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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 120 Bü 108 · Akt(e) · 1915-1917
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • 1915-1917, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 120 Karl Fürst von Urach Graf von Württemberg (1865-1925) description: Contains above all..: - Letters from, among others, the German diplomatic missions and their collaborators in the Ottoman Empire, the government offices and the Chief Ceremonial Master of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, the Great Headquarters in Istanbul, the General Command of the First Reich, the General Command of the Second World War, the General Command of the World War II, the General Command of the World War II, the General Command of the World War II, the General Command of the World War II, the General Command of the World War II. Expeditionskorps, the Württemberg War Ministry, the Head of Cabinet of the King of Württemberg, Julius Freiherr von Soden, as well as Prime Minister Karl Freiherr von Weizsäcker; travel passport of Karl Fürst von Urach; pass for Karl Fürst von Urach, issued by Kaiser Wilhelm II. 1915; list of code names ("Private Code"), n. v.: "Militärpolitischer Bericht über Mesopotamien", Typoskript, 9 p., n/a; n/a: "Mesopotamia as a Land of the Future", Typoscript, 19 p., n/a; Structure of the I. Expeditionary Corps in the Ottoman Empire, n/a - Darin: - Telegrams of Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach, inter alia on family matters; "Allgemeines Merkblatt für Reisen in den Orient", print, 8 p., no year; "Bestimmungen über den deutschen Heeres-Sanitätsdienst in der Türkei", print, 8 p., 1916; Request of the Catholic Church Building Committee in Istanbul to the German Episcopate for support for the construction of a Catholic Church for the German Catholics in Istanbul Contains above all:<br />Letter from, among others, the German diplomatic representations and their collaborators in the Ottoman Empire, the government offices and the chief ceremonial master of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, the Great Headquarters in Istanbul, the General Command of the I. Expeditionskorps, the Württemberg War Ministry, the Head of Cabinet of the King of Württemberg, Julius Freiherr von Soden, as well as Prime Minister Karl Freiherr von Weizsäcker; travel passport of Karl Fürst von Urach; pass for Karl Fürst von Urach, issued by Kaiser Wilhelm II. 1915; list of code names ("Private Code"), n. v.: "Militärpolitischer Bericht über Mesopotamien", Typoskript, 9 p., o. J.; o. V.: "Mesopotamien als Zukunftsland", Typoskript, 19 p., o. J.; Structure of the I. Expeditionskorps im Osmanischen Reich , o. J.<br />Darin:<br />Telegrams of the Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach a. o. on family affairs; "Allgemeines Merkblatt für Reisen in den Orient", Druck, 8 p., o. J.; "Bestimmungen über den deutschen Heeres-Sanitätsdienst in der Türkei", print, 8 p., 1916; Request of the Catholic Church Building Committee in Istanbul to the German Episcopate for support for the construction of a Catholic Church for the German Catholics in Istanbul
Administration of the Residency; Volume 1
FA 1 / 125 · Akt(e) · 1903 - 1905
Teil von Cameroon National Archives

Kusseri. - Establishment of the Residentur in the old Rabeh Palace by Governor von Puttkamer, 3 Nov. 1903 [fol. 1 - 10] Kusseri. - Appointment of Lieutenant Stieber as provisional Resident, 2 Nov. 1903 [fol. 10 - 18] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kusseri November 1903 - January 1904, 1903 - 1904 [fol. 21 - 56] Kusseri. - Budget 1904/05 (draft), 1903 [fol. 34] Regional border affairs. - Kusseri [fol. 39 - 71] Musgum expedition from 8 February to 20 March 1904 (Lieutenant Stieber), 1904 [fol. 57 - 161] River navigation. - Exploration of a water connection between