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Bonn Universität
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7NL 154 Professor Georg Eichholz (existing)

BiographyGeorg Eichholz was born on April 6, 1909 in Essen-Kupferdreh. His father Hermann Georg Eichholz was pastor in Essen-Kupferdreh from 1891 until his retirement in 1933 and from 1921 to 1933 Superintendent in the church district An der Ruhr,...

In: Archive of the Protestant Church in the Rhineland (Archivtektonik) >> 7 7NL Discounts >> 7,153 7NL 154 Professor Georg Eichholz >> Professor Georg Eichholz

Agricultural Institutes in Germany: Vol. 1

Contains among other things: Agricultural Academy Bonn-Poppelsdorf Agricultural University Berlin Gärtnerlehranstalt Berlin-Dahlem Chamber of Agriculture of the Province Brandenburg University Halle

In: Federal Archives (Archivtektonik) >> North German Confederation and German Reich (1867/1871-1945) >> Foreign Affairs, Colonial and Occupation Administration >> R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t (inventory) >> R 1001 Imperial Colonial Office >> Agriculture, fishing, hunting and forestry >> farming >> Auxiliary sciences and aids >> Agricultural Institutes in Germany

Althoff, Friedrich Theodor (collection)

The present estate of Friedrich Theodor Althoff (1839-1908), Prussian Ministerial Director in the Ministry of Culture, was given to the Prussian Secret State Archives in 1921 as a gift from the widow Marie Althoff. In 1924, 1935, 1936, 1951, 1958 ...

In: Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Archivtektonik) >> NICHTSTAATLICHE PROVENIENZEN >> Firmen, Familien und Personen >> Personen >> Staats- bzw. Kommunal-Beamte und -Bediente >> Ministerialbeamte und Mitarbeiter in nachgeordneten Ressorts >> Kultus

Autograph Collection (Title)

The collection of autographs has grown out of the collection of about 2000 letters of the Cologne banker's daughter and wife Sibylle Mertens-Schaaffhausen (1797-1857), who was associated with Bonn and who for decades moved in the Biedermeier ...

In: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn >> Sonstige

Correspondence with individuals and student bodies of the universities

Contains among other things: Student bodies of the universities TH Aachen, Handelshochschule Berlin, Landwirtschaftliche Hochschule Berlin, Deutsche Hochschule für Leibesübungen Berlin, Hochschule für wirhrhafte Erziehung Berlin, TH Berlin, Tierär...

In: Reichsstudentenführung/ Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund >> NS 38 Reichsstudentenführung/ Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund >> Deutsche Studentenschaft >> Reichsleitung der Deutschen Studentenschaft >> Amt für Wissenschaft >> Allgemeines; BArch, NS 38 Reichsstudentenführung/ Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund

Dalhäuser, Ernst (1898- ); lay brother and director of the coconut plantation Nagada, later until 1939 for the Neuendettelsau Mission

Correspondence concerning possible acceptance of Dalhäuser into missionary service, 1928-1930; health certificates, 1929-1930; curriculum vitae, 1929; employment contract as head of the coconut plantation in Nagada, 1930; letters and reports from ...

In: Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik) >> Archive of the Rhenish Mission Society >> The Rhenish Mission in Kaiser-Wilhelmsland/Papua New Guinea >> Employees/missionaries

Rhenish Missionary Society

Design, structuring and promotion of studies abroad at the University of Berlin. Establishment, Organisation and Activity of the Advisory Board for Foreign Studies at the University of Berlin

445 sheets, Contains and others: - Experiences with a college on modern English studies abroad (report by Prof. Dr. Alois Brandl of 4 February 1918) - Robert Gragger, Die Auslandsstudien und Ungarn: North and south. Eine deutsche Monatsschrift, [1...

In: Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik) >> STAATSOBERHAUPT UND OBERSTE STAATSBEHÖRDEN, MINISTERIEN UND ANDERE ZENTRALBEHÖRDEN PREUSSENS AB 1808 >> Kultus (clergy, teaching and medical administration) >> Ministry of Education and the Arts

Diplomats, Federal Foreign Office

Contains: - Bismarck, Fürst Otto v., Reichskanzler, Berlin: Letter (copy) to His Majesty the Emperor about the scholarly proletariat 16.3.1890 - Berchem, Count v., (Federal Foreign Office), Berlin: Conference with Director A. Hellwig and Prof. Foe...

