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Archival description
Affairs of Chiefs; Volume 3
FA 1 / 38 · File · 1908 - 1910
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Installation of minor Edingele Meetom as chief of Meetom village (Bonakuamang), 1908 [fol. 1 - 2] Njoya, paramount chief of Bamum (Fumban). - Visit to Buea and Duala. - Report by Governor Dr Seitz to the Imperial Colonial Office, January 1908 [fol. 9 - 13] Njoya, Chief of Bamum (Fumban). - Presentation of the throne chair as a birthday present for the Emperor on the occasion of the celebrations in Buea, 1908 [fol. 9 - 13] Njoya, Chief of Bamum (Fumban). - Sending the gifts to the Emperor (sword in embroidered scabbard with hanger, embroidered chieftain's cap and a pipe), 1908 [fol. 14 - 19] Buea. - Statement of expenses for the visit of Chief Njoya from Bamum (Fumban) in January 1908, 1908 [fol. 20 - 24]

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 1 · File · 1885 - 1887
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Errichtung der Schutzherrschaft.- Bericht von Reichskommissar Falkenthal (Abschriften), 1885 [fol. 1 - 19] Politische Lage in Togo und den benachbarten Gebieten.- Bericht von Reichskommissar Falkenthal, 1885 [fol. 1 - 19] Nichtanerkennung der deutschen Schutzherrschaft über Togo durch Frankreich und sonstige gegen das Deutsche Reich gerichtete französische Maßnahmen. - Protests by Reichskommissar Falkenthal to the French consular agent Piathet, Groß-Popo, 1885 [fol. 1 - 60] Report by Rear Admiral Knorr, 1885 [fol. 61 - 69] Expulsion of the Cameroonians Manga Akwa, Anja Preso (Priso) and Misunga to Togo for participating in the uprising in Duala. - Handed over to the Reichskommissar by Rear Admiral Knorr, flight to Accra and extradition negotiations, 1885 [fol. 71] Accusations against Portuguese authorities for slave trade. - Misinterpretation of a labour recruitment in Dahomey by the German planter Spengler (Chamisso plantation) on St. Thomé, 1885 [fol. 76 - 84] Establishment of the Portuguese protectorate over Dahomey and its takeover by France, 1885 - 1886 [fol. 85 - 192] Approval and request for armament and equipment, 1885 [fol. 102 - 105] Establishment of the protectorate over the west coast between Liberia and Grand Bassam. - Memorandum by Reichskommissar Falkenthal, 1885 [fol. 106 - 108] Shipping of slaves on the coast of Dahomey and Whydah (Quittab) in the presence of British gunboats. - Denial by Acting Colonial Secretary Percival Hughes, Accra, 1885 [fol. 109] Breakthrough of the coast at Cotonou on 23 September 1885 by the French to establish a connection between the lagoon of Porto Novo and the sea. - Report by Consul Randad jun., 1885 [fol. 118] Action against the French during the occupation of the Gridji and Abanaque territories. - Justification by Reichskommissar Falkenthal in response to a reprimand by von Bismarck, 1885 [fol. 133 - 135] Relations between France, Great Britain and Portugal on the slave coast between Whydah (Quittah) and Lagos as well as Dahomey. - Report by Reichskommissar Falkenthal, 1885 [fol. 138 - 139] Establishment of German protectorate over Porto Seguro at the request of the local King Mensa. - Report by Reichskommissar Falkenthal, 1885 [fol. 148] Clarification of German intentions in Togo. - Enquiry from Governor von Soden to von Bismarck, 1885 [fol. 156 - 157] Bielke, sergeant of the police force - Death and burial, 1885 [fol. 183] Official residence of the Reichskommissar in Klein-Popo. - Construction of a prefabricated building by the company F. H. Schmidt, Hamburg, 1886 [fol. 196 - 204] Pietrowski, sergeant, drill sergeant of the police force. - Assignment as successor to the deceased Sergeant Bielke and leave of absence for health reasons, 1886 - 1888 [fol. 212] Situation in Klein-Popo after the arrival of Reichskommissar Falkenthal at his official residence, 1886 [fol. 214] Recruitment of Hausa, 1886 - 1888 [fol. 214] Criticism of the inauguration of Reichskommissar Falkenthal (31 October 1887) and interim appointment of the previous chancellor in Cameroon, von Puttkamer, 1886 - 1887 [fol. 217 - 221] Treaty between France and the chiefs of the country of Quatschi (Kete Krachi) north of the Popos in Togo. - Copy, 21 June 1885 [fols. 238 - 239] Protocol on the German and French possessions on the west coast of Africa and in the South Seas. - Copy (German and French text), 24 Dec. 1885 [fol. 240 - 247] Exchange of notes between Germany and France on King Mensa of Porto Seguro [fol. 248 - 251] Work of the Franco-German Boundary Commission on the demarcation of the territories on both sides of the Slave Coast in accordance with Article 2 of the Protocol of 24 Dec. 1885 - Protocol, 2 Apr. 1887 [fol. 252 - 254] Regulation of flag mail traffic. - Circular no. 3, 29 May 1914