Chari and Benue, 1903 [fol. 58 - 59] Europeans. - Distribution of the European members of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Lists, some with names. - Dikoa, 11 June 1904 [fol. 67] Boundaries with the British possessions. - Boundary relations with British-Bornu, 1902 - 1906 [fol. 69 - 72] Boundaries with the British possessions. - Protests and enquiries about English border incursions against Bornu, 1902 - 1904, 1907 [fol. 73 - 77] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kusseri March-December 1904 [fol. 83 - 178] Kusseri. - Appointment of Captain Langheld as Resident. - Proposal of the command of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon, 29 August 1904 [fol. 94 - 95] External relations. - French Central Africa, 1904 [fol. 96 - 114] Borders with the French possessions. - Franco-German border agreement of 15 March 1894. Note to Great Britain on the validity, 1904 [fol. 121 - 125] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - 1st Company. - Use of the company stationed in Garua as an expeditionary company and its further deployment. - Order by Governor von Puttkamer, 20 November 1903 [fol. 128] Assassination of the Deputy Resident in Garua, Captain Thierry, on 16 September 1904 near Mubi. - Initiation of immediate measures by the Kusseri Residency. - Report by Lieutenant Stieber, 6 October 1904 [fol. 180] Conditions in the district and the tasks to be performed by the governorate in the near future. - Secret memorandum by District Officer Steinhausen and Deputy Surgeon Hösemann, (signature uncertain), 16 Nov. 1903, 29 Dec. 1903

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0745 · Akt(e) · 1908-01-01 - 1910-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1843/1908; EndVNr: E 2775/1908; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, pp. 2 f., the Botanical Central Office for the Colonies at the Royal Botanical Garden and Museum, pp. 1, and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1908), pp. 58 - Delivery of duplicates to the Hzgl. collections of the Veste Coburg, pp. 175 f., the Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, (1908), pp. 93, 95, 235 ff., 253 ff., and the Wachsenburg Committee, Gotha, (1908, 1909), pp. 12 ff., 151 ff.- Cooperation with the Städtisches Museum für Natur- und Heimatkunde, Magdeburg, pp. 243 f., and the Reichsmuseum, Leiden, (1908), pp. 324 f.- Cooperation with the Royal Institute for Infectious Diseases, Berlin, pp. 130, the Commission for the Study of the Protectorates, Leipzig, (1908), pp. 40, 53, 72 ff., 89, 91 f., 251, and the African Society, London, (1908, 1909), pp. 180 ff. - submission of duplicates to the Colonial Economic Committee, Berlin, pp. 58, and the Handelsschule, Cologne, (1908), pp. 58.- cooperation with the Governor of Togo, (1908), pp. 174.- cooperation with the German Colonial Society, Berlin, pp. 231, and the Gesellschaft Nordwest-Kamerun, Duala, (1908), pp. 6 ff. - cooperation with the German Colonial Society, Berlin, pp. 631, and the Gesellschaft Nordwest-Kamerun, Duala, (1908), pp. 6 ff. Cooperation with missionaries, pp. 15, 141, the Basler Mission, pp. 267 ff., 275, and the White Fathers, (1908), pp. 293 ff.- Kamerun-Expedition, Thorbecke, (1908), pp. 59 ff.- Zimmermann: Report on the Exploitation of Weapons, (1908), p. 16 - Rehse: Suggestions for a Research Trip, p. 23 f., together with Map, (1908), Sketch, p. 25 - "The Origin of the Bushmen, Hottentot and Bantu Negro". In: Windhoek News : 1909-07-10, p. 149 - "Bushman paintings." In: Cape Times : 1908-10-07, p. 173. - Thomas, Struck and others: Creation of a linguistic questionnaire for the colonies, (1908, 1909), pp. 177 ff. - offer of the Grundmann company, [1908], pamphlet, pp. 262 f. - Vöhringer: Description of the programme, (1908), pp. 271 f. - Karasek: Request for support for his research on the Waschambae, (1908), pp. 282 f. - Proposals for honouring Weule and Meyer, (1908), pp. 286 ff. - Scheunemann: Offer of the scepter of Diba von Bertua, (1908), pp. 300 f.