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              6 Dokumente results for Schreiben

              6 Ergebnisse mit direktem Bezug Engere Begriffe ausschließen
              Coins, medals, tokens
              StadtarchivHof, XM · Bestand
              Teil von Hof City Archive (Archivtektonik)
              • Signature of the inventory: XM - Description of the stock: Coins, medals, tokens - Size of the holdings: more than 1,900 numbers - Find aids: Findbuch - Description of the holdings (essential contents with indication of the term): 1. coins 1.1. Germany (c. 1180 - 1950) 1. coins 1. coins 1.1. Germany (c. 1180 - 1950) 1.2. other issuers (around 20 BC - 1948) 2. medals 2.1. court (1817 - 1998) 2.2. other (1530 - 1983) 3. stamps 3.1. court (around 1870 - around 1995) 3.2. other (around 1800 - 2003) title recording: 1. coins: Nominal (value declaration) and issuer - medals: Type of medal - Marks: Issuer 2nd obverse: illustration, inscription 3rd reverse: illustration, inscription 4th edge: inscription 5th origin (gift, loan, artist, mint, place of discovery, part of a coin treasure) 6th comments: Material, shape (if not round), diameter, condition Definition of terms: In the sense of this finding aid are: - Coins: valuable expressions of money, i.e. small objects which are typically redeemable in an area at various locations and for any purpose and which can be stored for an unforeseeable period without losing their value without being lost; in distinction to banknotes and other forms of money, coins are small, often round and made of metals (exceptions: angular coins; coins made of porcelain or paper); in spite of its limited monetary functions (temporal and local limitation of validity), emergency money from the years 1917-1923 is counted here as coins. - Medals: formally coin-like pieces that are primarily honorary or propagandistic in character and have no monetary functions (accumulation, measurement of value, interchangeability). Medals of remembrance: issued for later commemoration of an event taking place at the time of issue (special forms: medals for baptism, Christmas, congratulations, participation), commemorative medals: issued for commemoration of an earlier event or a deceased person, medals of honour (also: Medals of merit): issued to document the honouring of a living person by a public body (similar to an order), mocking medals, joke medals: issued to ridicule an event, a person or an idea, advertising medals: issued by companies or businesses to attract customers. - Brands: fee stamps (also: discount stamps), i.e. valuable, coin-like pieces that can only be redeemed at a single institution or body for a specific purpose; here also: play money etc. The following numbers have not yet been assigned: 2151-2194, from 2199 - Information on the history of the holdings (with references to literature): Collections of the Stadtarchiv and the Museum Bayerisches Vogtland, some received as gifts or loans from private collectors, some taken over by the municipal administration. The city of Hof or its museum (in contrast to some other municipalities, such as in the time of the emergency money 1914-1923) did not carry out a systematic collecting activity. Purchases of coins or medals are not provable with the exception of a coin find from the bird stove in 1966. Some pieces came into the collection in connection with the foundation of the museum, others in return for Hofer emergency money, which the city of Hof sent to other municipalities. The Hof medals of the 1980s and 1990s are evidence because the City Archives provided the artwork and texts for their design, or takeovers from the administration (e.g. in the case of the 1994 State Garden Show, when the City of Hof liquidated the remaining assets). In many cases, the provenance context can no longer be reconstructed. Information on coin finds: The stock contains coins from several coin finds: A coin was found in 1952 in the hospital church in Hof (XM 1803). A coin was found in 1966 on the Drosselsteig 10 property in the Vogelherd district of Hof. The 115 coins were purchased for the municipal