In: Althoff, Friedrich Theodor (collection) >> 05 Correspondence Althoffs, ordered by sender's professions

Food Office (1916-1924) (inventory)

Description of holdings: Dept. 15 Lebensmittelamt [AUGIAS] Size: 55 archive cartons (= 497 units) Duration: 1916-1924 Dept. 15 of the Stadtarchiv Worms is a collection containing mainly documents on the war economy during the First World War and t...

In: City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik) >> City of Worms

Goeters, Wilhelm Prof. (holdings)

IntroductionWilhelm Gustav Goeters was born in Rheydt on January 9, 1878, son of the cloth manufacturer August Goeters After studying theology in Halle, Greifswald, Erlangen, Utrecht and Bonn, he became an inspector at the Reformed student restaur...

In: Archive of the Protestant Church in the Rhineland (Archivtektonik) >> 7 7NL Discounts >> 7.19 7NL 019 Professor Wilhelm Goeters >> Goeters, Wilhelm Prof.

History. Folklore and ethnography. - "Leadership." Personalities of public life. - General. - Persons A - Z (collective files) - Council - Raz

Contains: Ratajski, Cyryl, Polish politician, 1925 Ratgeb, Swabian painter, 1940 Rath, Ernst vom, Counsellor, German diplomat, 1939 Rath, Klaus Wilhelm, Macht u. ökonomisches Gesetz (German writings on science), Frankfurt, Klostermann, 31 pp. L 50...

In: Federal Archives (Archivtektonik) >> North German Confederation and German Reich (1867/1871-1945) >> Facilities of the NSDAP >> Party divisions and affiliated associations >> German Labour Front - Central Office, Institute for Ergonomics (inventory) >> NS 5 VI German Work Front/ Central Office, Institute of Ergonomics >> History, folklore and racial studies

Inquiries from universities, grammar schools and student bodies regarding the obligation to perform compulsory labour services

Contains above all: TH Aachen, University of Berlin, University of Teacher Education Beuthen, University of Bonn, State Academy Braunsberg, TH Braunschweig, University of Breslau, Bergakademie Clausthal, TH Darmstadt, TH Dortmund, TH Dresden, Fors...

In: Federal Archives (Archivtektonik) >> North German Confederation and German Reich (1867/1871-1945) >> Facilities of the NSDAP >> Party divisions and affiliated associations >> Reich Student Leadership / National Socialist German Student Union (inventory) >> NS 38 Reich Student Leadership / National Socialist German Student Union >> German Student Body >> Reichsleitung of the German Student Body >> Main office for labour service

Lamprecht Estate

Karl Lamprecht (1856-1915) was one of the best-known and most distinguished German historians of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He studied history in Leipzig and Göttingen, habilitated in Bonn in 1880 and worked at the Rheinische-Friedric...

In: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn >> Sonstige

Leave of absence of Dr. Julius Rudolph Theodor Vogel, lecturer at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Bonn, to participate in the expedition to Africa (Niger expedition) planned on behalf of the English Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade (Gesellschaft für die Abschaffung des Sklavenhandels).

32 sheets

In: Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik) >> STAATSOBERHAUPT UND OBERSTE STAATSBEHÖRDEN, MINISTERIEN UND ANDERE ZENTRALBEHÖRDEN PREUSSENS AB 1808 >> Kultus (clergy, teaching and medical administration) >> Ministry of Education and the Arts

Lenz, Max (Dep.) (population)

Max Lenz was born in Greifswald on 13 June 1850 as the son of Dr. Gustav Lenz, a judicial councillor. After his school education in Greifswald, he began studying classical philology and history (with Heinrich von Sybel and others) in Bonn. Interru...

In: Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik) >> NON-GOVERNMENTAL PROVENANCES >> Companies, Families and People >> people >> Academic civil servants >> University and university professors and lecturers >> historians

Lenz, Max

Ministers and ministry officials Lit. A - F

Contains: - Bartsch, v., Excellenz, Undersecretary of State, Berlin: Report of his appointment as Undersecretary of State 23 March 1899, his trip to Paris - Madrid 10 April 1898, title "Professor" for Dr. v. Düring 3 July 1900 - Berlepsc...

