bü 812 (AZ: IV 250)EA 2/404 No. 553 current No. 153 / Bü 825 (AZ: IV 305)EA 2/404 No. 602a current No. 157 / Bü 830 (AZ: IV 325)EA 2/404 No. 607 Old signature E 151 d III (serial no.)/New signature: New signature E 151/41 (Bü): Serial no. 164a (AZ: IV 371)E 180 serial no. 171 (AZ: IV 374)E 180 running no. 173 / Bü 836 (AZ: IV 390)EA 2/404 no. 650 running no. 174 / Bü 844 (AZ: IV 391)EA 2/404 no. 651 running no. 178 / Bü 863 (AZ: IV 405)EA 2/404 No. 657 current No. 182 / Bü 867 (AZ: IV 410)EA 2/404 No. 660 current No. 185 / Bü 885 (AZ: IV 416)EA 2/404 No. 662 current no. 203 (AZ: IV 443b)E 180 current no. 210 / Bü 922 (AZ: IV 520)EA 2/404 current no. 743 current no. 217 / Bü 929 (AZ: IV 560)EA 2/404 current no. 771 No. 221 / Bü 933 (AZ: IV 575)EA 2/404 No. 756 current No. 263 / Bü 956 (AZ: IV 770)EA 2/404 No. 850 current No. 264 (AZ: IV 777)EA 2/404 Current No. 264 (AZ: IV 777)EA 2/404 878a serial no. 266 / Bü 958-959 (AZ: IV 781) EA 2/404 no. 888/04 serial no. 275 (AZ: IV 829)E 151/01 Bü 3171 serial no. 3171 277 / Bü 967 (AZ: IV 830)EA 2/404 No. 893a current No. 278 (AZ: IV 831)E 151/01 Bü 3165 current No. 279 (AZ: IV 831)E 151/01 Bü 3166 current No. 279 (AZ: IV 831)E 151/01 Bü 3166 current No. 280 (AZ: IV 834)E 151/01 Bü 3168 current No. 284 (AZ: IV 837)E 151/01 Bü 3167 current No. 284 (AZ: IV 837)EA 2/404 No. 905 current No. 905 current No. 284a (AZ: IV 841)E 151/01 Bü 3169, 3170 serial no. 284a (AZ: IV 841)EA 2/ 404 No. 907a serial no. 285 (AZ: IV 853)E 151/01 Bü 3172 serial no. 3172 301 / Bü 980 (AZ: IV 900)EA 2/404 No. 920 current no. 306 / Bü 1361 (AZ: IV 1130)EA 2/404 No. 921 current no. 309 / Bü 1362 (AZ: IV 1140)EA 2/404 No. 937 serial no. 315 / Bü 1367 (AZ: IV 1148)EA 2/404 no. 938a serial no. 342 / Bü 1379 (AZ: IV 1270)EA 2/404 no. 955 serial no. 348 / Bü 1382 (AZ: IV 1365)EA 2/404 No. 1028 current No. 348b / Bü 1384 (AZ: IV 1365)EA 2/404 No. 1035 current No. 353 / Bü 1389 (AZ: IV 1374)EA 2/404 No. 1068 current no. 354 / Bü 1390 (AZ: IV 1380)EA 2/404 no. 1077 current no. 364 / Bü 1392 (AZ: IV 1530)EA 2/404 no. 1096 current no. 366 / Bü 1394 (AZ: IV 1550)EA 2/404 No. 1097 current No. 367 / Bü 1395 (AZ: IV 1555)EA 2/404 No. 1098 Old signature E 151 d III (current No.)/New signature: New signature E 151/41 (Bü): serial no. 387 / Bü 1404 (AZ: IV 1665)EA 2/404 no. 1117 serial no. 391 / Bü 1408 (AZ: IV 1700)EA 2/404 no. 1148 current no. 393 / Bü 1410 (AZ: IV 1702)EA 2/404 no. 1149 current no. 395 / Bü 1412 (AZ: IV 1708)EA 2/404 no. 1160 current no. 399 / Bü 1426 (AZ: IV 1730)EA 2/404 No. 1174 current No. 401 / Bü 1428 (AZ: IV 1740)EA 2/404 No. 1189 current No. 412 / Bü 1437 (AZ: IV 1830)EA 2/404 No. 1198 linear no. 413 / Bü 1438 (AZ: IV 1835)EA 2/404 linear no. 1206a linear no. 421 / Bü 1444 (AZ: IV 1890)EA 2/404 linear no. 1219 linear no. 1219. No. 438 / Bü 1457 (AZ: IV 2038)EA 2/404 No. 1228 current No. 498 / Bü 1549 (AZ: IV 4021)J 121 / J 122 current No. 499 / Bü 1551 (AZ: IV 5000)EA 2/404 No. 1275 Old signature E 151 d IV:New signature serial no. 1-58 (AZ: IV 237-IV 490)E 180 serial no. 142 (AZ: IV 1618)E 180

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 151/12 · Fonds · 1818-1945, mit vereinzelten Nachakte
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

On the history of the authorities: The responsibility for the surveying and marking department, which was part of the Ministry of the Interior in the 19th century, and the cadastral office, which was part of the Finance Administration, and the andes surveying department was initially transferred to the Finance Administration by the Law on the Ministry of State and the Ministries of 6 November 1926 (Reg.Bl. p.239). With the law of 3 July 1934 (Reichsges.Bl. p.534), surveying became a matter of gauge and was thus entrusted to the Reich Ministry of the Interior. Subsequently, in accordance with the decree of 28 August 1936 of the Reich and Prussian Minister of the Interior, the institutions still directly belonging to the State of Württemberg (Topographisches Bureau) were to be combined in the Ministry of the Interior, whereupon the decree on the reorganization of surveying in Württemberg of 10 October 1936 (Reg.Bl. p.115) transferred the responsibility for surveying and marking from the fiscal administration to the Ministry of the Interior, and the State Inspectorate for the Corporate Surveying Service and the Topographical Department of the State Statistical Office (as Topographical Bureau) were affiliated to the Ministry of the Interior (Department XII). Inventory history and report: The documents were indexed by Bernd Geil, Ulrike Glogger and Matthias Grotz as part of the practical training of the 32nd Fachhochschule training course of the upper archive service, the final processing was carried out by Bernd Geil, Ulrike Glogger and Matthias Grotz, the signatures. Due to the pre-proveniences of the Royal Tax College and the State Tax Office, the State Technical Office, the Ministry of Finance and finally the Ministry of the Interior, various file reference levels were found. The current order follows the file number of Department XII of the Ministry of the Interior attached to the majority of the files. 0.5 linear metres of files of the provenance of the Royal Tax College or the State Tax Office were transferred to the State Archives Ludwigsburg (there stock E 251 IV). In addition, documents from the provenance of the Ministry of Finance (0.05 running metres) were assigned to inventory E 222 b (now inventory E 222a, status: 2004). 0.2 linear metres from the period before 1945 were removed from inventory EA 2/203 and integrated into the existing inventory. Provenance separations were only carried out in those cases in which this appeared to be reasonable in terms of scope and file structure. The main duplicates collected amounted to 0.06 linear metres. Reference should be made to the following holdings, which contain supplementary documents:Im Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg:Technisches Landesamt (EL 72 I, EL 72 II)Landesfinanzamt (E 252 II)K. Steuerkollegium (E 251 I-IV)Landesvermessungsamt (EL 68)In the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart:Ministry of Finance (E 221, E 222, E 222a)Ministry of the Interior, Personalakte Vermessungsbediensteter (E 151/22) The inventory now comprises 6.9 linear metres. m with 208 tufts (order numbers 1-209, no. 180 is not documented) with a running time of 1818-1945 with isolated files until 1951. The predominant part of the files originates from the 20th century.Stuttgart, January 1995Sabine Schnell

PAW 1812-1945 II-VI-112 · File · 1906 – 1912
Part of Archive of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Contains: above all: Letters accompanying, notifying and responding to submissions, including Rheinbott, E. v. (Ponewiesch): Translations of Russian songs (1907, 1908); Schmidt, K. (Gleiwitz): Memorandum on parts of the Corpus Inscriptionum Etruscarum and Etruscan inscriptions (1907); Mac Donald, A. (Washington): A Plan for the Study of Man (1910); Thöne, J. (Wipperfürth): Article about efforts for a world language(1912) - inquiries, information and messages to the academy, among others: Jelinek, L. (Zdolbunow): Words to the participants of the third International Congress of the Friends of Philosophy in Heidelberg (1908); Institut d'Estudis Catalans (Barcelona): Announcement of a scholar to study the Fonctionnement de la ville (1909); Königliches Materialprüfungsamt (Berlin): Communication on a cellite process for the preservation of manuscripts (1909); Wirsen (Stockholm): Remembrance of proposals for the Nobel Prize for Literature (1910); Inquiry by the Royal Materials Testing Office about experimental results with the cellite process (1911); Exchange of letters on the inquiry by the B. Koenigsberger after the whereabouts of his work on the Jerusalem Talmud (1911); correspondence on the inquiry of H. Hübner (secretary of the Bibliotheca Hertziana Rome) about interest in the continuation of the work of Aldrovandi (1912); Dieterich, K. (Leipzig): Report about the behaviour of H. Jantsch on a trip to the Athos monasteries to photograph manuscripts (1912) - Accompanying letter and information about applications to the academy for financial support, including..: Geisenhof, G. (Lübeck): Publication of the Bugenhagen Editions (1906); Mayer, L. (Munich): Journey into the South Seas for research for a comparative dictionary of Polynesian main dialects (1907); Gall, A. v. (Mainz): Edition of the Hebrew Pentateuch of the Samaritans (1907); Teutonia-Verlag (Leipzig): Collection of texts by the Sette Comuni Vicentini (1907); Ruzicka (Berlin): The consonant dissimilation in Semitic languages (1907); Hallensleben, M. (Sondershausen): Publication of the contributions to the Schwarzenburg local history of T. Irmisch (1907); Patzak, B. (Klausen): villa life and construction of Italians in the 15th and 16th centuries (1908); Preuss, G. F. (Breslau): publication of the self-biography of Autoinede Lumbres (1908); Schillmann, F. (Marburg): photography of the main manuscript of the papal formula book of Marinus de Ebulo (1910); Kluge, T. (Kluge): "The life and construction of villas of the Italians in the 15th and 16th centuries" (1908); Preuss, G. F. (Breslau): publication of the self-biography of Autoinede Lumbres (1908); Schillmann, F. (Marburg): photography of the main manuscript of the papal formula book of Marinus de Ebulo (1910). (Berlin): Photography of ancient Georgian literary monuments on a trip to the Caucasus (1910); Glahn, L. (Ichendorf): Publication of the work Das doppelte Gesetz im Menschen auf der Basis der Kantischen Freiheitslehre (1910); Ruge, A. (The Double Law in Man on the Basis of the Kantian Doctrine of Liberty). (Heidelberg): International Bibliography of Philosophy (1911); Löwenthal, E. (Berlin): Publication of the results of research on naturalistic transcendentalism (1911); Stückelberg, E. A. (Basel): Die Heiligen der Lombardei, including: treatise San Lucio, the patron saint of alpine dairies (1911); Braungart, R. (Munich): Die Südgermanen (1912); Anspach, A. E. (Duisburg): Reise zur Kollationierung von Handschriften für eine Edition der Etymologien Isidors (1912).- Correspondence on applications to the academy for financial support, including..: Norddeutsche Missionsgesellschaft: Wörterbuch Ewe-Deutsch (1906); Sikora, A. (Mühlau): Forschungen zur Theater- und Kunstgeschichte (1906); Schliebitz, J. (Wittenberg): Publication of the Syrian-German edition of Išodâdh's Hiob-Kommentars (1906); Karst, T. (Strasbourg): Lexikon des Mittelarmenischen (1908); Korn (Berlin): Production of a work with reproductions of his collection of portraits of German lawyers (1908); Reichelt, H. (Gießen): New edition of Pahlavi-Vendidad (1908); Moeller, E. v. (Berlin): Biography of Hermann von Cornrings (1909); Staerk, D. A. (St. Petersburg): Monuments of the Latin Palaeography of St. Petersburg (1909); Fritz-Eckardt-Verlag (Leipzig): Complete Edition of Hegel's Works (1910); Walleser, M. (Kehl a. Rh.): Madhyamaka-Karika von Nagarjuna (1910); Reimer-Verlagsbuchhandlung (Berlin): Publication of the Formae orbis antiqui by H. Kiepert (1911); Molin, J. (Vienna): Treatise on the religious significance of Goethe and Schiller (1911); Neumann, A. (Berlin): Journey to England for research on the English interior colonization (1911); Fischel, O. (Berlin): Publication of a corpus of Raphael's drawings (1911); Horten, M. (Bonn): Publication of works on the philosophy of the Arabs (1912); Paul, E. (Bad Aussee): Work on Germanity in the Zimbernlande (1912); Verein für Reformationsgeschichte: Publication of a treatise on the origin of the Worms edict by Kalkoff (Breslau) (1912): Hesse (Brandenburg): examination of treatises on stenography (1907); Wulff, L. (Parchim): examination of the treatise Dekalog und Vaterunser (1908); Paul, H. (Wiesbaden): examination of the work Chronologische Zusammenstellung der Fabel poets verschiedener Zeiten und Sprachen (1908); Frank, F. (1908): examination of the work Chronologische Zusammenstellung der Fabeldichter verschiedener Zeiten und Sprachen (1908). (Hof): Examination of the work Die Mogastisburg, a linguistic contribution to history (1909); Tucher, M. v. (La Valette): Examination of the work Quelques particularités du dialecte arabe de Malte by B. Roudanovsky (1909); Strack, H. L. (1909). (Berlin): Subscription to the facsimile edition of the Monacensis des Talmud (1911); U. v. Wilamowitz-Moellendorff: Mediation of a photo permit for manuscripts from the monasteries Esphigmenu and Patmos (1911) - Expert opinion on applications to the Academy for financial support, including: Bergner, H. (Nischwitz): Studies on the systematic representation of German art antiquities (1908); Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der evangelischen Mission unter den Heiden (Berlin): Publication of the dictionary of Sotho by D. Endemann (Berlin) (1907); Beck, J. B. (Paris): Die Melodien der Troubadours (1909); Vandenhoff, B. (Münster): Publication of the work System des geistlichen und weltlichen Rechtes der Nestorianer (1910); Curschmann, F. (1909). (Greifswald): Plan for a historical atlas of the eastern provinces of the Prussian state and inclusion in the Academy's publications, including: Historische Vierteljahresschrift (1910); Flügel, O. (Döhlau): Gesamtausgabe der Werke Herbarts (1912) - Expert opinion on the request of v. Nordenflycht (Havanna) for examination of an alleged record of Charles V. in a Bible by C. F. Finlay (Havana) (1907) - expert opinion for the Ministry of Culture on Glaser's estate of South Arabian inscriptions and geographical materials (1908) - Mayer, L. (Munich): Information about a trip to the South Seas for research for a Samoan-German dictionary and request for formal commission by the Academy (1907) - Reprint of the letters of H. V. Hilprecht (Philadelphia) to the University of Philadelphia to resign his offices and to disregard his rights (1910).

Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 361-2 I · Fonds · 1837-1939
Part of State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: In connection with the separation of state and church, a state school system with general compulsory schooling was created in Hamburg relatively late. The basis was the "Law on Education" of 11. 11. 1870. In 1863 the Interim High School Authority was established, which replaced the Scholarchate and from 1871 was called the High School Authority. It was divided into four sections: 1. section for scientific institutions, 2. section for higher education and from 1874 also for private education, 3. section for elementary education including teacher seminars, 4. section for rural education (until 1874 for private education), which was dissolved around 1920; only individual files were continued until 1938. From 1865 to 1914 the Oberschulbehörde was also responsible for the trade school system, which was taken over in 1914 by the Behörde für das Gewerbe und Fortbildungsschulwesen and in 1922 by the Berufsschulbehörde. In 1921, the 1st Section was spun off and integrated into the newly founded higher education authority. In 1927, in the course of an administrative reform, the main registry was merged with the administrative registries. In 1931, the Oberschulbehörde and the Berufsschulbehörde were united to form the Landesschulbehörde, which from 01.06.1933, together with the Hochschulbehörde, formed the Landesunterrichtsbehörde, which consisted of the two departments General Administration and Education and Higher Education. On 24.09.1936, the State Teaching Authority and the Authority for Church and Art Affairs were merged to form the Culture and School Authority, which thus took over the tasks of the Administration for Cultural Affairs. On 01.04.1938, the higher education system and parts of the school system were formed into the 4th (school and university) department of the state administration and the other tasks were transferred to the municipal administration. In 1945 the school administration was established, in 1947 the school authority was founded with the three departments 1. general department, 2. university department, 3. school department. From 01.01.1971 to 29.02.1980 the school administration belonged to the authority for school, youth and vocational training, from 01.03.1980 to 28.02.1989 to the authority for school and vocational training and since 01.03.1989 to the authority for school, youth and vocational training. History of Archiving: The Best. Secondary School Authority I contains the remains of the older main registry: general affairs, war records of the First World War, foundations, the minutes of the plenum and the individual sections, office buildings and registers of teachers. Each archival unit shall be quoted as follows: State Archives Hamburg, 361-2 I Oberschulbehörde I, No. ...

BArch, NS 8/235 · File · 1938-1943
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Kolonialpolitische Schulung, 1938, 1940 Law on Confiscation of Degenerate Art Products of 31 May 1938 - Rosenberg's Participation in the Draft Law, 1938 Du und Gott; Eine Auseinandersetzung mit der Eternigen Frage (Manuskript ohne Verfasserangabe), 1940

Archiv des Landschaftsverbandes Rheinland, LH · Fonds · 1855-1944
Part of Archive of the Rhineland Regional Council (Archivtektonik)

1)On 2 December 1881, the Provincial Administration of Saxony sends a circular with an attached memo to the other Prussian Provincial Administrations on the "Liberation of Provincial mental institutions from the admission of mentally ill criminals". Governor Witzingerode saw a need for a discussion and standardization of the positions and asked his colleagues to present further topics. Since Landesdirektor von Landsberg falls ill as head of the Rhenish provincial administration, his deputy Klein catches up with the Provinzialverwaltungsrat in January 1882 to attend a meeting of the provincial governors. Saxony invites to this, although the meeting takes place on April 17, 1882 in Berlin and an agenda is developed quasi by circulation. With this conference, the positions of the Prussian provincial administrations were brought together, culminating in the establishment of an office of the United Provinces in Berlin (1) The Conferences of Provincial Directors also professionalized themselves: the minutes were first drawn up and printed in 1891, and from 1893 a conference was held annually (previously only when required).Although the Prussian "Law on the Extension of the Powers of the Presidents" of 15 December 1933 (2) significantly weakened the position of the provincial administrations, national management conferences continued to take place. Thus, for example, the German Community Conference, with its circular of 21 November 1938, invited to a confidential discussion on "Questions of Administrative Reform" in Weimar (3). The fact that the National Directors' Conference continued to play a certain role after 1933 is also demonstrated by the formation of new LDK committees (4). Their relationship, e.g. to the departmental conferences (5), remains reserved for a more detailed examination.2 The files listed in this Reference Guide were grouped in the typewritten Reference Guide of 1954 in Main Group IV Country Director with the classification points "A. Files of the National Directors' Conference 1881-1937" and "B Files of the Country Director and the Provincial Governors 1876-1920". Since at least with the latter classification point the terms were not correct and the demarcation of the documents from the estates of the governors Johannes Horion and Heinz Haake (6), also in the archives of the Rhineland Regional Council, was unclear, the holdings were redrawn. In addition, numbers from 2553 a to 2553 l had been assigned between the cataloguing of the inventory and the completion of the find book in 1954, which made the handling quite difficult (7). In the late 1980s, further small additions had to be integrated into the inventory, justifying a revision of the classification. No. 2503, issued at that time, is missing without reference and no. 2507 consists only of an empty file cover. In order to avoid a bloating of the find book, this was not done by including the agenda items in the distortion, but in the indexing. Pulheim Brauweiler, August 2009Rudolf Kahlfeld(1) cf. ALVR 27825, term 1920 - 1933(2) Collection of Laws page 477-479(3) The documents of which also contain the last recorded meeting: the minutes of 5 April 1940 in: Federal Archive R 36/2588(4) ALVR 2477, duration 1936 - 1939(5) e.g. Meetings of the welfare education department heads of the provincial associations, vol. 1: 1925 - 1929, ALVR 13928 or conferences of the Prussian departments and directors of the Provinzi-alwerk and -arbeitshäuser in Moringen and Brauweiler 1926 - 1927, ALVR 17366.(6) Horion served the Rhenish Provincial Administration as Provincial Councillor from 1904 to 1922 and as Governor until his death in February 1933, terms of the estate from 1904 to 1933; Haake was in service from 1933-1945; terms from 1899 to 1943(7) Signatures in the range from 27960 to 27970 have been allocated to these.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, IV. HA, Rep. 7 · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

1.1 Prussian Officer's Witwenkasse The Prussian Officer's Witwenkasse was founded in 1792 as an insurance institution for married officers of the Prussian army with state guarantee and support. Active officers were not required to join until 1810; previously, only voluntary membership was planned. Inactive officers were allowed to join on a voluntary basis from 1813. Civil servants of the military administration were required to join since 1818 (cf.: GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 7416). Until 1824, the Offizierswitwenkasse was organizationally linked to the Allgemeine Witwenverpflegungsanstalt, which had already been founded in 1775. The name of the Offizierswitwenkasse was later changed to Militärwitwenkasse and finally to Militärwitwenpensionsanstalt. The basis for the activities of the insurance company was the regulations for the Royal Prussian Officer's Witwenkasse of 3 March 1792 (cf.: GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 7413), which was amended over time by the following laws and instructions: - Act of 3 March 1792, of 17 July 1865 (see: Collection of Laws for the Royal Prussian States, 1865, pp. 817-840; GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, no. 7417) - Instruction on the execution of the Act of 17 July 1865, some amendments to the regulations for the Officer's Widow Fund of 3 March 1792, of 26 March 1792. September 1865 (cf.: Ministerial-Blatt für die gesamte innere Verwaltung in den Königlich Preußischen Staaten, 1865, p. 311-315; GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, no. 7417) - Law concerning amendments to the regulations for the Königlich Preußische Offizierswitwenkasse, of 15 June 1897 (cf.: Gesetzsammlung für die Königlich-Preußischen Staaten, 1897, p. 185-186; GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, no. 7417). By instruction of September 26, 1865, the group of military persons who were obliged or entitled to join the Officer's Witwenkasse, among other things, was bindingly defined. There was an obligation to join: - all active officers of the army (including gendarmerie) and the navy; - all officers of the army and navy on salary or pension; - all active military and navy officers with an annual salary of more than 250 talers; - all military and navy officers on salary or pension with an earlier annual salary of more than 250 talers; - civil officers of the Ministry of War who receive an annual salary of at least 250 talers from the army or navy budget. Furthermore, the following were entitled to join on a voluntary basis: - the officers who left active service with the prospect of reemployment; - the military and naval officers who left active service with the prospect of reemployment with an earlier annual salary of more than 250 talers; - the officers of the Landwehr on leave; - the military and naval officers with an annual salary of less than 250 talers; - the officers and officials who enter military service during a mobilization for the duration of the state of war. The law of 20 May 1882 on the welfare of widows and orphans of direct state officials (cf.: Gesetzsammlung für die Königlich-Preußischen Staaten, 1882, pp. 298-304) amended the provision for the survivors of Prussian state officials. Section 23 of this Act granted military officials previously insured with the Military Witwenkasse a right of resignation within a period of three months. Military officials could no longer be accepted as members of the military widow's fund. The law of 17 June 1887 concerning the welfare of widows and orphans of members of the Imperial Army and Imperial Navy (cf.: Reichsgesetzblatt, 1887, p. 237-244; GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, no. 7421) introduced the provision for survivors of officers, military doctors and military officials of the Imperial Army and Imperial Navy. As a result of this law, the military widow's fund was no longer obliged to become a member and its members had the opportunity to withdraw from the fund within a period of 3 months. In addition, § 29 of this Act stipulates that no new members may be admitted. However, the Prussian military widow's fund continued to exist after 1887 to carry out its tasks. Those members and widows who had not made use of their right of withdrawal could continue to receive benefits from the Military Widow's Fund. Due to considerable financial problems, payments could only be maintained before the First World War with the help of grants from the Reich. In the course of inflation, the pensions still paid out up to then were completely devalued and payments stopped completely at the end of 1923. The Prussian Military Witwenkasse and its affiliated institutions were finally dissolved (cf: Bitter, Rudolf von: Handwörterbuch der Preußischen Verwaltung, 3rd ed., Berlin and Leipzig 1928, vol. 2, p. 167). 1.2 Affiliated military widow and orphan funds As a result of the German War of 1866, the military pension funds of the annexed states of Hanover, Kurhessen and Nassau were affiliated to the Prussian military widow funds. However, the funds were not formally dissolved but continued to exist for the members entitled to a pension and continued to be administered by the Prussian Military Witwenkasse until the final liquidation in 1923. These are the following funds: - Hannoversche Unteroffizierswitwenkasse (cf. GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 6834[regulations of 1850]) - Kurhessische Militärwitwen- und waisenanstalt (cf. GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 7420[Statutes of 1858]) - Nassau Officer's Widows and Orphans Fund (see GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 7444[Statutes of 1828]). In 1902 the Unteroffizierswitwenkasse des Mecklenburg-Schwerinschen Kontingent was added (cf. GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 7418[Statutes of 1904]). This had emerged from the noncommissioned officers' committee of the Mecklenburg-Schwerin contingent, which had existed since the middle of the 19th century. 1.2 Pensions Department of the War Ministry The Department of Disability, which was later called the Pensions Department, was responsible for dealing with the pension and pension matters of the Prussian army. After the end of the First World War, the military supply agencies were first run by the Pensionsabteilung (Abw) des Heeresabwicklungsamtes Preußen and later by the Abteilung Preußen des Reichspensionsamtes für die ehemalige Wehrmacht. At the beginning of the 1920s, the pension files were handed over to the responsible pension offices. A part of the pension files was taken over by the main pension office Brandenburg-Pommern and finally reached the secret state archive PK via this office. 1.3 Pensions Department of the Imperial Navy Office In the Imperial Navy Office, Department A II (Department of Justice and Pensions) was responsible for processing the pension and support cases of naval officers and officials. After the First World War, this department was also handled by the following departments: - Reichswehrministerium, Admiralität, Abteilung für die Abwicklung der Hinterbliebenen- und Unterstützungsangelegenheiten - Reichsministerium des Innern, Pensionsabteilung (former Marine) - Reichspensionsamt für die ehemalige Wehrmacht, Abteilung Marine. Eventually, the navy's pension files were distributed to the responsible pension offices and thus also reached the main pension office of Brandenburg-Pomerania and, in this way, the secret state archive of the PK. 1.4 Main Supply Office The Main Supply Office Brandenburg-Pomerania was a Reich authority directly subordinated to the Reich Ministry of Labour for the management of the Reich's supply system in the area of the provinces Brandenburg and Pomerania. The various regional pension offices were subordinate to the main pension office. The Reich's care system concerned the care of military personnel who were entitled to care or medical treatment to restore their health as a result of service damage or disability. The provision of care for the surviving dependents of soldiers who died in the First World War or military personnel who died as a result of service damage also belonged to the area of responsibility of the Reich's pension system (cf: Bitter, Rudolf von: Handwörterbuch der Preußischen Verwaltung, 3rd ed., Berlin and Leipzig 1928, vol. 2, p. 937). The basis for the activities of the main pension office and the pension offices was the law on the provision of benefits for military personnel and their surviving dependents in the event of official disability (Reichsversorgungsgesetz) of 12 May 1920 (cf.: Reichsgesetzblatt, 1920. pp. 989-1019). The establishment of the authorities was initially provisionally regulated by the Law on the Pension Authorities of 15 May 1920 (cf.: Reichsgesetzblatt, 1920, p. 1063f) and finally by the Law on the Procedure in Pension Matters of 10 January 1922 (cf.: Reichsgesetzblatt, 1922, p. 59-85). 2. inventory history 2.1 Militärwitwenkassen At first, only the documents of the Prussian Offizierswitwenkasse of the Reichsarchiv, Berlin Department, which had grown up until the dissolution of the old army in 1806, were handed over to the Geheime Staatsarchiv PK (see: GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 178 C 4, No. 2585[Accessionsjournal 1910-1926]). This was a relatively closed registry, which at the time had been transferred to the Reichsarchiv via the Secret Archive of the War Ministry. The holdings included the so-called acts of reception (acts of accession of the members) ordered by troop units and were given the title He. A. Rep. 7 A Officer's widow's box office - Old filing cabinet. The general files and loan files (files on borrowed capital of the Fund) created before 1806 were already collected in 1865. Also affected by the cassation were the widow's files, insofar as they were not transferred to the new registry (Meisner, Heinrich Otto; Winter, Georg: Übersicht über diebestand des Geheimen Staatsarchivs zu Berlin-Dahlem, 2. Teil, Leipzig 1935, pp. 110-112) with the processes from the reception files. These files were transferred to the Army Archive in Potsdam in the 1930s as part of the demarcation of the holdings and were probably destroyed there during the war-related destruction of this archive in 1945. There is only a list of members arranged according to units, which gives an idea of the scope of the destroyed reception files of the "Old Registry" (see GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 7598). In 1935, the Reichsarchiv, Berlin Department, also took over the archival records of the Officer's Witwenkassen, which had been created after 1806, and used them as a collection He. A. 7 B Offizierswitwenkasse - Neue Registratur reponiert (Meisner, Heinrich Otto; Winter, Georg: Übersicht über diebestände des Geheimen Staatsarchivs zu Berlin-Dahlem, 2. part, Leipzig 1935, pp. 110-112). The files taken over included the general files, accounting documents, name registers, membership files and widow files of the Prussian Officer's Witwenkasse as well as the documents of the affiliated military widwenkassen administered by the Prussian Military Witwenkasse (the former Hanoverian, Kurhessian and Nassauian armed forces, and the Mecklenburg-Swabian contingent). In the course of the above-mentioned demarcation of the holdings, large parts of this holdings (including the member and widow files) were also transferred to the Army Archive in Potsdam, where they were also destroyed when this archive was destroyed. The extent of the lost member and widow files can only be guessed from the observation that in 1935 about "1000 large packages of officers' widow's fund" files were transferred to the Secret State Archives PK (cf.: GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 178 C 4, Nr. 2586[Zugangsbuch für Archivalien 1927-1935]). Only a small number of general files and some accounting documents remained in the Secret State Archives of the PK. In addition to the member cadastre (list of members), a number of name registers and lists of files have been preserved. However, these only provide very little information about the members of the military widow's fund or their relatives. 2.2 Supply files The supply files created in the supply departments of the War Ministry and the Imperial Navy Office were submitted to the Brandenburg-Pomerania Main Supply Office after the relevant military authorities had been wound up. In October 1946 the pension files were taken over by the Secret State Archives PK (cf.: GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 178 C 4, No. 2586). Due to the effects of the war only a reduced part of the originally considerably more extensive file material was available at this time. The acquired files were evaluated in 1946 (cf.: Preface to the Old Find Book of the former GStA PK, X. HA, Rep. 101). At that time, the supply files of the following groups of military personnel were classified as worthy of archiving: - Officers (from the rank of colonel or captain at sea) - military physicians - veterinarians - building officials - administrative officials - judges and auditors - geographers, topographers and cartographers - professors and teachers at military schools - army pastors - members of colonial protection troops - participants in colonial campaigns. Selected individual cases have also been passed down. The remaining files have been collected. The position GStA PF, X. HA, Rep. 101 Versorgungsakten was formed from the transferred pension files. These files contain a variety of biographical materials such as farewell requests, service career certificates, pension statements, salary questionnaires and support requests. Together with the supply files, probably also the file lists and pension recipient lists as well as individual files of the supply departments of the War Ministry or the Reich Marine Office, which were also kept in the main supply office Brandenburg-Pomerania, were transferred to the secret state archive PK. This partial stock was not distorted. The collection also contains a number of files from foundations and troop funds supporting former military personnel, including the National Appreciation for Veterans Foundation. These foundations were administered by the pension department of the War Ministry. The files were also transferred to the Secret State Archive PK via the Brandenburg-Pomerania main public utility office. The documents handed down are primarily a manageable number of documents on the accounting and capital management of the foundations. However, with one exception (see GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 6931), there are no directories with the names of beneficiaries. As part of the reorganisation of the holdings in 2009 and 2010, the existing reference book from 1949 was retroconverted by archive employee Guido Behnke. In addition, the previously unlisted archival records (registers and registers of the military widow's funds and the utilities departments) were listed. The stock was sorted according to a newly created classification. 3. instructions for use 3.1 Military Witwenkassen An important source for the determination of biographical information on officers of the Prussian army is the so-called. Officer's nomenclature (see: GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 1, No. 71-95). This is an alphabetical list of military data of officers for a period from the 18th century to about 1873/74; unfortunately, some volumes of the officers' nomenclature have not been preserved in the holdings of the PK Secret State Archives. In this context, the list of members of the Prussian officer's widow's fund can be a useful addition. However, it must be emphasized that only the names of those officers or military officials who belonged to the circle of eligible members of the Military Widow Fund are included in this list. This means above all that they were married at the time of their military career. It is also important that only a relatively small amount of biographical data (e.g. date of birth and death, name of wife, unit) is available in the member lists. However, it should be noted that the original member and widow files have not been handed down. To use the membership lists, it is first necessary to determine the membership number of the military person you are looking for. The alphabetical name registers (classification group 01.07.01) can be used for this. As soon as the membership number is known, the relevant chronologically ordered membership lists can be reviewed. This is first of all the so-called. Member cadastre, which contains all members who have joined the Offizierswitwenkasse since its foundation in chronological order. In addition to the member cadastre, the so-called. Special manual available, which is also sorted by member numbers. Several membership numbers were also assigned to individual persons (e.g. when changing the pension amount, remarrying). In the special manual, the relevant entry is in this case always below the lowest member number. The other member numbers only contain references to the first entry. Since the special manual sometimes contains more detailed information than the member cadastre, it should also be used for research purposes. However, the special manual is only available from 1835 (starting with member number 13001). A widow's number is also listed in the member cadastre and in the special manual, provided that the insured event has occurred and a widow's pension has been paid. On the basis of this widow number, the chronologically ordered widow lists (classification group 01.08.02) can also be looked through, which may contain some further information on the widow of the sought military person. The individual steps of the drilldown reporting are now explained using an example: We are looking for information about Lieutenant General August von Witzleben. 1.) In the classification group 01.07.01, the membership number (No. 20369) and the widow's number (No. 10577) can be determined in the relevant volume of the alphabetical list of names (GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 7394). 2.) Based on the membership number, the relevant volume of the member cadastre (GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 6935) or special manuals (GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 7197) can be determined and reviewed in classification group 01.07.02. 3.) On the basis of the widow's number, you can then search in classification group 01.08.02 in the relevant volume of the widow's register (GStA PK, IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. 7178). For the military widows' and orphans' funds affiliated to the Prussian Military Widow Fund, there are also individual member directories and widows' and orphans' directories in the holdings. 3.2 Medical care files The medical care files are listed in the search book alphabetically according to the name of the corresponding military member under the classification 08. For this reason, this reference book does not have a register of names. In addition to the rank of the person concerned, the names of some widows and other surviving dependents are also listed. This, albeit reduced, file holdings are of considerable importance for biographical research on individual officers and military officials, since the war-related destruction of the army archive in 1945 destroyed a very large number of files containing biographical material, such as, for example, in the specific case the member and widow files of the Offizierswitwenkasse (Devantier, Sven Uwe: Das Heeresarchiv Potsdam - Die Bestandsaufnahme in der Abteilung Militärarchiv des Bundesarchivs, in: Archivar, 61st ed, Issue 4, 2008, pp. 361-369). The pension recipient lists of the War Ministry and the Navy Office listed in the classification groups 05.04 and 06.02 contain only little information. However, as already mentioned, due to the consequences of the war and the cassation, a large part of the supply files has not been handed down, so that in individual cases at least the basic information on the military personnel concerned can be researched. 4. references to other holdings of the Secret State Archives PK A small number of files on supply matters of individual officers can be found in classification group 13.5 Military Cases/Personnel Matters of the holdings of GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 89 Secret Civil Cabinet (cf.: Findbuch des Bestandes GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 89, Vol. 17, p. 2805-2812). In addition, individual files on the officers' widow's fund and military supply matters can also be found in the following holdings: - GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 77 Ministry of the Interior - GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 84a Ministry of Justice - GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 89 Secret Civil Cabinet - GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 91 C Military and Civil Government for the country between Weser and Elbe in Halle and Halberstadt - GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 151 Ministry of Finance - GStA PK, II. HA General Directorate - GStA PK, III. HA Ministry of Foreign Affairs - GStA PK, IV HA, Rep. 16 Staff Regulations. 5. notes, order signature and method of citation Scope of inventory: 7571 CA (40 running metres) Duration: 1792 - 1945 Non-issued signatures: 581, 867-876, 1034-1043, 1154-1158, 1443, 1864 Last signature issued: The files must be ordered: IV. HA, Rep. 7, No. () The files are to be quoted: GStA PK, IV HA Prussian Army, Rep. 7 Offizierswitwenkasse und andere militärische Versorgungsstellen, Nr. () Berlin, March 2011 (Guido Behnke) finding aids: database; find book, 5 vol.