museum. However, only parts of it are available in the inventory. The whereabouts of the remaining coins are unknown. Cf. the list attached to the introduction (only in the printed search book). The third find of coins are the coins that were found during the excavations of the former monastery of the Poor Clares in Hof in 1987. The Landesamt für Denkmalpflege in Schloss Seehof (Memmelsdorf near Bamberg) lent them to the museum. It concerns the order numbers 554 and 1807-1809. Further coins are in the act of the city archives yard A 113/181: 3 strongly weathered coins with the writing of the mint C. Balmberger, Nuremberg, of 14.11.1919, 1 strongly weathered coin with the writing of the mint C. Balmberger, Nuremberg, from 6.9.1920, 7 coins on a cardboard strip while writing to the mint L. Chr. Lauer, Nuremberg, from 6.9.1920: 5 Pfennig, district Dieburg, 1918, 10 Pfennig, city Rudolstadt, 1918, 5 Pfennig, district Heppenheim, o. Dat, 10 Pfennig, town Überlingen, 1917, 10 Pfennig, district Heppenheim, 1918, 25 Pfennig, Rupertiwinkel, 1918, 50 Pfennig, district Lauterbach, n. d. Lit.: Allgemeine Geld- und Münzgeschichte/Lexika A. Luschin von Ebengreuth, Allgemeine Münzkunde und Geldgeschichte des Mittelalters und der neueren Zeit, 2nd ed, Munich/Berlin 1926 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 50) Ferdinand Friedensburg, Mint Studies and Money History of the Individual States of the Middle Ages and Modern Times, Munich/Berlin 1926 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 320) Friedrich Freiherr von Schrötter, Dictionary of Mint Studies, Berlin/Leipzig 1930 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 51) Arthur Suhle, German Mint and Money History from the Beginnings to the 15th Century, Berlin/Berlin 1926 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 51) Helmut Seling, Keysers Kunst- und Antiquitätenbuch, Heidelberg/Munich 1959 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 322/2) Tyll Kroha, Münzen sammeln, Braunschweig 1964 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 330) Helmut Kahnt/Bernd Knorr, Alte Maße, Münzen und Gewichte, Mannheim u.a. 1987 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 949) Dieter Fassbender, Lexikon für Münzsammler, Augsburg 1991 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 1133) Arnd Kluge, Geld und Banken in Hof, in: Hof im Spiegel der Zeit, 2. edition, in German only, Bad Soden-Salmünster 1996, pp. 17-25 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 1311) Gerhard Schön coins, German coin catalogue 18th century, 3rd edition, Munich 2002 (available at the Stadtbücherei Hof) Paul Arnold and others, Large German coin catalogue from 1800 to today, repeated editions (available at the Stadtbücherei Hof) Christian Charlet, Monnaies des Rois de France de Louis XIII a Louis XVI 1640-1793, Paris 1996 Jean-Marc Leconte, Le bréviaire de la numismatique francaise moderne 1791-1995, Paris 1995 Günter Schön and others, world coin catalogue. 19th century, repeated editions (available at the Stadtbücherei Hof) Günter Schön and others, World coin catalogue. 20th century, repeated editions (available at the Stadtbücherei Hof) Friedrich Freiherr von Schrötter, Brandenburg-Fränkisches Münzwesen, Part II: the coinage of the Hohenzollern Burgraves of Nuremberg and the Margraves of Brandenburg in Franconia 1515-1603, Halle 1929 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 4° A without signature) Kurt Jaeger, Die neueren Münzprägungen der deutschen Staaten vor Einführung der Reichswährung, 5th century, the newer mintings of the German states before the introduction of the imperial currency. Issue: Kingdom of Bavaria 1806-1871 with Grand Duchy of Berg and Würzburg, Basel 1957 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 139) Hans Meyer, Das deutsche Notgeld. Private emergency coins 1915-1923, issue 8, Berlin 1971 (to XM 216) Peter Menzel, Deutsche Notmünzen und sonstige Geldersatzmarken 1840-1990, 2 volumes, Gütersloh 1993 Gerhard Greim, Wipper und Kipper in Hof, in: Kulturwarte, 1969, p. 158f (Münzstätte Hof 1620-22) Hans Seiffert, Münzelend - Inflation - Notgeld, in: Kulturwarte, 