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0712 · Akt(e) · 1893-01-01 - 1949-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1276/1893; EndVNr: E 569/1894; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum (1894), pp. 224, and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin (1893), pp. 66, 122, 225, 249 - Exchange with the Reichsmuseum, Leiden (1893), pp. 48 ff., 178 ff - Cooperation with the German Colonial Society, pp. 124 ff, 254, the Ethnological Assistance Committee, pp. 185, the editorial office of the Mitteilungen aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten, Berlin, (1894), pp. 113, and the German Antislavery Committee, Koblenz, (1893), pp. 43, 97, 103, 107, 234.- S.D.S. 58. - 63., 65. by Luschan: Report on his business trip to Paris, Oxford and London, (1893), pp. 15 ff.- Baumann: Report on his activities in Togo, (1893), pp. 115 ff.- Kallenberg: Report on the Exploitation of Weapons, (1894), pp. 124 f.- Bastian: Treatment of Donations in the MV, (1894), pp. 150 ff.- Stuhlmann: Circumcision by the Massai, p. 202, anthropological measurements and report on the lack of interest of colonial officials in ethnology, (1894), p. 216 ff. - Herold: Bericht über Kriegdrmmeln in Togo, (1894), p. 204 ff. - Sander: Bericht über Felsmalerei der Buschmänner, (1894), p. 243.- "Römische Funde in Westafrika" In: Hannoverscher Courier : 1893-12-05, and "Find of a Roman coin in West Africa", Ztg.-Artikel, p. 86 - Krieger: Entnahmevermerk, (1949), p. 91.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0733 · Akt(e) · 1905-01-01 - 1906-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 856/1905; EndVNr: E 1794/1905; and others: Cooperation with the Museum of Natural History, pp. 121, and the Colonial Museum, Berlin, (1905), pp. 32 et seq. Cooperation with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Cologne, pp. 38 et seq., and the South African Museum, Cape Town, (1905), pp. 231 et seq. Distribution of doubles to the antiquity society Prussia, Königsberg, p. 15, and the Landesmuseum, Darmstadt, (1905), p. 80 - Distribution of doubles to private individuals, (1905), p. 9, 70 - Cooperation with the governor of DOA, (1905), p. 15, and the Landesmuseum, Darmstadt, (1905), p. 80 - Distribution of doubles to private individuals, (1905), p. 9, p. 70 - Cooperation with the governor of DOA, (1905), p. 15, and the Landesmuseum, Darmstadt, (1905), p. 16. 12 - Cooperation with the High Command of the Schutztruppe, Berlin, (1905), p. 101 - Cooperation with missionaries, p. 96, 116, and the Basler Mission (1905), p. 23 - Schweinfurth: Report from Cairo, p. 3 f., Sendung von Thurfhölzern, (1905), pp. 6 f.- Albinus: Sendung eines Wangoni-Stuhles, (1905), pp. 18 - Verhandlungen zur Verbleib der Doppeltten der Slg. Thierry, (1905), pp. 38 ff - Schwartz: Bericht über die Aufnahme von Gesänge, (1905), pp. 63 f.- Müller: Report about the colonial exhibition in the Sydenham Crystal Palace, London, (1905), pp. 111 f.- by Luschan: Antiquities in Rhodesia, pp. 125 ff., Identification of a kaffir skeleton, Abschr., pp. 233, Impression of a bushman after life, (1905), Abschr., Bl. 235 f.- [Oldman:] "Price List of a few Miscellaneous Genuine Specimens selected from Stock ...", [1905], duplication, Bl. 100, 129, and "Illustrated Catalogue of ethnographical Specimens ...", printed on paper, May 1905, p. 130 ff., July 1905, p. 136 ff., August 1905, p. 142 ff.- Ankermann: Report on a part of the Slg. Fonck, (1905), p. 169 - Fonck: Report on the circumcision ceremony of the Wagogo boys and a '"telephone" from the Makonde plateau, (1906), p. 197 - Dessauer: Location of a skeleton, p. 238, Report on Young's intention to publish the Bushman drawings, (1905), p. 241 f.