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Archivalie - Process
E 1378/1894 · File · 1894-01-01 - 1894-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:Content: P. Walter, Berlin: Send a sketch of an object by the chief of Gapé from Togo for publication in the Miscellen of the Ethnological Notepad (p. 6). Explanations of the background to the history of the letters: 1

Archivalie - Process
E 387/1894 · File · 1894-01-01 - 1894-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:Content: Herold sends a drawing of a drum with human skulls from Togo, which are only in the possession of the tribal chieftains and only hung with skulls of enemies killed in the war, mostly Aschanti. Reference to Ashanti War (1869-1874) as the last great slave hunt, therefore skulls date mainly from this time. Peace was only disturbed by the Tafieve War of 1888. Reference to Chief Kwadjo De from Peki, who had made trophies in this war. Similar drums at chiefs of Ho and Nkonya. Indication that decayed skulls are not replaced, which he sees as proof of the object's function as a fetish object. Drums are so highly regarded that only war or chance would bring them into the hands of Euopaeans. Suggestion that Dr. Gruner (Misahöhe) or Missionar Fies (Ho) should buy or photograph the drum of the Ho King Ho-Owosu. Description of the drum and how to use it. Request if MV is already in possession of a loom from Togo, which he might give as a present. (Sketches, pp. 206, 207) Letters: 2

Gruner, Hans
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0725 · File · 1901-01-01 - 1903-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 654/1901; EndVNr: E 1483/1901; and others: Cooperation with the Museum of Natural History, p. 51, the German Colonial Museum, (1901), p. 293, the Botanical Museum, p. 56, and the Numismatic Collection, Berlin, (1902), p. 227 - Offer, delivery and sale of duplicates to the Städtisches Museum, Braunschweig, p. 250 ff., the Museumsverein, Essen, p. 254 ff., the Prussia Antiquity Society, Königsberg, p. 273 ff.., the School Museum, Mödlingen, pp. 267 ff, the German Colonial School Wilhelmshof, Witzenhausen, pp. 270 ff, the Museums for Ethnology, Karlsruhe, pp. 191 ff, Leipzig, pp. 259 ff, Stuttgart, pp. 26 f, the Reichsmuseum, Leiden, (1901), pp. 188, the Römer-Museum, Hildesheim, pp. 187, and the Museum for Ethnology, Cologne, (1903), pp. 186, pp. 249 ff.186, and the Museum for Ethnology, Cologne, (1863), pp. 249 ff.24., the German Colonial School Wilhelmshof, Witzenhausen, pp. 270 ff. Exchange of duplicates with private person, (1901), pp. 12 ff., 61 - cooperation with the governors of DOA, pp. 62, 310 ff., DSW, pp. 53, Togo, pp. 44, 284, and the judge of Cameroon, (1901), pp. 163 - cooperation with the Society Northwest Cameroon, (1901), pp. 1 f.., pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, and the Dt. Niger-Benue-Tsadsee-Komitee, Berlin, (1902), pp. 296 ff. - Programme of the Dt. Süd-Kamerun-Grenzexpedition, (1901), pp. 104 ff. - Glauning: Report from the station, pp. 19 ff., Report on leather helmets and double-headed birds, pp. 234 ff., Report on skulls, (1901), pp. 302 ff. - Minist. of the intellectuals, (1901), pp. 234 ff. Affairs: Decision on the whereabouts of the so-called war standard of the Sultan of Yendi, (1901), pp. 34 - Mischlich: "Aus dem Fetischleben der Eingeborenen", (1901), pp. 45 ff - Volkmann: Sendung von lebenden Tieren, Abschr., pp. 57 f, Description of a Bushman Game, (1901), pp. 33, 116 f - Gentz: Sendung eines Stabes, (1901), pp. 57 f - Stierling: Sending a skeleton, (1901), p. 75 - Rigler: Wishes to use his collection, (1901), p. 83 f - Fies: Using a fish poison in Togo, (1901), p. 100 f - Hirth: "Report on a collection of Chinese coins of Dr. Stuhlmann.", pp. 120 f., "Report on a collection of Chinese coins of Mr. Justus Strand.", (1901), pp. 122 f. - "Vereine, Versammlungen.". In: Berliner Tagebl.: 1901-10-15, p. 130 - von Zech: Verwendung von Fetischen, (1901), p. 135 ff - Hoesemann: "Some ethnographic diary notes from the expedition against the Esum, Hplg. Semikore, and from the march Jaunde-Watare-Ngilla-Ngutte to the Mbam; 19.II. - 28.IV.01.", pp. 157 ff.- Staudinger: Request for diplomatic behaviour of Luschans, pp. 180 f., Mediation of the Slg. Langheld, (1901), pp. 182 f.- Perrot: Shipment of pearls and coins, and report about a prohibition to collect privately, (1901), pp. 222 ff.- Smend: Skull shipment, (1901), p. 232 - Zenker: Skeleton shipment, (1901), p. 233 - Schulz: Jassa drum shipment, (1901), p. 238 f.- Foerster: Report on his collecting activities and friendship with a "chief's son", (1901), pp. 278 f.- Laasch: Sendung von Skeletten, (1901), pp. 300 f.- von den Steinen: Plan einer Tschadsee-Expedition, (1901), pp. 295.