1968, p. 178-184 (Tipper and luffing period 1620-23, emergency money 1914-24 in the Hof region) Heinz Henschel, When Münchberg spent city emergency money, in: Kulturwarte, 1968, S. 187-192 (Münchberger Notgeld 1917-1924) Maximilian Ritz, series on emergency money 1917-1924 in Hof and surroundings, in: Kulturwarte: Offizielle Notmünzen der Stadt Hof, 1971, p. 251-253 Das Hofer Papiernotgeld, 1972, p. 32-34 Das Hofer Notgeld - Die Großgelddscheine, 1972, p. 141-143 Papiernotgeld 1922: Hof ist besser als seiner Ruf, 1972, p. 204-205 Hofer Inflationsscheine (1. Teil): "Jeder ist nun Millionär", 1974, p. 145-146 Hofer Inflationsscheine mit Überdruck (2. Teil): Ein Dollar für ein Billion Papiermark, 1975, p. 16-17 Hans Hofner, Die Münzenfunde im Stadt- und Landkreis Hof, in: Kulturwarte, 1959/60, p. 83-87 Stadtarchiv Hof, A 113/134, 113/181, 113/221 (Hofer Notgeld 1916-1923) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 4390 (Coin finds in Hof 1952-1978) Medals Dieter Fischer/Hermann Maué, The Medals of the Hohenzollern in Franconia (Scientific supplements to the Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, 15), Nuremberg 2000 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 4° A, without no.) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 202 (Award of the Medal of Merit of the Bavarian Federation of Industrialists 1906-1935 to 25 year and 40 year service anniversaries in Bavarian industrial enterprises; the medal itself is not included in XM) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 25, 189, 191 (Award of the Wilhelm I.-Commemorative medal to holder of the war commemorative coin of 1870/71, 1898-1919; the medal itself is not included in XM) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 147 (Celebrating the 100th birthday of the German Emperor Wilhelm I.., 1896-1897; to XM 1923-1925) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 200 (Award of the Red Cross Medal, 1898-1920; the medal itself is not included in XM) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 134 (Celebrating the 80th Anniversary of the birth of the Red Cross) Birthday of the prince regent Luitpold, 1900-1901; to XM 787)Stadtarchiv Hof, A 202/26 (precious metal traffic, 1914-1922; to XM 782, 790, 814) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 176 (offers of medals, guide busts etc.), 1927-1944; to XM 792) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 4391 (Hof commemorative medals 1981-1992) - legal circumstances (loan contract, blocking periods): property of the Stadtarchiv Hof. - Author of the collection (with details of the period of processing): Dr. Arnd Kluge, December 1998 - February 2001, January - September 2003 (first entry)
              RMG 1.093 · Akt(e) · 1939-1941
              Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

              Günther Hecht: Colonial question and racial thought. Series of the racial policy. Amtes, H. 16, 36 p., Dr., 1939; Nine Theses of the Office of Racial Policy on Colonial Politics, copy from Prussia. Newspaper, No. 6, January 1939; Letter of the Colonial Political Office concerning the road conditions in Southwest and South Africa and reply with statement of the Addresses of local missionaries, 1941

              Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
              Stadtarchiv Worms, 241 / 0543 · Akt(e) · 1914 - 1931, 1950
              Teil von City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

              Contains: among other things collection of newspaper reports about monument consecration war memorial a. "Black Lord" and on cemetery Wachenheim 15.7.1928; mixed letters and prints; circular letter concerning elections z. Landwirtschaftskammer, 1906 (to mayor's office!); printed instruction for the leadership of the local chronicles (by the clergymen), 1857; print: Facts. The letter sent by the French Protestants to the Protestants of the neutral states, answered by Dr. Adolf Bolliger, Pfarrer v. Zürich-Neumünster, Konstanz [1915]; vertraul. Print: Liebesgaben dt. Geistlicher und seelsorgerliche Hilfe für kriegsgefangene Deutsche (Verf. F. M. Knote, ca. 