Beiakten, Band 4
FA 1 / 8 · Akt(e) · 1905 - 1907
Teil von Cameroon National Archives

Kommandierung zur deutschen Abteilung der deutsch-französischen Grenzkommission Ost-Kamerun, 7 Aug. 1905 [fol. 2] Kröger, S. - Kommandierung als Expeditionsunteroffizier zur deutschen Abteilung der deutsch-französischen Grenzkommission Ost-Kamerun, 7 Sept. 1905 [fol. 4] Winkler, Erwin Gotthold, Oberleutnant. - Appointment as 2nd Commissioner of the German section of the Franco-German Border Commission South Cameroon, 27 Aug. 1905 [fol. 7] Engagement of workers from the Togo protectorate for the German section of the Franco-German South Cameroon Border Expedition, 1905 [fol. 9 - 14] Cancellation of the Banjo garrison and establishment of a police post under the Garua Residentur - proposal by Governor von Puttkamer, 1905 [fol. 9 - 14] Enlistment of soldiers from the Togo protectorate for the German section of the Franco-German South Cameroon Border Commission, 1905 [fol. 9 - 14] Bernhardt, Max, non-commissioned officer. - Commanding the German section of the Franco-German Border Commission East Cameroon, 1905 [fol. 47] General political, military and economic conditions. - East and South Cameroon. - Report by Captain Scheunemann, 1905 [fol. 50] Freier, Otto, cartographer at the publishing house Dietrich Reimer, Berlin. - Request for and assignment to the German section of the Franco-German East Cameroon Border Commission, 1905 - 1906 [fol. 56 - 97] Difficulties of the South Cameroon Society in supporting the German section of the Franco-German East Cameroon Border Expedition due to lack of support, 1906 [fol. 61 - 78] Incorporation of the Lamidat Binder claimed by France. - Request from Lamidos Chalid to Lieutenant Schipper, Garua, ca. 1905 [fol. 91 - 92] Regional border matters. - Binder, 1904 - 1906 [fol. 91 - 92] General political, military and economic conditions. - Njong area. - Report by Captain von Stein, 1906 [fol. 93 - 95] Glass beads as a means of payment for the German-French border commission East Cameroon due to lack of procurement of barter items from German factories, 1906 [fol. 105 - 106] Bernhardt, Max, non-commissioned officer. - Burial in Kunde after death on 5 May 1906, 1906 [fol. 108 - 113] Regional border affairs. - Djau Kombol, 1906 [fol. 140 - 144] Borders with the French possessions. - Non-recognition of the agreement approved by the Governor. - Secret decree of the Foreign Office, 1906 [fol. 142] Provisional Franco-German agreement on the course of the border in the Chari-Lagone-Tuburi region: copy, 21 July 1905 [fol. 146] Transfer of African soldiers of the protection force for Cameroon to the German section of the Franco-German Border Commission East Cameroon on 15 October 1905 - List of names, 1906 [fol. 183] General political, military and economic conditions. - Southern Musgum region. - Report by Lieutenant Kund, Bongor, ca. 1906 [fol. 194] Deployment of the Franco-German East and South Cameroon border expedition. - Memorandum, ca. 1905 [fol. 205]

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Classified information: vol. 30
BArch, R 1501/106104 · Akt(e) · 1909
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Acceptance of the airship Z 1 as well as the use of the national donation for further projects of Count Zeppelin, correspondence between the ministries with marginal remarks of the emperor and statement of the Minister of War Preußisch-Sächsische Verständigung in Sachen der Schiffahrtsabgaben, statement of the Minister of Public Works, Feb. 24, 1909 Course of the English royal visit to Berlin and conduct of the All-German Association, Protocol of the Ministry of State, Feb. 13, 1909. Feb. 1909 Determination of the Imperial Budget 1909 for the Imperial Office of the Interior, Report of the State Secretary of the Imperial Treasury, 16 March 1909 So-called Prussian harmlessness certificate for draft laws of the Imperial State, Letter of the Imperial Chancellery, 14 March 1909 Export of horses to Serbia, Report of the President of the Government in Poznan as well