In: Althoff, Friedrich Theodor (collection) >> 05 Correspondence Althoffs, ordered by sender's professions

Negotiations of the philosophical-historical class * Vol. 22

Contains: above all: Letters accompanying, notifying and responding to submissions, including Rheinbott, E. v. (Ponewiesch): Translations of Russian songs (1907, 1908); Schmidt, K. (Gleiwitz): Memorandum on parts of the Corpus Inscriptionum Etrus...

In: Archive of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities >> I. Department of History >> PAW 1812-1945 - Prussian Academy of Sciences 1812-1945 >> VI.2.6. philosophical-historical class

News from the student bodies of universities concerning topics for the next Reichsleistungskampf

Contains above all: Kreis Ostland: Staatliche Akademie Braunsberg, TH Danzig, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Danzig, Akademie für praktische Medizin Danzig, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Elbing, Universität Königsberg, Handelshochschule Königsberg, M...

In: Federal Archives (Archivtektonik) >> North German Confederation and German Reich (1867/1871-1945) >> Facilities of the NSDAP >> Party divisions and affiliated associations >> Reich Student Leadership / National Socialist German Student Union (inventory) >> NS 38 Reich Student Leadership / National Socialist German Student Union >> German Student Body >> Reichsleitung of the German Student Body >> Department Reichsleistungskampf/ Reichsberufswettkampf

Notifications of high school graduates who were exempted from work before their first matriculation

Contains among other things: Reports of the offices for employment service of the student bodies of the universities TH Aachen, Hochschule für Musik Berlin, TH Berlin, Handelshochschule Berlin, Tierärztliche Hochschule Berlin, Landwirtschaftliche ...

In: Reichsstudentenführung/ Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund >> NS 38 Reichsstudentenführung/ Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund >> Deutsche Studentenschaft >> Reichsleitung der Deutschen Studentenschaft >> Amt für Arbeitsdienst >> Allgemeines; BArch, NS 38 Reichsstudentenführung/ Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund

Organization and Administration of the Seminar for Oriental Languages at the University of Berlin, Vol. 11

499 sheets, Contains and others: - Georg Kampffmeyer, German Foreign Interests and the Seminar for Oriental Languages in Berlin. Guidelines for the reform of the seminar. Berlin 1924 (Druck) - Prüfung der disciplinarischen Strafbarkeit der Denksch...

In: Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik) >> STAATSOBERHAUPT UND OBERSTE STAATSBEHÖRDEN, MINISTERIEN UND ANDERE ZENTRALBEHÖRDEN PREUSSENS AB 1808 >> Kultus (clergy, teaching and medical administration) >> Ministry of Education and the Arts

Papencordt, Dr. Felix * 1811 in Paderborn, [? 17.05.1841 in Warburg] Historian; since 1841 Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Bonn

Contains among other things: - Granting of financial support, etc. for a scientific journey to Rome - Extensive travel report about the stay in Rome, 1837 - Presentation of the book Geschichte der wandalischen Herrschaft in Afrika - Research of th...

In: Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik) >> STAATSOBERHAUPT UND OBERSTE STAATSBEHÖRDEN, MINISTERIEN UND ANDERE ZENTRALBEHÖRDEN PREUSSENS AB 1808 >> Kultus (clergy, teaching and medical administration) >> Ministry of Education and the Arts

Pharmacology, Philology - Philosophy Lit. J

1882 - 1907, without date, Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage, VI. HA, Nl Althoff, F. T. Althoff, Friedrich Theodor* Contains: <br /><br />pharmacology: <br />- Ebert, Prof., University, Kiel: <br />Pharmac...

In: Althoff, Friedrich Theodor (collection) >> 05 Correspondence Althoffs, ordered by sender's professions

Questionnaires for the Heads of the Borderland Offices of the Universities Aachen - Witzenhausen, summer semester 1934

Contains above all: Questionnaires for the Heads of the Borderland Office TH Aachen, University of Bonn, Agricultural University Bonn-Poppelsdorf, University of Teacher Education Bonn, Theological School Bethel, TH Braunschweig, University of Berl...