Arusha chief with his wives
ALMW_II._BA_A6_38(188) · Item · 1900-1904
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 8,9 X 6,4. Description: above in middle, around 11 women, above m. Visor cap and wrapped in cloth. Remark: Published..: Miss.Bl. 1904, No 22, lydia 1909, No 12.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_NBlumer_683 · Item · 1923
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 6,0 X 14,0. Description: Text on photo back: A European chieftain wedding. There were 1200 natives and 36 Europeans as guests. You see the unstoppable progress of civilization. The chief has immediately plunged into very big expenses. You can't see anything of the screaming shortage of money in the country. But so it always is, a whine and nothing keeps people from saving when it's for their own purposes. And they're Christians.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1896_2 · File · 1896
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: Letters from Miss. Hofmann and Pfitzinger. Scope: p. 43-47* 60-63. Contains, among other things: - 1. (SW: Miss. Hofmann from Mbungu to Jimba; many attacks by Maasai and Arab chiefs; description of the attack on the neighbouring station Kabai) - 2. (SW: description of the attack on Kabai; Wakamba warrior)
Leipziger Missionswerk
RMG 1.613 a-d · File · 1871-1920
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1874-1919 in Otjimbingue, Otjikango, Omburo, Omaruru; Letters, travel and war reports, 1871-1920; Fieldpost letters from the time of the French campaign, 1871; Reports from the sea voyage to Capstadt and Walfishbay, 1873; A visit in d. Grootkloof, contribution for "Kleinen Missionsfreund", 1874; copy of e. Briefwechselels with Captain Abraham Zwartbooi, 1880; J. P. Reinhard (former blacksmith in Otjimbingue) to Peter Friedrich Bernsmann because of foster daughter Johanne Bernsmann (born 1880), 1888; Map d. "Hererolandes", M. 1: 1.250000 with marked routes and driving times for oxen, c. 1888; station reports of Otjimbingue, 1886-1888; station reports of Otjikango, 1888-1890; station reports of Omburo, 1890-1895; report of e. Journey to Ondjiva in Oukuanjama (Amboland), 1891; station report on Omburo by Traugott Kauapirura, 1891-1892; report by Asher Mutjinde on behalf of the chief Manasse Tjiseseta about his conversion, 1893; Manasse Tjiseseta to Dr. August Schreiber, contains proclamation about corn trade, 1895; Two bundles of letters from missionary Eduard Dannert and family from Omaruru, Otjimbingue and Stellenbosch, 1895-1899; private letters by Peter Friedrich Bernsmann to inspectors d. RMG, 1890-1900; Teacher Gustav Kamatoto to RMG, 1899; Speech by Peter Friedrich Bernsmann: "How can it be explained that our evangelists and school teachers have so far met little of the cherished expectations", 4 p. ms. hectographed, 1902; private action by the merchant E. Langenberg, Ombuiro against Peter Friedrich Bernsmann for insulting him, 1904; report about the black miner in the gold mines of Pretoria u. near Johannesburg, 1905; description of Herero dances with music examples, 1907; contribution by Peter Friedrich Bernsmann for e. Schullesebuch: Die natives Deutsch-Südwestafrikas u. d. Beginnings ihrer Geschichte, with the chapters:; Die Bastards; Die Herero; Die Naman; Die Bergdamara; Die Ambo, 23 S. ms.., 1914; in 1,613 c also: Eduard Heinrich Gustav Dannert, (1849-1924), see RMG 1,615;