as Decision of the State Ministry, 19th February 1909. March 1909 transit of an imperial mail steamer from Sydney to Apia (Samoa), report of the R e i c h s m a r i n e a m t , 15 March 1909 grouping of the customs supervisors into the pay scale, letter of the Ministry of State, 26 Apr. 1909 indiscretion of an official in connection with press attacks against the RVO, letter of the Ministry of State, 26 Apr. 1909 Protection against acts of terror of the social democratic workers at the Kieler Werft, submission of the National Workers Association for Kiel and the surrounding area, 15 June 1909 applications for the Reich budget for 1910 and the necessity of a reduction of the expenditures, report of the Reich Treasury Office, 26 Aug. 1909 Political situation in North Schleswig, report of the Ministry for Agriculture, Domains and Forests, 30 Sept. 1909 Date for the convening of the Reichstag, letter of the Ministry of State, 23 Sept. 1909 Okt. 1909 Stimmung im Ruhrgebiet, Bericht des Büros für Sozialpolitik, 26. Nov. 1909 Participation of civil servants in the Katowice city elections and their casting of votes for Wielkopolska deputies and transfer of these civil servants by the Royal Prussian Government, report of the District President and discussion of the ministers, 30. Nov. 1909 Miners' movement in the Rhine-Westphalian coal district, report of the President of Police, 23. Nov. 1909 Interpellations in the Reichstag because of the election procedures in Katowice and because of the Mecklenburg constitutional question, statement of the State Ministry, Dec. 14, 1909 use of the Privy Legation Council Klehmet in the Reich Office of the Interior, instruction of the Reich Chancellor, March 8, 1909 request of the Landtag for the absence of the Minister of Culture, reply letter of the State Ministry, March 24, 1909 Apr. 1909 Position of the German Reich Party on inheritance tax rates, position of the Reich Chancellor on a letter from the Duke of Trachenberg, 6 May 1909 Efforts to obtain the title of Privy Government Councillor for Dr. Levin-Stoelping from another side, memo from Jonquieres to the Minister, 29 May 1909 Arbeitskammer-Gesetz as well as the position of the coal industrialists on this, report of the licentiate Mumm, 29 May 1909. Oct. 1909 Sending of persons to the art exhibition in Rome 1911, submission of the German Art Cooperative to Lewald as well as letter from Prof. A. Kampf, 29 Oct. 1909 demonstration in Mulhouse/Alsace, cover letter of the Reich Chancellery, 23 Dec. 1909 investigations after the author of an article in the Weserzeitung, report of the Minister of State Delbrück to the President of the Ministry of State, 29 Dec. 1909

Correspondence with different people
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Radowitz, J. M. v., d. J., B III Nr. 9 Bd. 2 · Akt(e) · 1898 - 1908
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Adam, F., Pensioner in Braunschweig (pp. 241, 154) - Arco-Valley, E. Graf von und zu, German Minister in Brazil (pp. 217, 239) - Bartsch, D. Dr. von, Ministerial Director in the Ministry of Culture (pp. 152) - Below-Schlatau, Paul von, First Legation Secretary of the German Embassy in Paris (pp. 168) - Bender, G. H., German Vice Consul for the Province of Gerona (Spain) (p. 238) - Berndt, Freiherr von, Stift Neuburg (p. 184, 201) - (Bersel, von), Berlin (p. 248) - Blenck, C., Berlin (p. 145) - Castell-Rüdenhausen, Hereditary Count zu, 1st Secretary of the German Embassy in Madrid (p. 155, 205) - Deville, Susanne (p. 266) - Drummond-Wolff, Sir H., English Ambassador at the Gate (p. 213) - Eckardt, von, Legation Secretary at the German Embassy in Tehran (p. 246) - Gies, Dr.., Dragoman at the German Embassy in Constantinople (p. 143) - Hecht, Dr. Felix (p. 151) - Hertel, Prof. Albert, Landscape Painter (p. 172) - Hoppe, Carlos, German Consul in Santander (p. 221) - Izzet Pasha, Turkish Ambassador in Madrid (p. 262, 269) - Keppler, Prof., Freiburg (p. 186) - Kleinschmidt, J., Painter (p. 149) - Krosigk, von, Kiel (p. 197) - Kusserow, von (p. 