1915/16); Aufruf/Sammelliste der Ludendorff-Spende für Kriegsbeschädigte, June 1918 (with collection result of 612 Marks; note: put into circulation by the board of the Frauenverein Mölsheim, second ex.); various collections and collection lists Rev. Müller 1915-1919 (e.g. for prisoners of war, ambulance train; sacrificial day for the colonial war donation Aug. 1918; call for the donation of Christmas gifts, with collection list; donation for infant and toddler protection); 25th anniversary of Kaiser. National donation for the mission (1913); Sacrifice Day for the German Fleet, 1.10.1916 (donor lists); Kaiser and Volksdank for army and fleet. Christmas Gift of the German People: Collection List; Call: Heimatdank an heimkehrte deutsche Kriegsgefangene, April 1918 (Worms district; Grand Duke, Red Cross), including: lists of results of the collection; government circular concerning education of the rural population about the situation (including food security), Oct. 1916; Volks-Emden-10-Pfennig-Spende, Nov. 1914; implementation of a war economic course in Frankfurt May 1917; Der ev. Heidenbote. Organ of the Evangelical Mission Society in Basel 88th year no. 6, June 1915 (obituary to fallen Georg Jung, born 11.9.1892 Mölsheim, died Westfront 25.03.1915); Kirchlich-statistische Tabelle ev. Pfarrei Mölsheim-Wachenheim für 1949; Reisebescheinigung Pfr. Reinhard Müller, April 1915 (Worms-Wachenheim); questionnaire (executed) of the Oberkonsistorium to the parish offices concerning war work of the evangelical church, April 1919 (among other things collection results); further letters; leaflet for field postings, Dec. 1914; call of the Hess. Landesverein vom Roten Kreuz 2.8.1914 zum Kriegsbeginn: Aufforderung zu Gelabenaben); Collection list for the Red Cross, 1914 (Wachenheim); List of nurses from Mölsheim and Wachenheim; various other collection lists, e.g. Nationalstiftung für die Hinterbliebenen der im Krieg Gefallenen, 1915; Call for the Ludendorff donation (in favour of war-damaged persons), May 1918 (Chairman of the Vereinigung für Kriegsbeschädigtenfürsorge im Kreis Worms: C. W. Frhr. v. Heyl, MdR, Wirkl. Rat); Call for the delivery of eggs, Confirmations of egg deliveries (here: as poultry farmer Pfarrer Müller, Wachenheim) Darin: hs. Welcoming speech on the occasion of the arrival of the 1st expellee transport in Wachenheim 16.6.1950 (56 persons, ev. priest); egg duty 1919; Red Cross bandage priest Müller; Wormser Zeitung v. 02.02.1915; cover with various food stamps (e.g. bread card, bread stamps, bread coupons; Reichsfleischkarten, Zuckerkarte; also soap card of the municipal association of Worms, charcoal card, twist card); card: Sammel-Hilfsdienst der Schuljugend des Kreises Worms

              Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 272 · Akt(e) · 1909, 1911, 1915 - 1922, o. D.
              Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

              Contains among other things: Information from Ulrich Rauscher on the conditions for the takeover of "März", 7.11.1916; letter from a civilian prisoner from the Indian concentration camp Ahmednagar, 15.10.1917; plan for the foundation of an "International Newspaper" 1921/22; submission by the Association of German Newspaper Publishers on the situation of the German press, 26.1.1921; petitions against the classification of the city of Pfullingen in place class C, Febr. 1922 and against the decree of the Reich Chancellor concerning the liquidation of French private property in Germany, July 1917; communication of Conrad Haußmann to Max Warburg for the election of the German envoy in China, n.d. (Early 1920?) Report to the Prime Minister of Württemberg, von Weizsäcker, on a meeting on 2 October 1914 with the Reich Chancellor, 12 October 1914; R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t responded to the complaint of an intern, previously a civil servant resident in Duala, Cameroon, about his salary, 8 October 1914.6.1917; Contestation of the Schultheiss election in Wildbad because of the ballot papers used, 1922; Memorandum on the necessity of the freight reduction for food, no. D. (Early 1920?)