Rhenish Missionary Society
ALMW_II._BA_A19_203 · Item · 1907-1910
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 11,9 X 8,9. Description: open roofs made of plant fibres, African. People at work, Missionary L. Blumer. Reference: Cf. artwork/sample book VIIIa/423 (Aufn. 358) (8,0 X 10,8) Chief Saroni in Aruscha.

Leipziger Missionswerk
FA 1 / 22 · File · 1912 - 1913
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Einzelelfälle. - Oertel, medical orderly. - Leaving in cash, 1912 [fol. 1] Native taxes and benefits. - Entry into force of the Native Man Tax Ordinance on 1.4.1913. - Telegraphic order from Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 2] Cultivation trials. - Cotton. - Exploration of the eastern part of the Joko district by the agricultural expert Dr Simoneit for cotton cultivation possibilities. - Order of the Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 8 - 9] Local government offices. - Bamenda. - Retention of the administration at the previous location, expansion and fortification of the station (provision of funds), 1912 [fol. 10] Bamum (Fumban). - Establishment of a residence. - Memorandum by Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 14 - 16] Cameroon Northern Railway - continuation. - Development of the Bamum (Fumban) area after the extension of the Cameroon Northern Railway. - Memorandum by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 14 - 16] Personality of Chief Njoya. - Report by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 14 - 16] Individual cases. - Adametz, Captain. - Planned appointment as resident in Bamum (Fumban) from spring 1913, 1912 [fol. 14 - 20] Regional border matters. - Ossidinge, 1912 [fol. 17] Offices of the local administration. - Bamenda. - Administrative changes (planning), April 1912 [fol. 18 - 19] Distribution of European civil servants. - Lists. - Filling of administrative posts with officers of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - Plans by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 20] Reinforcement of the police force in the Dschang district by 10 soldiers. -Approval of the application of the district office by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 23] Gold deposits in the Garua (Njum) district. - Discovery of the deposit by The Niger Company, Ltd, 1912 [fol. 24] Cameroon Northern Railway - continuation. - Completion of the exploration for the railway line. - Report by technician Arnold, 1912 [fol. 31] Cameroon Northern Railway - continuation. - Economic importance of the Bamum (Fumban) area. - Report by Technician Arnold, 1912 [fol. 31 - 37] Offices of the Special Administration. - Buea Government Printing Office. - Conditions of the department. - Memorandum, Privy Government Councillor Dr Meyer, 1912 [fol. 39 - 42] Offices of the special administration. - Buea Government Printing Office. - Sanitary conditions of the office. - Expert opinion by government physician Dr Schütz, 1912 [fol. 43 - 44] Offices of the Special Administration. - Buea Government Printing Office. - Conditions of the department and strengthening of the private printing industry. - Report by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 45 - 51] Displacement of the Kauri snail as a means of payment from the markets of the Bamum (Fumban) region. - Memorandum by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 52] Arrest of the chiefs Tedi Mbassa and Dalugene in the Dume area. - Report by Lieutenant Zipse, 1912 [fol. 53] Establishment of a meteorological service in the Kamerun protectorate. - Memorandum by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 62 - 66] Cotton. - Cotton cultivation in Nigeria. - Preparations for a business trip by the agricultural expert Dr Wolff, 1913 [fol. 67-70, 211 - 214] Livestock breeding. - Crossbreeding trials with Allgäu bulls and zebu cows. - Report by the government doctor Immel, Banjo, 1912 [fol. 73 - 78] Livestock breeding. - Stationing of European or zebu breeding bulls in Banjo. - Report of the government veterinarian Immel, 1912 [fol. 75 - 78] Livestock breeding. - Establishment of a breeding station for cattle, sheep and chickens. - Cost estimate by government veterinarian Immel, Banjo, 1912 [fol. 77 - 78] Livestock breeding. - Procurement of livestock for the Djutits livestock breeding station, Dschang district; establishment of the Bamenda livestock breeding station; livestock farming at the Kuti agricultural research station. - Provision of financial resources, 1913 [fol. 83-87, 171 - 173] Administrative and territorial boundaries (tribal