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Schwartz, Karl von Wirtschaft Englisch

Ruruma station (Iramba region). Accounts, letters, building sketches, (travel) reports, list of archive sources.

Nine fiches. Contains: FICHE NO 15 1 - Tracking - "The Foundation..." - "The foundation..." FICHE NR. 15 2 - Continued - "A Chagga Contribution in the Iraq Mission" Results of an Investigation in Northern Tanzania. Ge...

In: Franckeschen Stiftungen zu Halle >> Archiv des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Missionswerkes Leipzig e.V. >> Ev.-Luth. Mission zu Leipzig/ Ev.-Luth. Missionswerk Leipzig >> Afrika

Leipziger Missionswerk

Parish Order Volume 2

Includes, among other things: New appointment to the parish post due to the appointment of the Superintendent von Schwartz as Mission Director of the Leipzig Mission, 1891

In: local records >> LKA OA Cremlingen

parish appointment

Includes, among other things: New appointment of the rectory with the retired Leipzig mission director Karl von Schwartz, 1911, and his retirement in 1922.

In: local records >> LKA OA Querum