              Haußmann, Conrad
              Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 481 · Bestand · (-1944) 1945-1952 (-1954)
              Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

              The Presidents of the State District of Baden: With the decree of the American military government of 13 July 1945, the emeritus literary scholar Prof. Dr. Karl Holl was appointed Chief President of the Landeskommissarbezirk Mannheim. His work remained limited in the first few weeks to Mannheim and the surrounding area. Karlsruhe was initially under French occupation. By reorganizing the French and American zones, the Americans extended Holl's sphere of competence to the Baden part of the newly formed state of Württemberg-Baden. On September 3, 1945, Holl was released in the course of an American denazification measure. On September 10 Dr. Heinrich Köhler was appointed. While the individual ministries of the state of Württemberg-Baden in Stuttgart communicated with the Württemberg authorities without intermediate authority, in the American zone of the Baden state territory the state district administration of Baden was interposed, with the exception of the organisation of the administration of justice, which consisted of five departments: President - Internal administration - Labour, social affairs and reconstruction - Cult and education - Finance. The documents of these departments were included in the files of the later Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe. With the death of Heinrich Köhler on 6 February 1949, the time of a full-time state district president in Baden was over. The position of state district president was only filled on a provisional basis. In this function, Gustav Zimmermann initially held office until his death on August 1, 1949. Until January 11, 1951, Dr. Edmund Kaufmann also served only briefly as provisional state district president. He was succeeded by Ministerial Director Dr. Hans Unser until his death on 27 November 1951. The last president was Dr. Hermann Veit. The formation of the state of Baden-Württemberg in 1952 with the establishment of the four administrative districts unified the administrative division in the new federal state. Tasks and powers of the President: The individual departments of the state district administration were responsible for the specialist tasks. The President, who was able to intervene in the competence of the departments, reserved the right to participate in all fundamental matters as well as in the appointment and promotion of civil servants. In March 1947 the course of business of the presidential office was reorganised. President Köhler reserved the right to sign in draft and in execution all decisions of fundamental and political importance, certain decisions in personnel matters, all matters reserved by the President for signing, all lectures to the State Ministry and letters to the Ministries in Stuttgart. In 1950, the then President Dr. Kaufmann reorganised his competences and tasks within the Baden district administration. He stressed that he should be involved in all administrative matters of fundamental, political and financial importance. In addition, all personnel matters of fundamental or political importance were reserved for the President. The other competences of the President are resolutions of fundamental, political, organisational and financial importance for the district of Baden or which affect the business activities of all the regional district directorates, complaints of official oversight, draft budget for information, notification of budget overruns of a certain amount, representation of the district administration in its entirety, certification of subsidies in excess of DM 200, publication of the official gazette of the district of Baden. Structure and organization of the Presidential Department: In 1947, the Presidential Department was divided into two departments: Department 1: Head of Service, Presidential Affairs, County Council Affairs, State Ministerial Affairs, Representation Affairs, Legal Affairs, Presidential Staff, Motor Affairs, Press Affairs, Official Gazette of the County Administration, Correspondence on more important matters and those of fundamental importance from Department 2. Unit 2: Civil servants' and salaried staff's rights and collective bargaining regulations for civil servants and public sector workers (general), appointment and dismissal of civil servants and recruitment of employees, right to travel and removal expenses (general), State budget matters, factual and personal expenditure of the Bureau, co-administration of representation matters, disposition funds, certifications (legalisation of documents), special mandates of the President, deputisation for Unit 1.A slightly different picture was provided by the business distribution plan of 5 May 1950. The tasks of the Presidential Office were now divided into three units. Unit 1 was called "President", Unit 2 "Legal Unit", Unit 3 "Human Resources and Budget Unit". Traditional history: The written records of the presidential office of the president of the state district of Baden are always singular if they were created within the exclusive competence of the personally small presidential office, i.e. for representation matters, contacts with the press, approval of support, various honours and partly in personnel matters. A typical feature of a large part of the files is the numerous newspaper clippings that they contained, which served