BArch, NS 6 · Fonds · 1933-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

On April 21, 1933, Hitler appointed his personal secretary Rudolf Hess, the former head of the "Political Central Commission" of the NSDAP, as "deputy of the Führer" and authorized him to decide in his name on all matters concerning the leadership of the party. The main task of the deputy leader and his staff, formed at the headquarters of the NSDAP in Munich, was to "align the Gauleitungen, divisions and affiliated associations of the NSDAP uniformly and to give them political guidelines"(1) This function of a central authority of the internal party leadership had to be fought for and defended first and foremost against the resistance of the Reichsorganisationsleiter Robert Ley, who regarded himself as the main heir of Gregor Strasser and his concentration of power within the party. (2) The "NSDAP liaison staff" set up on 24 March 1933 in the former building of the Prussian State Ministry in Berlin was subordinated to Hess and subsequently served as the Berlin office of the Führer's deputy, without achieving or even exceeding the importance of the Munich staff, also with regard to the later coordination functions vis-à-vis the Reich government. As was already the case when Hess was commissioned to head the Central Political Commission, which had been created at the end of 1932 after Gregor Strasser's dissolution of the Reichsorganisationsleitung, which had developed into a central party-internal power apparatus, as a supervisory organ for its previous main departments III and IV,(3) Hitler's appointment of his private secretary as deputy to the leader was by no means intended to strengthen the position of the party or its Reichsleitung within the National Socialist power structure. While the comparatively generous endowment of the deputy leader's central authority of the party leadership should undoubtedly also serve to curb the power ambitions of other, personally stronger party leaders, the personality of Hess, who had always been a devoted follower of his leader without any independent power within the party leadership, offered a guarantee that a center of power alongside Hitler, as it threatened to develop in the short term in 1932 with Gregor Strasser's rise to "a kind of general secretary of the party with comprehensive powers of attorney" (4), could no longer emerge in the future. Hess could not speak of a supremacy over other "law firms" (law firm of the leader of the NSDAP, Reich Chancellery and - after Hindenburg's death - Presidential Chancellery). Even the later use of the central competences of the office of the deputy of the Führer under the energetic and ruthless leadership of Martin Bormann to develop his known personal position of power could only succeed, since Bormann consciously built up his position, but never only that of Hitler. Rudolf Hess, who was personally rather weak, was, however, granted comprehensive powers in state affairs by the Law of 1 December 1933 on Securing the Unity of Party and State. Like Röhm, the head of the SA staff, Hess was appointed Reich Minister without a portfolio in order to "ensure the closest cooperation between the Party and the State".(5) The position of the deputy leader was decisively strengthened by Hitler's unpublished circular of 27 March, which was issued by the Reichsminister in Berlin. On July 7, 1934, "the deputy of the Führer, Reich Minister Rudolf Hess", was given the position of a "participating" Reich Minister in the legislation without exception.(6) This gave Hess the opportunity to comment on all drafts of laws and ordinances and to assert the party's position. By the "Erlass über die Beteiligung des Stellvertreter des Führers bei der Ernennung von Beamten" (Decree on the Participation of the Deputy Fuehrer in the Appointment of Civil Servants) of 24 September 1935 (7), Hitler also ordered Hess to participate in the appointment of Reich and Land officials in such a way that he received a copy of the proposal for promotion or appointment with more detailed information about the civil servant and was granted a reasonable period of time to comment. As a rule, this deadline was used to obtain the opinion of the local party organisation, particularly on the political position of the candidate. After this decisive expansion of competence, the office of the deputy leader, whose staff comprised "two, three men" when Martin Bormann took over the leadership of the staff in July 1933, (8) took on firmer contours. In 1937, the deputy of the Führer or his staff leader, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, was headed by Rudolf Mackensen, the staff manager, and a number of clerks, representatives, special representatives, heads of offices, and other officials, only some of whom served exclusively on the staff of the Führer's deputy, while the vast majority headed party institutions that only formally served Hess or (9) The latter included (1937): Main Archive of the NSDAP: Head of Headquarters Dr. Uetrecht The Head of the Foreign Organization of the NSDAP: Gauleiter Bohle The Commissioner for Foreign Policy Issues: Ambassador von Ribbentrop The Commissioner for all Issues of Technology and its Organization: Head of Headquarters Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. G. Bohle The Commissioner for Foreign Policy Issues: Ambassador of Ribbentrop The Commissioner for all Issues of Technology and its Organization: Head of Headquarters Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. G. Bohle The Commissioner for Foreign Policy Issues: Ambassador of Ribbentrop The Commissioner for all Issues of Technology and its Organization: Head of Headquarters Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. G. Todt Der Sachbearbeiter für alle Fragen der Volksgesundheit: Hauptdienstleiter Dr. Wagner Commission for Higher Education Policy: Haupttellenleiter Prof. Dr. Wirz The representative for the new building of the Reich: Gauleiter Adolf Wagner The official for questions of job creation, for financial and tax policy: Hauptdienstleiter State Secretary Reinhardt The official for art and culture: Amtsleiter Schulte-Strathaus The official for music: Head of main office Adam The clerk for school questions: Head of main office Wächtler The clerk for practical-technical questions: Head of office Croneiß Party official examination commission for the protection of Nazi literature: Reichsleiter Bouhler The representative for building industry: General Building Inspector Head of Office Speer In 1938, the following were added: Central Office for the Economic Policy Organisations of the NSDAP: Head of Main Office Keppler Commission for Economic Policy: Head of Office Köhler. In addition to the already mentioned office of the deputy of the Führer in Berlin (liaison staff under head of the main office Stenger), there were also: Special representative of the deputy of the Führer: head of the main office Oexle Representatives for special use (e.g. V.): head of the main office Brockhausen and head of the main office Seidel (Nazi camp for civil servants in Tutzing and Reich camp for civil servants in Bad Tölz). De facto, the Munich office of the deputy leader's deputy consisted essentially of two parts, in addition to the leadership of the staff and the adjutants: Internal party affairs and constitutional issues. According to the published organisational overviews, they were headed by 'clerks', referred to as 'Division II or Division III' in the secret business distribution plans (10 ). During the preparation of this finding aid book, a business distribution plan (1938) of Division II, headed from March 1934 until the end of the war by Helmuth Friedrichs, former Gaug Managing Director of the NSDAP in the Gau Hessen-Kassel region, was determined for the first time for the office of the deputy leader's deputy. There the organisational level below the department level was also called "department" instead of "group" or "main office" as was later the case. Division II - Internal Party Matters - Field: Political Issues of the Party and the State Staff: Head of Main Office Helmuth Friedrichs Division II A Establishment and Expansion of the Party, its Structures and Associated Associations. Observation of economic, social and agricultural policy issues. Head: Head of Office Albert Hoffmann Representative: Head of Head Office Erich Eftger II A a Head of Head Office Pannenborg Organisational questions of the whole party, orders and orders of the deputy of the leader, as far as they concern organisational questions. Observation of the organizational relations of the affiliated associations and the divisions to the party and among each other. liaison with organisations outside the Party dealing with human leadership, as far as the organisation's issues are concerned. II A b Head of Headquarters Franz Schmidt II Social, economic and agricultural policy issues, labour front and questions of the Reich's nutritional status. Connection to the NSBO main office and the Reichsamt für Agrarpolitik. II A d Head of main office Long connection to the main offices and affiliated associations and their fields of activity; in particular local politics, civil servants, educators, war victims, NSDStB, women's affairs, people's welfare with the exception of the National Socialist Association of Lecturers, the National Socialist Association of Physicians, the German Labour Front, the Office for Agricultural Policy, the Office for Technology. Division II B Observation of domestic political developments and their impact on the party and the state. Head: Head of Office Gerland Representative: Witt II B a Head of Witt Reporting (in cooperation with all departments of the staff); orders of the deputy of the leader, as far as they concern ideological questions. II B b Head of Gerland Propaganda and Press Liaison Office (film, radio, post and celebration). II B c Head of office Schütt Liaison office training (training questions of the party in connection with the Reichsschulungsamt). II B d Head of the Lindhorst office Connection guide to the RAD Schnurbein connection office SA, SS, NSKK, Arbeitsdienst, HJ. II B e Head of department Gerland Liaison office KdF. II B f Head of Office Gerland Lutze Liaison Office Wehrmacht. II B g Office for Guests of Honour R e i c h s p r t a g e s . Department II C Head of Office Opdenhoff Führungsamt und Personalamt des Stellvertreters des Führers. Recording and supervision of junior leaders of the NSDAP. Processing the personal files of the political leaders to be confirmed by the deputy leader and the leader. Supervision of the Gauamts- and Kreisleiter detached to the staff. Membership system. Division II D Head of Office Opdenhoff Handling of complaints concerning party departments. Head of the Thurner headquarters Supervision of the junior staff members who have been seconded to the staff for one year. For the Department for Questions of Constitutional Law (Division III) set up in the summer of 1934 after the transfer of the authority to participate in the preparation of state legislation, there is no business distribution plan for the office of the deputy of the Führer. In the 1938 and 1939 National Socialist Yearbooks, in addition to the "official in charge of questions of state law", Hauptamtsleiter Sommer, the heads of the departments Dr. Johann Müller, Heim and von Helms are only listed as heads of department (11) This department, which was responsible for "supervising" the legislation and personnel policy of the Reich government, was subdivided, analogous to the individual ministries, into respective organisational units (groups or main offices, offices, main offices) for domestic, legal and economic policy. Since it could itself be regarded as a part of the state administration in terms of civil servant and budgetary law and had almost exclusively to do with draft laws and civil servant issues, it was obvious for Hess to entrust the work of this department to experienced administrative officials with legal knowledge. At the request of the deputy of the Führer, the officials were transferred from the respective Reich or Land departments to the staff of the deputy of the Führer. Until 1941, Head of Division III was the administrative lawyer Walther Sommer in the rank of Ministerial Councillor; his successor became State Secretary Dr. Gerhard Klopfer in 1941. Due to the composition and origin of the staff, Division III was hardly in a position to bring about the originally intended implementation of a radical party position in state legislation and civil servant policy. Rather, we can speak of a mediating function between party offices and ministries. Within this framework, the public authorities expected "their" officials transferred to the staff of the deputy leader to have a supportive influence on the responsible NSDAP department, which was usually actually exercised (12). Nonetheless, it is beyond doubt that the party's right to participate in the appointment and promotion of civil servants, from which only the Wehrmacht was able to keep itself free, had a considerable influence on the civil service and, among other things, had to impair its traditional view of service. Immediately after the England flight of his deputy Rudolf Hess, Hitler made the order on 12 May 1941 that the previous office of the Führer's deputy should bear the name "Party Chancellery" and be subordinated to him personally. The leader was "as before Reichsleiter Martin Bormann" (13). In his decree of 29 May 1941 "On the Position of the Head of the Party Chancellery" Hitler specified "in order to ensure the closest cooperation of the Party Chancellery with the Supreme Reich Authorities: The Head of the Party Chancellery, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, has the powers of a Reich Minister, he is a member of the Reich Government and of the Council of Ministers for the Defence of the Reich". Hitler then affirmed that the previous head of staff of the office of the deputy leader's deputy did not receive the title of his former superior, but rather all of his powers: "Where in laws, ordinances, decrees, orders and other orders the deputy leader's deputy is named, he shall be replaced by the head of the Party Chancellery" (14). According to the NSDAP's self-image, the Party Chancellery was Hitler's office in his capacity as leader of the party. Their Hitler leader, who was directly responsible for Hitler, had "to process all fundamental plans and suggestions from the area of the party centrally" for Hitler. The instructions issued by Hitler himself or prepared on his behalf for the entire party were sent exclusively via Bormann to the departments responsible for implementation. Not only the political leadership of the party, but also all work arising from the party's supremacy towards the state was to be done in the party chancellery. During the war, these tasks included, as a matter of course, the "versatile deployment of the party organs in total internal warfare" and the work of the party in the integrated and occupied territories. In addition to the party and the Wehrmacht, the focus of the jurisdiction of the party chancellery was on "securing the unity of party and state" (15). In the Ordinance of 29 May 1941 on the Implementation of the Decree of the Führer on the Position of the Head of the Party Chancellery, the Reich Minister and Head of the Reich Chancellery Lammers and the Head of the Party Chancellery ordered the following on 16 January 1942: (16) The Party's participation in the legislation was to be effected exclusively through the head of the Party Chancellery, unless Hitler determined otherwise in individual cases. Proposals and suggestions from the area of the Party, its divisions and affiliated associations could only be forwarded via Bormann, the responsible ministries and other supreme Reich authorities, as far as the legislation was concerned. This practically amounted to a concentration of power on the person of Bormann. The party also played a central role in processing the personal data of the civil servants. In any case, the head of the Party Chancellery had the position of a b e t e i l t e Reich Minister in the preparation of state legislation in legislative work. This also applied to the laws and ordinances of the provinces and governors of the empire. In addition to these formal competences, it was stipulated that, in matters other than legislative matters, the communication between the supreme Reich and Land authorities, insofar as these were responsible regionally for several districts of the NSDAP, on the one hand, and the services of the Party, its divisions and affiliated associations, on the other hand, took place solely via Bormann if these were "fundamental and political questions". Direct traffic was expressly declared inadmissible. Thus an instrument of power equipped with far-reaching competences came under the exclusive leadership of an energetic party functionary who was just as servile upwards as he was after him under brutally ruthless party officials, who of course used it as far as possible to expand his own position of power, which of course was not exclusively based on his position as head of the party office. Bormann's rise from organizer of illegal Freikorpsgruppen and Feme desk murderers to head of the relief fund of the NSDAP and finally to chief of staff of the Führer's deputy, his constant approach to the person of Hitler - from the administration of Hitler personally from various sources funds available, the conversion of the House of Wachenfeld to the "Berghof" and "Berghof" respectively. the expansion of the entire Obersalzberg complex into Hitler's summer residence, up to Hitler's constant company in the Führer's headquarters or "special Führer train" during the war - cannot be traced here in detail (17). The coupling of these two functions - the leadership of the political coordination centre of the party (staff of the deputy leader or party chancellery) and Hitler's constant support and advice, also in personal matters - formed the basis of Bormann's special position of power, which could not easily be equated with the strengthening of the party leadership as such. Structurally, even an energetic head of staff or head of the party office was unable to change the desolate weakness of the NSDAP's Reich leadership. Even under Bormann, the party chancellery did not develop into an all-powerful, bureaucratic command center comparable to communist politburo. Bormann's special position was based on the personal, independent power of attorney as Hitler's personal clerk, which was institutionalized on April 12, 1943 with Bormann's official appointment as "Secretary of the Führer" (18). From Bormann's dominant position in the Führer's headquarters - not actually from his function as head of the Party Chancellery - the path led to the Super and Control Minister of the Reich Government, when the Bormann was not only seen by dissatisfied party and contemporaries in the final years of the war, but is also portrayed in historical studies on the Nazi regime in general (19). The two-pronged organisational structure of the office of the leader's deputy, which was essentially based on the two departments for internal party affairs and for questions of constitutional law, remained basically unchanged, even under the name of the party chancellery. In Division II, the following groups or main offices were added in accordance with the expansion of the tasks: II M (Reich Defence, Planning of Operations for the War Tasks of the Party), II W (Fundamental Questions of the Wehrmacht, Liaison Office to the OKW), II E (Foreign and People's Growth Work of the Party, including Occupied Territories), II F (Nazi Leadership in the Wehrmacht and Nazi Lead Officers) and II V (Staff Leadership Volkssturm). The offices II C and IID, on the other hand, which dealt with the party's junior leaders and personnel issues, were merged to form the II P office. The organisational overview of Division II given below is essentially taken from a note in Division III of 11 April 1945. The offices II A 2, 3 and 5 as well as II B 6 and II W 1 - 4 no longer listed there were supplemented from earlier business distribution plans from 1942 and 1944. Apart from a few exceptions, the names given as heads of organizational units originate from a plan for the introduction of dictation marks dated 26 March 1942 (20) and a telephone directory of 20 Jan 1945 (21), divided into departments and official groups/main offices. Head of Department: Friedrichs Hauptamt II A Management duties and organisation of the party, its divisions, affiliated associations and organisations Neuburg (1945: Keitel) II A 1: Organisational matters and fundamental questions of party structure, fundamental membership issues, staffing plan in cooperation with II P. Examination of content, coordination and publication of orders, circulars and announcements of the party office. Monitoring and evaluation of the announcements of all other Reich management offices. steering of the party's alignment sheets. Design of the arrangement. Collection of guide words, laws and decrees for evaluation for party work. Welsch (as representative) II A 2: The Party's commitment to economic, agricultural, financial and transport policy affairs Stengel (as representative) II A 3: Social policy affairs Elberding II A 5: Volkstumspolitik Seekamp (as representative) II A 6: General complaints and petitions Gerber Hauptamt II B: Ritterbusch (1945: Wall) II B 1: Propaganda and press, events and lectures Buhler (as representative) II B 2: Training and education in the party, adult education, leader training Schenke (as representative) II B 3: Culture and celebration design, written material Dr. Hammerbacher II B 4: Reporting and information system, events and lectures of the Brandes II B 5: Structure Detering (in representation) II B 6: e.g. V. Haar (in representation) Hauptamt II E II E 1: Party political leadership and organisational questions of the working areas of the National Group Norway and Belgium, the Adriatic Coastal Region, the Alpine Foothills and the Party Liaison Office Prague, as well as their coordination within the party to the national political and Germanic control centre. Refugee issues from evacuation areas outside the empire. Evaluation of the reporting material produced by the party sector. II E 2: Party political leadership issues of the AO National Group, the NSDAP and the Gauinspektionen See-Schifffahrt. Intergovernmental work of the party abroad by coordinating within the party and cooperating with the AA. (Domestic I and II) Align the Party's foreign work with the policy of the people and evaluate the foreign policy material generated in the Party sector. II E 3: Treatment of folklore issues within the Reich through the political orientation of German folk growth, consolidation of the endangered German folk growth and treatment of foreign peoples in the territory of the Reich. German folklore groups abroad, folk-political questions in the Generalgouvernement, Protectorate and in the occupied territories. Racial Issues in People's Growth Work. Corresponding work with: Main Office for Folklore Issues, Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle, Reichskommissar für die consolidation deutscher Volkstums, VDA, Kärntner Volksbund, Steirischer Heimatbund, Volkstumsreferenten der Gliederungen und angeschlossenen Verbände. Hauptamt II F NS leading officers as leadership in the Wehrmacht. Rudder (1944/45) Hauptamt II M II M 1: Air war measures and operational planning. Beier (1945) II M 2: Securing personnel and material needs. (UK positions, fuel management, home flak, etc.) Zander Hauptamt II P Personalamt Hesseldieck (1945: Walkenhorst) II P 1: General personnel policy, seniority and service issues, pay and pensions. Young drivers and driver selection. II P 2: Disciplinary and appeal matters, judgments of war courts II P 3 Orders and decorations. care for surviving dependants and general care measures. Personal care for the soldiers of the service. Elections and conscripts to the Reichstag II P 4: Kommandiertenheim Rauchstraße. Hauptamt II V Staff management "Volkssturm" Bofinger (1945) Hauptamt II W Wehrmachtsfragen, at the same time liaison office to OKW Passe II W 1: Fundamental Wehrmachtsfragen. Rodegerts II W 2: Leadership office for Wehrmacht issues in parties, divisions, affiliated associations and supervised organisations. Rodegerts (in representation) II W 3: Special tasks of Rodegerts (in representation) II W 4: Questions of welfare and support for party comrades and people comrades vis-à-vis the Wehrmacht Rodegerts (in representation) The organisational structure and distribution of tasks of Division III are best derived from an undated "Provisional Business Distribution Plan of Division III - Party Law, Economy, Church", which was drawn up before 1944 at any rate: (22) Head: State Secretary Head of Command Dr. Klopfer Representative: Ministerialdirektor Dienstleiter Klemm, (at the same time Head of Group III C) Personal advisor: Oberregierungsrat Mainchnittsleiter Dr. Lincke Personalstelle III PSt.: Regierungsamtmann Klein, Regierungsinspektor Hausrath Special tasks: III V: Government Councillor Section Head Dr Beyer Government Councillor Dr Beyer Lang SS-Hauptsturmführer Will SS-Hauptsturmführer Klauß Affairs of the Security Police and the SD, procurement and evaluation of intelligence material, general questions of competence, political science investigations and research tasks, assessment of the political science literature - cooperation with the Party Official Examination Commission -, magazine and press editorial office of the department, affairs of the Black Corps, archive and map office of department III S: Regierungsrat Bereichsleiter Knöpfel Studienrat Dr. Scheele Lehrer Funk Frau Thomas Special orders of the Reichsleiter, Sonderbücherei, Archiv, Reichsschule Feldafing Gruppe III A: (Internal Administration, Folklore) Leiter: Oberregierungsrat Dienstleiter Ancker Vertreter: Oberregierungsrat Oberbereichsleiter Kap III A 1: Ministerialrat Dr. Dr. Hillebrecht Amtsrat Blankenburg Amtsrat Erler Amtsrat Verwaltungs- und Verwaltungsreformfragen; Administrative simplification; New areas; Reichskanzlei III S 2: Oberregierungsrat Oberbereichsleiter Kap Gemeinschaftsleiter Wöll Volkstumsfragen; Nationality matters; Eastern issues; Sammlungssagen III A 3: Currently unoccupied, distributed among III A 2, 4, 7 Public health (incl. (civil status, special sovereign matters); presidential chancellery (especially decorations); Federal Foreign Office; colonial matters Group III B: (economy, labour, nutrition, transport) Head: Ministerialrat Dienstleiter Dr. Bärmann 1st representative: Oberregierungsrat Oberbereichsleiter Fröhling 2nd representative: Oberregierungsrat Bereichsleiter Dr. Geißler III B 1: Head: Gauhauptstellenleiter Mittag Organisation der gewerblichen Wirtschaft Gauwirtschaftsberater - Ausschüsse III B 1 a: Regierungsrat Section head Dr. Densow Energie; Ostwirtschaft; Preise; Handel; Handwerk; Entjudungen; Allgemeine Wirtschaftsfragen III B 1 b: Regierungsrat Section head Kopp Produktion der gewerblichen Wirtschaft (außer Kohle, Bergbau, Energie); Rohstoff- und Warenbewirtschaftung; Personalien in der gewerblichen Wirtschaft III B 1 c: Reichsbankrat Vellmer Kohle-Bergbau; money and capital markets; banking and credit; insurance; foreign trade; tourism III B 2: Head: Oberregierungsrat Bereichsleiter Dr. Geißler Basic questions of social policy III B 2 a: Regierungsrat Section head Schwingenstein Amtsrat Gemeinschaftsleiter Fiedler Arbeitseinsatz; Sozialversicherung; Versorgungswerk III B 2 b: Regierungsrat Beimes Lohnpolitik; Gewerbeaufsicht; Berufserziehung III B 2 c: Section Head Gölz Construction Industry; Housing and Settlement; Transport; Post III B 3: Senior Government Council Section Head Kok Government Officer Eisermann Food Industry; Agriculture; Forestry; Hunting; Price Policy in Food, Agriculture and Forestry; Reich Office for the People of the Reich; Reich Nutrition Office; Armament of the German Village; Regional Planning; Battle of Production III B 4: Attorney at Law Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. (German Federal Law Gazette) On top of that, support of the Gauwirtschaftsberater; conferences; reporting; newsletter "Der Gauwirtschaftsberater"; editing; economic policy training and propaganda; special assignments III B 5: main editor, section leader Vollmann Wirtschaftswissenschaft; archive; business press and magazines; magazine "Nationalsozialistische Wirtschaftspolitik" Group III C: (Justice, law of the NSDAP) Head: Ministerialdirektor Dienstleiter Klemm Representative: Oberregierungsrat Oberreichsleiter Dr. Enke III C 1: Ministerialdirektor Dienstleiter Klemm Reserved special areas: NSRB; Academy for German Law; Participation in personnel matters of the judiciary III C 2: Oberregierungsrat Oberreichsleiter Dr. Enke Justizinspektor Gemeinschaftsleiter Ungethüm Party Law; Civil Law; Commercial Law; Labour Law; Procedural Law; Voluntary Jurisdiction; Bar Law; Civil Cases; Individual Cases III C 3: Oberlandesgerichtsrat Müller Justizinspektor Gemeinschaftsleiter Ungethüm Criminal Law; Wehrmacht Criminal Law; Juvenile Criminal Law; Grace Cases; Compensation Act; Criminal Cases, Individual Cases III C 4: Prosecutor von Kaldenberg Secondary criminal laws; traffic law; criminal proceedings for racial defilement; criminal procedural law; costs and fees; testimony approvals (interrogation law) III C 5: District Court Council Section leader Klemm-Werner participation in III C 2; industrial property law; copyright and publishing law; shipping law; treatment of hostile property III C 6: Higher Regional Court Council Dr. Hopf Strafsachen, Einzelfälle; Heimtückesachen; study and training reform; prison group III D: (Church, school, university, youth leader of the German Reich, Ministry of Propaganda, organization of celebrations, provision for war survivors) Head: Ministerialrat Dienstleiter Krüger Representative: Oberregierungsrat Reichsleiter Dr. Schmidt-Römer III D 1: Oberregierungsrat Abschnittleiter Dr. Fruhwirth Central steering of political and denominational affairs in the new areas, insofar as they are not dealt with in Divisions III D 2 to III D 4. Confessional contributions; right to leave and enter the church; cemetery law; public holiday law; acquisition of the right of the dead hand; confessional activities in hospitals; church statistics; general legal issues; insofar as they concern political-confessional matters III D 2: Oberlandesgerichtsrat Dr. Birk Steuerinspektor Wischer Allgemeine Kirchenfragen; Special Questions of the Protestant Church; Special Questions of the Catholic Church; Church and Wehrmacht; Other Churches and Sects; God-believers III D 3: Oberregierungsrat Bereichsleiter Dr. Schmidt-Römer Tax Inspector Wischer Finance and Property Affairs of the Churches, including Church Matters of the Reich Ministry of Finance; Church and Economy III D 4: Government Councillor Dr. Schlapper Tax Inspector Wischer Transfer of clergy and church officials to other professions; Personnel and Salary Matters of Political and Denominational Significance III D 5: Head of Office Dr. Wischer Landwehr Reichspropagandaministerium Restriction of confessional propaganda work and deconfessionalization of political and cultural means of leadership (literature, press, music, film, visual arts); celebration design; Reich Aviation Ministry; Confidential Information III D 6: Head of Studies, Section Head Dr. Anton Allgemeine Erziehungsfragen; personal details of teacher training institutions; HJ participation in educational matters at schools; German education abroad and in the areas incorporated into the Reich III D 7: Regierungsrat Section leader Kristandt Allgemeine Verwaltungs- und Rechtsangelegenheiten der Schule; Schule und Kirche; Landjahr; Heimschule; Kinderlandverschickung; Minderheitenschulwesen; Lehrerbesoldung; Jugendführer des Deutschen Reiches III D 8: z. Philipp Government Inspector Gerst University Affairs, including Personal Data; Technical and Vocational Schools; High Command of the Wehrmacht, in particular Wehrmacht Welfare III D 9: Kreisleiter Dr. Kurt Schmidt Displacement of denominational influences, especially denominational influence on youth outside school and on adult education; denominational interventions in hero worship; denominational superstition (miracles, prophecies, chain letters, pilgrimages, processions, etc.).); denominational influence on foreign peoples in the Reich; the abusive use of National Socialist terms, symbols and institutions as well as German customs by the churches; Churches and Party Group III E: (Finances) Head: Ministerialrat Oberbereichsleiter Dr. Gündel Representative: Oberregierungsrat Gemeinschaftsleiter Dr. Brack Financial policy; property and transport taxes; family burden equalisation; customs and excise taxes; monopolies; budget matters, financial equalisation; financial relations with the incorporated territories and with non-German territories and states; Reich assets and Reich debts; compensation issues Group III P: (civil servant matters and participation in state personnel policy) Head: Ministerialrat Dienstleiter Dr. Kernert Representative: Oberregierungsrat Oberbereichsleiter Döll III P 1: Ministerialrat Dienstleiter Dr. Kernert Reserved special areas: III P 2: Landrat Dr. Grazer General and internal administration; questions of junior staff and training III P 3: Landrat Dr. Hoffmann Auswärtiges Amt; Ministry of Labour; Unterrichtsverwaltung III P 4: Oberregierungsrat Oberbereichsleiter Döll Reichsjustizministerium; individual cases according to §§ 42 and 71 DBG III P 5: Oberregierungsrat Abschnittleiter Dr. Grazer Bode Amtsrat Gemeinschaftsleiter Sommer Beamtenrecht; Remuneration Law; Reich Finance Administration; Court of Audit; Prussian Finance Ministry; East Ministry; Colonial Policy Office III P 6: Reich Bank Council Section Head Grimm Reich Economics Ministry; Four-Year Plan; Reichsbank; Freemason Issues III P 7: Oberregierungsrat Section Head Kirn Reich Transport Ministry; Division Reich Minister Speer; Reich Post Ministry III P 8: Head of the section Brändle Beurlaubungen for purposes of the NSDAP; service penal cases - individual cases; civil servants of the simple, middle and upper service of all business areas; OKW; Reich Aviation Minister; Reich Forester III P 9: Regierungsrat Section leader Tent Jewish and mixed-race issues; police, medical, veterinary, and surveying administration; Reich Labor Service; Reich Ministry of Food; Reich Nutrition A business distribution plan for Division I, which was exclusively concerned with the administration of the Reich's agencies and whose leader in the years 1941 - 1943/44 was to be proven to be Hauptdienstleiter Winkler, from 1944 Dienstleiter Zeller (23), could not be determined. Externally, the three departments of the Party Chancellery continued to appear as "managing directors, internal party affairs officers and constitutional affairs officers". In addition to these three departments, which de facto constituted the "Party Chancellery" office, the published organisational overviews also continued to include other institutions de iure as parts of the Party Chancellery, which in practice developed as relatively independent independent entities or whose heads did not appear in their Party Chancellery function or appeared only marginally. Listed are (1942/1944): (24) Special representative at the party chancellery: Oberdienstleiter Oexle Main archive of the NSDAP: Reichsamtsleiter Dr. Uetrecht, from 1944: Bereichsleiter Dr. Uetrecht, from 1944: Head of the Department Dr. Uetrecht, from 1944 on: Head of the Department Dr. Uetrecht, from 1944 on: Head of the Department Dr. Uetrecht, from 1944 on: Head of the Department Dr. Uetrecht, from 1944 on: Head of the Department Dr. Uetrecht, from 1944 on: Head of the Department Dr. Uetrecht. Brügmann The Head of the Foreign Organization: Gauleiter Bohle The Commissioner for the Consolidation of German Popular Growth (from 1944: The Commissioner of the NSDAP for all Popular Issues): Reichsleiter Himmler The Commissioner for the New Construction of the Reich: Gauleiter Adolf Wagner The Commissioner for all Issues of Technology and its Organization: Commander-in-Chief Dr. Todt, Oberbefehlsleiter Speer The official in charge of all public health issues: (Chief) Befehlsleiter Dr. Conti The head of the NSDAP's Race Policy Office: Ober- bzw. Hauptdienstleiter Dr. Groß The head of the Office of Genealogy: Reichsamtsleiter bzw. Hauptbereichsleiter Dr. Mayer Der Beauftragte für Fragen der Finanz- und Steuerpolitik: Fritz Reinhardt, Reichslager of the NSDAP, Bad Tölz: Seidel, Reichsschule of the NSDAP, Feldafing am Starnberger See: Reichsamtsleiter or Oberdienstleiter Görlitz Remarks: (1) Thus the contemporary terminology of the task description in the organization and yearbooks of the NSDAP; here: Organisationsbuch der NSDAP, edited by the Reichsorganisationsleiter der NSDAP, 2.-4. Aufl., Munich 1937, p. 152 (BArch NSD 9/17). (2) On the overall complex of the relationship between party and state during Nazi rule, cf. in particular Martin Broszat, Der Staat Hitlers. Foundation and development of his internal constitution, Munich 8th edition 1979; Peter Diehl-Thiele, Party and State in the Third Reich. Studies on the relationship between the NSDAP and general internal state administration 1933-1945, Munich 1969. (3) Broszat, Staat Hitlers, p. 80, on the structure of the Reichsorganisationsleitung der NSDAP under Gregor Strasser see p. 73 ff. (4) Broszat, Staat Hitlers, p. 80, on the structure of the Reichsorganisationsleitung der NSDAP under Gregor Strasser cf. p. 79. (5) RGBl. I p. 1016. (6) BArch R 43 II/694. (7) RGBl. I. S 1203. (8) Information from the unprinted essay by Kurt Borsdorff: "Mit Reichsleiter Martin Bormann auf dem Obersalzberg" in BArch NS 6/789; cf. Diehl-Thiele, Partei und Staat, p. 218, note 46 (9) See above all the NSDAP Organization Books available until 1941 (BArch NSD 9/16-19) and the National Socialist Yearbooks published until 1938 "with the cooperation of the Reichsleitung der NSDAP" by Reichsleiter Philipp Bouhler, from 1939 by Reichsorganisationsleiter Robert Ley (BArch NSD 9/22-26). (10) Organisational overviews and business distribution plans of the department of the deputy leader or of the party chancellery are summarised in NS 6/451. (11) NSD 9/25-26. (12) Cf. Broszat, State of Hitler, pp. 311 ff. (13) Printed, inter alia, in the Organisation Book of the NSDAP, 1943, p. 151 (NSD 9/20). (14) RGBl. I p. 295. (15) Cf. the detailed task description of the Party Chancellery in the National Socialist Yearbook 1944, p. 181 f. (NSD 9/28). (16) RGBl. I p. 35. (17) See above all Josef Wulf, Martin Bormann - Hitlers Schatten, Gütersloh 1962, Lew Besymenski, the last notes by Martin Bormann. A document and its author, Stuttgart 1974, and Jochen von Lang, The Secretary. Martin Bormann: The man who ruled Hitler, Stuttgart 1977. The various depictions of Rudolf Hess concentrate above all or even exclusively on his flight to England, the conviction in Nuremberg and in particular the prison time in Spandau, so that a comprehensive, scientific representation of the "deputy of the Führer" and his activities 1933 - 1941 is basically still outstanding. (18) NS 6/159. (19) Cf. in detail Broszat, State of Hitler, pp. 392 ff. (20) All plans and overviews in NS 6/451. (21) NS 6/138; below the group leader level it was not possible to assign the names listed there to certain organizational units. (22) NS 6/451; there also the less detailed organizational overview printed by Diehl-Thiele, Partei und Staat, pp. 222 ff. For the staff at the beginning of 1945, see also the telephone directory of 20 Jan. 1945 in NS 6/138. (23) In addition to the organizational overviews in NS 6/451, see NS Yearbooks 1942 and 1944 (NSD 9/27-28). (24) NS Yearbooks 1942 and 1944 (NSD 9/27-28). Inventory description: Inventory history of written records management in the party office Although file plans and other registry aids have only been handed down in fragments for certain periods of time, even then, a clear picture of the written records management of the Hess and Bormann offices can be drawn. A file plan from the year 1937 is divided into two main areas (10 party, 20 state) and then divided into four levels according to the subject system. Files that could have been listed according to this plan, which was valid until about 1940, are only preserved in the form of single sheets or small processes, so that this file plan was of no particular importance for the indexing of the holdings. On the other hand, an excerpt from the file plan for matters of Reich defence (1) dating from 1939 proved to be a useful aid. It provides for up to 80 small subject series, of which 3 to 18 each are grouped into five groups (operational planning, subject areas, defence, preparation of mobilisation and general affairs); finally, collective folders for routine processes could be created as required. The systematic weaknesses that are typical of small subject series became clearly apparent in the distortion. The division of the records into "destination files", "auxiliary files" and "files for correspondence" is not convincing and could be neglected in the listing of the files of the competent Division M and Group II M respectively. File plans for the mass of the surviving records, i.e. from the time of the Party Chancellery (1941 - 1945), have not been preserved. After all, Rotulus sheets preserved for a sub-area with titles to essentially completed processes show the systematics of the underlying file plan (2). Rotulus leaves for the file numbers 1010/0 to 3230/4 have been preserved, whereby a further stage in the numerical classification was partly formed. The classification was based on the department principle. The file plan was used until the end of the war, as the comparatively closed tradition from Department III shows, and was observed in principle. The reference number consisted of the name of the respective organizational unit and the file number. The fate of the holdings since the conquest of Germany by the Allies corresponds to the history of German contemporary historical sources in the war and post-war period in general. Perhaps there is a specific feature typical of the existence of a political party in that self-destruction by party functionaries accounts for a larger proportion than destruction by enemy action. Of course, the acts of annihilation cannot be proven in detail. Since 1955, the Federal Archives have received splinter-like remnants and a few closed groups of records, essentially from offices of the victorious powers USA and Great Britain, to a lesser extent from authorities and universities in the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as about two dozen individual donations from private holdings, whereby takeovers from other holdings of the Federal Archives are added. In 1955, the Federal Archives took over copies of letters from the Chief of the Security Police and the SD to Bormann, of judgments handed over to Bormann by the Reich Minister of Justice, and of other documents from the Provenance Party Chancellery, all relating to events in connection with the assassination attempt on Hitler on July 20, 1944, all of which - supplemented by a small amount of material from private collections - were combined in the NS 6 "Party Chancellery of the NSDAP" as a special "Collection July 20, 1944" due to their common provenance. The originals of these documents, which had already been transferred to the main archive of the NSDAP before the end of the war, were received by the Bundesarchiv in 1962 in the course of the repatriation of German files from the Federal Records Center in Alexandria, Virginia (USA). These historically highly significant materials were already made accessible in detail by Jürgen Huck in November 1955. His title recordings have been completely incorporated into this finding aid book (p. 94 ff.). The other contributions come from the University Library of Heidelberg, the American Document Center in Berlin, the Federal Records Center in Alexandria, Virginia, and the National Archives of the United States in Washington, D.C., the Library of Congress there, and the British file depot in Whaddon Hall. In addition, there were a large number of smaller statements from German authorities and private owners. The holdings received a larger increase in the course of many years of organizing work from other holdings of the Federal Archives, above all from the NS 26 holdings (main archive of the NSDAP) and the "Schumacher Collection", which is to be dissolved altogether. In total, no more than 5 documents of the Party Chancellery should be preserved in the Federal Archives. This rough estimate may disregard the registries of the State Secretary Reinhardt in his capacity as "representative of the deputy of the leader or of the Party Chancellery for matters of job creation, financial and tax policy" and his personal adviser Dr. Hans Gündel, who was head of Group III E Public Finances in the Party Chancellery, remaining in inventory R 2 (Reich Ministry of Finance). Comments: (1) Both file plans in NS 6/69. (2) NS 6/803 - 804. Archival processing While the "Collection 20. July 1944" and which became known according to their core as "Kaltenbrunner Reports", were subjected to a detailed indexing, which already led in 1955 to a finding aid book with a detailed introduction and comprehensive index, the remaining parts of the inventory, fed by a multitude of duties and takeovers, were first recorded in the order of access, provided with provisional signatures, and in some cases marked summarily in terms of content - whereby, if available, the delivery directories of the delivering agency, for example the "Kaltenbrunner Reports", were usually followed. B. of the US Document Center -, Z. T. however, also downright according to archivfachlichen points of view registered. The final organizing and indexing work now carried out on this stock could therefore only partly be concerned with recording a number of accesses that had not been indexed at all up to now. The main task was rather the consolidation, standardisation and, in particular, the overall classification of the archival records - also from other holdings of the Federal Archives - which had been divided into numerous accesses and indexed to varying degrees of intensity up to that point, and which naturally necessitated an examination, but mostly also a reformulation, of the provisional titles found. This applied in particular when, on the one hand, the dissolution of predefined archive units, which had previously only been described in summary form and which had mostly been formed formally in Allied custody, into individual processes was offered, and, on the other hand, the combination of scattered parts of processes into processes or also of scattered individual processes into uniform series, some of which were provided for by the file plan, became possible. The intensive recording to Bormann of the reports of the Chief of the Security Police and the SD on the events in connection with the assassination attempt on 20 July 1944, made almost thirty years ago, was taken over in the finding aid book. Since, of course, it was not necessary to index the remaining components at this extraordinary depth, this complex of archival records described in Section C 8.1 continues to occupy a special position within the holdings, which is also clearly discernible according to formal criteria. This can be justified both on the basis of the exceptional importance of the documented object, proven by the very high user frequency, and on the remarkable quality of the sources. The "originals" of the above-mentioned documents, which arrived in the Federal Archives considerably later (1962) - the indexing in 1955 had been done on the basis of copies taken over from the Federal Archives at the time and made in American custody - had been formed according to American principles of order and were provided with their own provisional archive signatures in the Federal Archives. They have now been adapted to the order and distortion as they were created in 1955 for the distortion of the corresponding copies. This adaptation also extends to the signatures, so that the found distortion of the copies can also be applied without any restriction to the corresponding volume of originals - which now bears the same signature. In principle, attempts were made to adopt predefined registry units, to retain grown processes as archive units, and to use existing titles as a basis for title formation during indexing wherever possible. This attempt, however, could essentially only succeed with the organically grown written material from the years after 1940/41 handed down from Division III in the areas of "Foreign Trade" (C 12), "Money and Capital Markets" (C 14), "Construction Industry" (C 18) and "Housing Construction, Housing Management, Settlements" (C 19) - i.e. from the offices III B 1 and III B 2 - with limitations also in the surviving records of the main offices and the main offices with restrictions. Groups II M (mobilization of the party and distribution of the Reich) and II F (Nazi leadership and education of the Wehrmacht). As a rule, only scattered and incoherent remnants from the other organisational units, i.e. also from the registries of the deputy leader, his staff leader or the head of the party chancellery, the department heads, from the groups II A and II B concerned with the actual party leadership in the narrower sense, as well as from the years 1933 to 1936 in general, reached the holdings. Here, therefore, there was only the choice of registering individual pieces as such - if the historical value made it appear justified - or of combining documents that belonged together thematically or according to formal criteria to form artificial processes in which either the documented object or the formal criterion (e.g. Führer's discussions with Bormann, templates for Reichsleiter Bormann, lectures by Friedrich's head of department to the Führer's deputy) were decisive for the process formation. The relatively complete and complete series of orders, decrees and circulars of the deputy of the leader or of the party chancellery is of central importance not only with regard to the overall wrecked tradition of the entire collection, but also because of its outstanding independent source value. The information contained in these documents (cf. Section C 1) on all areas of the Party Chancellery's leadership and administrative activities was primarily intended for higher Nazi functionaries and constitutes a high-quality collection of sources, both in terms of quality and quantity, for research into the ruling apparatus of both the NSDAP and the Nazi regime in Germany, which could be used not only for special studies on Hess and Bormann's offices, but also for a variety of questions in the research of the Nazi era. It therefore seemed advisable not to leave it - under the influence of the party announcements printed in the Reichsverfügungsblatt - with a conventional recording of titles by volume, which was limited to chronological information, but to make the content of both the subject matter and the text of the decrees, orders and circulars as accessible as possible using the possibilities of automatic data processing. The result of this indexing will be presented in the second part of this finding aid book, while in the first part the series of party announcements will be recorded and listed in purely chronological order within the overall systematics of the stock (Section C 1). As far as possible, the classification of the records is based on the remaining business distribution plans of Divisions II and III. The "regulatory registration principle" was applied insofar as, for practical reasons, it proved necessary to provide for several development sections (Sections C 18 and C 19) at a relatively low organisational level (e.g. head office III B 2 c) in the case of relatively dense parts of the transmission from offices III B 1 and III B 2. In organisational areas with a ruinous tradition, on the other hand, written records of several groups were sometimes combined, e.g. groups II F and II W in section C 5. It goes without saying that in cases in which a classification was not formally possible due to a lack of business signs or due to the dissolution of the registry discipline at the end of the war, a decision was made on the basis of factual aspects. This applies in particular to the documents in connection with 20 July, which went directly to Bormann at the Führer's headquarters without any noteworthy processing by the Party Chancellery and from there went directly to the main archive of the NSDAP. In the classification scheme of the index they now appear under the generic term "Combating political opponents by security police and SD", although an assignment to Bormann's reference files in Chapter B would also have been conceivable. This applies mutatis mutandis to the documents relating to general party management matters, which are combined under "Management, Adjutant's Office" and in Sections C 2 and C 3 and for which there was no recognisable regulatory approach - not even in the form of a reference number - to registration. As it were, those documents were appended to the inventory under the designation "Special Tasks" which did not arise from Bormann's activity as head of the Party Chancellery, but were related to Bormann's activity as an administrator of Hitler's private assets. These are remnants of the traditions of the equipment of the planned "Führer Museum" in Linz and the recovery of the art treasures already "acquired" for this purpose, as well as a few files from the management of the "Führerstiftung Wohnungsbau Linz" and the administration of the "Führerbauten" on the Obersalzberg. A total of three concordances not only ensure that certain signatures of the holdings can be easily identified in the finding aid book (Concordance I), but also guarantee that archival documents cited after Allied signatures (Concordance II), after the provisional numbers of the Federal Archives or after earlier signatures from other holdings of the Federal Archives (Concordance III) remain easily accessible. In principle, an inventory of the Federal Archives is to be used according to the Federal Archives' specially prepared finding aids, since the Allied signatures indicated, for example, in the American "Guides to German Records microfilmed at Alexandria" or other finding aids for confiscated German files, mostly represent an outdated state of order of the files and can only be used for ordering American microfilms. For practical reasons, it should still be possible in individual cases to move from the Allied signature possibly cited in publications to the signature of the original in the Federal Archives. The present finding aid book was created as part of a retro-digitisation project of the Federal Archives and contains the digitised indexing results of the present conventional finding aid. In connection with the planned online launch, the portfolio was revised in 2008. The entire collection was supplemented above all by files and dossiers from the collection "NS Archive of the Ministry for State Security of the GDR". Citation method BArch NS 6/ .... Characterization of the content: The fact that a user of the inventory is repeatedly reminded of the fact that these are only highly unequally distributed debris or even scattered fragments of a formerly quantitatively and qualitatively important registry body, roughly comparable with the inventory of the Reich Chancellery (R 43), is certainly the main reason why considerations of the historical value of the existing traditions must have an ambivalent result. Due to the closed series of the "Verfügungen, Anordnungen und Rundschreiben" and the - admittedly for the most part for a long time published -(1) Überlieferung zum 20. Juli 1944 (1) the holdings certainly belong to the qualitatively most significant from the time of the Nazi rule. However, even against the background of the most recent outstanding importance and competence of the party law firm and in particular of its head, the tradition still received cannot make up for the loss of important parts of the registry. Thus Bormann's much-described closeness and position of trust in relation to Hitler is documented at best in some splintery notes on "Führerbesprechungungen". The party's relationship to the state, Bormann's role in the Nazi power structure, in particular also considerations of the actual power of Hitler's directly assigned offices and the forms of rule exercised by them cannot be conclusively assessed on the basis of Bormann's preserved sources and the party chancellery, in which some important conclusions could rightly have been expected for the aforementioned reason. The fact that, instead, the Nazi regime's efforts to build social housing during the war are very closely documented and can largely make up for the loss of the Reich Housing Commissioner's tradition is a pleasing finding for the detailed researcher in this context, but it is undoubtedly of subordinate importance overall. The question remains as to whether the decisive files - such as the personal registry - will be filed by the applicant.