225) - Limburg-Stirum, Count zu, Minister (p. 215, 219, 264) - Marcko, E., Hamburg (p. 282) - Meiningen, Bernhard Erbprinz von (p. 140) - Meißner, Dr. phil Rudolf, Privatdozent at the University of Göttingen (p. 202) - Mentzingen, Freiherr von, 1st Legation Secretary of the German Embassy in Madrid (p. 211) - Mumm, von Schwarzenstein, Dr. A.., German envoy in Luxembourg (pp. 226, 250) - Mutzenbecher, von, Berlin (pp. 229) - Nedscheb-Pascha, Turkish envoy in Spain (pp. 188) - Perl, Dr.., German consul in Madrid (p. 234) - Prussia, William II of Prussia (p. 281) - Puttkammer, Jesco of, Governor of Cameroon (p. 203) - Samosch, Siegfried, editor of the "National-Zeitung" (p. 165, 190) - Shevich, D., Russian envoy in Madrid (p. 260) - Schilling, G. (p. 276) - Schmidt, Gustl und Hugo, Berlin (p. 231) - Schweinitz, Graf, Prussian envoy in Vienna (p. 147) - Seefried auf Buttenheim, E. Freiherr von, 1st Secretary of the German Embassy in Madrid (p. 192) - Silvela, Franzisco, President of the Spanish Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs (p. 222) - Storch, A., Chancellery Secretary of the Austrian Embassy in Madrid (p. 228) - Suhle, P., Pastor in Constantinople (p. 157) - Thiel, Dr. H., Director, Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forests (p. 174) - Tirpitz, Viceadmiral, Minister of State and State Secretary, Reichsmarineamt (p. 257) - Versmann, Hamburg (p. 163) - Voss, Luise von, Grandmother of Radowitz (p. 175) - Wedel, B. (p. 174) - Tirpitz, Viceadmiral, Minister of State and State Secretary, Reichsmarineamt (p. 257) - Wedel, B. (p. 173) - Voss, Luise von, Grandmother of Radowitz (p. 175) - B. (p. 174) - Tirpitz, Viceadmiral, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (p. 173) - Versmann, Hamburg (p. 163) - Voss, Luise von, Grandmother of Radowitz, Wedel, B. (p. 174) 159, 166, 170, 199) - Werckmeister, Wilhelm, Kunstverlag der Photographischen Gesellschaft in Berlin (p. 182) - Werthauer, Dr. Paul, lawyer in Leipzig (p. 237) - Wertheimer, Emanuel, writer (p. 196) - Wilhelm, Paul, bishop (p. 255) - Zedlitz (p. 277) - Zimmermann, Dr. F. W. R., Finanzrat, Head of the Brunswick Statistical Office (p. 154) - Zimmern, Dr. Sigm. Jos., cathedral vicar and seminar professor in Speyer (p. 141) - Zumpe, Hermann, Schwerin (p. 242).

Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, I 542, Nr. 42, Bd. 4 (Benutzungsort: Merseburg) · Akt(e) · 1936 - 1945
Teil von State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Beds.- Boiler.- Christmas.tree.- Steam.generators.and.generators.(vapour.apparatus.-).steam.generators.- (reform.-,.tilting.apparatus.-.electric.steam.steam.steam.systems.- (high.and.low.pressure.steam.and.pressure.boilers.- (acra-)threshing.machines.- fertilizer.mills.- ice.machines.- Earth-steamers.- Lighters.- Feed.transport.wagons.- Blowers.- Poultry.drinkers.- Hackers.- Trading.items.- Radiators.- Heating.,.cooking.and.steaming.systems.- Obstacle.posts.- Wooden.cases.for.Russian.soldiers.- Manure.barrels.- Manure.extractors.- Manure.creators.- Manure.spreaders.- Milk]Can.washing.plants./.equipment.- (porch.washers./.washing.machines.- galvanized.can.washers.and.crushers.- potato.washers./.washing.machines.- caul.furnaces.- cultivators.- contract.galvanizing.equipment.- locomotive.vehicles.and.parts.- lupine.debittering.equipment.- milk.heaters.- milk.can.steamer.equipment.- motor.ploughs.- bedside.cupboards.- NSV plants and containers, other plants - (Akra) ploughs - (galvanized, Akra, diaphragm) pumps - friction boards - cleaning equipment - (Akra) beet cutters - (agricultural) tractors / wagons - malt mills - special orders - toys - sterilizers - sweet juice centrifuges - washing machines - centrifuges. Brazil - Belgium - Bohemia - Bulgaria - Canada - China - Denmark - Gdansk - Germany - England - Ecuador - Finland - France - Holland - Ireland - Italy - Yugoslavia - Cameroon - Croatia - Latvia. - Liechtenstein - Luxembourg - Norway - Austria - Palestine - Poland - Romania - Sweden - Switzerland - South Africa - Czech Republic - Turkey - Hungary.