boundaries). - Banjo and Bamenda, 1912 - 1913 [fol. 89 - 94] General political, military and economic conditions. - Bali area, especially support for the pro-government Chief Bali, 1913 [fol. 97 - 107] Administrative and territorial boundaries (tribal boundaries). - Dschang and Bamenda, 1912 [fol. 108] Mission and school matters. - Minutes of a meeting between Governor Dr Ebermaier and various experts in Kuti (Kutaba) near Bamum (Fumban), 1912 [fol. 109 - 120] Cattle breeding. - Cattle husbandry of the natives in the resident districts. - Questionnaire form, 1913 [fol. 121] Cameroon-Midland Railway. - Continuation of the Ngaundere Garua railway. - Memorandum by Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 127 - 128] Affairs of the chiefs. - Maintenance (re-gilding and re-silvering) and repair of the chieftaincy staffs awarded to the chiefs as emblems of sovereignty. - Order by Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 129] Affairs of the chiefs. - Handover of chiefs' staffs by Governor Dr Ebermaier during the Lake Chad journey. - List of chiefs, January 1913 [fol. 130] Development of the transport system in the Cameroon protectorate. - Memorandum by Government Councillor Schlosser for the colonial writer Zimmermann, 1913 [fol. 140] Europeans. - Budgetary departures of officers and non-commissioned officers of the protection force for Cameroon in the financial year 1913/14 - List of names, 1913 [fol. 144 - 145] Personnel budgets (drafts) for European civil servants and military personnel. - Accounting year 1914/15 [fol. 146 - 158] Local administration, general. - Renaming and administrative changes at the Residenturen. - Decree by Dr Ebermaier: Draft, 26.1.1913 [fol. 151 - 165] Taxes and services of the native. - Collection of poll tax and cattle tax in Lamidat Ngaundere. - Report by Governor Dr Ebermaier on the request of the Lamido, 1913 [fol. 159] General political, military and economic conditions. - New Cameroon (in particular reference to the insufficient German military forces there). - Report by Captain Schwartz, 1913 [fol. 166] Job applications for the financial year 1914/15 (with reasons). - Banjo (Bezirksksamtsmannstelle and discontinuation of the Bezirksleiterstelle) [fol. 174] Vacancy applications for the financial year 1914/15 (with justifications). - Molundu (District Officer's Office) [fol. 174] Europeans. - Personnel changes in the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Telegraphic order from Governor Dr Ebermaier, 12.2.1913 [fol. 184] European. - Personnel changes in the administration. - Telegraphic order from Governor Dr Ebermaier, 12.2.1913 [fol. 184] Members of the Special Administration. - Personnel changes in the forestry department after the death of Chief Forester Schorkopf. - Report by Privy Government Councillor Dr Meyer, 1913 [fol. 185] Development of the railway network in the Kamerun Protectorate, taking into account the navigable rivers after the acquisition of New Kamerun. - Report by Engineer Thevos, 1912 [fol. 185 - 206] March Garua Mbassi-Baibokum of the 12th Company (Captain von Raven, First Lieutenant Wanka) also: Representation of German power in the area of the eastern border at the request of Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 216 - 220] Local administration, general. - Establishment of the administration along the new eastern border on the Logone. - Memorandum by Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 221 - 223] Land law, land registration, expropriation, land ownership of the natives. - Duala expropriation. - Meeting of the Duala chiefs. - Minutes (extracts), 9 December 1912 [fol. 167] Land law, land registration, expropriation, land ownership of the natives. - Duala expropriation. - Petition of the Duala chiefs to District Officer Röhm. - Transcript, 7 Dec. 1912 [fol. 168] Affairs of the chiefs. - Jaimo, deposed Lamido of Kontcha. - Return from British to German territory. - Statement by Governor Dr Ebermaier on Captain Eymael's report, Banjo, 1913 [fol. 177 - 182] Local government departments. - Ngaundere. - Taking over the business. - Report by Captain von Stephani, 1 February 1913 [fol. 224] Combating unrest and insurrections. - Eastern Frontier, 1907 - 1913 [fol. 216 - 220]

Gouvernement von Kamerun
475 · Item · vor 1914
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Note on the picture: Amedzofe, Fia Atsyem Foli III - Note on the picture: Amedzofe, Fia Atsyem Foli III. Müller: Amedzofe, Chief Atoyem Felix III: Clothing, symbols of power - content identical to 4855.

North German Missionary Society