BArch, R 601 · Fonds · (1917) 1918 - 1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: Establishment of an office on 12 February 1919 for the processing of the duties assigned to the Reich President by the Constitution as head of state, at the same time official liaison office between the Reich President and the Reich and state authorities; transfer of the powers of the Reich President to the "Reich Chancellor and Führer" Adolf Hitler by the law on the head of state of 1 August 1934; retention of the office of the Reich President and renaming of the office to Präsidialkanzlei by ordinance of 4 September 1934. Inventory description: Inventory history In the 1930s, the office of the Reich President regularly handed over so-called "Weglegesachen" to the Reich Archives, for example in April 1932 and March/April 1935. However, the registry, which was still ready for handing over in 1944, with processes up to 1934, no longer reached the Reich Archives. In 1944, the archives already kept in the Reichsarchiv Potsdam were transferred to the galleries of Staßfurt and Schönebeck a.d.Elbe. The office of the presidential chancellery and the current registry were maintained at the end of the war in Kleßheim Castle near Salzburg. In 1942/1943 Schloss Kleßheim had been lavishly refurbished as the guest house of the presidential chancellery and the Führer for special purposes. After the capitulation of the German Reich and the occupation by the Allies, the archive holdings fell into their hands. For the files of the presidential chancellery, this meant, in accordance with the territorial division of the occupation zones, that the documents from the tunnels in Staßfurt and Schönebeck a.d.Elbe were largely transported to the USSR, and that the service records at Schloss Kleßheim were under American administration. During the Berlin blockade of 1948/49, the ministerial holdings subsequently brought together in the western sectors of Berlin were transferred to Whaddon Hall in Buckinghamshire and jointly administered by the Foreign Office of the United Kingdom and the American State Department. File returns from the Soviet Union to the GDR began in the mid-1950s. As part of the most extensive restitution campaign, the files of the Presidential Chancellery were transferred to the German Central Archive Potsdam (DZA) in 1959 and stored here under the signature 06.01. The holdings were supplemented in 1963 by further additions that had previously been assigned to the Reich Chancellery. At the same time, the files from American and English administration were transferred from the archive in Whaddon Hall to the Federal Archives in Koblenz. The inventory signature was R 54. After the unification of the two German states and the takeover of the Central State Archives of the GDR (ZStA) by the Federal Archives, the partial inventories were merged and are now stored in Berlin with the inventory signature R 601. 2,536 transactions from the NS archive of the MfS were incorporated during the current processing, the third comprehensive addition. After the repatriation of the files from the Soviet Union in the second half of the 1950s, the MfS also took over documents in order to expand and build up a personal collection for "operative" purposes. As a consequence, the concentration on individual persons, i.e. the person-related filing, meant the destruction of the historical context in which the tradition originated, as files and processes were torn apart or reformed. In autumn 1989 the archive came under the responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior of the GDR (MdI) and thus of the Central State Archive of the GDR. After its transfer to the Federal Archives and its provisional use in the 1990s, comprehensive IT-supported indexing began in 2001. At the Centre for the Preservation of Historical Documentary Collections, formerly the Central State Archives Special Archive Moscow, there are still 53 file units from the period 1921-1944 as Fund 1413 in the Centre for the Preservation of Historical Documentary Collections. These are "...above all files on the awarding of the Ostmark Medal (12 volumes, 1938 - 1943), Police Service Award (3 volumes, 1938 - 1943), and the.., 1942) and other awards (4 vols.), among others to railway workers in the Eastern territories, furthermore individual political reports (2 vols., 1935 - 1937) and documents on the representation at the London Disarmament Conference (1933), the discontinuation of proceedings for maltreatment of prisoners (1935 - 1936), racial and population policy (1935 - 1936) as well as a list of employees (1942 - 1943)". In the course of processing, the inventory was supplemented by files that had been proposed for cassation at an earlier date, but were returned to the inventory due to requests for use. These are files from Department B (Domestic Policy), Title XV, support given by the Reich President of Hindenburg to corporations and individuals, but above all for the purpose of assuming honorary sponsorships - inventory adjustments between the holdings R 43 Reich Chancellery, R 1501 Reich Ministry of the Interior and with the Central Party Archives of the SED The volumes with the previous signatures 1499 to 1502 were the provenance adjutant of the Wehrmacht to the Führer and Reich Chancellor. It was handed over to the Department of Military Archives in Freiburg/ Breisgau and assigned to the holdings RW 8. R 2 Reich Ministry of Finance R 43 Reich Chancellery R 2301 Court of Audit of the German Reich N 429 Paul von Hindenburg Estate NS 3 Economic and Administrative Main Office NS 6 Party Chancellery of the NSDAP Foundation Reichpräsident-Friedrich-Ebert Memorial, Heidelberg Archive of Social Democracy of the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation, Bonn Zentrum für die Aufbewahrung historisch-dokumentarischer Sammlungen (formerly Zentrales Staatsarchiv Sonderarchiv Moskau) Fonds 1413 Archivische Bewertung und Bearbeitung A first finding aid book on the files of the presidential chancellery was produced in the German Central Archive Potsdam in 1960. The 1,213 volumes of files were broken down by administrative structure and provisionally recorded. In 1967 the provisional indexing took place in the Federal Archives in Koblenz and in 1981 the submission of a finding aid book to the 241 volumes under the stock signature R 54. After the consolidation of the partial stocks from Potsdam and Koblenz a complete finding aid book was submitted in 1998. At the end of 2008, the database-supported revision of the finding aid book and the incorporation of 2538 files with the provenance Presidential Chancellery from the NS archive of the MfS began. The present archival records are composed of files in their original order of origin, partly with the original file covers and in the predominant number of individual folders comprising only a few sheets. The stock grew from 1,581 files by 933 signatures to a total of 2,547 files. The majority of these are personal transactions such as appointments and dismissals of civil servants and awards of orders. However, it was possible to supplement the volume series with two fact files from the years 1926 and 1927 both chronologically and verifiably on the basis of the diary numbers with volumes 8 and 9. The five-volume series in connection with Paul von Hindenburg's honorary membership is a complete complement. The current processing, including classification, was based on the registry order already used in the previous finding aid: Department A (Internal Affairs) Department B (Internal Policy) Department C (Foreign Policy) Department D (Military Policy) Department E (Not documented) Department O (Chancellery of the Order) Citation BArch R 601/1... Content characterization: Internal affairs of the presidential chancellery 1919-1945 (56): Correspondence with other authorities, rules of procedure of the Reich government, of Ministe‧rien and of the Reich Representation of the NSDAP 1924-1943 (8); organization, personnel, cash and budget matters of the presidential chancellery, private correspondence of Staatsmini‧ster Dr. Otto Meissner 1919-1945 (48); domestic policy 1919-1945 (939): Constitution 1919-1936 (19), Reich President 1919-1939 (190), Reich Government 1919-1936 (23), Legislation 1919-1936 (24), Civil Service 1919-1943 (109), Departments of the Reich Ministry of Labor 1919-1943 (46), Peripheral Areas of the Reich (Saar, Eastern Provinces), including Eastern Aid, Revolutionary Movements, Press, Police and Technical Emergency Aid, Disputes between Princes, Holidays and constitutional celebrations 1919-1945 (42), ministries of the Reich Ministry of Finance 1919-1944 (40), ministries of the Reich Ministry of Justice 1919-1942 (35), church, cultural and health services 1919-1944 (20), Economic and financial policy 1919-1944 (21), economic policy 1919-1944 (40), transport 1919-1943 (26), Disposi‧tionsfonds and donations 1919-1940 (292), Prussia 1919-1937 (5), Bavaria 1919-1936 (15); Foreign Policy 1919-1945 (143): Treaty of Versailles and its implementation 1919-1940 (39), international organizations and treaties 1919-1944 (26), Foreign Office 1921-1945 (2), intergovernmental agreements 1919-1944 (64), cultural relations with foreign countries 1920-1944 (4), foreign policy situation, weekly reports of the Foreign Office 1920-1933 (8); military policy 1919-1939 (48): Military Legislation and Policy 1919-1934 (39), Submitted Writings and Books 1928-1932 (1), Adjutant of the Wehrmacht to the Führer and Reich Chancellor 1934-1939 (4), Prisen‧ordnung 1939-1941 (1), Civil Air Defence 1927-1938 (2), Reich Labour Service 1935-1941 (1); Order Chancellery 1935-1945 (237): Management of orders and decorations 1935-1944 (3), service awards 1937-1945 (102), decorations 1939-1945 (43), decorations on certain occasions 1937-1944 (43), acceptance of foreign titles, orders and decorations by Germans 1941-1944 (6), war awards 1939-1944 (34), trade with orders and decorations 1941-1944 (6); Miscellaneous (congratulations) 1935-1944 (65); Letter diaries 1942 (1) State of development: Findbuch 2011 Citation method: BArch, R 601/...

PrAdK 1247 · File · 1926 - 1928
Part of Archive of the Academy of Arts

Reporting, dissemination of information to the press, correspondence with the following newspapers or publishing houses, etc: Demokratischer Zeitungsdienst, Art and Artists, Berliner Volkszeitung, Reichsverband der Bild-Berichterstatter, Berliner Adressbuch, Kunstverlag August Scherl G.m.b.H., Das Manuskript, Verlag Manfred Beirau, Fremdenverkehrsbüro der Stadt Berlin, Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Atlantic Photo-Co., DIWESTE, Kolonialkriegerdank, Telegraphen Union, Der Bildwart, Europa auf Reisen, Allgemeine Transportgesellschaft, Deutsches Land, Grosses Berliner Wochen Programm, Presse-Photo-G.m.b.H.., Das Illustrierte Blatt, Deutsche Nachrichten- und Korrespondenzgesellschaft m.b.H., 'MINERVA' Jahrbuch der Gelehrten Welt, Adolf Schustermann Zeitungsausschnitte-Büro und Adressen-Verlag, Hesse's music calendar, Dresslers Kunsthandbuch, Deutscher Industrie- und Reklame-Verlag, Handbuch des Kunstmarktes, Pressestelle des Preußischen Staatsministeriums.<br />Suggestion of the 'Freie Presse' to the Academy for the appointment of the painter Paul Wendling as professor (p. 105). Press release about 'Die Dichterakademie zum Schmutz- und Schundgesetz', 1926 (p. 70); 'Warnung der Akademie der Künste, Sektion für Dichtkunst vor dem geplanten Zensur-Gesetz' 1927 (p. 46); Die Akademie der Wissenschaften (Preise, Mitglieder, Tätigkeit p. 5f.). Press releases about the academy, n.a. (pp. 29), Kreuz-Zeitung and Daily Rundschau from Febr. 7, 1928 (pp. 8f.).<br />Enth. et al: 'Ullstein Berichte', special issue for the 100th birthday of Leopold Ullstein, 1926 (p. 92); 'Hotel Esplanade' Almanac 1925-26, Hotel Esplanade Berlin, with fig. (p. 57); 'Grosses Berliner Wochen Programm' 3.-9. Oct. 1926, with fig. (p. 57); 'Großes Berliner Wochen Programm' 3.-9. Oct. 1926, with fig. (p. 57); 'Hotel Esplanade' Almanac 1925-26, with fig. 55); 'Mitteilungen des Deutschen Instituts für Ausländer an der Universität Berlin', 22 March 1927, with illustration (p. 44); 'Die Kunst-Keramik', Apr. 1927, Albert Lüdtke Verlag, with illustration (p. 40); 'Die Plastische Kunst' Zeitschrift des Allgemeinen Deutschen Bildhauerbundes e.V., 1927, no. 2, with illustration (page 39); Berlin city map (city centre) of the Exhibition, Fair and Tourism Office, [1927 ?] (page 20); 'Europa auf Reisen' no. 131, 1927, with illustration (page 17).

Privy Council I (inventory)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 31 · Fonds · 1816 - 1884, Vorakten ab 1587
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preface: With the acceptance of the royal dignity at the end of 1805, Friedrich von Württemberg dissolved the Ducal Privy Council and replaced it with the Royal State Ministry. The Ministry of State was responsible for advising the monarch on general matters of state. After King Wilhelm I took office on 8 November 1816, the Privy Council was re-established as the supreme state authority directly subordinate to the king. It was composed of the ministers or heads of the various departments and of members appointed by the King. His work consisted of examining the requests and proposals of the ministries and forwarding them to the King with his expert opinions. In his capacity as the monarch's supreme advisory authority, he was also in charge of all matters relating to the estates, applications for the dismissal or retirement of civil servants, disputes between the judicial and administrative authorities, the relationship between the Church and the State, and matters specifically entrusted to him by the King. In administrative disputes, the Privy Council acted as the decisive and enacting authority, for example in appeals against decrees of the heads of department and penal findings of the administrative offices. He mediated the communication between the king and the estates, whereby he could decide independently whether or not applications from estates were suitable for submission to the king. With the establishment of the State Ministry in 1876, the Administrative Court in 1877 and the Court of Jurisdiction in 1879, the Privy Council lost much of its importance. It was repealed by the law of 15 June 1911 and, in accordance with the prominent position of the Privy Council in 19th-century state administration, its documents are of outstanding historical documentary value. The partial stock E 31 (Königlicher Geheimer Rat I), comprising 32.5 linear metres and arranged according to a rubric scheme, was probably delivered to the State Archives soon after 1876 and was used very frequently, but has so far only been insufficiently catalogued. It was therefore urgently necessary to re-draw the inventory scientifically, taking into account the existing content structure of the stock. It was carried out between December 1969 and March 1974 by the archive inspector candidates Michael Kuthe, Eric Elwert, Walter Wannenwetsch and Magdalene Rüther as well as by the State Archive referees Dr. Wilfried Schöntag, Dr. Peter Eitel, Dr. Hermann Ehmer and Dr. Norbert Georg Hofmann. The final editing of the repertory was carried out by Luise Pfeifle, archivist. She also made the register.Stuttgart, 2 November 1978Paul Sauer President of the Privy Council: Hans Otto von der Lühe18. November 1817 - 29 July 1821 Christian Friedrich von Otto29 July 1821 - 15 November 1831 Eugen von Maucler15. November 1831 - March 1848 Constantin von Neurath8. May 1851 - 27 April 1867 (- 24 April 1855 only acting) Ludwig von Golther27. April 1867 - 23 March 1870 Karl von Varnbüler23. March 1870 - 31 August 1870 Hermann von Mittnacht31. August 1870 - 10 November 1900 Max Schott von Schottenstein10. November 1900 - 15 April 1901 Wilhelm August von Breitling15. April 1901 - December 3, 1906 Karl von Weizsäcker4. December 1906 - June 15, 1911

BArch, RM 2/1842 · File · Sept. 1890 - Juni 1891
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Instruction for the Maritime Officer (Reproduction) attached to the Government of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, 14 March 1891 Act concerning the Emperors. Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika (print), 1891 Organizational regulations for the Kaiserl. Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika (print), 9 Apr. 1891 Budget for the East African protectorate for the budget year 1891/1892 (draft, reproduction), 1891 clothing regulations for the Kaiserl. Protection Force (transcript), 4 June 1891

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Ho 235 T 13-15 · Fonds · ( 1825 -) 1852 - 1945 (- 1946)
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

History of Tradition For the history of the authorities, see the preface to the holdings Ho 235 T 3 Processor's report In Section I, Section VI Trade and Industry, files were produced in the following areas: Size and weight, annual and weekly markets, trade concessions and pedlar trade, customs association and traffic in the same, trade, trade schools, trade police, guild system, book printers and bookstores, insurance companies and emigration agents as well as patent awards, building craftsmen and chimney sweeps, restaurants and pubs, Mills and shipping as well as water engines, ban rights, factories and steam boilers as well as smoke development, mining and metallurgy and saltworks as well as petroleum, budget and cash management, health insurance of workers, accident insurance of workers, disability and old age insurance, economic and other measures as a result of the world wars. Files on trade and trade schools were originally listed under a classification point "Trade" in the old index. However, since this was a confusing abundance of file titles, the division into two classification points was recommended: the classification point "Wanderschaften der Handwerksgesellen und Dispensationen davon" no longer has any files. The present repertory is the revised version of the 1852 official finding aid of the Prussian Government Section I Section VI Trade and Industry of 1852 with a supplement of 1927 (see No. 739). There is an index to the old repertory (see no. 740). There is also a concordance in the archive (see No. 741) between the authority file number and the NVA (=newly recorded files) number assigned in the archive. The addendum is partly in line with the 1852 finding fund of the authorities and partly not. Occasionally, file numbers that had previously been regarded as order signatures were assigned twice. As this is a means of finding authorities, supplements were made and these were not always in the expected places, which led to a great deal of confusion. Also the various entries about destruction or transfer to other registries (especially registry G of the standing registry) and other authorities created confusion about the existence or location of the files. The NVA numbers behind the individual title records (if at all clearly assignable) gave a certain indication that the file must already have been in the archive. - The NVA number was the first signature assigned in the archive, later the files were detached from the NVA stock again and were set up again according to the old authority signature. - However, not every file with an NVA number could be found. The complexity and the poor manageability of the old finding aid, in addition to the necessity of simplifying the old signatures, have led to the present directory. The first processing of the inventory took place only on the basis of the finding aids and not on the basis of the files. The content of the titles was not checked against the files, but only carefully normalised. The actual existence of the files and their duration was determined in the inventory in the magazine. Files from the previously unallocated remainder of the total holdings of the Prussian Government of Sigmaringen had to be allocated to the present partial holdings. In the course of the file check, the notes in the file were included in the repertory and no evidence of prior provenance was found. Unless it was a matter of a file with the preliminary provenance "Prussian Government Sigmaringen" and with the final provenance "Presidents of Hohenzollern - Liquidation Office". Mainly, however, one has to reckon with the preliminary provinces "Gehei me Konferenz Sigmaringen", "Geheime Konferenz Hechingen", "Fürstliche Landesregierung Sigmaringen", "Fürstliche Landesregierung Hechingen", "Preußische Übergangsregierung Sigmaringen", "Preußische Übergangsregierung Hechingen", "Preußischer Kommissarius" and "Landratsamt Hechingen". Individual files were left as they were in spite of free conveniences. Only "Prussian Commissarius" and "President of Hohenzollern - Processing Office" appear as foreign provenances. After the dissolution of Prussia, the authority "President of Hohenzollern - Abwicklungsstelle" (President of Hohenzollern - Settlement Office) had the task of fully settling the affairs of the Prussian government of Sigmaringen, which was also dissolved in 1945. The repertory now has a place and person index. The problem with the place index was that many places in the east of the former German Empire are now mainly on Polish territory. In order to facilitate the understanding of contemporary administrative contexts, these places were identified according to their administrative affiliation at the time. The same procedure was applied to Alsace-Lorraine. The present repertory lists all files that are listed in the list of authorities. If they could not be found, the note "not available" appears in the repertory. The state of conservation of the files is questionable, as the Prussian-stitched files were previously loose and unpacked on the shelves. However, no further deterioration of the state is to be expected, as the files have been packaged in an archival manner. The title recordings were recorded by the undersigned in 2004 using the Midosa 95 archive indexing program. Corinna Knobloch and the undersigned checked the files in the magazine. Holger Fleischer completed the final EDP work. The present inventory comprises 741 units of distortion and 27 linear metres and is quoted as follows: Ho 235 T 13-15 Nr. Sigmaringen, December 2005 Birgit Kirchmaier Content and evaluation Includes above all..: Measures and weights Regulation of the ratios of measure and weight; establishment and occupation of the Pfechtämter; control of the fineness of gold and silver goods; determination of measures for the brickworks; volume of the dispensing vessels; introduction of the hundred-part thermometer; order of measure and weight; establishment and new construction of the Weights and Measures Office in Sigmaringen and the processing office in Burladingen; Reich professional competitions - annual and weekly markets fair traffic; fairs - trade concessions, pedlar trade General provisions on pedlar trade; granting of trade concessions; ministerial decrees; commercial matters; department stores; granting of subsidies for the payment of rent for commercially used premises - customs union and traffic with the same customs union; traffic with neighbouring states; Trade and customs contracts; export of domestic products; customs duties - trade Landesgewerbeamt; Sunday rest in trade, industry and crafts; installations not subject to approval; experts for building trades; police ordinance on the establishment and operation of bakeries; bakery ordinance; state aid for the raising of small trade; Child labour in commercial enterprises; cartels; Ostrach gravel and crushed stone works; laws for the protection of workers; regulation of commercial relations; ministerial decrees; retail trade, migrant trade; trade licences; trade police; funds for commercial purposes; trade licences for foreigners; installation of vending machines; withdrawal of licences; commercial support funds; introduction of branches of industry, for example B. Embroideries; establishment of mechanical workshops; support for tradesmen; establishment of model workshops; commercial further training and vocational schools; pupil exchange between Württemberg and Hohenzollern; craftsman further training schools; personnel files of vocational school teachers; care of aviation in schools; aerial sports courses; state premiums for apprentice exhibitions; Premiums for the training of the deaf and dumb; private commercial schools; vocational schools for home economics; homework law; industrial and trade certificates; master builder ordinance; improvement of gainful employment; Kampfbund des gewerblichen Mittelstands; law on the organisation of national work; public welfare workers; kindergarten teachers; youth leaders; manufacture of hollows; Distance learning; UK employment of trade teachers; combating epidemics through schools; deployment of German teachers from the western and eastern regions; trade identification cards; trade privileges and subsidies; licensing of private hospitals, maternity hospitals and mental homes; trade courts; establishment of workers' health insurance funds; accident insurance for civil engineering workers; Improvement of housing; formation of commercial and industrial cooperatives; testing of small arms; workers' welfare institutions; establishment of employment offices; credit cooperatives of craftsmen; trade and commerce associations; chamber of crafts; award of state medals "for commercial services"; strikes and lock-outs; impairments of the craft trades; 1. May celebration; theatre; arbitration; labour court law; master builder regulation; wines and wine trade; accidents in commercial enterprises; employment agencies; award of public contracts; shortage of raw materials; chamber of commerce; films - trade police police police regulation on beer and meat taxes; regulation of fruit and bread prices; business by foreigners; butchery; slaughterhouses; transport of liquid carbon dioxide; electric power systems; lifts; explosives; transport and traffic with petroleum; air gas systems; Acetyl plants; price monitoring; ordinance on Thomas flour; remote gas supply; plants requiring monitoring; mineral oils; tank plants; beverage dispensing plants; mineral water apparatuses; ammonium nitrate; Sigmaringen gas station - guild of farriers; farriers; guild; Compulsory guilds; business transactions - hikes, dispensations Nothing left - book printing houses, bookstores Examination of booksellers and book printers; exclusive trade licence of the Court Chamber Council Ribler von Hechingen; supervision of lending libraries; Establishment of bookstores and book printers - insurance companies, patent grants, emigration agents Emigration companies; life and pension insurance companies; law on the business of insurance; granting of invention patents; intended establishment of a general hail insurance; private insurance companies - building craftsmen, chimney sweeps Classification and occupation of chimney sweep districts; instruction for chimney sweeps; regulation of chimney sweep wages; district chimney sweeps; Examination of building tradesmen; operation of the building trade; building materials; buildings; building experts - guest and public houses - granting of concessions; retail trade with beverages; reduction of pubs; economic fairness - mills, shipping, water engines - mill regulations; Mill visits; milling; reed, bone and powder mills; construction of waterworks; shipping - ban rights - abolition of the obligation to mill - factories, steam boilers, smoke development Employment of young factory workers; Revision of factory regulations; steam boilers; steam saws; individual factories; impairment of mill and factory operations by meadow irrigation; support for factory owners; worker protection; annual report of factory inspectors; employment of women and young people; labour inspectorate; meetings, travel expenses and annual report of labour inspectors; telephone systems; employment of blind people; German Labour Front; Youth Protection Act; Maternity Protection Act; labour protection for foreign workers and Eastern workers; arsenic-containing wallpaper and fabrics; anthrax; Sunday work; working hours - mining, metallurgy and saltworks, petroleum production; miners' law; mining law; establishment of ore washes; geognostische Untersuchung Hohenzollerns; petroleum - budget and cash management of the trade and industry administration final conclusions of the trade and industry administration; invoice acceptance; official affairs; support for retirement officials, their widows and orphans - health insurance of workers execution of the law on registered auxiliary funds of 1876 workers execution of the law on registered auxiliary funds of 1876; working hours - mining, metallurgy and saltworks, petroleum production; miners' law; establishment of ore washes; geognostische investigation of Hohenzollerns; petroleum - budget and cash management final conclusions of the trade and industry administration; invoice acceptance; civil servant affairs; support of retirement officials, their widows and orphans - health insurance of workers Implementation of the Reich Law on Health Insurance for Workers of 1883 and 1892; Implementation of the Reich Law on Health Insurance for Persons Employed in Agriculture; Earnings of Persons Employed in Agriculture; Health Insurance; Local Health Insurance Funds; Company Health Insurance Funds - Accident Insurance for Workers; Workers' Compensation Associations; Accident Insurance for State Enterprises - Disability and Old Age Insurance for Workers Implementation of the Reich Law on Disability and Old Age Insurance of 1889; Pension office for invalidity insurance; Insurance Act for Employees; Health insurance funds; Determination of local wages and benefits in kind - Mixed statistics; Air-raid protection of industrial installations; Leave of absence for employees and workers; Jews; Medal of Honour for Military Service; Cross of Merit for War; Medal of Merit for War; War measures of an economic nature; Administrative fees; Decrees notified by the Minister of Commerce; Medal of Honour for German public welfare; Reichskredithilfe; Orders, laws, etc. of the French military government; file levy on the occasion of the dissolution of the Prussian government Sigmaringen - economic measures in and after the 1st world war Nothing left

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Ho 235 T 3 · Fonds · (1667-) 1850-1946
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