Dr. Johann Heinrich Richter (1799-1847)
RMG 433 · Akt(e) · 1826-1953
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)
  1. inspector 1827-1847; head teacher Franz Zahn, Weißenfels, suggests R. as teacher, 1826; Georg Seegemund, Wernigerode, strongly recommends R., 1826; decision of the Schul-Comités to appoint R. as teacher, 1827; "profession" as inspector of the mission school, 1827; approval of Prussia. Ministry for the Employment of R., 1827; Acceptance of the Appeal and Proposals for the Acquisition of Textbooks, 1827; Miss. H. Graner writes from Monrovia/West Africa to the Friends of Wuppertal, 1830; Wilhelm Richter to P. Leipoldt from London, 1830 1831; condolences from Gustav Pieper, Düsseldorf, on the death of Emilie Richter, 1840; additions to the professional certificate, 1841; P. Snethlage to R. wg. Gützlaff, c. 1842; copy of R. doctoral certificate of the University of Jena, 1927; biographical data of Dr. J. H. Richter and Brother Wilhelm (1804-1845), 1927; correspondence with granddaughter, Ms Ellringmann, 1953
Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Family history 1798 - 1872
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 32 Bd 1 · Akt(e) · Material ab ca. 1840, Niederschrift ca. ab 1918, Vorwort von 1939, Nachträge ca. 1942
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: Representation of the family history from about 1798 to the death of Karl Scheurlen in 1872, by Ernst von Scheurlen (handschr.) occasional poems by Karl Scheurlen, 1862 - 1867 pictures and photos - of the following persons: Johann Friedrich Flander, Benjamin Friedrich Pfizer (grandfather or great-grandfather), Friedrich Notter, Paul Pfizer MdL, Charlotte Scheurlen née Pfizer (1802-1860, mother or grandmother), Charlotte Scheurlen with Karl and Eduard Scheurlen (brother or uncle), Dean Haab and wife (friends of the mother or uncle). Grandma), Friedrich Sonntag (Senior Bailiff in Pforzheim), Karl Scheurlen, Senior Public Prosecutor Eduard Scheurlen, Erich Kaufmann (Professor in Heilbronn), Prime Minister Hermann von Mittnacht as a student, Assessor of Senior Justice and Public Prosecutor, Imperial Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, Johanna von Bismarck, Ernst von Scheurlen and his siblings Marie, Fritz, Richard, Hermann and Otto as children, ambassador in London Konstantin Freiherr von Neurath with the wife of the Counsellor Prince von Bismarck née. Tengborn, Captain Krenzler in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, Bavarian Prime Minister von Dandl and Bavarian envoy in Berlin Graf Lerchenfeld, Vice Chancellor Friedrich von Payer, Württemberg envoy in Berlin Freiherr von Varnbüler and Württemberg Minister of Foreign Affairs Freiherr von Weizsäcker, Reich President Paul von Hindenburg and unidentified persons at the 1934 Reich Foundation Ceremony - the following motifs: Tomb of Karl Scheurlens and Karl Christian Friedrich Scheurlens (father and father, respectively). grandfather) in Stuttgart, tomb of Charlotte Scheurlen née Pfizer in Tübingen, tomb on the Stuttgart cemetery, various things from the sketchbooks I and II by Karl Scheurlen (mainly Motifs from history, student life and justice), drawing (by Karl Scheurlen?) to Uhlands poem "Siegfried's Sword", 3 sketches by Karl Scheurlen about a (not real) trip to America, pictures of a picture book by Karl Scheurlen for the Häcker family, folk festival in Bad Cannstatt 1871 to celebrate the silver wedding of King Karl and Queen Olga, tomb of the mother Katharine as well as the brothers and sisters Otto, Fritz und Marie Scheurlen, coloured title design by Karl Scheurlen for "Hänsel und Gretel", Christmas picture with angels and Christmas tree by Karl Scheurlen (design), armoured cruiser "Germany", naval school Flensburg, sculpture "Sportmädel", fire of the old castle in Stuttgart 1931 Contains also: Family tree of Hermann Karl Friedrich Freiherr von Mittnacht (unfinished) Photo of Bad Mergentheim, 1928 Menu card and seating plan of the banquet for the birthday of King Karl in the Ministry of the Interior, 1871 Menu card of the banquet for the birthday of King Wilhelm II. in the Ministry of the Interior, 1909 "Imbiß-Ordnung" (probably on the occasion of the festivities for the birthday of King Wilhelm II. 1909) postcard of Stendel to Ernst von Scheurlen from D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, 1911 letter of Professor Dr. Max Schottelius to Ernst von Scheurlen concerning biological sewage treatment plants, 1912 congratulatory leaf of the Grenadier Regiment "Queen Olga" for the student fraternity Sueve-Borussia, 1912 newspaper article: "Der Berkheimer Hof bei Weilimdorf", o.D. "Dichtergräber auf den Stuttgarter Friedhöfen", o.D. "Freiherr von Mittnacht. On his 100th birthday, 17 March 1925", Schwäbischer Merkur of 14 March 1925 "Hoher Besuch beim Volksfest vor 70 Jahren", 1927 "Zum Stapellauf des Panzerschiffs 'Deutschland'", 1930