to inform the President. This collection forms a unique source for the immediate post-war period. Not only does it document the structure of the German administration in the North Baden area and the beginnings of the new state structure in the German southwest, but it also reflects the misery and the manifold problems faced by the population, administration and politics in view of the catastrophic consequences of the war and the collapse, and the way in which they were coped with. The registry of the president of the Baden district filed the documents in accordance with the Badische Amtsregistraturordnung by H. Fackler (1905). The main headings of this classification were retained in the reorganisation of the stock. Further literature: The President of the State District of Baden (1945-1952). President's Office. Inventory of the holdings 481 in the General State Archive Karlsruhe. Edited by Jürgen Treffeisen, Stuttgart 1997 (Booklets of the State Archive Administration Baden-Württemberg. Published by the Landesarchivdirektion Baden-Württemberg. Series E General State Archive Karlsruhe Issue 1). Conversion of the finding aid: The inventory 481 was ordered and recorded by Dr. Jürgen Treffeisen in the years 1991 to 1993. He provided the finding aid book with a detailed account of the history of the authorities, which is still valid and on which the abridged explanations in this finding aid are based, and a detailed report by the editor. The inventory was printed in 1997. The indexing data for inventory 481 were transferred to the software ScopeArchiv as part of the project "Conversion of old finding aid data" of the General State Archive Karlsruhe, which was carried out by Guido Fögler in the years 2006-2008, in order to be able to produce an online finding aid from it. The project was supervised by Alexander Hoffmann, who - apart from very little remaining work by the undersigned - also took over the final editing of the converted finding aids. Because corrections had to be made and supplements inserted, the converted finding aid replaces the content of the old finding aid book from 1993 and the printed inventory from 1997.Karlsruhe, January 2011Dr. Martin Stingl

              Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 135 b · Bestand · 1918-1919
              Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

              Preliminary remark: A council of soldiers was probably formed in Stuttgart as early as the first days of November 1918. One of them appeared publicly on 9 November under the leadership of the deputy officer Albert Schreiner, who became the first minister of war in the Bios government on the evening of the same day. In some garrisons, such as Ulm and Ludwigsburg, soldiers' councils were formed before the workers' councils. At the suggestion of several soldiers' councils, delegates from the Württemberg garrisons met for a first state assembly on 17 November under the chairmanship of the new "Head of Warfare" Ulrich Fischer. It decided to form a seven-member state committee, in which the larger locations each sent a representative. The second state assembly on 11 / 12 December expanded the state committee to 21 members and adopted provisions for the Württemberg soldier councils. In addition to the statutes issued by the government for the workers', peasants' and soldiers' councils of 14 December, they formed the organisational basis for all the soldiers' councils within Württemberg. After that, like the workers and peasants councils, they were recognized as the revolutionary foundation of the new system of government, but the executive power should lie exclusively with the government and the traditional authorities. Only at the lowest level were the company councils directly elected, which then met in the next higher level as the battalion council and elected a committee for day-to-day business. This system continued upwards. At the top was the "Soldiers' Council for Württemberg", to which the individual garrison councils sent one delegate per 500 military personnel. They met in the regional assembly and appointed the regional committee, whose chairman was Sergeant Fridolin Wicker22. November 1918 - 25/27 February 1919Deputy official Willy Bettinger25/27 February - 1 June 1919Landwehrmann Typesetter Wilhelm Hitzlerab 1 June 1919Second chairman was Landsturmmann Gastwirt Albert Schaffler.the Landesausschuss, largely composed of members of the (majority) Social Democratic Party, dismissed individual representatives as shop stewards in the departments of the War Ministry, Generalkommandos, etc. In particular, there was a good relationship with the last minister of war, Herrmann, so that the state committee was able to influence Württemberg's military policy until the early summer of 1919 and assert the rights of the soldiers' councils. In special cases, such as during the riots in April 1919, the state committee of the workers' and peasants' councils and the state committee of the soldiers' councils met for joint meetings.The "Provisions on the Reconstruction of the Württemberg People's Army", drawn up among other things by the State Committee, sought to incorporate rights of participation and forms of organisation of the councils into the new Army Constitution of the Republic, which, however, was not applied in view of the different concept for the Reichswehr. Rather, the local soldier councils were abolished after the dissolution of the old army on 30 June 1919. Only seven members of the state committee