History of Tradition The history of the Presidential Department The history of the Prussian government was divided into three or four departments, namely the Presidential Department (Department P), Administration (Department I) and Tax and Treasury (Department II). In the tradition of the presidential department two registry layers could be determined. The first layer distinguished between general files and special files with consecutive numbering. The files of this first layer were transferred to the file plan of the second layer, which was used since about 1905. The structure of the second layer represented the last state of order of the presidential registry. It consisted of 14 main groups, which roughly reflected the departments existing since 1852. Personnel files formed an additional main group. The respective main groups were marked with Roman numerals from I to XIV, the upper groups with capital letters. Only the E group, authorities and officials, in the main group I, sovereignty, was further subdivided. These bullet points are preceded by lower case letters. Within the main groups, counting was started from the beginning. The repertory of authorities in the presidential registry was designed for growth in the individual main groups, i.e. a number range was usually reserved within a main group of each upper group. From 1 January 1932, the administration of the general administration, the administration of the health service, the building construction, the interior and the district administration as well as some special areas was converted to the uniform file plan of the Prussian administration. This was based on decimal classification and replaced the thread-stitched files with mechanical standing files. In the presidential registry, however, the files were at least partially continued according to the old file plan. The repertory of the authorities contains notes on which files should be transferred from the current registry to the so-called ground registry, i.e. to the old registry, and which should be transferred to the archive. Some files contain the word "destroyed". However, these indications do not provide reliable information about the actual fate of the files. A reference to the transfer of the documents to the standing registry was found with some file titles (especially with personnel files). In various cases, files from other sections or departments or from previous authorities were included in the presidential files as previous files. Reference is made above all to the written material of the Royal Prussian Commissarius (cf. fonds Ho 231). Contents and Evaluation Principles of Registration Polish archivist Beata Waclawik from the Allenstein State Archives worked her way into the Prussian registry and file system within the framework of a scholarship from the Volkswagen Foundation from 20.4 to 15.8.1990. During her work at the Sigmaringen State Archives, she began the indexing of the presidential department. Their distortion performance flowed into the present repertory in revised form. When the inventory was recorded, the file references listed in the repertory of authorities were used as the basis for the recording. Nearly all file covers were also provided with a file subject, which largely coincided with that in the repertory. The file title was compared with the file content and, if necessary, modified and normalized. In various cases, files from other sections or departments or from previous authorities were included in the presidential files as previous files. If these were listed in the repertories of the sections and not marked with registration signatures of the presidential department, they were returned to the corresponding section. However, if they were integrated into the registration scheme of the Presidential Department, they remained there, even though they had not experienced any further growth in the Presidential Department. Laws and ordinances were not thrown out in principle. Maps and plans, as long as they were not integrated into the fascicle, were removed for conservation reasons and incorporated into the map selection. Areas and places that were no longer on German Reich territory after 1918 were identified, as far as possible, on the basis of their administrative affiliation when the file was created. The signing was done with the archival development program Midosa 95 in the years 1998 to 2000 by the undersigned. Holger Fleischer completed the final EDP work. The present stock comprises 16.1 linear metres (in unpackaged condition) and 895 units of registration, beginning with numbers 32 to 926. The numbers 1 to 31 are listed in stock Ho 235 T 2. For reasons of data protection, the 380 personnel files also contained in the inventory could not be taken into account for this online find book. Contains above all: State sovereign matters Royal Prussian House and Princely Hohenzollern House Celebrations in the presence of members of the Royal House and on feast days of members of the Royal and Princely House; other events within the families; intended acquisition of the Zollern cone by the Royal House; Title dispute between the Prussian government and the princely house - class rule Relationship of the government to the class rule Fürstenberg and Thurn und Taxis in Hohenzollern - state constitution and state colours - seizure of the Hohenzollern principalities by Prussia and the resulting constitutional changes; Contract of assignment; celebrations of homage; takeover of civil servants; colours and coats of arms of Hohenzollern; change of the name of the country; commemoration of the Anschluss an Preußen - Behörde und Beamte Organisation der Landesverwaltung Reorganisation of the administration after takeover of the principalities by Prussia; employment of a Prussian commissariat; Establishment and dissolution of an Immediatkommission (Immediate Commission); regulation of official responsibilities; administrative reforms; discussions on the possible new regulation of Hohenzollern's nationality - distribution of business and instructions for the government - business and service instructions; Fire regulations for the government building; establishment of a department for indirect taxes; business audits; office reform; business distribution plans - administrative reports - Immediate newspaper reports - civil servants - general takeover and swearing in of civil servants by the Prussian State; disciplinary investigations; Distinguishing marks on service caps; visit of ministers and senior officials to Hohenzollern; employment and training of civil servants; conduct outside the service; political conduct; support - Regierungspräsidium Verwaltung des Regierungspräsidiums - Regierungsungskollegium und Regierungsreferendare Stellenbesetzungen; Training; transfers; personal and official conditions; sketches prepared by members of the government - office, clerical and sub-official staff Recruitment; training; examination; substitution; transfer; staff reduction - archives, registries and libraries Establishment of a government archive and a Princely Hohenzollern House and Domain Archive; List of files of the presidential registry; use of the State Archives; segregation of files; library matters - district committee, district and other authorities and their officials administration of the higher offices; position of the higher officials or County councillors; Hohenzollern deputation for the homeland system; establishment of the district council or of the District Committee; District Health Insurance Fund of the Road Construction Administration; District Forestry Officers; Higher Insurance Offices; Dissolution of the Sigmaringen Main Customs Office - judicial authorities and their officials, administration and organisation of justice; State Examination of Legal Candidates; Public Prosecutor's Office; Complaints in judicial cases; judicial reform; lists of jurors; formation of courts of lay assessors; investigation against the lawyer Dopfer in Sigmaringen; service of the police attorney Ruff von Hechingen - general instructions acquisition and loss of the Prussian subject status; Authentication of documents; Flagging of public buildings; Service vehicle - legislation Real charges separation; Water cooperatives; Family fidei Kommisse; Relocation of the state border against Württemberg; Land mergers; Literature on high customs laws - statistics, topography and meteorology Orthography of the name Wehrstein; Transmission of statistical notes; Establishment and operation of a meteorological station; Communications on the Prussian Court and State Manual or to the Prussian State Calendar - Award of orders and titles - Award of orders and titles; Award of office titles; Title dispute between the government and the Princely House of Hohenzollern; Titular system; List of holders of orders - Elections of the two Prussian chambers; Elections of the House of Representatives; Political conditions in Hohenzollern; election of the Reichstag by the North German Federation and the German Reich - Official Gazette; distribution of newspapers and periodicals Official Gazettes; promotion of the distribution of periodicals; promotion of subscriptions to pictures and books - military affairs Mobilisation Execution and/or Modification of mobilization plans; protection of Hohenzollern in the event of war with Switzerland; occupation of Hohenzollern by Württemberg troops in the German-German war; wars of 1866 and 1871; demobilization; return of prisoners of war after the 1st World War. World War II - Other claim to the so-called hundredthal positions; investigation against Hohenzollern officers and crews for misconduct at the Battle of Oos in 1849; "Small Guard"; planned acquisition of the Koller Bathhouse in Hechingen for military purposes; military surveying of Hohenzollern; weapons of the former civil defence; garrisoning; Catholic military pastoral care; Memorial Day; Application by candidates for pension for the office service - municipal matters Landeskommunalverband Landeskommunalverband Landeskommunalverband and its civil servants Amtsverbände and Landeskommunalverband; employment relationships of civil servants - Kommunallandtag Bildung; election; meetings; convocations; meetings of the Landesausschuss; budgets; chairman and his deputy; treatment of the domain question - Landesausschuss Members and their swearing-in - legal regulations negotiations of the 1. Chamber on the Provincial Constitution; extension of the autonomy rights of the provinces; local self-government; implementation of the law on the extension of the powers of the Chief President and simplification of administration at the regional association of municipalities - finances - taking out loans for, inter alia, the purchase and conversion of the Hotel Schach into a country house; actions for embezzlement and other legal proceedings. a. against the President of the Regional Court (retired) Evelt; budget relations; sales of real property - supra-regional representations elections to the Prussian state council; provincial council - savings and loan fund organization - Fürst-Karl-Landesspital 50th anniversary; directors; Meetings of the Regional Commission of the Hospital - Agricultural School - Road Construction Self-administration in the field of roads - Official Associations Taking out loans; Budgets; Administrative Reports; Determination Decisions; Official Supervision of Associations - Mayors and Municipal Councils Supervision of Municipal Council Elections; Behaviour of the local councils; meeting of the mayors, local heads and bailiffs - debt repayment fund - establishment - disciplinary investigations - municipal regulations - drafts; improvements - charity support soup kitchens; support for the poor; support for the widow of the former district president Frank von Fürstenwerth - graces gifts - Stephanie Foundation for the dowry of devout virgins; Karl-Anton-Josephinen Foundation for the support of first marital unions and jubilee couples; König Wilhelm Foundation or Preußische Striftung für hilfsbedürftige erwachsene Beamtentöchter; Kaiserin-Augusta-Stiftung und Kaiserin-Augusta-Verein für deutsche Töchter - Ehrenämter des Regierungspräsidenten Chairman of the Provinzialverein des Roten Kreuzes für die Hohenzollerischen Lande; Bezirksverband der Cecilienhilfe - Bausachen und Verkehrsanstalten Bausachen Takeover of princely buildings and inventories; Construction of the Hohenzollern Castle; hall and meeting room in the government building; roads and other buildings; official residence of the district president; Hedingen grammar school in Sigmaringen - post and telegraph system Badisch-Prussian telegraph line; postage freedom for some civil servants; transfer of the postal system in Hohenzollern to Württemberg - railway railway projects; Introduction of the railway law in Hohenzollern; Hohenzollerische Landesbahn - Kultur Musik Private music lessons; anniversaries of singing associations - preservation of monuments, antiquities Acquisition and collection of antiquities and architectural monuments; conservation of monuments; inventory of architectural and artistic monuments; Landeskonservator; implementing provisions of the excavation law of 1914; Verein für Geschichte und Altertumskunde in Hohenzollern; archaeological research in Hohenzollern carried out by the Württemberg State Office for the Preservation of Monuments - Trade and Commerce - Stone Science; introduction of new branches of industry; raising of the trade business; training schools for craftsmen; promotion of silk breeding; cloth factories - agriculture; Formation of the Landesökonomie-Kollegium; Replacement of the real burdens; reports on the state of the seeds; central office of the Association for Agriculture and Trade; Federation of Farmers (Hohenzollerischer Bauernverein); disciplinary proceedings - police Political police investigations for treason; observation of the political activities of German refugees in Switzerland; fight against social democracy; Surveillance of the anarchic movement, political surveillance; treatment of anonymous letters; revolution in 1918; Kapp Putsch; communist activities - penal institutions supervisory personnel of the Hornstein penal institution; intended repurchase of Hornstein Castle by the Barons of Hornstein - press supervision; editor of the Hohenzollernsche Wochenblatt; State aid for the Hohenzollerische Blätter published in Hechingen for the publication of official communications - associations - monitoring of associations - fire insurance - building fire insurance; accounting of public fire insurance institutions in Prussia - medical affairs - occupation of medical civil service posts; organisation of medical administration; Private clinic in Hechingen; examination of the management of the senior medical officers - church matters General separation of the church from the state; protests of Catholic clergy against the burial of Protestants in Catholic cemeteries; festive days - Catholic Church Affairs of the Catholic Church; church disputes in the Upper Rhine and Baden areas, respectively. Kulturkampf; occupation of parish offices; conduct of priests; occupation of the archbishop's chair and cathedral chapter offices in Freiburg; planned separation of Hohenzollern from the sprinkler of the archdiocese of Freiburg; exercise of patronage law; branches of orders; relationship between church and schools; award of titles; Confirmations and church consecrations; ecclesiastical jurisdiction; blocking money use law; expenses for the diocese administration in Freiburg - supervision of asset management in the Catholic dioceses and parishes - law on asset management; election of church leaders; Service instructions for the church councils; exercise of state supervision; collection of church taxes - Protestant church - Church conditions of Protestant residents; remuneration of pastors; collections to support poor Protestant congregations and theology students; Church councils; holding and localities for the divine service; Protestant inner mission - Jewish community of faith - Jewish cult relations - School system - Secondary schools - Personnel matters; Behaviour of teachers; Relationship of the Hedingen Gymnasium to the Archbishop of Freiburg - Elementary schools - Personal matters, v. a. Disciplinary investigations; municipal education; school commissioners and school inspectors; foundation of Protestant community schools; law on the maintenance of public elementary schools - cashier's offices - cash registers and banks Planned establishment of banks; annual reports of the Stetten salt mine and revision of the salt works fund - budget, salaries and pensions - debts Memorandum on the repayment of the high customs debts of the province; raising of a state loan - disposition fund - personal files

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Ho 202 T 3 · Fonds · 1850-1925
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

In the State Treaty of 7 December 1849, Prince Karl Anton von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, together with Prince Constantine von Hohenzollern-Hechingen, ceded the Hohenzollern principalities to Prussia. After approval by the Prussian chambers, Hohenzollern was united with Prussia by law of 12 March 1850. Following the incorporation of the two principalities into Prussia, the former administrative authorities were retained for the time being. Thus in the lower instance the upper offices Glatt, Haigerloch, Hechingen, Gammertingen, Trochtelfingen, Sigmaringen, Straßberg, Ostrach and Wald became Prussian authorities. When the Haigerloch Oberamt passed over to Prussia, the towns of Bietenhausen, Bittelbronn, Empfingen, Gruol, Haigerloch, Hart, Heiligenzimmern, Höfendorf, Imnau, Stetten bei Haigerloch, Trillfingen and Weildorf were included in the Oberamt district. By decree of 18 January 1854, the Oberamt Glatt was abolished and incorporated into the Oberamt Haigerloch. Thus the places Betra, Dettensee, Dettingen, Dettlingen, Dießen, Glatt and Fischingen came to the upper office Haigerloch. The Haigerloch upper office, enlarged by the Glatter Orte, did not undergo any further territorial changes during its entire existence (until 1925). By notice published in the Official Journal on 1 September 1854, the implementation of the new district organisation, i.e. the transfer of office and establishment of the new district office, was fixed for 28 September 1854 by the Viebig Commissioner-Governing Council. The files and coffers of the former Oberamt Glatt were to have been transferred to Haigerloch by the handover date. Present at the handing over were: Government Councillor and Commissioner Viebig, the former Chief Officer Stehle, the future Chief Office Executive Appellate Judge Emmele and the former administrator of the Chief Office Glatt and now Chief Office Secretary Kordeuter. From 1 January 1858, both official corporations received a joint official treasury and official cash account, the management of which had been taken over by Kordeuter. The law of 7 October 1925 concerning the simplification of the administration of the Hohenzollernsche Lande brought about the end of the Haigerloch Oberamtsbezirk by merging it with the Hechingen Oberamtsbezirk to form the Hechingen district. Until the end of 1851 the administration of the Oberamts Haigerloch Oberamtmann Harz led the Oberamtsassessor Rehmann as Oberamtsverweser from 1 January 1852 to 17 September 1852. From 17 September 1852 Oberamtmann Stehle in Straßberg was in charge of the provisional administration of the Oberamt. He was followed by Appellations Court Referendarius Emele, initially as Chief Administrator from 28 September 1854 and as Chief Administrator from 4 January 1856 until the end of June 1891. He was replaced by the Government Assessor Sauerland, first as Commissarial Chief Administrator from 1 July 1891, then as Chief Administrator from 1 January 1891. February 1892 to February 2, 1902. On February 20, 1902, Schulz-Hausmann was appointed Assessor of the Government as Commissarial Oberamtmann and on August 1, 1902 Assessor of the Government as Oberamtmann until the end of February 1914. He was succeeded on March 5, 1914 by Assessor Großpietsch as Commissarial Oberamtmann and from August 16, 1914 as Oberamtmann. Since Großpietsch was called up for military service during the World War, the business premises of the Haigerloch Oberamt were moved to Hechingen from November 1916 and the administration of the same was taken over by the Oberamtmann in Hechingen. 2nd order of the inventory The files listed here cover the period from 1850 ¿ 1925 and originate from the delivery of the Oberamt Haigerloch from 1925, the newly listed files I and to a small extent also the newly listed files II. All files are stapled according to the Prussian file stapling. This work had to be done by the Regis trator with the scribe's apprentices and the senior civil servant. Since all General Acts contain both Haigerlocher and Glatter documents, it can be assumed that the file stitching only took place after the incorporation of the Glatter Oberamtsbezirk into Haigerloch. In the case files, everything that could be found in a subject was stapled into a file cover. Many of these files therefore begin with the reign of Haigerloch-Wehrstein or the Murian reign of Glatt in the 18th century and even earlier. A separation of these provenances is not indicated because of the stapling. Instead, numerous references were included in the repertories of the princely Oberämter Haigerloch and Glatt as well as in the repertories Herrschaft Haigerloch-Wehrstein and Murische Herrschaft Glatt to complete them. The references of the Prussian Oberamt Hechingen have no numbers in the repertory. There are no land, pledge or target books in the files, because these were handed over to the newly created district court commissions by order of the Commissarius für die Hohenzollernschen Lande von Villers from 24.12.1851 to 1.1.1852. The district court commission in Hechingen was initially responsible for Haigerloch and Glatt. Although these Amtsbücher of 1850 and 1851 were not continued by the Kreisgerichtskommission in the previous form, they could not be taken to the Oberamt Haigerloch because they contain deletion notes and references to files of the Kreisgerichtskommission. In this way, the voluntary jurisdiction of the local authorities, including the keeping of the land and mortgage books, was removed, and the powers of the Oberamts were limited to the punishment of financial offences or tax defraudations (VO-Blatt of 30.1.1852) according to the previous law of 6.3.1840 (G.S. V, p. 144) and of 27.12.1842 (G.S. VI, p. 260). The systematic structuring of the repertory was carried out according to the existing old signatures and the old registry order was largely restored. A repertory of files begun in 1858, in which all accumulated files up to and including 1915 were recorded, leaves nothing to be seen apart from the 17 main groups, as the files were recorded chronologically one after the other. The present inventory comprises 40 linear metres with 2928 serial numbers. In 1968, he was removed from the newly recorded files I and listed by Government Inspector Kungl. The separation of the Haigerloch files from the newly recorded files II and from the delivery in 1925 of the Haigerloch regional office was carried out by the employee Abbot, who also helped with the packaging. Miss Queck produced fair copies and registers. Sigmaringen, summer 1968 Kungl

Staatsarchiv Würzburg , Eisenbahndirektion Würzburg · Fonds · 1907-1920
Part of State Archives Würzburg (Archivtektonik)

Foreword Eisenbahndirektion Würzburg: In this finding aid book 481 archival records are listed, which originate from the levies No. 2/2003 (21.1.2003), 8/2013 (14.03.2013) and 13/2013 (27.06.2013). All the files were handed over by the Bavarian Main State Archives to the Würzburg State Archives for reasons of competence. In addition, the existing inventory of the Würzburg Railway Directorate, which had existed since 1999, was dissolved and newly recorded by the present finding aid book. The first decade of the 20th century brought with it several reforms in the railway administration. A Bavarian Ministry of Transport was formed in 1904 at the level of the central authorities. This took over competences of a ministerial department of the foreign ministry, which was responsible among other things for the railway, the post office and the telegraph system. On 1.7.1907, the two Directorates-General of the State Railways and of Postal and Telegraph Services were dissolved and their powers were also transferred to the Ministry of Transport. The Ministry of Transport existed in this form until 1920, when the railway administration was transferred to the German Reich. Also in 1907, the previous 10 railway operating directorates (Augsburg, Bamberg, Ingolstadt, Kempten, Munich, Nuremberg, Regensburg, Rosenheim, Weiden and Würzburg) were dissolved and new railway directorates created in Augsburg, Munich, Regensburg, Nuremberg and Würzburg (see GVBl. 1906, p. 871). The blasting was not carried out over the entire area according to the district division of the Bavarian state territory, but along the route of the railway network. This took place by law on 28.03.1907 (cf. GVBl. 1907, p. 213). Ludwighafen on the Rhine also had a railway directorate. However, their jurisdiction was limited by the Rhine district. The Sprengel of the railway directorate Würzburg covered large parts of Lower Franconia, but reached through the whole of Western Middle Franconia to Nördlingen in the administrative district Swabia. In Hanns Hubert Hofmann/Hermann Hemmerich, Lower Franconia, history of its administrative structures since the end of the Old Reich 1814-1980, map no. 40 shows the entire area of responsibility of the Würzburg Railway Directorate. The November Revolution of 1918 initially had no influence on the structure of the railway directorates. Since 1918, of course, the addition "royal" has been omitted. Only by the treaty of 30.04.1920 between Bavaria and the German Reich the railway administration was transferred to the responsibility of the Reich. For this reason, the tradition of the Bavarian Railway Directorate in Würzburg ends here. However, the Bavarian administrative structure was continued in the same form by the Reich Ministry of Transport. Inventory history: In accordance with a decree of 24 January 1908, the files of the Ministry of Transport were transferred to the Railway Museum in Nuremberg. After the final dissolution of the Bavarian railway administration in 1933, the files of the middle and lower authorities were added. In 1992, the Bavarian State Archives took over the entire stock of the approximately 60,000 files of the Nuremberg Railway Museum, which are usually referred to as the "Transport Archive". There, the files were analysed according to their provenance and finally distributed to the state archives by summer 2013 in accordance with their responsibilities. principles of order and registration: This collection was structured according to the 1924 file plan. It is kept at the Bavarian Main State Archives under the signature "Ehem. Verkehrsarchiv, Deutsche Reichsbahngesellschaft Gruppenverwaltung Bayern, Nr. 11233". The file plan was probably in use from 1907 to 1931. It is a purely alphabetical file plan. A total of 21 main groups are listed. There are several groups and subgroups below. File numbers for which no files were found are not listed in the table of contents of the finding aid book. The file plan has been extended by three subdivisions. These are the file numbers KrA, KrP and KrB. The letters A, P and B refer to the same complex of topics as those already dealt with elsewhere in the file plan. The extension Kr can be dissolved with "war measures". This is a direct reference to the First World War and its handling. Copies of the file plan described in more detail above can be found in the paper file of the DMS in the office of the Würzburg State Archives under file number 2001-2. The files contained stickers stating that the file had been closed in 1931. This suggests a continuous activity of authorities and registries between 1907 and 1931. The Bavarian Archive Administration is responsible for the transmission of the personnel files of railway officials until 31.03.1920. However, personnel files which were completed much later were also taken over. The last employment authority at the time of retirement was chosen as the basis for the provenance allocation. This unusual provenance assignment was further enforced in the 2003 submission of the Bavarian Main State Archives. Thus, in the present finding aid book, personnel files can also be found which show the Reichs/Federal Railway Directorates of Augsburg, Munich and Nuremberg as provenances. The more recent levies from 2013 no longer followed this principle but were distributed in the usual provenance manner. Since the traffic archive was often quoted in older publications, the old signatures, as they were used at the Railway Museum in Nuremberg, are indicated in each index unit. John Stoiber

BArch, R 1001/6235 · File · Febr. 1896 - Mai 1919
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: New farmland, with map of the provinces of West Prussia and Poznan 1:1 000 000 Contains also: General Conditions for the Lease of Settlement Places under the Law of 26 April 1886 (Settlement Commission for West Prussia and Poznan) Contains, among other things: Constitution of the Welfare Association for German Returnees, Berlin 1909

BArch, R 43-I · Fonds · 1919-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: The Constitution of the German Reich of 16 April 1871, as well as the Constitution of the North German Confederation of 1867, contained no more detailed provisions on the design of the Reich Administration. Only the Reich Chancellor was the only responsible minister of the German Reich with constitutional rank. How he should fulfil his duties and tasks, on the other hand, remained largely undefined and left to the concrete will of the respective office holder. Because of this constitutional indeterminacy, the Reich level of the administration of the German Empire was bound to the character of the improvised and sometimes also the unstable until the end of the German Empire. At first it actually seemed as if Bismarck, as the only minister of the Reich, wanted to work with only one central, unified administrative authority. The Federal Chancellery, on whose organisation its later President Rudolf Delbrück had exerted considerable influence, began its work in 1867 as the office of the Federal Chancellor and was continued in the expansion of the North German Confederation into the German Reich under the name of the Reich Chancellery. The responsibilities of the Office were comprehensive and included the function of an office for the standing committees of the Federal Council, the handling of the revenues and expenditures of the Confederation and the preparation of the presidential bills. With the foundation of the German Reich, the Imperial Chancellery also took over the direct administration of the Reichsland Alsace-Lorraine and the Reichseisenbahnen. Karl Hofmann, the President of the Reich Chancellery, was instructed by decree of 6 August 1877 to prepare for the creation of a special office which would take care of all the affairs of the Reich Chancellor for which he had "previously used forces of the Foreign Office for spatial reasons". Hofmann's submission of 29 Nov. 1877 then also provided for the establishment of such a central office under the designation "Special Office of the Reich Chancellor", but placed this office in the budget of the Reich Chancellery. However, Hofmann did not succeed in this attempt to fortify the position of his office again. Although Bismarck agreed with Hofmann's proposals concerning the internal organisation and salary classification of the staff in his new office, he changed the name of the new post to "Centralbureau" on the basis of his own hand. More important than this change in the nomenclature, however, was the fact that Bismarck, by decree of 16 December 1877, called on Hofmann to draw up a special budget for an independent authority not incorporated into the Imperial Chancellery. The draft of a "Budget for the Imperial Chancellor and his Central Office for the Budget Year 1878/79" provided funds for the salaries of a speaking council, an expediting secretary, a clerical secretary and a clerical servant. The new authority was to take its seat in the former Palais Radziwill in Wilhelmstraße 77; the Imperial Chancellor was also to move into an official residence there. Bismarck requested with Immediatbericht of 16 May 1878 from Wilhelm I. the permission for the constitution of the new office, which should be called Reich Chancellery, because this designation might correspond "most exactly to the position and the tasks of the same". Christoph von Tiedemann, who had been Bismarck's closest collaborator since 1876 and was therefore familiar with the habits of the Reich Chancellor to the best of his ability, became head of the Reich Chancellery. Under his leadership, the Reich Chancellery actually developed into a political relay station in the centre of the political decision-making structure, whose function was also recognised by the State Secretaries of the Reich Offices. Under constitutional law, the Reich Chancellery was never more than the office of the Reich Chancellor, which "had to mediate the official dealings of the latter with the heads of the individual departments". The office character is expressed not least in the official rank of the head of the Reich Chancellery and the very limited staff until the end of the imperial era. It was not until 1907 that the head of the Reich Chancellery was elevated to the rank of Undersecretary of State and thus placed on an equal footing with the senior officials of the Reich Offices. Although the number of employees grew from originally four in 1878 to 19 in 1908 and continued to rise to 25 in 1918 due to the requirements of the First World War, the Reich Chancellery never even came close to the number of staff of a Reich Office. The private and representative affairs of the Reich Chancellor were handled by the special office of the Reich Chancellor, which continued to reside in the Foreign Office even after the establishment of the Reich Chancellery. With the beginning of the First World War, a joint branch office of the Reich Chancellery and the Foreign Office was established at the Great Headquarters under the name "Formation Reichskanzler und Auswärtiges Amt". This branch existed until the end of the war. A permanent representative was here to represent the interests of the Reich Chancellor when he was in Berlin. In the Reich Chancellery, on the other hand, the Undersecretary of State ran the business if the Reich Chancellor was in the headquarters. In February 1917 a permanent representative of the Reich Chancellor was installed at the Supreme Army Command in order to get a better grip on the continuing disagreements between Reich Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg and the 3rd Supreme Army Command under Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff. His task was to keep the Supreme Army Command constantly informed about the policy of the Reich Administration. With the forced abdication of Emperor Wilhelm II and the resignation of Reich Chancellor Max von Baden, business was transferred to the Council of People's Representatives on 11 Nov. 1918, which temporarily exercised the function of an imperial government until the government of Philipp Scheidemann took office on 19 February 1919. From 9 November 1918 to 3 March 1919, the head of the Reich Chancellery was the journalist Curt Baake. After the Weimar parliamentary democracy was established, the position of the Reich Chancellor also changed, as did that of the Reich Chancellery. While the Imperial Chancellor was no longer the only Imperial Minister, as he was in the Empire, he, as Chairman of the Imperial Government, determined the political guidelines in accordance with Articles 55 and 56 of the Imperial Constitution, through which he was able to exert a decisive influence on the fate of the Empire. His authority to issue directives was, of course, restricted by constitutional law and political practice to a considerable extent, for it had to be brought into line politically with the powers of other organs provided for in the Reich Constitution. These were less the Reichsrat, which as a permanent conference of delegates of the state governments had only limited powers in the field of legislation and administration and whose significance cannot be compared with that of the Bundesrat of the Kaiserreich, than the other two constitutional organs: Reichstag and Reichspräsident. With the change of the position of the Reich Chancellor in the Weimar Republic, the tasks of the Reich Chancellery also increased. The Reich Chancellery remained, as in the imperial period, the office of the Reich Chancellor for his dealings with the constitutional organs, now the Reich President, the Reichstag, the Reich Council and the individual Reich Ministers. The State Secretary in the Reich Chancellery took part in the cabinet meetings, informed the Reich Chancellor about the current fundamental issues of politics as a whole, accompanied him at all important conferences in Germany and abroad, observed the formation of opinion in parliament, the press, coordinated legislative work with the Reich parties on his behalf, and gave a lecture to the Reich Chancellor himself. The Reich Chancellery was also represented by a member in the above-mentioned intergroup meetings, in which the most important decisions of the Cabinet were discussed in advance with the party and parliamentary group leaders. She made sure that, despite the constant tensions in the constantly changing coalitions, the objective work of the Reich's departments continued. he preparation of the collegiate decisions and the reliable monitoring of their implementation, two of the Reich Chancellery's main tasks, was of particular importance in this respect. The necessary consequence of these increased tasks was an increase in the number of departments in the Reich Chancellery from three (as of 1910) to eight (as of 1927) and in the number of civil servants from 20 before the outbreak of the First World War. Formally, the Reich Chancellery had various offices attached to it, which were either directly subordinated to it, such as the Reich Headquarters for Homeland Service, or under the direct control of the Reich Chancellor. When, after the death of the Reich President von Hindenburg, the Reich Chancellor took over the powers and rights of the head of state of the German Reich by the Law of August 1, 1934 - including the supreme command of the Wehrmacht - and thus united the office of Reich President with the office of Reich Chancellor in his person, this also had an effect on his relationship with the Reich government. As head of state, Hitler had the right to appoint and dismiss the Reich Ministers without having to wait for the proposal of the Reich Chancellor, as the Reich President had done. The Reichsminister were therefore completely dependent on him. According to the Reich Law of 16 October 1934 on the Oath of the Reich Ministers and Members of the State Governments, the formula of which was later also incorporated into the German Civil Servants Law of 26 January 1937, they were obliged to loyalty and obedience to him. The Führer principle of the NSDAP now also applied to the Reich government, whose members the "Führer und Reichskanzler," as Hitler was called after the decree to the Reich Minister of the Interior of August 2, 1934, only had to advise in inner-German dealings, but were now also legally obliged to submit to his will in case of a dissenting opinion. This meant that the Reichskabinett was no longer a decision-making body in which the Reich Chancellor could possibly have been majorized, but rather a "Führerrat", which only had to advise the head of government. It was planned to also fix this changed position of the Reich Chancellor vis-à-vis the Reich government in law, an intention which, at Hitler's request, was postponed in the cabinet meeting of 26 January 1937, particularly with regard to foreign countries, until the creation of a new Basic Law. The above-mentioned concentration of state tasks on the Führer and Reich Chancellor naturally also had an effect on the responsibilities of the Reich Chancellery. Thus, for example, the Enabling Act already brought about a certain increase in tasks for them, because the laws passed by the Reich government were no longer to be drawn up and promulgated by the Reich President, but by the Reich Chancellor, and the fewest laws were still passed in the ordinary legislative process, through the Reichstag, but went the second legislative process described above, or were passed as Führer decrees or ordinances - without the participation of the Cabinet. The strengthened position of the head of the Reich Chancellery was conspicuous externally in the fact that the documents of government laws signed by Hitler and co-signed by the participating Reich Minister now always also bore the co-signature of the Reich Minister and head of the Reich Chancellery, who thus assumed responsibility for the proper course of the legislative process. After the establishment of the Council of Ministers for the Defence of the Reich at the end of August 1939, the signature of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers for the Defence of the Reich was also necessary in second place behind that of Hitler. In addition, the head of the Reich Chancellery also signed all the Führer decrees with legislative content and, if necessary - which never occurred - the Reichstag laws and the laws enacted on the basis of the "Volksgesetzgebung" (People's Legislation). The increasing workload of Hitler, who in addition to the powers of the Reich Chancellor and the Reich President also exercised supreme command over the Wehrmacht, meant that the cabinet meetings gradually ceased. In addition, the Reich Chancellor, who could no longer be informed by the Reich Ministers united in the cabinet about the completion of individual tasks in the departments, was increasingly dependent on information from the head of the Reich Chancellery. The task of selecting from the wealth of information supplied and processed those suitable for presentation to the Reich Chancellor and of deciding whether Hitler's intervention in certain matters appeared necessary was therefore the responsibility of the head of the Reich Chancellery, who granted him another key position in the leadership apparatus of the state civilian sector. The Reichsminister also had the opportunity to give individual lectures directly to the Reich Chancellor. But Hitler also made less and less use of this, so that the head of the Reich Chancellery practically advised him alone, which strengthened his position vis-à-vis the specialist ministers, who tried in vain to reach certain agreements among themselves through private meetings, especially towards the end of the war. The office of the Reich President, renamed "Präsidialkanzlei" and renamed "Präsidialkanzlei des Führers und Reichskanzlers" by decree of the Führer and Reich Chancellor of 1 December 1937, remained responsible for the handling of all matters concerning the head of state even after the merger of the offices of the Reich President and the Reich Chancellor.B. the preparation of ceremonial receptions of foreign heads of state, princes and statesmen, the receipt of letters of attestation and recall from foreign diplomats, congratulations and condolences from the head of state, the processing of petitions in matters of grace and the entire title and religious order system. On the other hand, the political affairs in which, in addition to the decision of the Reich government, the decision of the head of the Reich was also necessary, were now taken care of by the Reich Chancellery, as was the preparation of political decisions, which up to then had to be made by the head of state, such as the enactment of organizational decrees, which were now the sole responsibility of the Reich Chancellery. Although the documents of appointment and dismissal for the higher Reich officials were still to be submitted to Hitler for execution by the office of the head of state, i.e. now by the head of the presidential chancellery, the responsible ministers and the Reich Chancellery were responsible for the factual and political preparation. Inventory description: Inventory history The day after the Reich Chancellery was established, on 19 May 1878, the expediting secretary in the Foreign Office, Hans Rudolf Sachse, who shortly afterwards began his service as a registrar in the new Reich authority, presented the draft of a registry order for the Reich Chancellery to the lecturing council of Tiedemann. His "basic features for the book and file keeping at the Reich Chancellery" were obviously based on the experience of the Foreign Office's records administration. The records were initially stored loosely in shelves in the registry, probably lying from the outset in the provided and already inscribed file covers. If a file unit had reached a thickness of 2 - 3 cm, it was provided with a linen back and another dust jacket and formed into a tape by means of thread stitching. This organisation of written records proved to be sufficient and practicable for a long series of years. With the gradual further development of the functions and activities of the Reich Chancellery, and as a result of the development of constitutional law and administrative organization in the Reich and in the federal states, however, it had to appear in need of change over time. At the turn of the century it was therefore decided to introduce a more differentiated file system, which came into force on 1 January 1900. The state's new beginning on 13 February 1919, the day on which Cabinet Scheidemann took office, brought a continuous cut in the registry of the Reich Chancellery. The entire file inventory was transferred to the old filing system and new files were created. The 30th of January meant a noticeable, but not sharp cut in the records administration of the Reich Chancellery. In order to start a new filing layer on this day, numerous files were removed from the current filing system, stapled and repositioned in the old filing system. They were replaced by new volumes. However, this only happened if the running band was filled to some extent anyway; if this was not the case, it was continued. In any case, the band counting began again with the number 1, although the series from the Weimar period continued seamlessly. The file structure, however, was left unchanged, and thread-stitching generally remained the same; standing files were used for the first time only for newly created series. In addition to the files kept in the registry, other records were also handed down by the fact that the Reich Chancellors and senior officials of the Reich Chancellery did not have handwritten records, personal papers, and a large part of their private correspondence filed in the registry, but as a rule kept them in their offices. It was not uncommon for such documents to be taken along when leaving office. Thus the estates of the Reich Chancellors Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Bülow, Hertling and Luther as well as of the chiefs of the Reich Chancellery Rottenburg and Pünder, which are kept in the Federal Archives, almost regularly contain official or semi-official documents in addition to private records, which have arisen from the exercise of official functions. The fact that the files of the Lammers Minister's Office have remained in the inventory is a consequence of their joint outsourcing with the inventory towards the end of the Second World War. In other cases, files of Reich Chancellors and senior officials with material on specific issues, with documents for conferences, meetings, etc., were handed over to the registry for safekeeping as soon as they were no longer needed and assigned to the relevant subject series as supplements. As a result, such hand files are scattered over the inventory, e.g. the hand files for the series "Execution of the Peace Treaty, Reparations" in the group "Foreign Affairs". The secret files of the Reich Chancellery formed another complex of documents separate from the registry holdings, the content, scope and structure of which unfortunately are not known in detail. According to the information available in the Federal Archives, they were probably burned before the end of the war by members of the Reich Chancellery in accordance with the decree of the Reich Minister of the Interior to the Reich Defence Commissioners of 12 October 1944 concerning "Behaviour of the Authorities in the Event of Enemy Occupation"[85] Individual fragments of secret files, which probably accidentally escaped annihilation and were in the inventory, were listed in the present find book at the end of the section "Files of the Minister's Office". In Potsdam, with a few exceptions, there are those old files of the Reich Chancellery from the period 1878 - 1919 which had been removed from the current registry in mid-February 1919 and deposited in an old file file. The Reichsarchiv had only been able to take it over in 1937 or 1938, after earlier efforts in vain. Only the old files of the service administration, including the personnel files, remained in the Authority. During the Second World War, the holdings of the Reich Archives, together with other archival materials, were moved to the Staßfurt salt mine near Magdeburg, where they fell into the hands of the Red Army in 1945. It was taken to the Soviet Union and 10 years later, in July 1955, handed over to the German Central Archive (renamed the "Central State Archive of the GDR" in 1973) in Potsdam. There it formed the inventory 07. 01. The inventory division into four departments was retained. In addition to the former Reichsarchiv holdings, the Central State Archives also kept about 800 individual records of the registry from the years 1933 - 1945, which were presumably found in the Wilhelmstraße office building. The majority of the Reichskanzleiakten from the years 1919 - 1945 as well as the old files of the office administration had been in Berlin only until the last phase of the war. As the situation in and around Berlin worsened, they were relocated to southern Germany, where they were confiscated by American troops in 1945. Via the Ministerial Collecting Center in Hessisch-Lichtenau and Fürstenhagen near Kassel, the central collection point for all material found by the Americans in their occupation zone[90], they reached the Berlin Documents Unit at the beginning of 1946. Here they - like other German files stored there - were evaluated for investigations against leading personalities from the state, the party and other areas of public life in preparation for war crimes trials. During the Berlin blockade in the summer of 1948, the files united in the Documents Unit were transferred to Whaddon Hall near Bletchley in the southern English county of Buckinghamshire. The files of the Reich Chancellery were stored there until 1958 and were provisionally arranged, recorded and selected for filming. In addition to the tradition of the Federal Foreign Office, which is primarily relevant, they also served as the basis for the edition of files on German foreign policy, which was initially edited exclusively by Anglo-Saxon and French historians. These files finally reached the Federal Archives in two transports in December 1958 and January 1959, a remainder at the end of April 1959. Here they form the listed holdings R 43 I, II. Archivische Bearbeitung During the provisional arrangement and indexing of the files of the Reich Chancellery from the years 1919 - 1945 in Whaddon Hall, the editors proceeded from two partial holdings. One of them essentially covered the tradition of the Weimar period, the other mainly the files from the period after 30 January 1933; they were briefly referred to as the "Old" and "New" Reich Chancelleries. As mentioned above, this division had already taken place in January/February 1933 in the Reich Chancellery and had been maintained during the relocation of the files during the war and after their confiscation. In the course of the processing, it was refrained from restoring the consistent arrangement of the file groups in both partial holdings, e.g. according to the alphabet of the group titles as they had existed in the registry of the Reich Chancellery. Only the registry connections within the groups that were presumably largely lost due to frequent relocations of the holdings were taken into account, whereby errors and mistakes were often made due to a lack of familiarity with the registry relationships and the file management of the Reich Chancellery. Nevertheless, it was possible to restore the mass of files to their original order with the help of the old signatures and tape numbers. Less satisfactorily, the classification of the not insignificant remnant of the tradition was resolved, which consisted of files of the minister's office, hand files of officials, secret file fragments, volumes with collections of circulars, circulars and press cuttings, registration aids, etc. Materials of this kind came to various places, especially at the end of both parts of the stock. In each part of the collection, the volumes were numbered consecutively. The distortion was also differentiated between the two partial stocks. The sequential number, the old signature and the runtime were included as formal specifications. In order to identify the contents of the file, the serial title was taken from the inscription of the file as the subject of the thread-stitched volumes, i.e. above all the files of the older part. In the case of standing folders, on the other hand, the titles of the individual transactions were entered in the list, as far as Rotuli was available with the corresponding information, and the subject series title was usually dispensed with. As a result, two very different lists were drawn up in terms of their degree of resolution. In the Federal Archives, these directories served for a long time as exclusive finding aids. This meant that the division into two parts, R 43 I (Old Reich Chancellery) and R 43 II (New Reich Chancellery), was retained. The consecutive numbering carried out in Waddon Hall also remained unchanged, since the files had already frequently been quoted in scientific publications afterwards. For conservation reasons, however, the documents stored in standing files and folders had to be transferred to archive folders; as a rule, two or three or sometimes more volumes were formed from the contents of one folder. This was necessary in order to separate files from various subject series that had been united in the Reich Chancellery and to form handy, not too extensive volumes. The volumes formed from the documents of a standing file, however, retained its serial number and were distinguished by the addition of letters (a, b, c, etc.). Within the volumes, the delimitation of the processes from each other, which had previously been recognizable by filing them in hanging binders, was marked by the insertion of separator sheets. On the other hand it turned out that 84 volumes from R 43 I and 205 volumes from R 43 II could not be separated and destroyed. The largest part (125 volumes) concerned the administration of the Aid Fund and the Disposition Fund of the Reich Chancellor; it consisted of individual files on the acceptance and use of donations from private sources, on the granting or refusal of support, other donations or gifts of honour to private individuals, associations and federations in emergencies, birthdays, anniversaries, events and on the occasion of the assumption of honorary sponsorships by the Reich Chancellor. The corresponding activity of the Reich Chancellery is already documented by several series in the groups "Reich Chancellor" and "Welfare" as well as by a number of files of the minister's office. The second largest group of documents collected (about 120 volumes) were files of the service administration. They mainly contained cash documents, invoices and receipts, company offers, correspondence with individual companies about deliveries and services for the Reich Chancellery as well as irrelevant documents about various house matters. The rest of the non-archival material consisted of volumes with multiple traditions and collections of official printed matter, in a few cases volumes containing only individual transmission letters. Finally, 44 volumes with documents of foreign provenances were removed from the holdings and assigned to other holdings, in some cases also to places outside the house. The majority of the documents are from the Community of Student Associations, which Reichsminister Dr. Lammers managed and whose business he had led through his office. Details are given in the Annex. The maps and plans, which were taken from the files for conservation reasons, were combined in the map archive to an independent group "Plan R 43 II". These are in particular planning breaks for the new building from the years 1943 ff. They are indexed by a separate index. The holdings of the Central State Archives (07.01) and the Federal Archives (R 43) were merged into holdings R 43 following the merger of the two archives in 1990. For the files of the Reich Chancellery from the years 1919 to 1945, a publication index was available since 1984, which also takes into account the files of this epoch kept in the Central State Archives until 1990. For the files of the "Old Reich Chancellery" (1878-1919), the Central State Archives had a finding aid book that had already been compiled in the Reich Archives. State of development: finding aids: publication find book (1984); online find book citation method: BArch, R 43-I/...