Scheurlen, Karl von
German colonies and protectorates
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 b Bü 2644 · Akt(e) · (1880-) 1884-1940
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Enthält u.a.: Sammlung von diplomatischen Dokumenten über die Niederlassungen der Rheinischen Missionsgesellschaft sowie die Erwerbung von Angra Pequena und des umliegenden Gebiets in Südwestafrika 1880-1884; Berichte über Sitzungen des Bundesrates und seiner Ausschüsse (Rechtspflege, Begriff "Schutzmacht", Unterdrückung des Sklavenhandels und Schutz der deutschen Interessen, Vertrag mit England wegen der afrikanischen Schutzgebiete und Erwerbung von Helgoland, deutsche Kolonialpolitik, Schutztruppe in Ostafrika, Etats für dieSchutzgebiete); Eingabe des Vorstands der Missions-Konferenz der Provinz Brandenburg wegen Beschränkung des Branntweinhandels in den Schutzgebieten, 19.2.1889; Vortrag "Die nutzbaren Bodenschätze der deutschen Schutzgebiete", gehalten vor dem Deutschen Kolonial-Kongreß am 10.10.1902 in Berlin; Auszahlung der rückständigen Löhne an die Askari, Angestellten und Träger für ihre Dienste während des Krieges in Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1921/22, 1924; Forderungen nach Wiedererwerb der ehemaligen deutschen Kolonien, vor allem aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen (mitStellungnahmen von Reichsaußenminister Dr. Walter Simons, Reichsbankpräsident Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, Reichsinnenminister Dr. Wilhelm Külz und Gustav Noske); Der Kolonialfreund, Nr. 8 vom 5.8.1930 (mit Artikel "Die Lösung des Reparationsproblems durch die Kolonialfrage"); Entschließung des württembergischen Industrie- und Handelstags zur Frage der drohenden Vereinigung des Mandatsgebiets Ostafrika mit den angrenzenden englischen Kolonien, 1930/31. siehe auch Nr. 1889 und 2085

Grootfontein (with Otavi)
RMG 2.503 a · Akt(e) · 1910-1946
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Outstation: Guichab-Asis; Outstation of Bethanien s. RMG 2.498 a-c; Farm Grootfontein s. RMG 2.548; RMG to South-West-Africa-Company, London, because of permission to build e. Missionsstation u. e. Brunnens, 1910; annual and conference reports, by missionary Heinrich Wilhelm Friedrich Pardey and Karl Schmitz, 1910-1945; map sketches of trips to the surrounding farms, by Heinrich Wilhelm Friedrich Pardey, 1911; visitation report, 1912; annual reports on sisters' work, by Christa Hilmer and Luise (Liesel) Hohl, 1925-1946

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
BArch, RH 69/1755 · Akt(e) · Jan. 1919 - Dez. 1919
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: The lessons of the current political situation Service division of the staff of the 1st Saxon Border Guard Brigade Security measures for the elections to the National Assembly Calculation of the infantry ammunition to which the subordinate troops were entitled War division of the 1st Saxon Border Guard Reichswehr Brigade No. 12 Brochure: Guidelines for the area of activity of troop welfare Also contains: Transcripts of letters from the Reichswanderungsamt on prospects for the employment of German printers in Sweden and land acquisition in the Gulf of Guinea Contains, among other things: Loss of Noske identity cards Protection of troops on rail transports Request for exemption of Jewish members of the Reich Armed Forces on Jewish holidays Announcements on the South American Colonial Association, Association for Settlement East, Mexico, Colonial Trade and Farm Company

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 120 · Akt(e) · 1915-1921
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Letter from R.C. Ade, Rotterdam, concerning food allowances for interned Germans, handschr., 25.11.1918 - Letter from Alfred Buddeberg concerning work at the military building authority, handschr.., 5.4.1918 - Correspondence with Dr. Baracs Deltour about the subscription of the work "Unsere Zeitgenossen", April/May 1917 - Letter of Haussmann to legal agent Deschler in the matter of Glöckler against Berger, mechanical, 11.4.1917 - Letter of Haussmann to the import and export office because of brewery machines, mechanical, 28.12.1920 - Correspondence because of overnight vacation for district superiors, mechanical, 11.

Haußmann, Conrad