In: Federal Archives (Archivtektonik) >> North German Confederation and German Reich (1867/1871-1945) >> Facilities of the NSDAP >> Party divisions and affiliated associations >> Reich Student Leadership / National Socialist German Student Union (inventory) >> NS 38 Reich Student Leadership / National Socialist German Student Union >> German Student Body >> Reichsleitung of the German Student Body >> border office


I. Introduction1) On the history of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-MuseumWilhelm Joest was born in Cologne on 15 March 1852 as the son of the merchant Eduard Joest. After studying natural sciences in Bonn, Heidelberg and Berlin, he travelled to Africa, A...

In: Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln (Archivtektonik) >> Stadt Köln >> Stadt Köln nach 1815 >> Kunst und Kultur >> Museen

Reports from student bodies and district tours of the German Student Body as well as employees of the German Student Body

Contains among other things: Reports by student bodies, University of Bonn, Bonn-Poppelsdorf Agricultural College, Dortmund Teacher Training College, Düsseldorf Medical Academy, Cologne University, Münster University, Darmstadt Technical Universit...

In: Federal Archives (Archivtektonik) >> North German Confederation and German Reich (1867/1871-1945) >> Facilities of the NSDAP >> Party divisions and affiliated associations >> Reich Student Leadership / National Socialist German Student Union (inventory) >> NS 38 Reich Student Leadership / National Socialist German Student Union >> German Student Body >> Reichsleitung of the German Student Body >> Personal consultant

Reports from universities, colleges and technical colleges on the number of harvest aid applications: Vol. 1

Contains above all: Aachen State School of Construction, Aachen Textile School, Augsburg School of Construction and Engineering, Bad Frankenhausen Engineering School, Bad Köstritz School of Horticulture, University of Berlin, Berlin Faculty of Agr...

In: Federal Archives (Archivtektonik) >> North German Confederation and German Reich (1867/1871-1945) >> Facilities of the NSDAP >> Party divisions and affiliated associations >> Reich Student Leadership / National Socialist German Student Union (inventory) >> NS 38 Reich Student Leadership / National Socialist German Student Union >> Reich Student Guided Tour >> Office Political Education >> Harvest Aid 1939 - Central Office Berlin >> Reports from universities, colleges and technical colleges on the number of harvesting aid applications

Reports of the competition leaders and the professional associations for the Reichsleistungskampf by the student associations of different universities

Contains : RdS, Reichsleistungskampf Division; TH Aachen, University of Berlin, Handelshochschule Berlin, Landwirtschaftliche Hochschule Berlin, Hochschule für Politik Berlin, Akademische Hochschule für Musik Berlin, Vereinigte Staatsschulen für f...

In: Federal Archives (Archivtektonik) >> North German Confederation and German Reich (1867/1871-1945) >> Facilities of the NSDAP >> Party divisions and affiliated associations >> Reich Student Leadership / National Socialist German Student Union (inventory) >> NS 38 Reich Student Leadership / National Socialist German Student Union >> German Student Body >> Reichsleitung of the German Student Body >> Department Reichsleistungskampf/ Reichsberufswettkampf

Reports of the student bodies of the universities and technical colleges on the German Student Day in Breslau 1936

Contains: TH Aachen, Hochschule Augsburg, Hochschule Bamberg, Universität Berlin, Handelshochschule Berlin, Staatliche Kunstschule Berlin, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Beuthen, Universität Bonn, Staatliche Akademie Braunsberg, TH Braunschweig, TH ...

In: Federal Archives (Archivtektonik) >> North German Confederation and German Reich (1867/1871-1945) >> Facilities of the NSDAP >> Party divisions and affiliated associations >> Reich Student Leadership / National Socialist German Student Union (inventory) >> NS 38 Reich Student Leadership / National Socialist German Student Union >> German Student Body >> Reichsleitung of the German Student Body >> Reichsführer/ Reichsführung

Schiemann, Theodor (partly Dep.) (existing)

Life data of Heinrich Christian Karl Theodor Schiemann 5/17.7.1847 geb. in Grobin (Kurland) Father: Theodor, City Secretary in Mitau Mother: Nadeda (Nadine) Rodde 1858-1867 Gouvernementsgymnasium Mitau 1867-1872 History studies at the University o...

In: Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik) >> NON-GOVERNMENTAL PROVENANCES >> Companies, Families and People >> people >> Academic civil servants >> University and university professors and lecturers >> historians

Results 1 to 30 of 42