BArch, R 43 · Fonds · (1862) 1878-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: The Constitution of the German Reich of 16 April 1871, as well as the Constitution of the North German Confederation of 1867, contained no more detailed provisions on the design of the Reich Administration. Only the Reich Chancellor was the only responsible minister of the German Reich with constitutional rank. How he should fulfil his duties and tasks, on the other hand, remained largely undefined and left to the concrete will of the respective office holder. Because of this constitutional indeterminacy, the Reich level of the administration of the German Empire was bound to the character of the improvised and sometimes also the unstable until the end of the German Empire. At first it actually seemed as if Bismarck, as the only minister of the Reich, wanted to work with only one central, unified administrative authority. The Federal Chancellery, on whose organisation its later President Rudolf Delbrück had exerted considerable influence, began its work in 1867 as the office of the Federal Chancellor and was continued in the expansion of the North German Confederation into the German Reich under the name of the Reich Chancellery. The responsibilities of the Office were comprehensive and included the function of an office for the standing committees of the Federal Council, the handling of the revenues and expenditures of the Confederation and the preparation of the presidential bills. With the foundation of the German Reich, the Imperial Chancellery also took over the direct administration of the Reichsland Alsace-Lorraine and the Reichseisenbahnen. Karl Hofmann, the President of the Reich Chancellery, was instructed by decree of 6 August 1877 to prepare for the creation of a special office which would take care of all the affairs of the Reich Chancellor for which he had "previously used forces of the Foreign Office for spatial reasons". Hofmann's submission of 29 Nov. 1877 then also provided for the establishment of such a central office under the designation "Special Office of the Reich Chancellor", but placed this office in the budget of the Reich Chancellery. However, Hofmann did not succeed in this attempt to fortify the position of his office again. Although Bismarck agreed with Hofmann's proposals concerning the internal organisation and salary classification of the staff in his new office, he changed the name of the new post to "Centralbureau" on the basis of his own hand. More important than this change in the nomenclature, however, was the fact that Bismarck, by decree of 16 December 1877, called on Hofmann to draw up a special budget for an independent authority not incorporated into the Imperial Chancellery. The draft of a "Budget for the Imperial Chancellor and his Central Office for the Budget Year 1878/79" provided funds for the salaries of a speaking council, an expediting secretary, a clerical secretary and a clerical servant. The new authority was to take its seat in the former Palais Radziwill in Wilhelmstraße 77; the Imperial Chancellor was also to move into an official residence there. Bismarck requested with Immediatbericht of 16 May 1878 from Wilhelm I. the permission for the constitution of the new office, which should be called Reich Chancellery, because this designation might correspond "most exactly to the position and the tasks of the same". Christoph von Tiedemann, who had been Bismarck's closest collaborator since 1876 and was therefore familiar with the habits of the Reich Chancellor to the best of his ability, became head of the Reich Chancellery. Under his leadership, the Reich Chancellery actually developed into a political relay station in the centre of the political decision-making structure, whose function was also recognised by the State Secretaries of the Reich Offices. Under constitutional law, the Reich Chancellery was never more than the office of the Reich Chancellor, which "had to mediate the official dealings of the latter with the heads of the individual departments". The office character is expressed not least in the official rank of the head of the Reich Chancellery and the very limited staff until the end of the imperial era. It was not until 1907 that the head of the Reich Chancellery was elevated to the rank of Undersecretary of State and thus placed on an equal footing with the senior officials of the Reich Offices. Although the number of employees grew from originally four in 1878 to 19 in 1908 and continued to rise to 25 in 1918 due to the requirements of the First World War, the Reich Chancellery never even came close to the number of staff of a Reich Office. The private and representative affairs of the Reich Chancellor were handled by the special office of the Reich Chancellor, which continued to reside in the Foreign Office even after the establishment of the Reich Chancellery. With the beginning of the First World War, a joint branch office of the Reich Chancellery and the Foreign Office was established at the Great Headquarters under the name "Formation Reichskanzler und Auswärtiges Amt". This branch existed until the end of the war. A permanent representative was here to represent the interests of the Reich Chancellor when he was in Berlin. In the Reich Chancellery, on the other hand, the Undersecretary of State ran the business if the Reich Chancellor was in the headquarters. In February 1917 a permanent representative of the Reich Chancellor was installed at the Supreme Army Command in order to get a better grip on the continuing disagreements between Reich Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg and the 3rd Supreme Army Command under Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff. His task was to keep the Supreme Army Command constantly informed about the policy of the Reich Administration. With the forced abdication of Emperor Wilhelm II and the resignation of Reich Chancellor Max von Baden, business was transferred to the Council of People's Representatives on 11 Nov. 1918, which temporarily exercised the function of an imperial government until the government of Philipp Scheidemann took office on 19 February 1919. From 9 November 1918 to 3 March 1919, the head of the Reich Chancellery was the journalist Curt Baake. After the Weimar parliamentary democracy was established, the position of the Reich Chancellor also changed, as did that of the Reich Chancellery. While the Imperial Chancellor was no longer the only Imperial Minister, as he was in the Empire, he, as Chairman of the Imperial Government, determined the political guidelines in accordance with Articles 55 and 56 of the Imperial Constitution, through which he was able to exert a decisive influence on the fate of the Empire. His authority to issue directives was, of course, restricted by constitutional law and political practice to a considerable extent, for it had to be brought into line politically with the powers of other organs provided for in the Reich Constitution. These were less the Reichsrat, which as a permanent conference of delegates of the state governments had only limited powers in the field of legislation and administration and whose significance cannot be compared with that of the Bundesrat of the Kaiserreich, than the other two constitutional organs: Reichstag and Reichspräsident. With the change of the position of the Reich Chancellor in the Weimar Republic, the tasks of the Reich Chancellery also increased. The Reich Chancellery remained, as in the imperial period, the office of the Reich Chancellor for his dealings with the constitutional organs, now the Reich President, the Reichstag, the Reich Council and the individual Reich Ministers. The State Secretary in the Reich Chancellery took part in the cabinet meetings, informed the Reich Chancellor about the current fundamental issues of politics as a whole, accompanied him at all important conferences in Germany and abroad, observed the formation of opinion in parliament, the press, coordinated legislative work with the Reich parties on his behalf, and gave a lecture to the Reich Chancellor himself. The Reich Chancellery was also represented by a member in the above-mentioned intergroup meetings, in which the most important decisions of the Cabinet were discussed in advance with the party and parliamentary group leaders. She made sure that, despite the constant tensions in the constantly changing coalitions, the objective work of the Reich's departments continued. he preparation of the collegiate decisions and the reliable monitoring of their implementation, two of the Reich Chancellery's main tasks, was of particular importance in this respect. The necessary consequence of these increased tasks was an increase in the number of departments in the Reich Chancellery from three (as of 1910) to eight (as of 1927) and in the number of civil servants from 20 before the outbreak of the First World War. Formally, the Reich Chancellery had various offices attached to it, which were either directly subordinated to it, such as the Reich Headquarters for Homeland Service, or under the direct control of the Reich Chancellor. When, after the death of the Reich President von Hindenburg, the Reich Chancellor took over the powers and rights of the head of state of the German Reich by the Law of August 1, 1934 - including the supreme command of the Wehrmacht - and thus united the office of Reich President with the office of Reich Chancellor in his person, this also had an effect on his relationship with the Reich government. As head of state, Hitler had the right to appoint and dismiss the Reich Ministers without having to wait for the proposal of the Reich Chancellor, as the Reich President had done. The Reichsminister were therefore completely dependent on him. According to the Reich Law of 16 October 1934 on the Oath of the Reich Ministers and Members of the State Governments, the formula of which was later also incorporated into the German Civil Servants Law of 26 January 1937, they were obliged to loyalty and obedience to him. The Führer principle of the NSDAP now also applied to the Reich government, whose members the "Führer und Reichskanzler," as Hitler was called after the decree to the Reich Minister of the Interior of August 2, 1934, only had to advise in inner-German dealings, but were now also legally obliged to submit to his will in case of a dissenting opinion. This meant that the Reichskabinett was no longer a decision-making body in which the Reich Chancellor could possibly have been majorized, but rather a "Führerrat", which only had to advise the head of government. It was planned to also fix this changed position of the Reich Chancellor vis-à-vis the Reich government in law, an intention which, at Hitler's request, was postponed in the cabinet meeting of 26 January 1937, particularly with regard to foreign countries, until the creation of a new Basic Law. The above-mentioned concentration of state tasks on the Führer and Reich Chancellor naturally also had an effect on the responsibilities of the Reich Chancellery. Thus, for example, the Enabling Act already brought about a certain increase in tasks for them, because the laws passed by the Reich government were no longer to be drawn up and promulgated by the Reich President, but by the Reich Chancellor, and the fewest laws were still passed in the ordinary legislative process, through the Reichstag, but went the second legislative process described above, or were passed as Führer decrees or ordinances - without the participation of the Cabinet. The strengthened position of the head of the Reich Chancellery was conspicuous externally in the fact that the documents of government laws signed by Hitler and co-signed by the participating Reich Minister now always also bore the co-signature of the Reich Minister and head of the Reich Chancellery, who thus assumed responsibility for the proper course of the legislative process. After the establishment of the Council of Ministers for the Defence of the Reich at the end of August 1939, the signature of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers for the Defence of the Reich was also necessary in second place behind that of Hitler. In addition, the head of the Reich Chancellery also signed all the Führer decrees with legislative content and, if necessary - which never occurred - the Reichstag laws and the laws enacted on the basis of the "Volksgesetzgebung" (People's Legislation). The increasing workload of Hitler, who in addition to the powers of the Reich Chancellor and the Reich President also exercised supreme command over the Wehrmacht, meant that the cabinet meetings gradually ceased. In addition, the Reich Chancellor, who could no longer be informed by the Reich Ministers united in the cabinet about the completion of individual tasks in the departments, was increasingly dependent on information from the head of the Reich Chancellery. The task of selecting from the wealth of information supplied and processed those suitable for presentation to the Reich Chancellor and of deciding whether Hitler's intervention in certain matters appeared necessary was therefore the responsibility of the head of the Reich Chancellery, who granted him another key position in the leadership apparatus of the state civilian sector. The Reichsminister also had the opportunity to give individual lectures directly to the Reich Chancellor. But Hitler also made less and less use of this, so that the head of the Reich Chancellery practically advised him alone, which strengthened his position vis-à-vis the specialist ministers, who tried in vain to reach certain agreements among themselves through private meetings, especially towards the end of the war. The office of the Reich President, renamed "Präsidialkanzlei" and renamed "Präsidialkanzlei des Führers und Reichskanzlers" by decree of the Führer and Reich Chancellor of 1 December 1937, remained responsible for the handling of all matters concerning the head of state even after the merger of the offices of the Reich President and the Reich Chancellor.B. the preparation of ceremonial receptions of foreign heads of state, princes and statesmen, the receipt of letters of attestation and recall from foreign diplomats, congratulations and condolences from the head of state, the processing of petitions in matters of grace and the entire title and religious order system. On the other hand, the political affairs in which, in addition to the decision of the Reich government, the decision of the head of the Reich was also necessary, were now taken care of by the Reich Chancellery, as was the preparation of political decisions, which up to then had to be made by the head of state, such as the enactment of organizational decrees, which were now the sole responsibility of the Reich Chancellery. Although the documents of appointment and dismissal for the higher Reich officials were still to be submitted to Hitler for execution by the office of the head of state, i.e. now by the head of the presidential chancellery, the responsible ministers and the Reich Chancellery were responsible for the factual and political preparation. Inventory description: Inventory history The day after the Reich Chancellery was established, on 19 May 1878, the expediting secretary in the Foreign Office, Hans Rudolf Sachse, who shortly afterwards began his service as a registrar in the new Reich authority, presented the draft of a registry order for the Reich Chancellery to the lecturing council of Tiedemann. His "basic features for the book and file keeping at the Reich Chancellery" were obviously based on the experience of the Foreign Office's records administration. The records were initially stored loosely in shelves in the registry, probably lying from the outset in the provided and already inscribed file covers. If a file unit had reached a thickness of 2 - 3 cm, it was provided with a linen back and another dust jacket and formed into a tape by means of thread stitching. This organisation of written records proved to be sufficient and practicable for a long series of years. With the gradual further development of the functions and activities of the Reich Chancellery, and as a result of the development of constitutional law and administrative organization in the Reich and in the federal states, however, it had to appear in need of change over time. At the turn of the century it was therefore decided to introduce a more differentiated file system, which came into force on 1 January 1900. The state's new beginning on 13 February 1919, the day on which Cabinet Scheidemann took office, brought a continuous cut in the registry of the Reich Chancellery. The entire file inventory was transferred to the old filing system and new files were created. The 30th of January meant a noticeable, but not sharp cut in the records administration of the Reich Chancellery. In order to start a new filing layer on this day, numerous files were removed from the current filing system, stapled and repositioned in the old filing system. They were replaced by new volumes. However, this only happened if the running band was filled to some extent anyway; if this was not the case, it was continued. In any case, the band counting began again with the number 1, although the series from the Weimar period continued seamlessly. The file structure, however, was left unchanged, and thread-stitching generally remained the same; standing files were used for the first time only for newly created series. In addition to the files kept in the registry, other records were also handed down by the fact that the Reich Chancellors and senior officials of the Reich Chancellery did not have handwritten records, personal papers, and a large part of their private correspondence filed in the registry, but as a rule kept them in their offices. It was not uncommon for such documents to be taken along when leaving office. Thus the estates of the Reich Chancellors Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Bülow, Hertling and Luther as well as of the chiefs of the Reich Chancellery Rottenburg and Pünder, which are kept in the Federal Archives, almost regularly contain official or semi-official documents in addition to private records, which have arisen from the exercise of official functions. The fact that the files of the Lammers Minister's Office have remained in the inventory is a consequence of their joint outsourcing with the inventory towards the end of the Second World War. In other cases, files of Reich Chancellors and senior officials with material on specific issues, with documents for conferences, meetings, etc., were handed over to the registry for safekeeping as soon as they were no longer needed and assigned to the relevant subject series as supplements. As a result, such hand files are scattered over the inventory, e.g. the hand files for the series "Execution of the Peace Treaty, Reparations" in the group "Foreign Affairs". The secret files of the Reich Chancellery formed another complex of documents separate from the registry holdings, the content, scope and structure of which unfortunately are not known in detail. According to the information available in the Federal Archives, they were probably burned before the end of the war by members of the Reich Chancellery in accordance with the decree of the Reich Minister of the Interior to the Reich Defence Commissioners of 12 October 1944 concerning "Behaviour of the Authorities in the Event of Enemy Occupation"[85] Individual fragments of secret files, which probably accidentally escaped annihilation and were in the inventory, were listed in the present find book at the end of the section "Files of the Minister's Office". In Potsdam, with a few exceptions, there are those old files of the Reich Chancellery from the period 1878 - 1919 which had been removed from the current registry in mid-February 1919 and deposited in an old file file. The Reichsarchiv had only been able to take it over in 1937 or 1938, after earlier efforts in vain. Only the old files of the service administration, including the personnel files, remained in the Authority. During the Second World War, the holdings of the Reich Archives, together with other archival materials, were moved to the Staßfurt salt mine near Magdeburg, where they fell into the hands of the Red Army in 1945. It was taken to the Soviet Union and 10 years later, in July 1955, handed over to the German Central Archive (renamed the "Central State Archive of the GDR" in 1973) in Potsdam. There it formed the inventory 07. 01. The inventory division into four departments was retained. In addition to the former Reichsarchiv holdings, the Central State Archives also kept about 800 individual records of the registry from the years 1933 - 1945, which were presumably found in the Wilhelmstraße office building. The majority of the Reichskanzleiakten from the years 1919 - 1945 as well as the old files of the office administration had been in Berlin only until the last phase of the war. As the situation in and around Berlin worsened, they were relocated to southern Germany, where they were confiscated by American troops in 1945. Via the Ministerial Collecting Center in Hessisch-Lichtenau and Fürstenhagen near Kassel, the central collection point for all material found by the Americans in their occupation zone[90], they reached the Berlin Documents Unit at the beginning of 1946. Here they - like other German files stored there - were evaluated for investigations against leading personalities from the state, the party and other areas of public life in preparation for war crimes trials. During the Berlin blockade in the summer of 1948, the files united in the Documents Unit were transferred to Whaddon Hall near Bletchley in the southern English county of Buckinghamshire. The files of the Reich Chancellery were stored there until 1958 and were provisionally arranged, recorded and selected for filming. In addition to the tradition of the Federal Foreign Office, which is primarily relevant, they also served as the basis for the edition of files on German foreign policy, which was initially edited exclusively by Anglo-Saxon and French historians. These files finally reached the Federal Archives in two transports in December 1958 and January 1959, a remainder at the end of April 1959. Here they form the listed holdings R 43 I, II. Archivische Bearbeitung During the provisional arrangement and indexing of the files of the Reich Chancellery from the years 1919 - 1945 in Whaddon Hall, the editors proceeded from two partial holdings. One of them essentially covered the tradition of the Weimar period, the other mainly the files from the period after 30 January 1933; they were briefly referred to as the "Old" and "New" Reich Chancelleries. As mentioned above, this division had already taken place in January/February 1933 in the Reich Chancellery and had been maintained during the relocation of the files during the war and after their confiscation. In the course of the processing, it was refrained from restoring the consistent arrangement of the file groups in both partial holdings, e.g. according to the alphabet of the group titles as they had existed in the registry of the Reich Chancellery. Only the registry connections within the groups that were presumably largely lost due to frequent relocations of the holdings were taken into account, whereby errors and mistakes were often made due to a lack of familiarity with the registry relationships and the file management of the Reich Chancellery. Nevertheless, it was possible to restore the mass of files to their original order with the help of the old signatures and tape numbers. Less satisfactorily, the classification of the not insignificant remnant of the tradition was resolved, which consisted of files of the minister's office, hand files of officials, secret file fragments, volumes with collections of circulars, circulars and press cuttings, registration aids, etc. Materials of this kind came to various places, especially at the end of both parts of the stock. In each part of the collection, the volumes were numbered consecutively. The distortion was also differentiated between the two partial stocks. The sequential number, the old signature and the runtime were included as formal specifications. In order to identify the contents of the file, the serial title was taken from the inscription of the file as the subject of the thread-stitched volumes, i.e. above all the files of the older part. In the case of standing folders, on the other hand, the titles of the individual transactions were entered in the list, as far as Rotuli was available with the corresponding information, and the subject series title was usually dispensed with. As a result, two very different lists were drawn up in terms of their degree of resolution. In the Federal Archives, these directories served for a long time as exclusive finding aids. This meant that the division into two parts, R 43 I (Old Reich Chancellery) and R 43 II (New Reich Chancellery), was retained. The consecutive numbering carried out in Waddon Hall also remained unchanged, since the files had already frequently been quoted in scientific publications afterwards. For conservation reasons, however, the documents stored in standing files and folders had to be transferred to archive folders; as a rule, two or three or sometimes more volumes were formed from the contents of one folder. This was necessary in order to separate files from various subject series that had been united in the Reich Chancellery and to form handy, not too extensive volumes. The volumes formed from the documents of a standing file, however, retained its serial number and were distinguished by the addition of letters (a, b, c, etc.). Within the volumes, the delimitation of the processes from each other, which had previously been recognizable by filing them in hanging binders, was marked by the insertion of separator sheets. On the other hand it turned out that 84 volumes from R 43 I and 205 volumes from R 43 II could not be separated and destroyed. The largest part (125 volumes) concerned the administration of the Aid Fund and the Disposition Fund of the Reich Chancellor; it consisted of individual files on the acceptance and use of donations from private sources, on the granting or refusal of support, other donations or gifts of honour to private individuals, associations and federations in emergencies, birthdays, anniversaries, events and on the occasion of the assumption of honorary sponsorships by the Reich Chancellor. The corresponding activity of the Reich Chancellery is already documented by several series in the groups "Reich Chancellor" and "Welfare" as well as by a number of files of the minister's office. The second largest group of documents collected (about 120 volumes) were files of the service administration. They mainly contained cash documents, invoices and receipts, company offers, correspondence with individual companies about deliveries and services for the Reich Chancellery as well as irrelevant documents about various house matters. The rest of the non-archival material consisted of volumes with multiple traditions and collections of official printed matter, in a few cases volumes containing only individual transmission letters. Finally, 44 volumes with documents of foreign provenances were removed from the holdings and assigned to other holdings, in some cases also to places outside the house. The majority of the documents are from the Community of Student Associations, which Reichsminister Dr. Lammers managed and whose business he had led through his office. Details are given in the Annex. The maps and plans, which were taken from the files for conservation reasons, were combined in the map archive to an independent group "Plan R 43 II". These are in particular planning breaks for the new building from the years 1943 ff. They are indexed by a separate index. The holdings of the Central State Archives (07.01) and the Federal Archives (R 43) were merged into holdings R 43 following the merger of the two archives in 1990. For the files of the Reich Chancellery from the years 1919 to 1945, a publication index was available since 1984, which also takes into account the files of this epoch kept in the Central State Archives until 1990. For the files of the "Old Reich Chancellery" (1878-1919), the Central State Archives had a finding aid book that had already been compiled in the Reich Archives. In addition to the files of the "old" Reich Chancellery from the years 1878 - 1918 described since January 2005 with an online find book (editor: Mr. Hollmann), those of the so-called "new" Reich Chancellery for the years 1919 - 1945 were also added in September 2006 (editor: Simone Walther). Because of the recording of the approx. 10,000 archive units in three different signature systems or partial inventories at that time, there were some database-technical peculiarities to consider. A re-signing of the microfilmed files for easier integration as closed holdings in the database of the Federal Archives was out of the question for various archival reasons. The units of description (files) identified with various text programs in the 1984 Publication Findbuch were imported into the database using a retroco-version procedure. Three so-called partial or secondary stocks were created, which differ from each other by their signature system. In the earlier distortion, the editors formed tape series or series that very often consisted of two or three of the "partial stocks". In the database, however, it is technically not possible to create such a tape or series across all stocks. The presentation of the series and volume series in the now available online finding aid required the relatively time-consuming "manual" merging of the various parts of a volume sequence in the cross-folder classification scheme (classification). In such a volume series, the volume sequence title appears repeatedly within the volume sequence before the volume or the volumes from another "partial stock". Since the creation of series, partly with additional subordinate volume sequences from different partial stocks, was just as impossible to implement, the corresponding information was partly recorded in supplementary classification points. As a rule, however, the structure handed down in the Publication Findbuch has been retained and the units of description have been classified according to their order. In the course of the processing, the signatures displayed incorrectly or incompletely in the printed finding aids could be corrected. A revision of the directory data according to the now valid archive rules did not seem to be necessary due to the very high effort involved. Minor corrections were made to the titles. Dates in titles that did not belong directly to the title were moved from there to the differentiated runtime field. Citation style: BArch, R 43/...

BArch, R 12-I · Fonds · 1930-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: The "Gesetz zur Vorbereitung des organischen Aufbaus der deutschen Wirtschaft" of 27 Feb. 1934 "Wiederaufbaugesetz" (RGBl I 1934 p. 185f) created the legal basis for the reorganisation of the previous free association system. § 1 of the law authorized the Reich Minister of Economics: 1. to recognize trade associations as sole representatives of their branch of industry 2. to establish, dissolve or unite trade associations 3. to amend and supplement statutes and articles of association of trade associations, in particular to introduce the Führergrundsatz 4. to appoint and dismiss the leaders of trade associations and 5. to connect entrepreneurs and enterprises to trade associations. The organisational structure of the Organisation of Trade and Commerce (OGW), announced by Reich Economics Minister Schmitt on 13 March 1934, provided for a division of the economy into twelve main groups, seven of which were for the various branches of industry: I Mining, iron and metal extraction II Mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, optics, precision engineering III Iron, sheet metal and metal goods industry IV Stones and earths, wood, construction, glass and ceramics industry V Chemical, paper and paper processing industry VI Leather, textile and clothing industry VII Food industry. The First Regulation for the Implementation of the Law of Feb. 1934 (RGBl I 1934 p. 1194) issued by the Reich Minister of Economics on 27 Nov. 1934 eliminated this fragmentation of industry by combining the seven groups in the Reich Group Industry, into which the Reichsstand/Reichsverband der Deutschen Industrie was transferred by order of the Reich Minister of Economics on 12 Jan. 1935. The other main groups VIII Handwerk, IX Handel, X Banken and XI Versicherungen also became empire groups. The Reich Group Industry was at the same time part of the organization of the commercial economy, which was subordinate to the Reich Ministry of Economics. Together with the other groups of the Empire - crafts, commerce, banks, insurance companies, the energy industry, tourism (technical) and the chambers of commerce (regional) - it formed the subdivision of the Reich Economic Chamber. It was subdivided according to districts into 26 industrial departments, which established the link between the Reich Group Industry and the industrial enterprises. The individual specialist substructure of the Reich's industrial group was formed by the economic groups, which were recognised by an order of the Reich Minister of Economics as the sole representatives of their branch of industry. The companies operating in their respective fields were members of these groups, and the Reichsgruppe Industrie itself had no individual members. In 1941 the management of the Reich Group consisted of the following 13 departments under the direction of the Chief Executive Officer Dr. Karl Guth Abt. I Organisation and Law Abt. II Internal Administration, Transportation, Trade, Water and Administrative Law, Jewish Legislation Abt. III Taxes Abt. IV Foreign Trade Abt. V Sales Promotion, Patents, Samples and Symbols Abt. VI Defense Economics, Raw Materials Management, Industrial Development Division VII Air Security, Industrial Security and Industrial Protection, Colonial Affairs Division VIII Market Organisation and Business Administration Division IX Anti-Trust Supervision Division X Social Economy Division XI Industrial Quality Work Division XII Banking, Credit and Financial Affairs, Community Aid, Private Insurance Division XIII Statistics and Economic Observation Affiliated Services: Export Community for War Equipment (AGK) From January 6, 1944, the following new structure applied: General Department for Industrial Departments Department Z Internal Administration, Budget, Community Aid, Insurance Issues Department I Organization and Law Department II Internal Economy (Raw Materials Management, General Production, Defense Economics, Water and Energy, Transport, Eastern European Economy, Technical Department Department Department Department). III Market Organization and Business Administration Abt. IV Taxes and Financial Matters Abt. V Social Economy, War Damage Abt. VI Foreign Trade Abt. VI Industrial Carriages, Trade Fairs and Exhibitions, Advertising Abt. VII Aircraft Safety Abt. VIII Statistics and Economic Observation Affiliated: Until Dec. 1934: Gustav Krupp von Bohlen-Halbach from Dec. 1934: Ewald Hecker, Head of the Reich Economic Chamber 1935: Ernst Trendelenburg, Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of Vereinigte Industrie-Unternehmnungen AG and Reichskreditgesellschaft AG from Dec. 1934: Ewald Hecker, Head of the Reich Economic Chamber 1935: Ernst Trendelenburg, Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of Vereinigte Industrie-Unternehmnungen AG and Reichskreditgesellschaft AG from Dec. 1934: Gustav Krupp von Bohlen-Halbach from Dec. 1934: Ewald Hecker, Head of the Reich Economic Chamber 1935: Ernst Trendelenburg, Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of Vereinigte Industrie-Unternehmnungen AG and Reichskreditgesellschaft AG from Dec. 1934: Ernst Trendelenburg, Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of Vereinigte Industrie-Unternehmnungen AG and Reichskreditgesellschaft AG. 1936: Gottfried Dierig, Christian Dierig AG and Head of the Industry Economic Group from Nov. 1938: Wilhem Zangen, General Director of Mannesmann-Röhrenwerke In addition to the advisory board provided for by law, the so-called Great Advisory Board and numerous committees acted as advisory bodies for the Reich Group. In addition to the members of the advisory council, the heads of the economic groups and industrial departments as well as the chairmen of the 24 (1941) committees belonged to the Grand Advisory Board. The management of the committees was the responsibility of the relevant departments. Inventory description: Inventory history The largest part of the files of the inventory R 12 I Reichsgruppe Industrie originates from a complex of documents which was created after 1945 by the American occupation authorities in the Ministerial Collecting Center (MCC) in Hessisch-Lichtenau and Fürstenhagen. On behalf of the Americans, the files collected there were opened up and processed by German officials and employees in so-called working groups or sections. In this way, the working group XIX Economic Organization (Section Economics Organization) dealt with files of the Reich Economic Chamber and the Reich Industry Group. Via the Administrative Office for Economics in Minden and later the Administrative Office for Economics in Frankfurt/M., the documents finally came into the jurisdiction of the Federal Ministry of Economics in Duisdorf in 1951 in a strongly decimated form, and were then handed over to the Federal Archives in June 1952 after an initial inspection, pre-arrangement and separation of non-archival documents. In 1962 a further 128 volumes were taken over from the Berlin Document Center. Archival evaluation and processing The documents taken over from the Federal Ministry of Economics in 1952 were examined in 1966 and 1968 respectively by Archive Inspector A. Wagener (part 1) and Archivinspektor A. Loos (part 2), and provisional archive directories have been drawn up. Part 1 mainly contained documents from Divisions V Social Economy, VIII Statistics and Economic Observation and Z Community Aid to Enterprises. Part 2 was a collection of reference files of the deputy head of department of Abt. V Sozialwirtschaft and head of the war damages department Dr. Wilhelm Reuss. The files taken over from the Berlin Document Center in 1962 were processed in 1977 and listed as Part 3. Since the files were largely disorganized and often several subjects were in one volume without any factual connection, a complete reorganization and reshaping of volumes/volume sequences was necessary. In terms of content, these files also mainly concerned the Dept. V Social Economy. The revision of the holdings in 2009 using the Bundesarchiv's Basys-S directory database primarily involved the dissolution of the three existing partial holdings and the classification of the holdings as a whole. The hand files of Dr. Reuss, previously summarized as Part 2, now form, with a few exceptions, the War Material Damage Settlement Classification Group. The listing information from the previous provisional lists was largely taken over without further examination of individual files. In individual cases, however, adjustments had to be made to excessively long file titles and confusing content notes. Content characterisation: Mainly documents of the departments V Social Economy, VIII Statistics and Economic Observation, Z Community Assistance to the Economy and a collection of reference files of the deputy head of the department V Social Economy and head of the war damage department Dr. Wilhelm Reuss are available. State of development: Online-Findbuch (2009) Citation method: BArch, R 12-I/...