remained until 30 September. As early as April 1919, Dr. Erich Troß, who had had to interrupt his training for the Bavarian archival service due to the war and who at the time was engaged in reconnaissance work for the Landesausschuss der Soldatenräte, had suggested that the records of the Württemberg councils and other suitable documents should be brought together to form a "revolutionary archive". The two state committees immediately took up this proposal, so that in May "Provisions on the Establishment of a Württemberg Revolutionary Archive" could be agreed with Troß. The request to the subordinate councils to also deliver to this archive has been largely complied with by the garrison councils, with the exception of some workers' and peasants' councils. Only in one case does this also apply to the soldiers' councils of the troops, since their records often reached the Reichsarchiv branch in Stuttgart together with the documents of the troops themselves and are now contained in the M holdings of the Hauptstaatsarchiv. Moreover, Troß was only able to devote a short time to his self-imposed task because he was employed as an editor by the Frankfurter Zeitung. In 1920 the material, which had grown up until then, was handed over to the (today's) Main State Archives and in 1921 it was indexed by a provisional finding aid - probably by Eugen von Schneider. Both this repertory and the relevant files were destroyed in an air raid in 1945. Probably time-related reasons prevented the inclusion of the holdings in the printed general survey in 1937, so that it was only after the Second World War, in accordance with the self-conception of the two state committees, that the holdings of e-possessions were moved in directly behind the holdings of the State Ministry under the signature E 135.In 1957, Robert Uhland again produced a cursory find book, but he assumed that at a later date a detailed indexing and order had to be carried out. When the councils around 1975 found the special interest of historical research and started preparations for the 1918 exhibition of the Main State Archives in 1978, such a comprehensive indexing appeared all the more urgent. However, this could only be carried out with multiple interruptions, mostly within the framework of the training of the trainee officers and mainly the aspiring inspectors. In 1985, the re-drawing of the entire collection was completed, so that a breakdown by provenance was possible. Since then, the documents of the National Committee of the Workers' and Farmers' Councils and some subordinate local councils, i.e. essentially the former tufts 64 - 86, have formed stock E 135a, while the former tufts 1-63 have been combined to form the present stock. The structure of both stocks was developed in the lessons of the 1986 year class of prospective inspectors. The final order and the editing of the finding aid book for E 135b followed in 1989/90; the computer-assisted printout was produced by Hildegard Aufderklamm in the State Archives Ludwigsburg. Initially, no great importance was attached to the written form, but later, in any case, a part of the incoming and outgoing letters in circulation seems to have come to the attention of the individual members. This also applies in general to the subordinate garrison councils. The uniqueness of the tradition seemed to justify a more or less sheet-wise distortion, so that from the mentioned, hardly ordered original clusters about 6000 title recordings grew. After the provenienzgerechte separation also within the individual soldier councils the mostly very small tufts of the same subject could be united in many cases, so that the stock now comprises 1429 tufts in 3.4 shelf meters. Including the Ministry of War, there does not seem to have been any written document regulations in use in the contemporary Württemberg administration that could be applied to the councils in view of their comprehensive competence. The present inventory classification was therefore created inductively on the basis of factual aspects as they arose on the basis of the preserved material, mostly consisting of factual documents. Only the order of the military subjects in the narrower sense was based on the "Einheitsaktenplan für den Bereich der Heeresleitung und des Ministeramts", Berlin 1931: According to the tectonics of the two state archives in Stuttgart and Ludwigsburg, the individual provenances of the "Revolution Archive" should have been assigned to the E, F and M holdings. On the other hand, it seemed appropriate to maintain the original context as it was given by the delivery as a whole to the Central State Archives. The tradition of the garrison councils has therefore been inserted - parallel to that of the local workers' and peasants' councils - as an appendix to the inventory of the National Committee of Soldiers' Councils and has been developed in the same way. Nevertheless, the diversity of the main activities of the National Committee should still become apparent. General discussions and considerations, disputes and disputes, as they were primarily presented in the state assemblies and the meetings of the state committee, are to a large extent reprinted at: Regionale und lokale Räteorganisationen in Württemberg 1918/19, edited by Eberhard Kolb and Klaus Schönhoven (Quellen zur Geschichte der Rätebewegung in Deutschland 1918/19, II), Düsseldorf, n. J.This work also contains numerous short biographies of the political events of the time involved.Ludwigsburg, in March 1991Cordes