BArch, R 55 · Fonds · 1920-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the inventor: Joseph Goebbels, who had already been head of the NSDAP's Reich Propaganda Department since 1929, had certainly developed plans for a Ministry of Propaganda even before the seizure of power.(1) The Reichskabinett (Reich Cabinet) dealt with the issue of the Propaganda Department on 11 September. The arguments for the foundation, which the Reich Chancellor (Hitler) himself presented, sounded extremely harmless ex post and far from future realities: "One of the predominant tasks of this ministry would be the preparation of important acts of government. On the oil and fat issue, for example, which now occupies the cabinet, the people should be enlightened in the direction that the farmer would perish if something were not done to improve the sale of his products. The importance of this matter also for the war measures would have to be pointed out ..." Government action would only begin if the awareness-raising work had taken place and worked for some time. ..."(2) On 16 March 1933, however, Goebbels described the future tasks of his ministry programmatically three days after his appointment in a remarkably open manner in front of press representatives: "If this government is now determined never to give way again, never and under no circumstances, then it need not make use of the dead power of the bayonet, then in the long run it will not be able to be satisfied with knowing 52 percent behind it ..., but it will have to see its next task in winning the remaining 48 percent for itself. This is not only possible through objective work". And about the nature of his propaganda he proclaimed: "Not any aesthete can judge the methods of propaganda. A binding judgment can only be given on the basis of success. For propaganda is not an end in itself, but a means to an end.(3) A timid attempt by Hugenberg to at least delay the decision to establish the Ministry of Propaganda in the cabinet meeting of March 11, 1933 failed miserably. Already on 13 March 1933 the law on the establishment of the RMVP was signed by the Reich President and the "writer" Dr. Goebbels was appointed minister.(4) Almost three weeks later, on 5 April 1933, Goebbels noted in his diary: "The organisation of the ministry is finished".(5) In difficult negotiations(6) with the ministries, which had to cede parts of their competences to the new ministry, the responsibilities were determined in detail. The RMVP was responsible for all tasks relating to intellectual influence on the nation, advertising for the state, culture and economy, informing the domestic and foreign public about them, and the administration of all institutions serving these purposes. As a result, the business area of the RMVP will be: 1. from the business area of the Federal Foreign Office: News and education abroad, art, art exhibitions, film and sports abroad. 2. From the RMI division: General Domestic Enlightenment, Hochschule für Politik, introduction and celebration of national holidays and celebration of national holidays with the participation of the RMI, press (with Institute for Newspaper Science), radio, national anthem, German Library in Leipzig, art (but without art-historical institute in Florence, copyright protection for works of literature and art, directory of nationally valuable works of art, German-Austrian Convention on the Export of Art, Protection of Works of Art and Monuments, Protection and Maintenance of Landscape and Natural Monuments, Nature Parks, Preservation of Buildings of Special Historical Importance, Preservation of National Monuments, Verband Deutscher Vereine für Volkskunde, Reich Memorial), Music Conservation, including the Philharmonic Orchestra, Theatre Matters, Cinema, Combating Trash and Dirt 3. From the business areas of the Reich Ministry of Economics and the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture: Economic Advertising, Exhibitions, Trade Fairs and Advertising 4. From the business areas of the Reich Ministry of Posts and the Reich Ministry of Transportation: Traffic Advertising Furthermore, all radio matters dealt with by the Reich Ministry of Posts and the Reich Ministry of Transportation are transferred from the business area of the Reich Ministry of Posts, unless they concern the technical administration outside the premises of the Reich Broadcasting Company and the radio companies. In matters of technical administration, the RMVP shall be involved to the extent necessary to carry out its own tasks, in particular in determining the conditions for the awarding of broadcasting rights and the regulation of fees. In particular, the representation of the Reich in the Reichsrundfunkgesellschaft and the broadcasting companies is fully transferred to the RMVP. The RMVP is in charge of all tasks, including legislation, in the designated areas. The general principles shall apply to the participation of the other Reich Ministers." (RGBl. 1933 I, p. 449) These competences were exercised by seven departments, so that the business distribution plan of 1 Oct. 1933 (7) shows the following picture: Ministerial office (with five employees), directly subordinated to the Minister. State Secretary, at the same time Head of Press of the Reich Government I. Administration and Law with one main office Administration, three departments as well as the registry II. Propaganda with 10 departments 1. Positive world view propaganda, shaping in state life, press photography 2. Jewish question, foundation for victims of work, Versailles treaty, national literature, publishing etc. 3. Demonstrations and regional organisation 4. Opposing world views 5. German University of Politics 6. Youth and sports issues 7. Economic and social policy 8. Agricultural and eastern issues 9. Transport 10. Public health III. Broadcasting with three sections 1. Broadcasting 2. Political and cultural affairs of broadcasting 3. Organisation and administrative issues of German broadcasting IV. Press, simultaneously press department of the Reich government with eleven papers V. Film with three papers VI. Theatre, music and art with three papers VII. Defence (defence against lies at home and abroad) with eight papers Goebbels was obviously not satisfied with the official title of his ministry. The extensive tasks in the fields of culture and the arts did not come into their own and the word propaganda, of which he was aware, had a "bitter aftertaste" (8). His proposal to rename his department "Reichsministerium für Kultur und Volksaufklärung", however, met with Hitler's rejection. (9) In July 1933, a circular issued by the Reich Chancellor drew the attention of the Reich governors to the exclusive competence of the Reich or of the new Ministry for the above-mentioned competences and called on them to cede to the RMVP any existing budget funds and offices of the Länder. (10) At the same time, 13 regional offices were established as the substructure of the Ministry, the sprinkles of which corresponded approximately to those of the regional employment offices, and 18 imperial propaganda offices, which subdivided the territory of the regional offices once again. After the Reichspropagandastellen were already converted after short time (approx. 1934) to Landesstellen, in each Gau of the NSDAP a Landesstelle of the RMVP was located. Their leaders were in personal union at the same time leaders of the Gaupropagandaleitungen of the NSDAP, which in its leadership, the Reichspropagandalleitung, was also perceived by Goebbels in personal union. (11) As a result, conflicts of loyalty between the Gaupropaganda leaders/leaders of the RMVP regional offices were unavoidable in disputes between Goebbels and individual Gauleiters. According to theory, the regional offices were supposed to monitor and implement the political decisions made in the ministry in the individual districts, but in practice their heads were often more dependent on their respective Gauleiter than on the ministry due to the above-mentioned personal union. By the Führer decree of 9 September 1937 (RGBl. 1937 I, p. 1009), the Landesstellen were renamed Reichspropagandaämter and elevated to Reich authorities. After the integration of Austria there were no less than 42 Reichspropagandaämter with 1400 full-time employees. (12) In addition to the state offices and Reich Propaganda Offices, a whole range of offices, organizations, associations, societies and societies soon developed, which are to be counted to the subordinate area of the Ministry. (13) Despite the apparently clear regulation on the responsibilities of the RMVP, the 13 years of its existence were marked by disputes over responsibilities with other ministries, in particular with the ministers Rust, Rosenberg and Ribbentrop, of whom Goebbels, as is known, held very little personally. Successes and failures in the competence disputes cannot be followed in detail here; they depended to a large extent on Hitler's relationship with Goebbels. For example, Goebbels did not succeed in extending his competence in theatre to the Prussian State Theatres in Berlin. By contrast, in 1943 the RMVP assumed responsibility for carrying out the Eastern propaganda, while Rosenberg, as Reich Minister for the occupied Eastern territories, was left with only the authority to issue guidelines. (14) In the conflict with the Federal Foreign Office over the delimitation of responsibilities for foreign propaganda, an arrangement was reached in a working agreement in October 1941. (15) Wehrmacht propaganda also remained long and controversial. Despite many efforts (16), Goebbels did not succeed in making a decisive break in the competencies of the OKW/Wpr department until the end of the war in March 1945. Propaganda into the Wehrmacht and about the Wehrmacht at home and abroad was then to be taken in charge by the RMVP. It is not possible to determine whether the planned organizational consequences have yet been implemented. (17) Another major success for Goebbels was the establishment of the Reichsinspektion für zivile Luftschutzmaßnahmen (Reich Inspection for Civilian Air Defence Measures), which was headed by the RMVP (18), and his appointment as Reich Plenipotentiary for Total War Operations by Führer Decree of 25 July 1944 (19). For the last months of the Third Reich, Goebbels had reached the zenith of power with this function, apart from his appointment as Reich Chancellor in Hitler's last will and testament of April 29, 1945, which had become effective only theoretically. As Reich Plenipotentiary for the total deployment in war, he had extremely far-reaching powers over the entire state apparatus with the exception of the Wehrmacht. (20) Until that date, the competences of the RMVP had changed only slightly in the main features of all disputes over jurisdiction. That it nevertheless grew enormously and steadily until 1943 (21) was mainly due to diversification and intensification in the performance of its tasks. After 1938, the expansive foreign policy of the Third Reich necessitated further propaganda agencies to direct and influence public opinion in the incorporated and occupied territories. In the occupied territories with civil administrations, "departments" (main departments) for "popular enlightenment and propaganda" were usually set up in the territories with military administration, "propaganda departments", which exercised roughly the functions of the Reich Propaganda Offices. Their position between their superior military services and the RMVP, which sought to influence the content of the propaganda and from where part of the personnel came, was a constant source of conflict. As an indication for the weighting of the individual areas of responsibility of the Ministry in relation to each other, the expenditures for the individual areas in the 10 years from March 1933 to March 1943 are mentioned. With a total volume of 881,541,376.78 RM (22), the expenses for the Active propaganda: 21.8 Communications: 17.8 Music, visual arts, literature: 6.2 Film: 11.5 Theatres: 26.4 Civil servants and equipment: 4.3 Salaries, business needs, including film testing agencies and RPÄ: 12.0 By 1942, the RMVP and its division had been continuously expanded, before facilities in the subordinate area were shut down and departments in the ministry were merged as part of the total war from 1943 onwards. The business distribution plan of Nov. 1942 was as follows: (23) Ministerial Office, reporting directly to the Minister with adjutants, personal advisers and press officers of the Minister, a total of 10 employees State Secretaries Leopold Gutterer, Reich Press Head Dr. Otto Dietrich, Hermann Esser Budget Department (H) with 11 departments; reporting to the Head of the Department, the Main Office and the House Administration Personnel Department (Pers) with seven departments Legal and Organisation Department (R) with three departments Propaganda Department (Pro) with the following ten departments: 1. Political Propaganda 2. Cultural Propaganda 3. Propaganda Exploration 4. Public Health, Social Policy 5. Economy 6. Imperial Propaganda Offices 7. Major Events 8. Youth and Sports 9. Representation 10. Budget of the Department, Preparation of the Peace Treaties, Stagma and other Press Department of the Imperial Government I. Department German Press (DP) with 13 Speeches II. Foreign Press Department (AP) with 19 papers III. Journal Press Department /ZP) with five papers Foreign Press Department (A) with the following five groups: 1. Organization 2. Europe and Middle East 3. Non-European 4. Propaganda Media 5. Deployment abroad and in the Reich Tourism Department (FV) with four units Broadcasting Department (Rfk) with the following eight units 1. Coordination, Interradio and others 2. Broadcasting Command Office 3. Mob Department 4. Broadcasting Programme Support 5. Foreign Broadcasting 6. Broadcasting Industry 7. Broadcasting Organisation 8. Rundfunk-Erkundungsdienst Filmabteilung (F) with five departments Schrifttumsabteilung (S ) with eight departments Theaterabteilung (T) with seven departments Bildende Kunst (BK) with four departments Musik-Abteilung (M) with ten departments Reichsverteidigung (RV) with six departments Abteilung für die besetztischen Ostgebiete (Ost) with twelve departments Generalreferate with State Secretary Gutterer directly subordinated: 1. Exhibitions and Fairs 2nd General Cultural Department (General Cultural Department for the Reich Capital) 3rd General Department for Reich Chamber of Culture Matters 4th Technology (propaganda, radio, film, sound, stage, press, service installations of the RMVP) Press Recording Office for the PK reports of the Press Department of the Reich Government (directly subordinated to the Reich Press Head) A major change in this distribution of responsibilities took place in September 1944 (24). The art departments of theatre, music and visual arts were dissolved and merged into a single department of culture (cult). The East Department was integrated into the Propaganda Department as a main department, the Tourism Department was shut down and the General Departments of the Reich Cultural Chamber, Armaments and Construction and Propaganda Troops were dissolved. Notes (1) J. Goebbels: Vom Kaiserhof zur Reichskanzlei, p. 28. (2) R 43 II/1149, p. 5, excerpt from the minutes of the ministerial meeting of 11 March 1933. (3) R 43 II/1149, pp. 25 - 29, wording of Goebbels' speech of 16 March 1933 according to W. T. B. (4) R 43 II/1149, RGBl. 1933 I, p. 104 (5) J. Goebbels: Vom Kaiserhof zur Reichskanzlei, p. 293 (6) In an elaboration presumably by Goebbels on a "Reichskommissariat für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda" to be created (R 43 II/1149, pp. 49 - 53) further competences had been demanded. In particular, additional responsibilities were demanded of the German section of the RMI and section VI of the AA, as well as in foreign propaganda. (7) R 43 II/1449, pp. 126 - 133. Heiber gives a diagram of the organisational development of the RMVP at department level with the names of the department heads on the inside of the cover of his Goebbels biography. (8) See speech to representatives of the press on the tasks of the RMVP of 16 March 1933 in R 43 II/1149. It was not without reason that there was a language regulation for the press according to which the term propaganda was to be used only in a positive sense (R 55/1410, Decree of the RMVP to the RPA Nuremberg, 8 Nov. 1940). (9) R 43 II/1149, p. 169, Note by Lammers of 9 May 1934 on a lecture to the Reich Chancellor. (10) R 43 II/1149. (11) After the establishment of the Reichskulturkammer organization, they were also state cultural administrators in the substructure of the RKK. (12) Boelcke, Kriegspropaganda, p. 185. (13) Ebendort, p. 136 ff. there are hints for some institutions. (14) The Führer's order concerning the delimitation of responsibilities dated 15 Aug. 1943, cf. R 55/1435, 1390. (15) Boelcke, Kriegspropaganda, p. 126/127. (16) Lochner, Joseph Goebbels, p. 334, p. 442. (17) R 55/618, p. 123; cf. also the depiction of Hasso v. Wedel, the propaganda troops of the German Wehrmacht. Neckargemünd 1962, Die Wehrmacht im Kampf, vol. 34 (18) Führer decree of Dec. 21, 1943, R 55/441 (19) RGBl. 1944, p. 161, R 43 II/664 a. (20) This competence is virtually not reflected in the RMVP files available in the BA. However, it is well documented in R 43 II. See R 43 II/664 a. (21) See the annual budget negotiations on increasing the number of posts in R 2/4752 - 4762. (22) R 55/862, Statistical overview of monetary transactions. Accordingly, 88,5 % of the expenditure was covered by the licence fee. It remains unclear whether the old budgetary expenditure has been taken into account. (23) R 55/1314 According to this schedule of responsibilities, the files held in the Federal Archives were essentially classified. (24) Newsletter of 13 Sept. 1944 in R 55/441. Inventory description: Inventory history The RMVP records have suffered substantial losses, although the main building of the Ministry, the Ordenspalais am Wilhelmplatz, was destroyed relatively late and almost accidentally in March 1945. Large parts of the old registries, including the previous files from the Federal Foreign Office and the Reich Ministry of the Interior (1), had already been destroyed by air raids in 1944. Moreover, in the last days of the war before and during the conquest of Berlin by the Soviet Russian army, files were also systematically destroyed. (2) In view of the total collapse and devastation of Berlin by the air war, it is not surprising that hardly any manual or private files of RMVP employees have been handed down. Notable exceptions are, in particular, documents from Ministerialrat Bade (press department) (3) and hand files of the head of the broadcasting department, Ministerialdirigent Fritzsche. In this context, the diaries of Goebbels should also be mentioned, which, with the exception of those edited by Lochner in 1948, had been lost for almost 30 years. (4) The bulk of the volumes available in the Bundesarchiv Koblenz until 1996 was transferred from Alexandria (cf. Guide No. 22) and from the Berlin Document Center to the Bundesarchiv in the years 1959 - 1963. The personnel files still held back were added to the portfolio in 2007. The RMVP files kept by the Ministry of State Security of the GDR (mainly personnel files, personnel processes of the theatre, music and defence departments), which were stored in the so-called NS archive until 2006, are also assigned to the holdings. Not in Allied hands was only a small collection from the Music Department and some documents from the German Press Department, which were transferred to the Federal Archives in 1969 as part of the land consolidation with the Secret State Archives of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. Some original RMVP files can still be found at the Hoover Institution Standford, the Yivo Institute New York and the Wiener Library London. Fortunately, all three institutions were willing to produce microfilms for the Federal Archives (5). In 1974, the Rijksinstitut voor Oologsdocumentatie Amsterdam (Rijksinstitut for Oologsdocumentatie Amsterdam) kindly handed over some original fragments of files to the Federal Archives. In 1946, officers of the French and Soviet secret services found films of about 35,000 documents that had been filmed in the RMVP and buried near Potsdam at the end of the war with the help of an American mine detector (6). The films were taken to Paris to make re-enlargements of them, and it is possible that they will still be kept in the French secret service. The Americans apparently did not receive copies because they had withheld from the French documents of other provenance found in the CSSR. Only incomplete information is available about the content of the films; it can be assumed, however, that not exactly unimportant files have been filmed. Notes (1) Only a few handfiles and a few volumes on the promotion of music have survived. (2) Files of the Reichsfilmarchiv that had been moved to Grasleben/Helmstedt were even to be destroyed by agents of the RSHA when they threatened to fall into the hands of the English (cf. R 55/618). (3) Cf. Kl. Erw. 615, which is a selection of the bath papers from the time around 1933 in the Hoover library. (4) Frankfurter Allgemeine, 21 Nov. 1974, reader's letter. Insignificant fragments from Goebbels' estate from his student days can be found in the Federal Archives under the signature Kl. Erw. 254. (5) A collection of newspaper clippings concerning Goebbels in the amount of 82 Bde for the years 1931 - 1943 was not filmed at the Yivo-Institut. (6) See the documents in: National Archives Washington, RG 260 OMGUS 35/35 folder 19. Archival processing The order and indexing work on the holdings was relatively time-consuming and difficult, as the order of the files was extremely poor. On the one hand there were no detailed file plans or other registry aids for the mass of files from the budget and personnel departments, on the other hand the file management in the ministry, which at least in its development phase was always deliberately unbureaucratic, left a lot to be desired. Especially during the war, when inexperienced auxiliaries had to be used more and more during the war, the Ministry's staff often complained about the inadequacy of the registries. The organisation of the RMVP's records management showed typical features of office reform (1): Registries were kept on a departmental basis, with each registry having a "self-contained partial list of files". The documents were stored in standing folders (System Herdegen). Instead of a diary, an alphabetical mailing card was kept, separated according to authorities and private persons. The reference numbers consisted of the department letter, file number, date as well as an indication, on which card of an order file the procedure was seized. All in all, the files of the Budget and Human Resources Department were in a certain, albeit unsatisfactory, state of order when they entered the Federal Archives. Numerous volumes from the other departments, on the other hand, were formed in a chaotic manner, possibly as a result of a provisional recording of loose written material when it was confiscated. These were often amorphous and fragmentary materials that lacked the characteristics of organically grown writing. So it was practically impossible to form meaningful band units in all subjects. In the case of some "mixed volumes" with written material on numerous file numbers, only the most frequent ones were noted in the finding aid book. Due to the high loss of files, no strict evaluation standard was applied to the files. The main items collected were volumes from the budget department on preliminary checks in the subordinate area and individual procedures for the procurement and management of managed goods for the purposes of the Ministry. Formal records of non-compliant positions in the business division and a number of unarchivalable documents from the Human Resources Department will still be kept for the foreseeable future for the purpose of issuing service time statements. It is not listed in this guide. Preparatory work for the indexing of the Koblenz part of the stock was carried out by Mr. Oberarchivrat Regel (1967) with regard to the files of the budget department on the Reich's own film assets, Mr. Ltd. Archivdirektor Dr. Boberach (1966) with regard to correspondence and the reference files of the head of the broadcasting department, Hans Fritzsche and Ms. Archivoberinspektorin Schneider, née Fisch (1966) for files of the propaganda department. In 2005, the inventories of the finding aids of both sections of the Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda were imported into the database of the Federal Archives via a retroconversion procedure. The data records were then combined in a classification. Despite the inhomogeneity of the traditions of most specialist departments, it was advisable to maintain the division by departments. (2) Within the departments, the structure was essentially based on file numbers and factual contexts. The file numbers used in the RMVP were - as far as possible - used as aids for further subdivision. The final step was the integration of the personnel files and personal documents from the NS archive (approx. 5000 individual transactions) and the former Berlin Document Center (approx. 700 transactions). The documents taken over are mainly documents from the personnel department (in addition to personnel files also questionnaires and index cards), theatre (applications, appointments, confirmation procedures) and imperial defence (applications in propaganda companies). The personal records also contain isolated documents on denazification from the period 1946-1950. Since a relatively large number of individual transactions from the NS archives were often only a few sheets, transactions that objectively related to one transaction (e.g. applications for interpreting) were merged into one file. The names of the individual persons as well as the old signatures from the NS archive can still be traced via the BASYS-P database. Both the files from the NS archive and those from the former BDC are not always filed according to the provenance principle. However, the files were not separated again. Most of the files taken over from the former BDC are personal files and questionnaires as well as personnel index cards of individual employees of broadcasting stations. A search is still possible via the BASYS-P database. The procedures for the donation "Artist's thanks" still present in the personal records of the former BDC concerning the Theatre Department were not adopted in this context (approx. 15,000 procedures). The names are entered in the BASYS-P database and can be searched there. Notes (1) Rules of Procedure and Registration of 8 May 1942 in R 55/ 618. (2) The structure of the business distribution plan of Nov. 1942 was used as a basis. Abbreviations AA = Federal Foreign Office Department A = Department Abroad AP = Foreign Press BDC = Berlin Document Center BdS = Commander of the Security Police ChdZ = Chief of the Civil Administration DAF = German Labour Front DASD = German Amateur Broadcasting Service e.V. DNB = Deutsches Nachrichtenbüro DRK = Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Dt. = Deutsch DVO = Durchführungsverordnung french = French Gestapo = Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt KdF = Kraft durch Freude KdG = Kommandeur der Gendarmerie KdS = Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei Kl. Erw. Small acquisition KLV = Kinderlandverschickung LG = District Court MA = Military Archives, Department of the Federal Archives MdR = Member of the Reichstag MinRat = Ministerialrat MdL = Member of the Landtag NDR = Norddeutscher Rundfunk NSV = National Socialist Volkswohlfahrt o. Az. = without file number or date = without date OKW = Oberkommando der Wehrmacht OLG = Oberstes Landesgericht OLT = Oberleutnant ORR = Oberregierungsrat OT = Organisation Todt PG = Parteigenosse PK = Propagandakompanie RAVAG = Österreichische Radio-Verkehrs-AG Reg. Pres. RMI = Reich Ministry of the Interior RMJ = Reich Ministry of the Interior RMK = Reich Ministry of Justice RMK = Reich Chamber of Music RMVP = Reich Ministry of Education and Propaganda ROI = Reichsoberinspektor RPA = Reichspropagandaamt RPÄ = Reichspropagandaämter RPL = Reichspropagandalleitung RR = Regierungsrat RRG = Reichsrundfunkgesellschaft RS = Reichssender RSHA = Reichssicherheitshauptamt RSK = Reichsschrifttumskammer SBZ = Soviet Occupation Zone SD = Security Service SD-LA = SD-Leitabschnitt SDR = Süddeutscher Rundfunk Sipo = Security Police STS = Secretary of State and a. = among others v. a. = above all VGH = Volksgerichtshof VO = Regulation WDR = Westdeutscher Rundfunk ZSTA = Zentrales Staatsarchiv (Potsdam) citation method: BArch R 55/ 23456 Content characterization: Rounded delivery complexes are available only from the budget department and from the personnel department. From the point of view of financing and personnel management, they illuminate almost all areas of the Ministry's activities. From the specialist departments, the volumes from the Propaganda Department should be emphasized, which document above all the design of propaganda and the propagandistic support of foreign workers and resettled persons in the last years of the war. Also worth mentioning are mood and activity reports of individual RPÄ and suggestions from the population for propaganda and for leading the total war. In the Radio Department there is some material about the design of the radio program and the propaganda reconnaissance with reports about the opposing propaganda, which were compiled from the bugging reports of the special service Seehaus. A separate complex of this department are 14 volumes of pre-files from the RMI with handfiles of the Oberregierungsrat Scholz as representative of the Reich in supervisory committees of broadcasting companies in Berlin from 1926 - 1932. Of the film department there are only a few, but interesting volumes about the film production of the last war years with numerous ministerial documents. The majority of the theatre department's traditions are based on documents on professional issues and the Reich's dramaturgy. From the music department the promotion of musical organizations from the years 1933 - 1935 with pre-files from the RMI, the support and job placement of artists as well as material about the musical foreign relations is handed down. The files of the Department for the Occupied Eastern Territories offer rich sources for questions of Eastern propaganda. The losses are greatest in the departments Law and Organization, Magazine Press, Foreign Press, Foreign Countries, Tourism, Literature and Fine Arts. State of development: Publication Findbuch (1976, reprint 1996), Online Findbuch (2007). Citation style: BArch, R 55/...

BArch, R 3601 · Fonds · 1902-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Origin and Development of the Ministry, Competences: Prior to 1914, food and agriculture matters were predominantly the administrative responsibility of the States. As far as the Reich was involved, the corresponding tasks were performed by the Reich Office of the Interior. The First World War brought a decisive turning point here; the longer the war lasted, the more urgent it was to take economic measures to secure food supplies. The first step in this direction was the establishment of the War Grain Society on 25 November 1914. On 28 June 1915, this company was united with the authority of the Reich Commissioner for Bread Management, which was founded only a little later, and the Reich Distribution Office, which was responsible for supplying flour, to form the Reichsgetreidestelle. For the management and distribution of other products, a large number of other Reich offices were set up in the course of the following months, for whose joint supervision the War Food Office was established on 29 May 1916. This was the first time that a central authority had been created for the uniform regulation of the war food industry in the Reich. Since the general emergency after the end of the war made a temporary continuation of the forced economic measures in the food sector necessary, the institution was retained and renamed the Reichsernährungsamt on 19.11.1918. This is the immediate predecessor authority of the Reich Ministry of Food, which was founded by decree of 21 March 1919 on the "Establishment and Designation of the Supreme Reich Authorities". In connection with the discussion about the common economy, the Ministry of Food was temporarily united with the Ministry of Economics from 15.9.1919 to 30.3.1920. After it became independent again, it was given the name "Reichsministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft" (Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture). With the National Socialist assumption of power, the food industry was gradually subjected to state-controlled market regulation. The Reichsnährstandsverwaltung, which was created on the basis of the standardization or dissolution of the previous professional associations and self-administration bodies by the law of 13 September 1933, not only belonged to the RMEL's area of supervision, but was at the same time linked to the ministry at the head by personal union. Analogous to other supreme Reich authorities, the RMEL was merged with the Prussian Ministry of Agriculture on January 1, 1935 and until the incorporation of Austria in 1938 was called the "Reichs- und Preußisches Ministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft". A new and thus competing responsibility for the food industry arose with the promulgation of the Four-Year Plan in 1936. An organisational link with RMEL was established in that one of the two State Secretaries took over the management of the Nutrition Business Group in the Four-Year Plan. Due to a lack of personnel, the Reichsnährstandsverwaltung was integrated into RMEL during the Second World War. When RMEL was founded in 1920, its responsibilities extended to agriculture, the food industry, forestry, timber and fishing. The ministry kept these competences more or less unchanged for more than a decade. With effect from 5.7.1932, the Reich Ministry of Labour also assigned the RMEL the task of "Agricultural Settlement". On the other hand, it had to hand over to the newly established Reich Forestry Office on 12.7.1934 and 12.7.1935 the competences of forestry and hunting respectively the timber industry and the game trade. After several attempts by RMEL to take over responsibility for veterinary matters from the Reich Ministry of the Interior had failed, the Prussian Veterinary Department, which had belonged to the competence of the Prussian Ministry of Agriculture, was rather assigned to the Ministry of the Interior by decree of 11 March 1935 after its merger with RMEL. Even before the merger, the Prussian Ministry of Agriculture had transferred responsibility for the agricultural vocational and technical education system to the newly created Reich Ministry of Science, Education and People's Education by law of 29 June 1934. The competence of the water management, which RMEL had taken over when it merged with the Prussian Ministry of Agriculture, was lost to the newly appointed Inspector General for Water and Energy by decree of 29.7.1941. Inventory description: Inventory history Most of the RMEL files (approx. 2500 volumes) handed over to the Reichsarchiv until 1944 were destroyed during the bombing of Potsdam in April 1945. The same fate affected the vast majority of RMEL's files, which were located in the Berlin office buildings in Wilhelmstrasse and Behrenstrasse. The main exception to this rule were those files which had reached the area around Landsberg/Warthe in connection with the evacuation of various departments of the RMEL and the Reichsnährstandsverwaltung during the final months of the war. A further relocation to the Müncheberg/Seelow forest near Küstrin was planned, but was not possible. When it was merged with RMEL, a large stock of files from the Prussian Ministry of Agriculture had already been transferred to the then Prussian State Secret Archives. Since 1990, these files, which have meanwhile been kept by the Merseburg Department of the Central State Archives of the GDR, have again been kept in the Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage in Berlin. The remains of the RMEL files seized by the American occupying forces after the end of the war were first collected together with other holdings of the Food and Agriculture Group at the Ministerial Collecting Center (MCC) in Hessisch-Lichtenau and listed. Most of these files were brought to Berlin with the relocation of the MCC in early 1946 and taken over by the Document Center there a few years later, while a smaller part seems to have reached the Document Center in Darmstadt. With the exception of the files on the expropriation of Jewish agricultural property handed over by the Secret State Archives in Berlin, most of the volumes of the tradition of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry, formerly kept in Koblenz as holdings R 14, have been successively transferred to the Federal Archives in Koblenz since 1953. On the other hand, the later filing deliveries from America and England contained only very isolated pieces of the former RMEL. It must be noted here that unfortunately no more than half of the files recorded in Hessisch-Lichtenau finally found their way into the Federal Archives. The remaining files will have to be considered missing today. The records in the Central State Archives in Potsdam until 1990 as holdings 36.01 originate from file transfers by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the GDR, the State Archives of Potsdam and Magdeburg and from file returns from the USSR. In 1990 both overdelivery parts were combined as stock R 3601. Archival evaluation and processing The order of the holdings is largely based on the business distribution plan of summer 1942, i.e. the individual departments form the main groups of the classification. Subgroups were formed largely on the basis of the main areas of responsibility of the departments. If necessary, modifications were made. Within the individual classification groups, the order was made as far as reasonable and recognizable according to the existing file numbers. Due to the fragmentary character of the tradition, individual volumes are often missing in the series of volumes already created in the registry of the ministry. For the sake of better clarity, no corresponding references were made to the individual follow-up titles. The system only noted if tape sequences or series were created in the archive. In view of the rudimentary tradition, cassations, with the exception of duplicates, were largely avoided. Content characterization: The tradition of the stock is extremely fragmentary. According to the business distribution plan of RMEL of 1942, which forms the basis of the inventory classification, the documents of Department V Customs and Trade Policy are only minimal and those of Department IX Village Armament, Highlands, Reallocation do not exist. The activities of Dept. I General Administrative, Personnel, Budgetary and Legal Matters, Dept. II Production and Food Policy are documented in particular, especially the food security during and after the First World War. World War, as well as the Abt. III Reichsgestütverwaltung. Larger groups of files include the documents of the general administration and those of the experimental and research institutes, the war damage regulation as well as the domain administration, especially in the integrated eastern territories. Above all, however, in this context it is important to refer to the files on the expropriation of Jewish agricultural land. State of development: Online-Findbuch (2008) Citation method: BArch, R 3601/...

BArch, R 4701 · Fonds · (1811-) 1867-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: 1. On the history of the Deutsche Reichspost Prehistory up to 1867 In Germany, a uniform postal system had not been able to develop due to the territorial fragmentation of the Reich. Still in the first half of the 19th century, 17 independent state postal regions existed alongside the "Reichs-Post" of the Princes of Thurn and Taxis, which had already been commissioned by the Emperor in the 16th century to carry out the postal shelf and which had since then operated primarily in the smaller and smallest German territories. The conclusion of agreements between individual Länder of the German Confederation, including the establishment of the German-Austrian Postal Association in 1850, did indeed lead to unity in postal traffic; however, in 1866 there were still 9 postal regions in Germany. The post office in the Kingdom of Prussia had developed into the most important national post office at the national level. From the North German Confederation to the Foundation of the Reich (1867-1871) The constitution of the North German Confederation of 24 June 1867 declared the postal and telegraph system to be a federal matter. In the structure of the North German postal administration, the upper postal directorates existing in Prussia since 1849 were taken over as central authorities. The Prussian postal system was thus transferred to the Federation and the North German postal administrations were merged into it, so that the Norddeutsche Bundespost (1868-1871) under the leadership of Prussia was the first unified state postal service on German soil. The Federal Chancellery was in charge of its upper management, and the former Prussian General Post Office was integrated into it as Department I. In addition, the Directorate-General for Telegraphs was renamed Division II. The Post Office in the German Reich from 1871 to 1919 The foundation stone of the Deutsche Reichspost is the Reich Constitution of 16 April 1871. The only area of transport in which the Reich was able to directly promote its state and transport policy purposes was the postal and telegraph system. The Reichspost, which was set up as a direct Reich administration, extended its effectiveness to the entire territory of the Reich with the exception of the states of Bavaria and Württemberg, which had the so-called Postreservat granted to them for their internal postal relations. The postal service and the telegraph system, which were still independent at that time, were therefore a matter for the Reich. On 1 January 1876, both administrations merged organizationally with the creation of the "Reichspost- und Telegraphenverwaltung" (Reich Post and Telegraph Administration) as the highest authority, which consisted of the General Post Office and the General Directorate of Telegraphs. Both were subject to the postmaster general and formed first the I. and II. Department of the Reich Chancellery. The connection between post and telegraph created in this way was no longer solved afterwards. In addition, the postmaster general was removed from the Reich Chancellery and made independent. The Imperial Decree of 23 February 1880 also consolidated the General Post Office and the General Telegraph Office organisationally. The now established Reichspostamt was thus on an equal footing with the other supreme Reich authorities. He was directed by the Prussian Postmaster General Heinrich von Stephan (1831-1897), who had already become the head of the General Post Office in 1870. The new design of the imperial postal system undoubtedly meant progress for traffic development. Economic advancement, the increasing importance of German foreign trade, the acquisition of colonies and the opening up of the oceans, and thus the global political and economic importance of Germany, posed special challenges for the postal service and telegraphy. Under Heinrich von Stephan's leadership, the Universal Postal Union was created in 1874. Foreign and colonial post offices took up their work. During the 1st World War the field post, which had existed in Prussia since the 18th century during the war, was reactivated. It was subordinate to the Field Chief Postmaster in the Great Headquarters and was subdivided into Army Post Offices, Field Post Inspections, Offices and Stations. In the occupied territories, the Deutsche Reichspost eliminated the state postal administrations there and created its own postal facilities in Belgium, Poland and Romania. The German Post and Telegraph Administration operating in the Baltic States in the postal area of the Commander-in-Chief East (November 1915 to December 1918; since August 1918: Military Post Office of the Commander-in-Chief East) was a military office and attached to the Oberost staff. Weimar Republic (1919-1933) The Reich Constitution of 1919 brought significant progress by unifying the postal and telecommunications systems in the hands of the Reich. In connection with the creation of Reich Ministers with parliamentary responsibility by the Law on the Provisional Imperial Authority of 10 February 1919, the decree of the Reich President of 21 March 1919 laid down the new names of the supreme Reich authorities. The Reichspostamt was also renamed the Reichspostministerium. A further consequence of the state revolution of 1918/19 were the state treaties of 29 and 31 March 1920, which also transferred the postal administrations of Württemberg and Bavaria to the Reich. However, they still retained a certain special position. The Oberpostdirektion Stuttgart was responsible for all internal affairs of the traffic area assigned to it, the Land of Württemberg, insofar as they were not generally reserved for the Reich Ministry of Posts, and for Bavaria even a separate Department VII (since 1924 Department VI) was created with its seat in Munich, a State Secretary at the head and the same extensive competence as in the Oberpostdirektion in Stuttgart. The character of the Reichspost was decisively influenced by the Reichspostfinanzgesetz, which came into force on 1 April 1924. The most important point was the separation of the post office from the rest of the Reich's budget. This made the Deutsche Reichspost economically independent as a special fund of the Reich. The Reichspostfinanzgesetz created the administrative board of the Deutsche Reichspost under the chairmanship of the Reichspost Minister. The Board of Directors had to decide on all significant business, financial and personnel matters. The implementation of the decisions of the Board of Administration was the responsibility of the Minister or the responsible structural parts of the Reich Ministry of Posts. National Socialism (1933-1945) From the outset, the authority left no doubt as to its attitude to National Socialism: "For the Deutsche Reichspost it was a matter of course to put National Socialist ideas into practice with all its might wherever it was possible, and to serve the Führer with all its being and doing". The formal repeal of the Reichspostfinanzgesetz by the Gesetz zur Vereinfachung und Verbilligung der Verwaltung of 27 February 1934 did not change anything about the special asset status of the Deutsche Reichspost, but it brought some fundamental changes. For example, the Administrative Board was dissolved and replaced by an Advisory Board, which had no decisive powers but only an advisory function. The law eliminated both Division VI in Munich and the special position of the Oberpostdirektion Stuttgart, after Hitler had rejected as premature an attempt by the Reichspost and Reich Traffic Minister, Freiherr von Eltz-Rübenach, to repeal it, which he had already made in May 1933. From 1 April 1934, the last special agreements of the Reichspost with the states of Bavaria and Württemberg expired, so that it was only from this point on that the "complete uniformity of the postal and telecommunications system in law and administration for the entire territory of the Reich" was established. On 1 October 1934, the Oberpostdirektionen received the designation "Reichspostdirektionen". The offices and offices were subordinated to them. By "Führererlass" of 2 February 1937, the personal union between the Reich Transport Minister and the Reich Post Minister, which had existed since 1932, was abolished and Wilhelm Ohnesorge (1872 to 1962) was again appointed Reich Post Minister. The occasion was the subordination of the Reichsbahn to Reich sovereignty. The unconditional capitulation of Germany at the end of the Second World War also meant the end of the German Reichspost. His written fixation of this fact was found in Articles 5 and 9 of a declaration of the Allied Control Council of June 5, 1945, according to which "all facilities and objects of the ... intelligence ... to hold at the disposal of the Allies' representatives" and "until the establishment of supervision over all means of communication" any broadcasting operation was prohibited. The postal and telecommunications services and the operation of their facilities were finally restarted at different times and separately by the respective Commanders-in-Chief according to the four occupation zones of Germany. 2 The tasks of the Deutsche Reichspost (German Imperial Postal Service) in the fields of social and technical progress as well as the effects of important inventions inevitably necessitated both the quantitative expansion of communication relations and their continuous improvement up to the introduction and application of new services in the postal and telegraph sectors. One of the main tasks of the Deutsche Reichspost, the carriage of news items, did not initially extend to all postal items. In the beginning, only closed letters and political newspapers that did not remain in the sender's town were affected by the so-called post compulsion. All open items (especially postcards and printed matter) for a place other than the place of dispatch and letters, parcels etc. for recipients in the place of dispatch could also be collected, transported and distributed by so-called private transport companies. Such "private posts" settled above all in large cities and increasingly opposed the German Reichspost as fierce competitors, for example through lower fee rates. The Reichspost had to get rid of this competition, especially since it was obliged to maintain expensive and sometimes even unprofitable delivery facilities even in the remotest areas of the Reich. The Postal Act Amendment of 20 Dec. 1899 therefore prohibited all commercially operated private post offices in the German Reich from 1 April 1900 and extended the postal obligation to sealed letters within the place of dispatch. The carriage of passengers From time immemorial, Swiss Post also dealt with the carriage of passengers. Before the advent of the railways, passenger transport by stagecoach was the most important means of public transport and, as such, was also part of the postal monopoly in many countries. The expansion of the railway network initially limited this traffic activity of the post office, but after the invention and further perfection of the automobile it gained importance again. Thus, since 1906/07, bus routes have been established ("Postkraftwagen-Überlandverkehr", often also called "Kraftposten" for short). They were expanded mainly in the years 1924 to 1929, so that on 1 April 1929 the Deutsche Reichspost operated almost 2000 Kraftpost lines with an operating length of more than 37,000 km and by that time had already carried 68 million passengers. The enormous economic and technical upswing in Germany after the foundation of the German Empire also meant that the Imperial Post and Telegraph Administration had to make use of its cash register facilities for the ever more flowing payment transactions. In addition to the banks, Swiss Post took over the regulation of cashless payment transactions: on 1 January 1909, the postal transfer and postal cheque service was opened in Germany (13 Postscheckkämter). Both the number of accounts and the amount of assets increased steadily in the following decades, with the exception of the two world wars. The banking activities of the Deutsche Reichspost, 'which serve to fulfil state activities and not to compete with the private sector', were divided into five main branches: postal order service, cash on delivery service, postal order service, postal transfer service, cheque service and postal savings bank service. The latter was introduced only after the annexation of Austria (a post office savings bank had existed here since 1883) on 1 January 1939. Telegraphs and radio telegraphy Although telegraphs were administered by an independent authority equivalent to the general post office before the Reichspost was founded, they had been closely related to the post office since 1854. In that year, the telegraph service in small communities in Prussia was transferred to the respective post office. Own telegraph stations usually existed only in cities and larger municipalities, where the operation was profitable. In 1871 there were a total of 3,535 telegraph stations in the German Reich (including Bavaria and Württemberg) with 107,485 km of telegraph lines and an annual output of over 10 million telegrams. By the beginning of the First World War, this figure had been six times higher. In contrast to the USA, where the population quickly made use of telephone traffic, the German public apparently did not initially want to make friends with the new telephone system. As early as 1877, General Postmaster Stephan had the first telephone line set up between the General Post Office in Leipzig and the General Telegraph Office in Französische Straße, and soon thereafter arranged for attempts to be made at longer distances. As late as 1880, however, Stephans' call for participation in a city telephone system in Berlin met with little approval, so that the first local traffic exchange began operations here in January 1881 with only 8 subscribers. However, the advantages of telephone traffic were soon recognised and the spread of the telephone increased rapidly. The 24-hour telephone service was first introduced in Munich in 1884, and Berlin opened its 10,000th telephone station in May 1889. As early as 1896 there were 130,000 "telephone stations" in Germany; in 1920 there were about 1.8 million, in 1930 over 3 million and in 1940 almost 5 million connections. Since the practical testing of Hertzian electromagnetic waves, i.e. since 1895, Swiss Post has paid great attention to the development and expansion of wireless telegraphy. From the very beginning, there was no doubt that the Reichspost was responsible for radio communications (as a type of communication). After the first radio telegraphy devices had been produced in Germany by Siemens and AEG and the first public radio stations had been put into operation in 1890, a regulated radio service began in the German Reich. In the following decades, the Reichspost retained the exclusive right to install and operate radio equipment. However, it was not in a position to carry out all the associated services itself and therefore delegated some of this right to other companies. Thus there were finally 3 groups of radio services: - the radio service operated by the Reichspost with its own radio stations (maritime radio, aeronautical radio), - the radio service operated by companies. The "Transradio AG für drahtlose Überseeverkehr" carried out the entire overseas radio traffic in the years 1921-1932 on behalf of the Deutsche Reichspost. Deep sea radio, train radio and police radio have been granted rights in their fields in a similar manner, - the radio services of public transport carriers such as Reichsbahn, Reichsautobahnen and waterways. Radio and television The exclusive competence for radio broadcasting also extended to radio broadcasting, which was established after the First World War. Legal and organisational issues had to be resolved for this new area of activity of Swiss Post more than for other areas. There are two phases to the relationship between the postal service and broadcasting: a) From 1923 to 1933, the Deutsche Reichspost was responsible for all legislative matters, the issuing of user regulations, the granting of licenses, the fixing and collection of fees, the setting up of transmitters, the technical operation and monitoring of economic management. The Reich Ministry of the Interior, together with the Länder governments, was responsible for the fundamental regulation of the political and cultural issues arising in the course of programme planning. The Reichspost left the broadcasting operations themselves to companies to which it granted a licence. The Reichsrundfunkgesellschaft, founded in 1923, acted as the umbrella organization, in which the Deutsche Reichspost held a major share through a majority of capital and votes and was headed by the Broadcasting Commissioner of the Deutsche Reichspost. b) In 1933, the newly created Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda assumed responsibility for all organizational and managerial issues relating to broadcasting; the Deutsche Reichspost remained only responsible for the cable network and transmitters, for licenses, fee collection and accounting. As a result of the Reichskulturkammergesetz of 22 September 1933, the Reichsrundfunkkammer was at the forefront of broadcasting, in which the Reichsrundfunkgesellschaft and several other associations were represented. This marked the beginning of the absolute subordination of broadcasting to the National Socialist dictatorship. The first attempts at television were made in the 1920s, also under the direction of the Deutsche Reichspost. Swiss Post continued to play a major role in the scientific and technical development of television in the following years. After an improved Braun tube had been shown at the Funkausstellung Berlin in 1932, the 1933 annual report of the Deutsche Reichspost described trial television broadcasts in a large urban area as practically feasible. In March 1935, the Deutsche Reichspost set up the world's first public television station at the Reichspostmuseum in Berlin, where the public could follow the reception of the programmes free of charge. The Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda and the Reichsrundfunkgesellschaft (RRG) shared the programming. The Reichspost Ministry subsidiary "Reichspost-Fernseh-GmbH" (since 1939) and the Reichsministerium für Luftfahrt (Reich Ministry of Aviation) were responsible for the transmitters "in view of their special significance for air traffic control and national air protection". 3. the organization and structure of the Deutsche Reichspost Of all the branches of the Reich administration, Die Post possessed the most extensive and clearly structured official substructure. It was taken over by the Prussian postal service in 1871 and was divided into the following 3 stages until the destruction of the German Reich in 1945: Since 1880, the new supreme Reich authority had been divided into three departments: Post (I), Telegraph (and soon Telephone) (II) and Personnel, Budget, Accounting and Construction (III). A short time later Stephan was appointed Secretary of State and was thus placed on an equal footing with the heads of the other Imperial Offices established in the meantime. Division III was divided in 1896. General administrative matters were assigned to the new Division III, while Division IV was now responsible for personnel, cash management and accounting. Later, cash and accounting were transferred back to Division III and Division IV retained only personnel matters. From 1919, now as the Reich Post Ministry, a fifth department for radio communications and a sixth for social affairs expanded the organizational structure. Section VI, however, fell away again after inflation in 1924, and at the same time sections III and V exchanged their designations, so that in this section the household, cash register and building trade, in that the telegraph and radio trade were dealt with, while section II was responsible for the telephone trade, initially still united with the telegraph building trade. On 1 June 1926 another department for economic and organisational questions was added, which was formed from the previous economic department. Since 1926 there have been eight departments: Abt. I Postwesen Abt. II Telegraphen- und Fernsprechtechnik und Fernsprachbetrieb Abt. III Telegraphenbetrieb und Funkwesen Abt. IV Personalwesen Abt. V Haushalts-, Kassen, Postscheck- und Bauwesen Abt. VI in Munich, for Bavaria, dissolved in 1934 Abt. VII for Württemberg, dissolved in 1934 Abt. VIII Wirtschaftsabteilung. From 1934 Abt. VI, later referred to as Abt. für Kraftfahrwesen, Maschinentechnik und Beschaffungswesen. From 30.11. 1942 Abt. VII: Independence of all radio and television affairs from Abt. III (since 1940 already under the direct control of State Secretary Flanze [at the same time President of the Reichspostzentralamt] as the "Special Department Fl") Under National Socialist rule in 1938, the Ministry was expanded by a Central Department (Min-Z) for political tasks and questions of personnel management. During the war, a foreign policy department, a colonial department and an eastern department were added. A special division F 1 for broadcasting affairs was also set up temporarily. During the Second World War, the organization of the postal system in the annexed and occupied territories was determined by the nature and intensity of its integration into the National Socialist sphere of power. In the annexed areas, the postal administration was completely taken over by the Deutsche Reichspost. In most occupied territories, on the other hand, the postal services of the respective countries remained unchanged. Next to them, the field post continued to work. A German service post was created in various administrative areas to supply the German occupation authorities, such as the "Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia" (1939-1945), the Netherlands (1940-1945), Norway (1942-1945), the Adriatic and Alpine regions (both 1943-1945), the East and the Ukraine (both 1941-1944). The German service posts "Ostland" and "Ukraine", each under a general postal commissioner, simultaneously provided the business of the "Deutsche Post Ostland" and "Deutsche Post Ukraine", which were fictitious as Landespost. The attempts made by the Reich Ministry of Posts to establish a central management of the intelligence system of all annexed and invaded territories failed because of the principle of the unity of the administration in the respective territory. The Reich Ministry of Posts had a number of specialist offices for the handling of special subjects, such as the field post office, the motor vehicle office, the building administration office and the cheque office. The following departments were directly affiliated or subordinated to the Reich Ministry of Posts: - the General Post Office as the body responsible for the entire administration of the post office and telegraph system - the Postal Money Order Office. From 1 April 1912 it was placed under the control of the Postal Newspaper Office, from 1 January 1918 also under the control of the Berlin Postal Directorate; - the Postal Insurance Commission for Accident and Other Matters, which was transferred to the newly founded Versorgungsanstalt der Deutschen Reichspost on 1 August 1926. With this public corporation, the previously differently regulated supplementary provision for postal staff was standardised: two thirds of the contributions were paid by the Deutsche Reichspost and one third by the insured themselves. - the Reichsamt Telegraph Technical Office, founded in 1920. In 1928, it took over other tasks from the Reich Post Ministry area, such as railway postal issues, postal statistics, training and educational matters, cash and accounting and procurement, and was renamed the Reich Post Central Office - the Reich Post Museum, created in 1872; - the Reich Post Building Inspectorate, formed in 1937 to realize the postal service needs in the structural redesign of Berlin. - the Postal Savings Bank Office in Vienna, which was taken over after the annexation of Austria in March 1938. In direct subordination to the Reich Ministry of Posts, it was responsible for the central account management of the Postal Savings Bank Service after it had been extended to the Old Empire. The "Postschutz", a paramilitary association under the umbrella of the Postal Ministry, had a special position. In June 1935, the Reich leadership of the SS and the Supreme SA leadership agreed on binding regulations regarding the affiliation of postal workers to the SA or SS. The postal service and thus also the postal security service were given priority over 'any use by the SA and SS. The claim for purposes of the SA and SS outside the postal service must not be to the detriment of the proper operation of the postal service', it said. Postal security was uniformed and uniformly armed. The research institute of the Deutsche Reichspost, founded on 1 January 1937, investigated special problems in television technology. The Reichspostforschungsanstalt was responsible for the coordination of all television armaments projects and orders to industry. It dealt with the further development of the research areas for military purposes. The scope of tasks is outlined in a document signed by Ohnesorge: "1. television; 2. general physics, in particular atomic physics, optics, acoustics, electronics; 3. chemistry; 4. special tasks for the four-year plan". The Reichsdruckerei was not integrated into the structure of the Reichspost, but was associated with its top management in personal union. On 1 Apr. 1879 it was placed under the control of the Reichspost- und Telegraphenverwaltung as an independent imperial enterprise. Through its products it maintained very close relations with the Reichspost, since, for example, postage stamps, postal cheques, the Reichskursbuch, etc. were produced for the account of the post office cashier. The Oberpostdirektionen/Reichspostdirektionen The Oberpostdirektionen (OPD) as intermediate authorities between the Berlin headquarters and the post offices were established as early as 1850 in Prussia. After their transfer to the Reichspost, they were among the higher Reich authorities. The Ministry of Postal Affairs has delegated more and more responsibilities to the OPDen, so that their freedom of action grew steadily and they gradually became the focus of the postal administration. 1928 saw the establishment of Managing Directorates of Higher Postal Services, which together assumed responsibility for certain tasks for a district group (= several OPD districts) (e.g. training and education, procurement and utilities). 1934-1945 as Reichspostdirektionen (RPD), they were subject to many changes in their area and in their number. In 1943 there were 51 RPD. The post office cheque offices (established in 1909), the telegraph building offices and the telegraph tool offices (established in 1920) were responsible for several OPD/RPDs and thus also to be regarded as intermediate authorities. The Post Offices The Post Offices, referred to in the area of the Deutsche Reichspost as Verkehrsämter and Amtsstellen, formed the local offices of the lowest level; they were subordinate to the OPD/RPD closest to each other. The local offices included not only the post offices, which were divided into three classes until 1924 (only since 1924 did they have a uniform designation as post offices), but also the post agencies, postal assistance offices, railway post offices, telegraph and telephone offices as well as public pay telephones in the municipalities which were subordinate to them. In 1942 there were about 70,000 such offices and offices in the German Reich. Inventory description: Introduction The history of the Deutsche Reichspost Prehistory up to 1867 Due to the territorial fragmentation of the Reich, a uniform postal system had not been able to develop in Germany. Still in the first half of the 19th century, 17 independent state postal regions existed alongside the "Reichs-Post" of the Princes of Thurn and Taxis, which had already been commissioned by the Emperor in the 16th century to carry out the postal shelf and which had since then operated primarily in the smaller and smallest German territories. The conclusion of treaties between individual Länder of the German Confederation, including the establishment of the German-Austrian Postal Association in 1850, did indeed lead to the unification of postal traffic; however, in 1866 there were still 9 land despatch areas in Germany. The post office in the Kingdom of Prussia had developed into the most important national post office at the national level. The Prussian postal area included the duchy of Anhalt, the principalities of Waldeck-Pyrmont and Oldenburg-Birkenfeld, parts of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt and Sondershausen, parts of Saxony-Weimar, as well as post offices in Hamburg and Bremen. From 1866 the Duchy of Lauenburg and the Province of Hanover, from 1867 Schleswig-Holstein and the Oldenburg Principality of Lübeck as well as former Bavarian areas in the Rhön, Spessart, the exclave Caulsdorf and from 1 July 1867 the states in Thuringia and Southern Germany which had previously been united in the Thurn und Taxischer Postverein were added. From the North German Confederation to the Foundation of the Reich (1867-1871) The constitution of the North German Confederation of 24 June 1867 declared the postal and telegraph system to be a federal matter. In the structure of the North German postal administration, the upper postal directorates existing in Prussia since 1849 were taken over as central authorities. The Prussian postal system was thus transferred to the Federation and the North German postal administrations were merged into it, so that the Norddeutsche Bundespost (1868-1871) under the leadership of Prussia was the first unified state postal service on German soil. The Federal Chancellery was in charge of its upper management, and the former Prussian General Post Office was integrated into it as Department I. In addition, the Directorate-General for Telegraphs was renamed Division II. The Post Office in the German Reich from 1871 to 1919 The cornerstone of the Deutsche Reichspost was the Reich Constitution of 16 April 1871. The only area of transport in which the Reich was able to directly promote its state and transport policy purposes was the postal and telegraph system. The Reichspost, which was set up as a direct Reich administration, extended its effectiveness to the entire territory of the Reich with the exception of the states of Bavaria and Württemberg, which had the so-called Postreservat granted to them for their internal postal relations. The postal system and the telegraph system, which were still independent at that time, were therefore a matter for the Reich. On 1 January 1876, both administrations merged organizationally with the creation of the "Reichspost- und Telegrafenverwaltung" as the highest authority, consisting of the Generalpostamt and the Generaldirektion der Telegrafen. Both were subject to the postmaster general and formed first the I. and II. Department of the Reich Chancellery. The connection between the postal and telegraph systems created in this way was no longer resolved afterwards. In addition, the postmaster general was removed from the Reich Chancellery and made independent. The Imperial Decree of 23 February 1880 also combined the General Post Office and the General Telegraph Office organisationally. The now established Reichspostamt was thus on an equal footing with the other supreme Reich authorities. He was directed by the Prussian Postmaster General Heinrich von Stephan (1831-1897), who had already become the head of the General Post Office in 1870. The new design of the imperial postal system undoubtedly meant progress for traffic development. Economic advancement, the increasing importance of German foreign trade, the acquisition of colonies and the opening up of the oceans, and thus the global political and economic importance of Germany, posed special challenges for the postal service and telegraphy. Under Heinrich von Stephan's leadership, the Universal Postal Union was created in 1874; foreign and colonial post offices began their work. During the 1st World War the field post, which had existed in Prussia since the 18th century during the war, was reactivated. It was subordinate to the Field Chief Postmaster in the Great Headquarters and was subdivided into Army Post Offices, Field Post Inspections, Offices and Stations. In the occupied territories, the Deutsche Reichspost eliminated the state postal administrations there and created its own postal facilities in Belgium, Poland and Romania. The German Post and Telegraph Administration operating in the Baltic States in the postal area of the Supreme Commander East (November 1915 to December 1918; since August 1918: Military Post Office of the Supreme Commander East) was a military office and attached to the Oberost Staff. Weimar Republic (1919-1933) The Reich Constitution of 1919 brought significant progress by unifying the postal and telecommunications systems in the hands of the Reich. In connection with the creation of Reich Ministers with parliamentary responsibility by the law on the provisional power of the Reich of 10 February 1919, the decree of the Reich President of 21 March 1919 laid down the new names of the supreme Reich authorities. The Reichspostamt was also renamed the Reichspostministerium. A further consequence of the state revolution of 1918/19 were the state treaties of 29 and 31 March 1920, which also transferred the postal administrations of Württemberg and Bavaria to the Reich. However, they still retained a certain special position. The Oberpostdirektion Stuttgart was responsible for all internal affairs of the traffic area assigned to it, the State of Württemberg, insofar as they were not generally reserved for the Reich Ministry of Posts, and for Bavaria even a separate Department VII (since 1924 Department VI) was created with its seat in Munich, a State Secretary at the head and the same extensive competence as in the Oberpostdirektion in Stuttgart. The character of the Reichspost was decisively influenced by the Reichs-postfinanzgesetz, which came into force on 1 April 1924. The most important point was the separation of the post office from the rest of the Reich's budget. This made the Deutsche Reichspost economically independent as a special fund of the Reich. The Reichspostfinanzgesetz created the administrative board of the Deutsche Reichspost under the chairmanship of the Reichspost Minister. The Board of Directors had to decide on all significant business, financial and personnel matters. The implementation of the decisions of the Board of Administration was the responsibility of the Minister or the responsible structural parts of the Reich Ministry of Posts. National Socialism (1933-1945) From the outset, the authority left no doubt as to its attitude to National Socialism: "For the Deutsche Reichspost it was a matter of course to put National Socialist ideas into practice with all its might wherever it was possible, and to serve the Führer with all its being and doing". The formal repeal of the Reichspostfinanzgesetz by the Gesetz zur Vereinfachung und Verbilligung der Verwaltung of 27 February 1934 did not change anything about the special asset status of the Deutsche Reichspost, but it brought some fundamental changes. For example, the Administrative Board was dissolved and replaced by an Advisory Board, which had no decisive powers but only an advisory function. The law eliminated both Division VI in Munich and the special position of the Oberpostdirektion Stuttgart, after Hitler had rejected as premature an attempt by the Reichspost and Reich Traffic Minister, Freiherr von Eltz-Rübenach, to repeal it, which he had already made in May 1933. From 1 April 1934, the last special agreements of the Reichspost with the states of Bavaria and Württemberg expired, so that it was only from this point on that the "complete uniformity of the postal and telecommunications system in law and administration for the entire territory of the Reich" was established. On 1 October 1934, the Oberpostdirektionen received the designation "Reichspostdirektionen". The offices and offices were subordinated to them. By "Führererlass" of 2 February 1937, the personal union between the Reich Transport Minister and the Reich Post Minister, which had existed since 1932, was abolished and Wilhelm Ohnesorge (1872 to 1962) was again appointed Reich Post Minister. The occasion was the subordination of the Reichsbahn to Reich sovereignty. The unconditional capitulation of Germany at the end of the Second World War also meant the end of the German Reichspost. His written fixation of this fact was found in Articles 5 and 9 of a declaration of the Allied Control Council of June 5, 1945, according to which "all facilities and objects of the ... intelligence ... to hold at the disposal of the Allies' representatives" and "until the establishment of supervision over all means of communication" any broadcasting operation was prohibited. The postal and telecommunications services and the operation of their facilities were finally restarted at different times and separately by the respective Commanders-in-Chief according to the four occupation zones of Germany. The tasks of the Deutsche Reichspost (German Imperial Postal Service) were social and technical progress, as well as the effects of important inventions, which inevitably led to both the quantitative expansion of communication relations and their continuous improvement, right up to the introduction and application of new services in the postal, telegraph and radio sectors. One of the main tasks of the Deutsche Reichspost, the carriage of news items, did not initially extend to all postal items. In the beginning, only closed letters and political newspapers that did not remain in the sender's town were affected by the so-called post compulsion. All open items (especially postcards and printed matter) for a place other than the place of dispatch and letters, parcels etc. for recipients in the place of dispatch could also be collected, transported and distributed by so-called private transport companies. Such "private posts" settled above all in large cities and increasingly opposed the German Reichspost as fierce competitors, for example through lower fee rates. The Reichspost had to get rid of this competition, especially since it was obliged to maintain expensive and sometimes even unprofitable delivery facilities even in the remotest areas of the Reich. The Postal Act Amendment of 20 Dec. 1899 therefore prohibited all commercially operated private post offices in the German Reich from 1 April 1900 and extended the postal obligation to sealed letters within the place of dispatch. The carriage of passengers From time immemorial, Swiss Post also dealt with the carriage of passengers. Before the advent of the railways, passenger transport by stagecoach was the most important means of public transport and, as such, was also part of the postal monopoly in many countries. The expansion of the railway network initially limited this traffic activity of the post office, but after the invention and further perfection of the automobile it gained importance again. Thus, since 1906/07, bus routes have been established ("Postkraftwagen-Überlandverkehr", often also called "Kraftposten" for short). They were expanded mainly in the years 1924 to 1929, so that on 1 April 1929 the Deutsche Reichspost operated almost 2000 Kraftpost lines with an operating length of more than 37,000 km and by that time had already carried 68 million passengers. The enormous economic and technical upswing in Germany after the foundation of the German Empire also meant that the Imperial Post Office and Telegraph Administration had to make use of their cash register facilities for the ever-increasing flow of payment transactions. In addition to the banks, Swiss Post took over the regulation of cashless payment transactions: on 1 January 1909, the postal transfer and postal cheque service was opened in Germany (13 Postscheckkämter). Both the number of accounts and the amount of assets increased steadily in the following decades, with the exception of the two world wars. The banking activity of the Deutsche Reichspost, 'which serves the fulfilment of state activities, not competition with the private sector', was divided into five main branches: postal order service, postal COD service, postal order service, postal transfer and cheque service, postal savings bank service. The latter was introduced only after the annexation of Austria (a post office savings bank had existed here since 1883) on 1 January 1939. Telegraphy and radio telegraphy Although telegraphy was administered by an independent authority equivalent to the general post office before the Reichspost was founded, it had been closely related to the post office since 1854. In that year, in Prussia, the telegraph service in small communities was transferred to the respective postal service. Own telegraph stations usually existed only in cities and larger municipalities, where the operation was profitable. In 1871 there were a total of 3,535 telegraph stations in the German Reich (including Bavaria and Württemberg) with 107,485 km of telegraph lines and an annual output of over 10 million telegrams. By the beginning of the First World War, this figure had been six times higher. In contrast to the USA, where the population quickly made use of telephone traffic, the German public apparently did not initially want to make friends with the new telephone system. As early as 1877, General Postmaster Stephan had the first telephone line set up between the General Post Office in Leipzig and the General Telegraph Office in Französische Straße, and soon thereafter arranged for attempts to be made at longer distances. As late as 1880, however, Stephans' call for participation in a city telephone system in Berlin met with little approval, so that the first local traffic exchange began operations here in January 1881 with only 8 subscribers. However, the advantages of telephone traffic were soon recognised and the spread of the telephone increased rapidly. The 24-hour telephone service was first introduced in Munich in 1884, and Berlin opened its 10,000th telephone station in May 1889. As early as 1896 there were 130,000 "telephone stations" in Germany; in 1920 there were about 1.8 million, in 1930 over 3 million and in 1940 almost 5 million connections. Since the practical testing of Hertzian electromagnetic waves, i.e. since 1895, Swiss Post has paid great attention to the development and expansion of wireless telegraphy. From the very beginning, there was no doubt that the Reichspost was responsible for radio communications (as a type of communication). After the first radio telegraphy devices had been produced in Germany by Siemens and AEG and the first public radio stations had been put into operation in 1890, a regulated radio service began in the German Reich. In the following decades, the Reichspost retained the exclusive right to install and operate radio equipment. However, it was not in a position to carry out all the associated services itself and therefore delegated some of this right to other companies. Thus there were finally 3 groups of radio services: - the radio service operated by the Reichspost with its own radio stations (maritime radio, aeronautical radio), - the radio service operated by companies. The "Transradio AG für drahtlose Überseeverkehr" carried out the entire overseas radio traffic in the years 1921-1932 on behalf of the Deutsche Reichspost. Deep sea radio, train radio and police radio have been granted rights in their fields in a similar manner, - the radio services of public transport carriers such as Reichsbahn, Reichsautobahnen and waterways. Radio and television The exclusive competence for radio broadcasting also extended to radio broadcasting, which was established after the First World War. Legal and organisational issues had to be resolved for this new area of activity of Swiss Post more than for other areas. There are two phases to the relationship between the postal service and broadcasting: a) From 1923 to 1933, the Deutsche Reichspost was responsible for all legislative matters, the issuing of user regulations, the granting of licenses, the fixing and collection of fees, the setting up of transmitters, the technical operation and monitoring of economic management. The Reich Ministry of the Interior, together with the Länder governments, was responsible for the fundamental regulation of the political and cultural issues arising in the course of programme planning. The Reichspost left the broadcasting operations themselves to companies to which it granted a licence. The Reichsrundfunkgesellschaft, founded in 1923, acted as the umbrella organization, in which the Deutsche Reichspost held a major share through a majority of capital and votes and was headed by the Broadcasting Commissioner of the Deutsche Reichspost. b) In 1933, the newly created Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda assumed responsibility for all organizational and managerial issues relating to broadcasting; the Deutsche Reichspost remained only responsible for the cable network and transmitters, for licenses, fee collection and accounting. As a result of the Reichskulturkammergesetz of 22 September 1933, the Reichsrundfunkkammer was at the forefront of broadcasting, in which the Reichsrundfunkgesellschaft and several other associations were represented. This marked the beginning of the absolute subordination of broadcasting to the National Socialist dictatorship. The first attempts at television were made in the 1920s, also under the direction of the Deutsche Reichspost. Swiss Post continued to play a major role in the scientific and technical development of television in the following years. After an improved Braun tube had been shown at the Funkausstellung Berlin in 1932, the 1933 annual report of the Deutsche Reichspost described trial television broadcasts in a large urban area as practically feasible. In March 1935, the Deutsche Reichspost set up the world's first public television station at the Reichspostmuseum in Berlin, where the public could follow the reception of the programmes free of charge. The Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda and the Reichsrundfunkgesellschaft (RRG) shared the programming. The Reichspost Ministry subsidiary "Reichspost-Fernseh-GmbH" (since 1939) and the Reichsministerium für Luftfahrt (Reich Ministry of Aviation) were responsible for the transmitters "in view of their special significance for air traffic control and national air protection". The organisation and structure of the Deutsche Reichspost Of all the branches of the Reich administration, Die Post possessed the most extensive and clearly structured official substructure. It was taken over by the Prussian postal service in 1871 and was divided into the following 3 stages until the destruction of the German Reich in 1945: The Reichspostamt / Reichspostministerium Since 1880, the supreme Reichsbehörde has been divided into three departments: Post (I), Telegraph (and soon Telephone) (II) and Personnel, Budget, Accounting and Construction (III). A short time later Stephan was appointed Secretary of State and was thus placed on an equal footing with the heads of the other Imperial Offices established in the meantime. Division III was divided in 1896. General administrative matters were assigned to the new Division III, while Division IV was now responsible for personnel, cash management and accounting. Later, cash and accounting were transferred back to Division III and Division IV retained only personnel matters. From 1919, now as the Reich Post Ministry, a fifth department for radio communications and a sixth for social affairs expanded the organizational structure. Section VI, however, was discontinued after inflation in 1924, and at the same time Sections III and V exchanged their designations, so that in this Section the household, cash register and building trade, in that Section the telegraph and radio trade were dealt with, while Section II was responsible for the telephone trade, initially still combined with the telegraph building trade. On 1 June 1926 another department for economic and organisational questions was added, which was formed from the previous economic department. Since 1926 there have been eight departments: Abt. I Postwesen Abt. II Telegrafen- und Fernsprechtechnik und Fernsprachbetrieb Abt. III Telegrafenbetrieb und Funkwesen Abt. IV Personalwesen Abt. V Haushalts-, Kassen, Postscheck- und Bauwesen Abt. VI in Munich, for Bavaria, dissolved in 1934 Abt. VII for Württemberg, dissolved in 1934 Abt. VIII Wirtschaftsabteilung. From 1934 Abt. VI, later referred to as Abt. für Kraftfahrwesen, Maschinentechnik und Beschaffungswesen. From 30.11. 1942 Abt. VII: Independence of all radio and television affairs from Abt. III (since 1940 already under the direct control of State Secretary Flanze [at the same time President of the Reichspostzentralamt] as the "Special Department Fl") Under National Socialist rule in 1938, the Ministry was expanded by a Central Department (Min-Z) for political tasks and questions of personnel management. During the war, a foreign policy department, a colonial department and an eastern department were added. A special division F 1 for broadcasting affairs was also set up temporarily. During the Second World War, the organization of the postal system in the annexed and occupied territories was determined by the nature and intensity of its integration into the National Socialist sphere of power. In the annexed areas, the postal administration was completely taken over by the Deutsche Reichspost. In most occupied territories, on the other hand, the postal services of the respective countries remained unchanged. Next to them, the field post continued to work. A German service post was created in various administrative areas to supply the German occupation authorities, such as the "Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia" (1939-1945), the Netherlands (1940-1945), Norway (1942-1945), the Adriatic and Alpine regions (both 1943-1945), the East and the Ukraine (both 1941-1944). The German service posts "Ostland" and "Ukraine", each under a general postal commissioner, simultaneously provided the business of the "Deutsche Post Ostland" and "Deutsche Post Ukraine", which were fictitious as Landespost. The attempts made by the Reich Ministry of Posts to establish a central management of the intelligence system of all annexed and invaded territories failed because of the principle of the unity of the administration in the respective territory. The Reich Ministry of Posts had a number of specialist offices for the handling of special subjects, such as the field post office, the motor vehicle office, the building administration office and the cheque office. The following departments were directly affiliated or subordinated to the Reich Ministry of Posts: - the General Post Office as the body responsible for the entire administration of the post office and telegraph system, - the Postal Money Order Office. From 1 April 1912 it was subordinated to the Oberpostdirektion Berlin as the postal accounting office from 1 April 1912, - the Postzeitungsamt, from 1 January 1918 also subordinated to the Oberpostdirektion Berlin, - the Postversicherungskommission für Angelegenheiten der Unfall- u.a. -fürsorge, which was transferred to the newly founded Versorgungsanstalt der Deutschen Reichspost on 1 August 1926. With this public corporation, the previously differently regulated supplementary provision for postal staff was unified: two thirds of the contributions were paid by the Deutsche Reichspost and one third by the insured themselves, - the Telegrafentechnische Reichsamt, founded in 1920. In 1928, it assumed further tasks from the Reich Post Ministry, such as railway postal issues, postal statistics, training and teaching matters, cash and accounting and procurement, and was renamed the Reich Post Central Office, - the Reich Post Museum, created in 1872, - the Reich Post Building Inspectorate, formed in 1937 to meet the postal service's needs in the structural redesign of Berlin, - the Postal Savings Bank Office in Vienna, which was taken over after the annexation of Austria in March 1938. In direct subordination to the Reich Ministry of Posts, it was responsible for the central account management of the Postal Savings Bank Service after it had been extended to the Old Empire. The "Postschutz", a paramilitary association under the umbrella of the Postal Ministry, had a special position. In June 1935, the Reich leadership of the SS and the Supreme SA leadership agreed on binding regulations regarding the affiliation of postal workers to the SA or SS. The postal service and thus also the postal security service were given priority over 'any use by the SA and SS. The claim for purposes of the SA and SS outside the postal service must not be to the detriment of the proper operation of the postal service', it said. Postal security was uniformed and uniformly armed. The research institute of the Deutsche Reichspost, founded on 1 January 1937, investigated special problems in television technology. The Reichspostforschungsanstalt was responsible for the coordination of all television armaments projects and orders to industry. It dealt with the further development of research areas for military purposes. The tasks are outlined in a document signed by Ohnesorge: "1. television; 2. general physics, in particular nuclear physics, optics, acoustics, electronics; 3. chemistry; 4. special tasks for the four-year plan". The Reichsdruckerei was not integrated into the structure of the Reichspost, but was associated with its top management in personal union. On 1 April 1879 it was placed under the control of the Reich Post and Telegraph Administration as an independent Reich enterprise. Through its products it maintained very close relations with the Reichspost, since, for example, postage stamps, postal cheques, the Reichskursbuch, etc. were produced for the account of the post office cashier. The Oberpostdirektionen/Reichspostdirektionen The Oberpostdirektionen (OPD) as intermediate authorities between the Berlin headquarters and the post offices were established as early as 1850 in Prussia. After their transfer to the Reichspost, they were among the higher Reich authorities. The Ministry of Postal Affairs has delegated more and more responsibilities to the OPDen, so that their freedom of action grew steadily and they gradually became the focus of the postal administration. 1928 saw the establishment of managing higher postal directorates, which together took over the leadership of a district group (several OPD districts) for certain tasks (e.g. training and education as well as procurement and supply). 1934 to 1945 as Reichspostdirektionen (RPD), they were subject to many changes in their area and in their number. In 1943 there were 51 RPD. The post office cheque offices (formed in 1909), the telegraph construction offices and the telegraph tool offices (set up in 1920) were responsible for several OPD/RPDs and thus also to be regarded as intermediate authorities. The Post Offices The Post Offices, referred to in the area of the Deutsche Reichspost as Verkehrsämter and Amtsstellen, formed the local offices of the lowest level; they were subordinate to the OPD/RPD closest to each other. The local offices included not only the post offices, which were divided into three classes until 1924 (only since 1924 did they have a uniform designation as post offices), but also the post agencies, postal assistance offices, railway post offices, telegraph and telephone offices as well as public pay telephones in the municipalities which were subordinate to them. In 1942 there were about 70,000 such offices and offices in the German Reich. The division into "secret archive" and "secret registry" was characteristic of the registry relations in the RPM until 1928. The general files and most important special files from the "Secret Registry" were transferred to the "Secret Archive", as were historically valuable files from the dissolved postal administrations of the German Länder, so that the "Secret Archive" developed more and more into a selection archive. In contrast, the "secret registry" was the actual general registry of the RPM. It consisted of a frequently changing number of registries. In the mid-twenties there were seventeen of them. The number of registries was greatly reduced by the formation of so-called specialist parties for individual fields of activity, such as Bp (Postbankverkehr) or Zp (Postal Newspapers). On January 1, 1928, a file plan was put into effect in the RPM and a little later in the entire area of the Deutsche Reichspost, the main features of which were still valid in the Deutsche Bundespost and in the Deutsche Post of the GDR until their end. It consisted of eight main groups, which essentially correspond to the present classification of the file stock, here on the basis of the file plan from the year 1938 under consideration of structural conditions of the inventory creator. In the period from 1933 to 1941, the Reich Ministry of Posts had handed over about 2,200 historically valuable file units, which were no longer needed in the service, to the Reich Archives. Towards the end of the war, most of the files, together with other holdings, were moved to the potash shafts near Staßfurt and Schönebeck. They survived the war there without any significant casualties. The files that had not been removed from the Reichsarchiv, above all the partial holdings of the Reichsdruckerei, were burnt during the air raid on Potsdam in April 1945. Losses were also recorded in the files remaining in the various departments of the RPM, in particular in a total of 15 alternative offices in the countryside, where the documents had been successively transferred since 1943, but also in the RPM building itself, which had been severely damaged by several bomb hits in the years 1943 to 1945. The total file loss of the RPM after 1945 was estimated at 2,417 files. The existing files formed the basis for the later named component R 4701 I, which until 1990 was located in the Central State Archives in Potsdam (ZStA) and was transferred to the Federal Archives with German unity. The holdings in the Federal Archives at the time of the retroconversion of the finding aids in 2009 For the period from 1945 onwards, the RPM file holdings must be viewed in a differentiated way, because its four parts have reached the Federal Archives in very different ways and accordingly had received not only their own history of tradition, but also their own finding aids, their own signatures, etc. For example, the letters B, D, GA, and P were used as signature additions, which sometimes proved to be quite impractical, not only in archival practice. For a long time it had been planned to record all parts in a common finding aid book. Since around 1990, the following distinguishing features have been used, but these have hardly had any effect on everyday archival life. Part R 4701 I, formerly R 47.01 - Potsdam until 1990 This is the bulk of the collection stored in the Central State Archives in Potsdam. As a rule, the designation R 4701 I was not used, but only R 4701 with the following signature, formerly R 47.01. This also contained the above-mentioned files with the additional identification letters. This part of the collection, which was outsourced by the Reichsarchiv, was transferred to the then Deutsche Zentralarchiv Potsdam in 1950. The DZA Potsdam received the majority of the files in 1957, 1960 and 1966 from the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of the GDR, but initially only the old files with a term until 1928 were handed over. The files since the introduction of the file plan in 1928 still remained in the GDR Ministry and were only handed over to the ZStA Potsdam in 1983, but by far not completely (cf. remarks on R 4701 II). In addition, RPM files from former storage sites in Potsdam had also been transferred to the DZA Potsdam in 1961. Also at the beginning of the 1960s, all files that were stored in

BArch, R 9-I · Fonds · (1919-)1933 -1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: By order of 7 Sept. 1929, the Federal Foreign Office and the Reich Economic Ministry merged the Central Office for the Foreign Economic Intelligence Service, the Customs Office in the Reich Economic Ministry and the German Economic Service GmbH for the tasks assigned to them in the field of foreign trade promotion with immediate effect under the common name of the Central Office for Foreign Trade (ZFA). The ZFA is structured as follows: - Intelligence service - Trade information service - Customs service. The legal basis was enshrined in the Law on Measures to Promote Foreign Trade of 18 Oct 1933. The previous ZFA had proved its worth in practice and was now legally recognised as the Reichsstelle für den Außenhandel (RFA), which was a joint department of the Foreign Office and the Reich Economic Ministry. It was empowered to issue instructions to the regional (most recently 22) foreign trade offices under its supervision. In the course of the reorganisation of the commercial economy, the previous branch offices were closed or integrated into the Gauwirtschaftskammern. Their activities have now been carried out by departments established at the Gauwirtschaftskammern for the promotion of economic relations with foreign countries (foreign trade departments). The RFA existed until its collapse in 1945. Inventory description: Inventory history The documents arrived in September 1955 as part of a Custodian's levy for the Reich offices, economic groups and other state economic offices in the American, British and French sectors of Berlin without a delivery list and in disorder in the Federal Archives. Apart from the fact that the inventory is only one part of the registry, it has also been seized by the British occupying power, which confiscated it in 1945 and examined it at the beginning of 1948. At the end of 1949, the files were released to the custodian, who took over the files himself at the beginning of 1951. Another extensive part of the registry is still in US hands. Among them several card indexes, which could be the Jewish card indexes and the card index of insecure foreign companies, which survived the bombing of the RFA (to 50 in Nov. 1943 demonstrably without loss). Archival evaluation and processing The holdings, which entered the Federal Archives without a list of deliveries and in disorder, consisted mainly of standing files, whose state of preservation was generally good. An exception to this is the specialist archive of Department III A, which contained almost exclusively loose items. In the course of its existence, this collection has undergone a number of recognizable changes, which are reflected in changing signatures according to false criteria. The entire material of the subject archives is listed by country in the find book. In principle, the country names used in the collection itself and valid at the time are used, i.e. Croatia, Serbia instead of Yugoslavia, etc., which are used at that time. All country names, whether they concern a single country, a group of countries (such as Scandinavia) or parts of countries (such as Scotland), are in alphabetical order. Only the possessions of the European colonial states are listed under their respective names (British possessions, Dutch possessions, etc.). Documents from foreign trade offices were handed over to the regionally responsible state archives. Characterization of content: The main focus of the transmission is on correspondence with the foreign trade offices (Gauwirtschaftskammern) A-Z: Information on foreign representative and trading companies 1940-1945 (510) Letter and telegram switching 1940-1945 Administrative matters, including personnel procedures A-Z, business distribution plans, budget questions 1922-1945 General matters of foreign trade promotion, legal and organizational questions of the RfA and its predecessor institutions 1934-1945 Collection of material on all countries of the world (newspaper clippings, brochures, mission reports, official announcements, company and private letters, etc.).a.) within the countries or country groups according to subject areas (economic situation, industry, trade, banking, social situation, foreign trade, legal system, press etc.) State of development: Findbuch (2014) Citation method: BArch, R 9-I/...

Reichsfilmkammer (stock)
BArch, R 56-VI · Fonds · 1933-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Before the Reich Chamber of Culture Act of 22 September 1933 came into force, the law on the establishment of a provisional film chamber was enacted on 14 July. 1] Its presidents were Dr. Fritz Scheuermann (1933-1935), Prof. Dr. Oswald Lehnich (1935-1939) and Prof. Carl Froelich (from 1939). The vice presidents were Arnold Raeter, Hans Weidemann and Karl Melzer. The Reichsfilmkammer had the task of promoting the German film industry within the overall economy, of representing the interests of the individual groups of this industry among themselves and vis-à-vis the Reich, the Länder and the municipalities, and of bringing about a fair balance between those involved in working life in this field. The close connection between state and party, which is expressed in the position of the Gaufilmstellenleiter as department head of the Gaupropagandaamt and speaker of the Landesstelle of the Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda, was further deepened by the appointment of the Gaufilmstellenleiter as Gauauftragter of the Reich Film Chamber. 2] The Reichsfilmkammer was divided into 10 departments: I. General Administration (Law, Budget and Finance, Personal Data) II. Politics and Culture (Domestic Press News Office; Foreign Press News Office, Reich Film Archive) III. artistic supervision of filmmaking (dramaturgy, casting questions) IV. Film Industry (Special reports on foreign exchange issues, copyright, labour and tax law issues) V. Film Student Council (production manager, directors, film formers, production managers, cameras, sound engineers, editors, actors, extras, make-up artists, requisitioners, cloakroom attendants) VI. Film Production Section (film production, film foreign trade, film studios) VII. Domestic Film Distribution Section VIII. Section Film Theatre IX. Division Film and Cinema Technology (Film Processing, Film Patents, Film Technology Research) X. Section for culture, advertising and light plays. 3] Among the cooperative members of the Film Chamber were the Paritätische Filmnachweis, the Film Quota Office, the Foreign Exchange Department, the Filmkreditbank GmbH and the Reichsfilmarchiv. 4] With the collapse of the "Third Reich" the Reichskulturkammer and with it also the Reichsfilmkammer lost their right to exist. Notes (1) RGBl. I, p. 483. (2) Cf. The Organization of the Reich Chamber of Culture. (Business Plan), ca. 1936. (3) Cf. Hans Hinkel (Ed.): Handbuch der Reichskulturkammer. Berlin 1937, p. 278 ff. (4) See The Organization of the Reich Chamber of Culture. (business plan), ca. 1936. Inventory description: Inventory history From the Reichsfilmkammer only a few files survived the war. The volumes listed here are to a large extent handfiles of the Vice President Hans Weidemann. The present collection R 56 VI, which the Berlin Document Center transferred to the Federal Archives in Koblenz in 1959, was already published in the publication find book "Reichskulturkammer und ihre Einzelkammern" (find books on the holdings of the Federal Archives, No. 31). Archival processing The index data of the files of the Reich Film Chamber, which had already been compiled and published in the Federal Archives in Koblenz, were essentially adopted when they were put online; file titles only underwent slight changes in individual cases. No new file units were added. Citation method BArch R 56 VI / ... State of development: Publication index of the Reichskulturkammer (1987), Online-Findbuch (2008). Citation style: BArch, R 56-VI/...

Reichsforstamt (inventory)
BArch, R 3701 · Fonds · 1911-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: By law of 3 July 1934 (RGBl. I p. 534) the Reichsforstamt was founded as the supreme Reich authority with Göring as "Reichsforstmeister" - in hunting matters as "Reichsjägermeister". With effect from March 1, 1935 (RGBl. I p. 305), the Prussian State Forestry Office was merged with the Reich Forestry Office in terms of both subject matter and space. The tasks of the Reich Forestry Office included the administration and supervision of governmental and non-governmental forests (from 1940), fortified universities (until 1938), forestry and timber management policy, nature, bird and plant conservation, hunting legislation, hunting administration and hunting police. Inventory description: Inventory history During the Alliieretn air raid on Berlin on 22/23 Nov. 1943, during which the Reichsforstamts building on Leipziger Platz was partially destroyed, a large part of the inventory was lost. The remains of the documents, which were formerly stored as holdings 37.01 in the Central State Archives in Potsdam, were transferred to the ZStA by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the GDR in 1953 and by the German State Library in 1966. The few files that were stored in the Federal Archives in Koblenz as R 44 originate almost exclusively from the Grundbesitz department. Both partial stocks were combined in 1990 to form stock R 3701. Content: Most of the original files were destroyed during the war in 1943. For example, documents on legal matters, nature and bird conservation and forest ownership administration are completely lacking. Also the remaining fields of work are occupied in each case only with few files. The main focus of the tradition lies in the years 1941-1945. There is a significant tradition on the following subjects: Forstliche Hochschulen, Eberswalde and Hann. Münden 1935-1939, personnel matters in the broadest sense, including: civil servant law and Reichsdienststrafordnung 1941-1945, pension 1941-1945, welfare and foundations, orders and decorations 1944, proof of identity and personnel statistics 1941-1944, civil servants and employees 1941-1945, Forstschutzkorps 1941-1945. General forestry, including: legislation 1935-1942, forestry statistics 1941, foreign forestry 1942-1945, forestry relations with foreign countries 1941-1944, Forstattachés 1941-1944, Reichsinstitut für ausländische und koloniale Forstwirtschaft 1941-1945, Internationale Forstzentrale 1941-1945, research questions. Budget matters, administrative penal proceedings 1940-1944, foreign exchange legislation 1942-1945 General information on timber management and hunting: Hunting legislation 1941-1942, hunting lease and permit 1941-1945, hunting restrictions 1941-1944, game and hunting damage 1941-1945, hunting protection 1941-1945, hunting licences 1940, 1943-1944, management of game stocks 1938-1945, game diseases 1941-1944, Shooting, game management 1940-1942, hunting literature and images 1941-1945, supervision of the German hunting community 1942-1944 management of game stocks 1936-1941, state hunting grounds 1941-1942 property in individual German regions 1932-1945. Personalakten o.D. (621) Ordnungsstrafsachen, Einzelfälle 1939-1944. State of development: Findbuch für alt 37.01 (1954) Findbuch für alt R 44 (1987) Kartei der Ordnungsstrafsachen Citation method: BArch, R 3701/...

BArch, R 43-I/946 · File · Sept. 1919 - Sept. 1923
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Law on the temporary transfer of colonial officials and the officials of the highest colonial authorities to retirement 1919 Submissions of former colonial officials, mostly because of pension issues, conferral of office titles 1920 - 1923 Vizewachtmeister W. Böhmer, conviction for alleged murder of natives in South West Africa 1920

BArch, R 87 · Fonds · 1939-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: Used by decree of 15.01.1940 with responsibility for the confiscation and administration of the movable and immovable property of states participating in the Second World War against the German Reich and their nationals throughout the territory of the Reich, the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and in Luxembourg; subordinated to the Reich Minister of Justice; execution of tasks up to the subordination of the administered enemy property by law no. 52 of the military government under the control of the occupying powers by the trustee for the property of the allied states and their nationals. Characterisation of content: In addition to general files on organisation and personnel matters, fundamental questions of registration and treatment of German assets in hostile foreign countries and hostile assets in Germany and in the occupied territories as well as on asset management - generally in accordance with § 12 ff of the Ordinance on Enemy Asset Management, above all guidelines for administrators, applications and remuneration - individual files on asset management have been handed down, namely: Assets with the exception of participations and land (70), participations, companies, industrial property rights, special-purpose assets, in particular British, French and American assets after 1940 (1819), land in the Berlin district of the Supreme Court and the individual districts of the Higher Regional Court, in particular British assets including Commonwealth, French assets including colonies and American and Soviet assets after 1940 (6465). Few files concern Jewish property. The documents assigned are those of the Commissioner of the Reich Commissioner at the Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia - Liaison Office Prague, the Chief of the Civil Administration in Luxembourg - Commissioner for the Administration of Enterprises Under Hostile Influence, the Military Commander France - Reststab and the Military Commander France - Reststab. State of development: Findbuchvorlage (1987) Citation method: BArch, R 87/...

Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 342-1 II_J I a · File · 1873-1915
Part of State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Act of 04.09.15 on the amendment of the Reich Military Act and the Act, concerning amendments to the military duty of 11.02.88 - Applicability of § 66 of the War Military Act to the substitute reservists of 1st class called up for exercises in peace pursuant to § 3 of the Act of 6.5.1880 on exercises in peace Applicability of the provisions implementing § 66 of the Reich Military Act to officials who voluntarily entered the East Asian Expeditionary Corps or, on the occasion of the Herero Uprising, the Schutztruppe für Südwestafrika (Protection Force for Southwest Africa)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, K 745 II · Fonds · 1933-1943 (Vorakten ab 1929)
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The Reichsmusikkammer was founded as one of seven individual chambers of the Reichskulturkammer, i.e. the National Socialist compulsory organisation of the "creative artists", with the law of 22.09.1933 (additional ordinances of 01. and 09.11.1933). The Reichskulturkammer was a corporation under public law, was subordinate to the Reichspropaganda Minister as President of the Reichskulturkammer and served to monitor and direct cultural life in the "Third Reich". Every culturally active person had to be a member of the responsible individual chamber, non-inclusion or exclusion resulted in a professional ban, which was rigorously enforced. The Reichsmusikkammer was divided into individual districts. For Württemberg, Baden and Hohenzollern, from 1933 onwards, the state leadership of Southwest Germany housed in Stuttgart, Friedrichstrasse 13 (the house of the oppressed Württemberg SPD and its "Tagwacht" printing works) was initially responsible. On 01.04.1938 the Landesstelle Baden, which until then had been subordinated to the Landesleitung Südwestdeutschland, was made independent as the Landesleitung; the former Landesleitung Südwestdeutschland therefore subsequently operated as the Landesleitung Württemberg-Hohenzollern. The files of the Reichsmusikkammer - Landesleitung Südwestdeutschland and Württemberg-Hohenzollern, respectively, arrived at the Ludwigsburg State Archives in December 1964 via the Stuttgart Archive Directorate. It is no longer possible today to determine from where and under what circumstances they arrived at the Main State Archives in Stuttgart. Presumably the files were taken over in the chaotic months after the collapse in 1945. The inventory comprised about 320 standing files of about 30 m and was partly mixed with files of the inventory K 746 (Reichskammer der bildenden Künste - Landesleitung Stuttgart).Two departments were formed during the order and recording of the inventory, which began in 1971:- K 745 I Administrative files- K 745 II Personal filesThe personal files grew up in the years 1933-1944 and seem - in contrast to the administrative files - to be without larger gaps. The collection contains not only the personal files of the regular members of the Reichsmusikkammer (i.e. full-time or part-time musicians and music teachers), but also those of the persons exempted from membership of the Reichsmusikkammer (leisure musicians, music bands and associations), as well as occasional correspondence with foreign musicians and scholarship candidates.Among the 8542 individual files are the personal files of well-known musicians and composers, e.g. Hubert Deuringer, Hugo Distler, Robert Edler, Hubert Giesen, Hugo Herrmann, Eva Liedecke-Hölderlin, Karl Münchinger and Heinz Schlebusch, which in some cases, however, say very little. nevertheless, in one case or another they might be informative. In addition to the files of the soloists and ensemble musicians on the state and municipal stages and the numerous private music teachers, the frequent personal files of primary school teachers working in music and music education are of interest. The latter not only contain statements that are relevant for the respective person (which cannot usually be collected elsewhere), but often also provide information about village cultural conditions. Among the elementary school teachers, there are also the sharpest critics of the regulating and levelling activities of the Reichsmusikkammer. Judgments such as that of the main teacher W. Berner (Bü 8378): "The Reichsmusikkammer prevents music instruction in the countryside rather than promoting it" are - generally well-founded - frequently found in the correspondence between the teachers and the chamber. Finally, particular attention should be paid to the personal files in which examination papers are contained (and are consistently indicated in them), since some of these contain extensive assessments by the examiners. Hugo Distler, for example, whose own personal file is almost insignificant, has made numerous handwritten judgments on the pianistic abilities of the candidates in numerous examination procedures.1971-1972 The inventory was recorded under the direction of the undersigned by A. Berwanger, G. Zöllner and R. Vahle.Ludwigsburg, March 1973Dr. Wolfgang Schmierer[NACHTRAG:]In 2000, the card index was processed for conservation reasons as part of the retroconversion of older finding aids. Several temporary staff were involved in the computer recording, in particular Andrea Mahler and Sabine Dörlich. Inge Nesper was in charge of the incorporation of corrections, and the alphabetical order was retained for the EDP recording. Civil names and artist names were recorded in separate data records and displayed in the comments field. An examination of the numbering revealed that individual personnel files were not recorded in the index and that seven order numbers were not assigned. Ludwigsburg, December 2000Dr. Barbara Hoen

BArch, R 15-IV · Fonds · 1934-1945(-1961)
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: The "Reichsstelle für Garten- und Weinbauerzeugnisse" (Reichsstelle) was established on 01 November 1936. The legal basis for the establishment was the Act on the Sale of Horticultural and Viticultural Products of 30 September 1936 (RGBL. I p. 854). The Reich Office carried out a state economic activity. Its main task was to monitor and direct the import of the products farmed, in terms of quantity, place and time, in accordance with the requirements of the internal market and, at the same time, to guide the pricing of these products in such a way as to avoid, as far as possible, disturbances resulting from the difference between world prices and domestic prices. The Reich Office was thus also involved in the internal market equalization process and in stock management. They were the only means by which horticultural and wine-growing products imported from a customs territory or a customs exclusion area could be placed on the market in the customs territory. All horticultural and wine-growing products to be imported from a customs foreign country or from a customs exclusion area which were subject to the Act on the Trade in Horticultural and Wine-growing Products of 30 September 1936 were therefore to be offered for sale to the Reich Agency. The takeover by the Reich Office was effected by means of a takeover certificate, the issuance of which the importer applied for from the Reich Office. The Reich agency was not obliged to take over the offered horticultural and wine-growing products. The import of the goods could therefore be stopped at any time. The horticultural and wine-growing products placed on the domestic market by the domestic producer were not subject to the restrictions of the Horticultural and Wine-growing Products Trade Act in view of the market organisation implemented for them. Only the products imported from a customs foreign country or a customs exclusion area were managed by the Reich Office. Its scope resulted from Article III of the seventh Regulation implementing and supplementing the Law on the marketing of horticultural and wine-growing products of 7 June 1940 (RGBl. I p. 862). The Imperial Agency mainly imported products from the following countries: - European countries of origin: Baltic States, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Spain, Hungary and Portugal. - Non-European countries of origin: Afghanistan, Egypt, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Japan, India, Iran, Cameroon, Canada, Mexico, Palestine, Somalia, South African Union, Syria, Turkey, USA, West Indies and Cameroon. Imported products have been grouped into the following product groups: - Vegetables, fruit, tropical fruits, potatoes, vegetable seeds, flower seeds, tobacco seeds, caraway seeds, azaleas, cut flowers and reindeer lichen. The Reich Office was divided into main departments, departments and subject areas. The division into departments and their subdivision into subject areas resulted from the business allocation plan. The "Überwachungsstelle für Gartenbau-Erzeugnisse, Getränke und sonstige Lebensmittel" (Überwachungsstelle), which was established on 24 September 1934 (Deutscher Reichs- und Preußischer Staatsanzeiger 1934 No. 209), was merged with the Reichsstelle to form the "Reichsstelle für Garten- und Weinbauerzeugnisse als Überwachungsstelle" (Reichsstelle as Überwachungsstelle) by ordinance of 6 December 1938 (Deutscher Reichs- und Preußischer Staatsanzeiger 1938 No. 291). The merger brought together, as far as possible, bodies of the same or a similar nature from the two services, such as money, assets, staff and materials management, registers, the law firm, the post office and the branches located in the same place. The former Main Department III of the Reich Office and the country groups I - VI of the Surveillance Office were also merged, so that the applications for the issue of foreign exchange certificates and takeover certificates could be dealt with in one operation. The Reich Office as a supervisory office was now divided into 5 main departments, 6 departments, 21 subdivisions and 15 subject areas. The range of tasks of the Reich Office as such, however, remained unchanged in principle. In addition, the tasks of the supervisory authority remained essentially unchanged, namely the examination of applications for foreign exchange certificates submitted by importers from a formal and economic point of view, in particular in accordance with the rules on foreign exchange control, the import of vegetables, fruit, juices, wines, tea and live plants, and their allocation. It also issued foreign exchange certificates applied for and checked that the importers used the certificates issued in due time and in the proper manner. The tasks of the Reich Office as a supervisory authority were thus also determined by the Foreign Exchange Control Act. Pursuant to § 2 (2) of this Act, in addition to the foreign exchange offices, the monitoring offices also took their measures and made their decisions in accordance with guidelines drawn up by the Reich Office for Foreign Exchange Management in agreement with the Reich Minister for Economic Affairs and the Reich Minister for Food and Agriculture. These directives delimited the tasks of the supervisory authorities in that they supervised the import and payment of goods and controlled purchase prices. They also had to take measures in the field of internal management (e.g. processing and export bans). The Reich Office as well as the Surveillance Office were corporations under public law, i.e. legal entities of their own, which financed themselves and were not maintained from Reich funds. They were subject to the supervision of the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The Reichstelle, as the supervisory authority, also had to obtain approval for the scale of fees from this authority. Examples of chargeable events were the issue of foreign exchange certificates and the issue of expert opinions on private settlement transactions. However, the monitoring agency carried out book and company audits free of charge, unless the audit revealed that a company had violated official orders. After the outbreak of the war, the Reich Office was confronted with new tasks as a supervisory office with regard to the procurement of goods. All enemy states and a large part of the neutral states failed as suppliers, while the demand for food imports of all kinds grew steadily. As a result, prices abroad also rose sharply, so that the Reich Office's previous task of raising foreign prices to the German price level by means of differential amounts became illusory and was finally reversed in the opposite direction, namely that of reducing the price of imported goods. The other task, the territorial control of the import of goods, had already been transferred to a greater extent to the main associations (e.g.: Main Association of the German Horticultural Industry) at the outbreak of the war, so that only the area of responsibility of the supervisory authority remained. The Reich office as such was therefore closed at the beginning of July 1943. In the course of the effects of the war, the surveillance agency took on ever greater dimensions as the difficulties in procuring goods grew. After the end of the war, the assets of the Reichsstelle were liquidated by the Allies. The storage and import point in Hamburg was authorized by § 5 No. 2 of the Ordinance of the Central Office for Food and Agriculture of 17 August 1946 (Official Gazette for Food and Agriculture No. 2 of 24 August 1946) and by decree of the Food and Agriculture Council in Stuttgart of 04 July 1946 to liquidate the assets of the Reich Office, insofar as they were located in the American and British occupation zone. The branch office in Bavaria was handled by the office of the trade associations. A trustee was appointed to carry out the liquidation, who received his activity permit from the competent British supervisory authority and headed the 'Liquidation Office of the Reich Office for Horticultural and Viticultural Products as a Supervisory Office' in Berlin and the 'Liquidation Office of the Main Association of the German Horticultural Industry and Reich Office for Horticultural and Viticultural Products as a Supervisory Office - Munich Branch'. The final dispute over the assets of the former Reich offices within the four occupation zones was reserved for the decision of the Allied Control Council. Inventory description: Inventory description The files of the Reich Office for Horticultural and Viticultural Products were transferred to the Federal Archives in Koblenz in 1974 from the Oberfinanzdirektion Berlin, which was responsible for handling the Reich's food supply. The 248 files have a term from 1930 to 1973, whereby the mass of the files originated between 1936 and 1945. The documents contain above all documents which have arisen as a result of the Reich Office's business relations with the importers: agreements on quantities and prices for various products, currency certificates and takeover certificates, notes on business trips and company audits. The inventory can also be used to a limited extent as a substitute for the insufficient inventory of inventory R 3601 (Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture) due to war damage. No cassations were made. A file plan for the Reich Office did not exist. There was also no registry in the Reich office. The order of the files and their filing was carried out by the employees of the Reich Office according to their respective tasks and priorities. The rules of procedure are therefore partly unconventional and unsystematic. Consequently, there are documents in the files with different thematic classifications. Only an order according to individual countries is recognizable. The classification in the finding aid is based on this order by country. Only a few files were prearchived with titles. The file titles were therefore formed according to the predominant factual content of the file. The units of description were, if necessary, indexed more deeply by means of contained annotations. Characterisation of content: The main focus of the text is on documents relating to the business activities of the Reich Office, in particular ministerial decrees and materials for foreign trade with European and non-European countries: BArch, R 15-IV/...

BArch, R 113 · Fonds · 1935-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: The Act of 29 March 1935 on the Regulation of Public Land Requirements (Gesetz über die Regeung des Landbedarfs der öffentlichen Hand) (1) issued by the Reich Ministry of Food and Drink (Reichsernährungsministerium) established an Imperial Authority which, with the Führer Decree of 26 June 1935, was to assume the role of "Reich Office for Spatial Planning (RfR)" (Reichsstelle für Raumordnung) "for the entire territory of the Reich"(2). The expansion of planning to the Reich and state level led to the separation of spatial planning from local political sovereignty. "In agreement with the Reich and Prussian Ministers of Labor, the head of the Reich Office for Spatial Planning shall in particular regulate the organization of the planning associations and supervise them. (3) The RfR with its seat in Berlin, as the supreme Reich authority, was directly subordinate to the Führer and Reich Chancellor and, in fulfilling its tasks, made use of the Society for the Preparation of Reich Planning and Regional Planning (Gezuvor) (4), later known as the Reichsplanungsgemeinschaft e.V. (Reich Planning Association). (RPG). Head of the RfR and President of the RPG was the Reich Minister and Prussian State Minister Hanns Kerrl, who also headed the Reich Ministry for Church Affairs (RKM) in personal union. After his death in 1941, Hermann Muhs, until then State Secretary in the Reich Ministry for Church Affairs, took over the management of the official business. Due to close personal and organizational ties, the Reichsplanungsgemeinschaft appeared in the business distribution plan of the RfR from June 1937. Both as members of an organization in which the Reich Office for Spatial Planning was assigned the task of "administration", the Reich Planning Community the task of "design". The business distribution plan named two registries which served both offices according to the subject area. (5) The joint budget for the financial year 1937 stated: "Since the fields of activity of the RfR and the RPG overlap in many respects, there has been no complete administrative and budgetary separation between the RfR and the RPG, either in terms of the specific nature of the tasks to be performed or in terms of the appropriate use of all manpower. (6) Kerrls Erste Verordnung zur Durchführung der Reichs- und Landesplanung vom 15. Februar 1936(7) contains the regulations on the organization of subordinate agencies. The organic structure of the regional planning administration should correspond to the dual task of Nazi regional planning - political leadership on the one hand and coordination of all spatially relevant issues on the other. The Reich Office for Spatial Planning was established as an "organ of state and party, and it must be emphasized in particular that its competence is not limited to regulatory work in relation to agriculture, housing and industry, but that it is also co-determinative in the requirements of terrain for the public sector". (8) In organisational terms, a distinction was made between planning authorities and state planning associations. The former were the governors of the Reich and the presidents of Prussia. They supervised the state planning communities and had the task of enforcing the guidelines issued by the central office. They were able to arrange for an annual audit of the accounts and approve the relevant budget. The actual planning work was carried out by the regional planning associations, of which 22 were established throughout the country and whose number increased to 33 by 1941 as a result of the annexations that began in 1938. (9) Its members consisted of rural and urban districts, Reich and Land authorities, self-governing bodies, the administrations of professional organisations and the scientific institutions appointed to promote Reich and Land planning. The managing directors were the state planners. The statutes of the Landesplanungsgemeinschaften were based on the model statutes issued by the head of the Reich Office. Hanns Kerrl had set this up in order to maintain uniformity within the organisation. The statutes provided for the head of the planning authority as chairman and also ensured a close link between the planning communities and planning authorities in the further administrative substructure. According to the model scale of contributions, costs were borne in the following proportions: 51% was borne by the Reich, the remainder was borne equally by the member groups "self-government" (e.g. provincial associations, urban and rural districts) and "economy" (e.g. German Labour Front, Reichsnährstand, Chambers of Industry and Commerce). (10) The Landesplanungsgemeinschaften were treated as public corporations. (11) The services of the State, local authorities and professional organisations were required to provide administrative and administrative assistance to planning authorities and associations. Created as a management and coordination body for territorial planning in the entire territory of the Reich, the RfR was first to "ensure that the German area was shaped in a manner appropriate to the needs of the people and the state". (12) In addition to civilian settlement planning and management, the armament programme also dealt with the location distribution of military installations and traffic routes. Nevertheless, the decisive plans were ultimately drawn up by the Wehrmacht, the Reich Ministry of Economics and the four-year plan officers. (13) The Reich Office had practically no decision-making powers and could only veto them in individual cases. Its activities were thus limited to administrative supervision of regional planning authorities, state planning associations and the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft für Raumforschung, which directed and coordinated research results on questions of territorial planning. In cooperation with the Reich Minister for Science, Education and People's Education, "the faculties of all German universities were called upon in the largest form to cooperate". (14) With the help of the scientific universities, expert opinions were developed on issues of emergency and conurbation rehabilitation in the pre-war period, with the focus after the outbreak of war also on the integrated eastern regions. As the central control authority, however, the Reich Office for Spatial Planning gradually lost its authority, at the latest at the time of the intensive work of the office of the Reich Commissioner for the Consolidation of the German People, created under Heinrich Himmler, in shaping the "living space in the East". (15) The ban of all post-war planning imposed by Hitler during the war led to the cessation of the actual professional activity. The personnel of the RfR (16) was increasingly reduced. The exemptions from military service required by the planning institutions were no longer granted after the defeat of Stalingrad. On 6 February 1943, the head of the Reich Chancellery, Dr. Lammers, informed the Supreme Reich Authorities that the Reich Office would now only administer its documents and provide information on request. (17) For reasons of air-raid protection, the documents were transferred to Wittenberg in 1943/44 together with those of the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft für Raumforschung and parts of the Reich Ministry for Church Affairs. Notes (1) RGBl. 1935, I, p. 468 (2) RGBl. 1935, I, p. 793 (3) RGBl. 1935, I, p. 1515 (4) Previously Gesellschaft zur Vorbereitung der Reichsautobahnen e.V. (until 1935) (5) BArch, R 113/2030 (6) BArch, library 96.11.22, p.3 (7) RGBl. 1936, I, p.104 (8) BArch, R 113/2439 (9) Michael Venhoff, "Die Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft für Raumforschung (RAG) und die reichs- deutsche Raumplanung seit ihrer Entstehung bis die Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges 1945", Hanover 2000, p.15 (10)Pfundtner/Neubert, Das neue Deutsche Reichsrecht I b 25 p.12 (11)See, inter alia, Werner Weber, "Die Körperschaften, Anstalten und Stiftungen des öffentlichen Rechts", Munich and Berlin, 1943, p.52 (12)See §3 of the Gesetz über die Regelung des Landbedarfs der öffentlichen Hand vom 29.3.1935 (13) "Special planning in the individual fields of activity continues to be the responsibility of the responsible departments. They have the obligation to announce their planning plans to the Reich Office for Spatial Planning." (2nd decree on the Reich Office for Regional Planning of 18 Dec. 1935), R 113/128 (14)BArch, R 113/2439 (15)Cf. Michael Venhoff, see above, p.73 (16)Exact number of employees not available (17)BArch, R 43 II/708, p.51 Inventory description: In March 1946, Martin Mäckler, then Director of Construction in the sector of the British military government, was commissioned by the Berlin magistrate to initiate the return of files from the Reich Office for Regional Planning in Wittenberg. After they had been reviewed, part of these documents were sent in 1947 to the Department of Housing, Urban Planning and Regional Planning of the Central Office of the Labour Department of the British Occupation Zone in Lemgo. After the dissolution of the head office, the maps, files and books were first forwarded to the local tax office and finally requested by the Federal Ministry of Housing. Another much larger part went to the Berlin Main Office for Overall Planning of the West Berlin Magistrate, including personnel files, and was finally handed over to the Berlin branch of the Institute for Spatial Research (Bad Godesberg). The transfer to the Berlin main archive, which had been responsible for official files since 1946 (since 1963 again Secret State Archive), took place in 1959, where the indexing began under the signature Rep.325. In 1962 2295 maps and plans as well as 1717 files in the form of a card index were listed. A mixed collection returned from the USA in April 1962 contained 15 volumes of RfR files, which were combined with the archival records in the main archive. In the course of the exchange of archival records in 1969, the Secret State Archives transferred to the Federal Archives not only the files but also the entire map section of the RfR, which was stored in Koblenz in 1971. On the basis of the first file indexing carried out in the Secret State Archives, the new indexing of the files began in 1987 in the Federal Archives under the inventory signature R 113. A first finding aid book for the approx. 2400 files has been available since 1990. The merger of Koblenz and Potsdam files in the Federal Archives in Berlin-Lichterfelde was completed in 1993. The latter, mainly newspaper clippings, printed publications, and annual and working reports, had been handed over to the German Central Archive in Potsdam by the Magdeburg State Archives in 1957 and by the Wittenberg District Council in 1963. During the database-supported recording of the stock a revision of file titles and classification took place, whereby based on the finding aid book from the year 1990 however it was renounced to sift each of the altogether more than 3000 file volumes again. The majority of series and tape sequences were archived. The map holdings held in Koblenz were not taken into account here. For data protection reasons, the personnel files available in portfolio R113 are not shown in the online find book. Requests in this respect should be addressed directly to the relevant Unit R 3. Characterisation of content: The general organisation and working methods of the Reich Office for Spatial Planning and its branches are documented in the files of the office administration and planning authorities. The traditions of the individual regional planning communities provide an insight into concrete tasks, procedures and areas of activity. The focus here is on documents relating to various economic sectors. The intention to incorporate scientific aspects of spatial research into regional economic and social structures is illustrated, among other things, by the files of the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft für Raumforschung and the Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau. Ultimately, the collection contains material collections from the archive and the press office, most of which consist of newspaper clippings and printed matter. Supplementary records are the R 164 Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft für Raumordnung and the RfR map collection (R 113 Kart) in the Federal Archives in Koblenz. State of development: Findbuch (2013) Citation method: BArch, R 113/...

BArch, R 11 · Fonds · 1917-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: 1861 Constitution of the Deutscher Handelstag as a political and professional association of merchants; 1918 Change of name to Deutscher Industrie- und Handelstag, the umbrella organisation of the Chambers of Industry and Commerce; January 1935 Transfer of the branch office of the Deutscher Industrie- und Handelstag to the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Industrie und Handelskammern (Act on the Preparation of the Organic Structure of the German Economy of 27 February 1934, Ordinance on the Transfer of 24 July 1935 to the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce).1935); association with the office of the Führer der Wirtschaft and affiliation to the Reichswirtschaftskammer, the umbrella organization of the "Organisation der gewerblichen Wirtschaft", and transfer of the public-law representation of the commercial economy to the Reichswirtschaftskammer, which is subordinated to the Reich Ministry of Economics; September 1943, assumption of the control of the war and armaments economy by the Reich Ministry of Armaments and War Economics, thus abolishing the mediating function between the state and the individual enterprise (decree of the Führer on the concentration of the war economy of 2 September 1943).09.1943; Decree on the allocation of tasks in the war economy of 29.10.1943). Inventory description: Inventory history The remains of the files of the German Industrial and Commercial Conference and the Reich Economic Chamber, which were rescued beyond the events of the war and the post-war period, originate from a complex of documents that was laid out after 1945 by the American occupying authorities in the Ministerial Collecting Center (MCC) in Hessisch-Lichtenau and Fürstenhagen. On behalf of the Americans, the files collected there were opened up and processed by German officials and employees in so-called working groups or sections. Via the Administrative Office for Economics in Minden and later the Administrative Office for Economics in Frankfurt/M., the documents finally came into the jurisdiction of the Federal Ministry of Economics in Duisdorf in 1951 in a strongly decimated form, and were then handed over to the Federal Archives in June 1952 after an initial inspection, pre-arrangement and separation of non-archival documents. It was not uncommon for these documents to be continued in the Reichswirtschaftskammer (Reich Chamber of Commerce) as part of the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (Deutscher Industrie- und Handelstag), and it would have been difficult to divide them up between the two provenance sites when it came to establishing and delimiting the holdings. As a result of this strong continuity in the records, the archives of both provenance sites were integrated into a collection which was given the designation "Reichswirtschaftskammer" because of its final provenance. The stock was supplemented by US returns 1962-1966, 1965 and 1973. Characterisation of the content: Only fragments of the formerly extensive registries of the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (1861-1934), the successor organisations of the Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce in the Reichswirtschaftskammer (1935-1943) and the Reichswirtschaftskammer itself have survived today. The collection contains about 200 files of the until 1934 mainly on money, banking, stock exchange and credit affairs. About 3/4 of the c.a. 2200 files are files whose term extends beyond 1934 or begins only in 1935. The focus is on files of the file plan groups B III - Education, teaching and examination and D I - Foreign Chambers of Commerce, Foreign Trade, Economic Foreign Trade Intelligence Service as well as the test centre for the area of the organisation of trade and industry in the Reich Economic Chamber equipped with special powers. In detail, files have been handed down on the following subjects: Organisation, distribution of business, activities, budget, cash management, office building, business operations 1926-1945, industrial and economic reporting, economic research 1936-1945, circulars of the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce, the Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce, the Reich Economic Chamber (incomplete collection) 1925-1945, German Chambers of Industry and Commerce: Management, human resources 1922-1923, honorary commercial courts, professional development of the economy 1932-1936, education, teaching and examination 1921-1945, pricing and management 1925-1927,1930-1945, trade law, cartel law, market surveillance, Work assignment (including foreign workers and prisoners of war) 1935-1945, associations, federations, chambers of commerce abroad, foreign economic intelligence service 1924-1944, customs duties, processing traffic, trade agreements, International Chamber of Commerce 1922-1937,1942-1944, taxes, money and credit, stock exchange, socialisation 1917-1933, 1935-1942, railway transport, tariffs, freight forwarders 1923-1943, shipping, waterways and air transport 1924-1944, transport, tourism, energy 1929-1942, Court of Honour and Courts of Honour 1937-1943, Management of the German National Group of the International Society for Commercial Education 1938, 1941-1944, Testing Laboratories for the Organization of Trade and Commerce 1932-1945 State of Development: Publication Findbuch (1976) Citation method: BArch, R 11/...

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, E 177 I · Fonds · 1817-1924 (Va ab 1717, Na bis 1936)
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

The history of the district governments: The district governments were established by the 4th Edict of 18 Nov. 1817 at the same time as the district chambers of finance were revoked in 1849. Previously, the entire administration in Württemberg had been led by a central government college, in which sections had been formed for the various branches of the administration, in addition to the district governorates, which had only little competence and were called bailiwick bailiwicks from 1810 onwards, as well as the municipal and district authorities. The division of the country into districts and the creation of provincial colleges was modelled on the French Departmental Constitution of 1789, which also formed the basis for a new administrative organisation in other German states at the beginning of the 19th century. In 1818 it was put into effect, and at the same time the sections of internal administration, medicine, roads, bridges, hydraulic engineering, local government and the Commission for Municipal Use and Allodification of Farm Loans existing in the Ministry of the Interior, the section of crown domains, the section of state accounts, the section of agriculture, the section of state coffers in the Ministry of Finance, the section of foundations in the Ministry of Church and Education were abolished.After the instruction of Dec. 21. In 1819, the district governments were the supreme authorities in their area for all matters of state administration in the field of regimes (sovereign administration), the state police and the state economy, and for the administration of the property of municipalities, official bodies and foundations, insofar as these objects were not assigned to other district or central offices (Chambers of Finance as well as Protestant Consistory, Catholic Church Council, Academic Council, Superior Building Council, Provincial Stud Commission, Medical College, Superior Chamber of Accounts, Tax College, Forestry Council and Bergrat).The old 1819 directive was valid for 70 years, it was only replaced by the Decree of 15 Nov 1889 on the organisation of district governments and the course of their business. Their business was handled by a president as a member of the board, administrative councils and collegial assessors as well as the necessary office staff. For the technical consultation a county medical council was temporarily assigned to the health service, for the road, bridge and hydraulic engineering of the municipalities a construction council, another for the building industry of the municipalities and foundations an expert was assigned, for the permissions of steam boiler plants. Business was transacted partly through collegial consultation and decision-making, partly through the office.In the course of time, a number of important tasks were transferred from the original tasks of the district governments to other middle and central authorities, such as the Ministerial Department for Road and Water Construction (1848), the Central Office for Agriculture (1848), the Central Office for Trade and Commerce (1848), the Ministerial Department for Building Construction (1872), the Corporate Forestry Directorate (1875), the Medical College (1881) and the Higher Insurance Office (1912).After 1870, new tasks arose for the district governments through new Reich and state laws, namely the Industrial Code, the laws on the formation of district poor associations, on the administration of administrative justice, on the representation of Protestant church and Catholic parishes and on the compulsory expropriation of land. In addition, at the beginning of the 20th century, the water law was reorganized, social legislation was expanded and direct supervision of large and medium-sized cities and direct supervision of large and medium-sized cities was assigned. In the case of the tasks of the internal state administration to be carried out by the district governments, these were either the deciding or the decreing authority of the first instance, or the supervisory and complaints authority, or the evaluating and mediating authority. 1924, in the course of the removal of civil servants and offices, the district governments were replaced by a new ministerial department for district and corporate administration, subdivided into the Ministry of the Interior, for all competences which did not pass to the upper offices and the Ministry.Literature- Alfred Dehlinger, Württembergisches Staatswesen, 1951 - 1953 (esp. § 127)- Handwörterbuch der württembergischen Verwaltung, edited by Dr. Friedrich Haller 1915- Denkschrift über Vereinfachungen in der Staatsverwaltung vom 27.2.1911, in: Verhandlungen der Württ. Zweiten Kammer 1911/12, Beilage 28, S. 385ff. (Dep. of the Interior). To the district government of Reutlingen: The seat of the government of the Black Forest district, established at the end of 1817, was Reutlingen (Reutlingen district government), which was responsible for the upper offices of Balingen, Calw, Freudenstadt, Herrenberg, Horb, Nagold, Neuenbürg, Nürtingen, Oberndorf, Reutlingen, Rottenburg, Rottweil, Spaichingen, Sulz, Tübingen, Tuttlingen (with exclave Hohentwiel) and Urach. Furthermore, the workhouse for women in Rottenburg, which was affiliated to the prison for female prisoners in Gotteszell in 1907, was subordinated to her. While the number of senior offices in the district government of Reutlingen remained constant until 1938, the districts themselves experienced a decline in the number of senior offices in the district government of Reutlingen as a result of the law of 6 July 1938.1842 on the amendment in the delimitation of the administrative districts subsequent amendments:- from OA Herrenberg the municipality Hagelloch to OA Tübingen, - from OA Neuenbürg the municipalities Dennjächt, Ernstmühl, Liebenzell, Monakam, Unterhaugstett and Unterreichenbach to OA Calw- from OA Nürtingen the municipality Grabenstetten to OA Urach, Hausen am Tann and Roßwangen to OA Rottweil,- from OA Tübingen the municipality Altenriet to OA Nürtingen and- from OA Urach the municipality Pliezhausen to OA Tübingen and the municipality Eningen to OA Reutlingen.The above-mentioned places may therefore appear in the search book under different regional offices, which has to be taken into account in individual cases. Structure, order and distortion of the inventory: Present holdings E 177 I essentially contain the records handed over to the Ludwigsburg State Archives by the registry office of the district government in Reutlingen on December 3, 1924 - a torso in relation to the original records.A considerable number of the registry files had already been withdrawn and collected in 1823, 1835, 1848, 1853, 1863, 1872, 1889 and finally 1924, including the records until 1850, the business diaries until 1870 and the directorates until 1830 (cf. Further files had been handed over to the following offices for reasons of competence:- 1873 to the ministerial department for building construction (building files),- 1908 to the archive of the interior (files of the county Ober- und Niederhohenberg zu Rottenburg, the bailiwicks Black Forest, on the Alb, on the upper Neckar and on the middle Neckar, the Churfürstl. 1924 finally to the 17 upper offices of the district, to the ministerial department for district and corporate administration, to the ministerial department for building construction, to the regional trade office, to the trade and supervisory office, to the catholic high school council, to the ministerial department for higher schools and/or to the ministerial department for the higher schools. The files handed over to the Archive of the Interior as well as parts of the files handed over to the Ministerial Department for District and Corporation Administration and the Higher Offices (above all the Higher Offices Reutlingen and Urach) later came from these offices directly or via successor authorities (District Administrator's Offices) or the Ministerial Department for Technical Schools (see E 177 I Büschel 301 and 4393). In 1937, the State Archives Ludwigsburg, under the direction of the subsequent Director of the State Archives Prof. Grube, undertook a makeshift order and indexing of the holdings, which he described in the find book as follows: "The registry of the Reutlingen district government was handed over to the State Branch Archives in 1924 with an inadequate handover register of 5 pages. The older registry plan (with keyword register) and a keyword register of 1910 designated as "Repertorium", which was also handed over, were also not sufficient for the determination of the actually existing files. Since it is not possible in the foreseeable future to keep an internal order for the somewhat confused holdings and to separate the files that are not worthy of archiving, the present repertory was produced by Hausverwalter Isser in 1935 on the occasion of the external order of the holdings as a temporary auxiliary measure according to the fascicle inscriptions. As part of the revision of the holdings of the district governments in the Ludwigsburg State Archives from 1986 to 1990, the undersigned, together with the temporary employee Karin Steißlinger, who opened up the extensive administrative legal cases, made new title records for the various partial holdings of the Reutlingen district government (E 177 I, E 177 III and without signature). The registry was based on a simple systematic order introduced after 1863 by Registrator Bregizer and Chancellor List Wenz, according to which the files were divided into the main groups A Regiminal and B Police files with 19 and 13 rubrics respectively; the file bundles themselves were correspondingly provided with file signatures, i.e. with letters and numbers of the stands (boxes) and compartments. After the new indexing had been completed, the title records created using the numerus currens-procedure were sorted according to the old file plan, but the structure of the file groups in the finding aid book was made clearer and without the division into two parts of the Regiminal and Police Administration. Of these, 0.5 linear metres were allocated to the files available here (Kreisreg. Ludwigsburg, Ellwangen and Ulm, Commission for the Clean-up of the Official and Municipal Association, Ministerial Department for District and Corporation Administration). The Main State Archives received 0.6 linear metres (mainly old-valued files) and the State Archives Sigmaringen 1.6 linear metres (files of the higher offices), while 0.8 linear metres of files (slaughterhouse and meat inspection fees, office costs of the higher offices, examination of sports invoices) were collected.For 297, plans and cracks still attached to the files as well as 175 newspaper copies proof maps for the holdings JL 590 and JL 430 were produced. 4484 tufts were made for the holdings E 177 I. Ludwigsburg, in November 1990Hofer tufts 4485 to 4499, received from the State Archives Sigmaringen with access 2000/79, were incorporated into the holdings in July 2009. Retroconversion: This finding aid book is a repertory that was previously only available in handwritten or typewritten form and was converted into a database-supported and thus online-capable format according to a procedure developed by the "Retroconversion Working Group in the Ludwigsburg State Archives". This can lead to a certain discrepancy between the modern external appearance and the partly outdated design and formulation of the title recordings. Corrections, deletions and additions were verified and incorporated.