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FA 1 / 2 · Akt(e) · 1886 - 1888
Teil von Cameroon National Archives

'The North German Missionary Society in Bremen avoids the mission territory in Togo. - Report by the Grade Secretary for the attention of the Foreign Office - Including: - Presentation of the situation by the German Missionary Society in West Africa by the Foreign Office according to information from Mission Inspector Zahn

Gouvernement von Kamerun
'Exploration of Adamaua; Volume 1'
FA 1 / 72 · Akt(e) · 1885 - 1902
Teil von Cameroon National Archives

'Mutation des Soldats Haoussa du Togo à Yaoundé afin d'y établir un contact avec les caravanes de marchands Haoussa de l'Adamaoua et leur redirection vers la côte du Protectorat du Cameroun. - Arrêté du Ministère des Affaires étrangères

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Administration of Adamaua; Volume 1
FA 1 / 118 · Akt(e) · 1902 - 1904
Teil von Cameroon National Archives

Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - 1st Company. - Formed by conversion of the Garua Expedition by the command of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun without authorisation by Governor von Puttkamer, 1902 [fol. 4] Personalwesen der Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - Regular company of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - Strength report, 7 Dec. 1902 [fol. 19] Expedition to the area north of the Benue from 13 Jan. to 18 Aug. 1902 - Alleged border crossing by the Garua expedition. - Investigations into a British protest, 4 April 1902 [fol. 27 - 31] Garua. - Takeover or handover of the Residentur by First Lieutenant von Bülow (successor to First Lieutenant Count Fugger von Glött, murdered on 5 February 1903), 8 March 1903 [fol. 49] Establishment of a factories in Garua. - Unsuccessful endeavours with German and British companies, 1902 - 1904 [fol. 54] Reports of the general administration departments. - Garua. 1 Company of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun April - December 1903, 1903 [fol. 67 - 108] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Establishment of a factory in Ngaundere for the purpose of exploiting the wild rubber deposits in the border region of Kunde. - Commitment to the governorate, 1904 [fol. 92 - 213] Garua. - Establishment of the Residentur, competences of the Resident and provisional takeover of the business by Captain Thierry. - Order by Governor von Puttkamer (draft), 20 September 1903 [fol. 103 - 104] Garua. - Takeover and handover of the Residentur, 8 March 1903 [fol. 105 - 106] Preparation for the introduction of cash transactions at Garua station, September 1903 [fol. 109] Garua. - Delivery of a house made of asbestos manufacturing parts from the company Asbest- und Gummiwerke Alfred Calmon AG, Hamburg, 1903 [fol. 128 - 143] Garua. - Handover of the station by the 1st Company to the Resident. - Order by Governor von Puttkamer (draft), 20 Nov. 1903 [fol. 145 - 159] Lake Chad voyage of 6 Aug. 1904 (Governor von Puttkamer). - Alleged encroachments by the Sultan of Tibati against the Wute. - Extract from the monthly report of the Joko station, January 1904 [fol. 150] Tibati-Ngaundere expedition of 27 February - 12 July 1904 (Captain Thierry), 1904 [fol. 152 - 252] Establishment of a police force of the Garua Residentur. - Preparations, September 1903, May 1904 [fol. 159 - 199] Offices of the local administration. - Dikoa. - Service instructions for the garrison commander in accordance with the instructions of the Foreign Office, 14 April 1903 [fol. 164 - 165] Garua. - Budget - applications for the 1905/06 budget, 1904 [fol. 176 - 189] Assassination of the Deputy Resident in Garua, Captain Thierry, on 16 September 1904 near Mubi. - Reports by Deputy Governor Dr Ebermaier to the Foreign Office, October 1904 [fol. 226 - 277] Personnel changes in the administration after the death of Captain Thierry on 16.9.1904 - Planning, 1904 [fol. 226 - 277] Livestock farming by the natives in Adamaua. - Report by Captain Thierry, 1904 [fol. 253 - 254] Services of the local administration. - Garua. - Service instructions, 15 July 1904 [fol. 260 - 263] Implementation of military measures in the Garua Resident District. - Complaint by Captain Thierry about Lieutenant Strümpell, August 1904 [fol. 264 - 270] Battle at Duhu on the Dikwa (Dikoa) Garua road on 3-4 July 1904 (Lieutenant Schipper), 1904 [fol. 258 - 259] Distribution of European members of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Lists, some with names Garua - plans, 1902

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Administration of the district; vol. 4
FA 1 / 132 · Akt(e) · 1905 - 1908
Teil von Cameroon National Archives

Combating riots and insurrections. - Jabassi expedition from 15 June - 27 September 1906 (Lieutenant Menzel), 1906 [fol. 1 - 13] Raid on the Biongele factories (presumably on 18 January 1907) Report by the merchant Habich, 1907 [fol. 17 - 117] Reports from the general administration departments. - Jabassi January 1907 - April 1908, 1907 - 1908 [fol. 21 - 169] Business trip to Njanga and surroundings from 16 August - 7 September 1907 (Lieutenant Buthut, Jabassi), 1907 [fol. 24 - 25] General political, military and economic circumstances. - Jabassi (chiefs' meeting on 6 September 1906) Minutes by Lieutenant Buthut, 1906 [fol. 33 - 34] Deployment of the Jabassi expedition (Lieutenant von Stein-Lausnitz) in the Jabassi district. - Proposals by Deputy District Chief Katzer, 13 April 1907 [fol. 48] Mission to regulate traffic on the Jabassi Ba-Ngangte Fumban road from 14 May to 12 June 1907 (Deputy District Chief Katzer), 1907 [fol. 59 - 64] Jabassi. - Handover of the station to Lieutenant Buthut by Deputy District Chief Katzer, 17 July 1907 [fol. 67 - 70] Affairs of the chiefs. - Case against Chief Qua Moto of Mamelo / Quantek and comrades for resisting state authority and deprivation of liberty. - Court hearing in Jabassi, 10 October 1907 [fol. 74 - 77] Jabassi. - Additional report on administrative conditions 9 October 1906 -2 October 1907 [fol. 78 - 110] General political, military and economic conditions. - Biongele area. - Report by Lieutenant Weyse, Jabassi, 15 September 1907 [fol. 79 - 89] General political, military and economic conditions. - Musche. (Mosse) expedition from 11 May to 26 November 1907 (Lieutenant Weyse), 1907 [fol. 79 - 135] General political, military and economic conditions. - Elephant hunt of the Hausa in the Biongele area, Jabassi district. - Report by Lieutenant Weyse, 1907 [fol. 79 - 89] Offices of the local administration. - Jabassi. - Duties of the station after redefinition of the borders against the districts of Duala and Dschang. - Instruction from Governor Dr Seitz, 6.11.1907 [fol. 90 - 92] Mission in the Jabassi district from 12.7.-28.9.1908 (station leader Katzer), also: deployment of the 6th (expedition) company in the Jabassi district, 1908 [fol. 98 - 108] Hausa and Duala trade in the Jabassi district, January--February 1908 [fol. 120 - 128] Jabassi Biongele Musche (Mosse) business trip from 29 November to the end of December 1907 (First Lieutenant Buthut), 1907 [fol. 136 - 142] Operations against the Betschoa (Jabassi district) from February to September 1908 - implementation (First Lieutenant von Heigelin), 1908 [fol. 147-154, 172-184, 187] Mission Njanga Nkongsamba from 31 October to mid-November 1906 (Lieutenant Buthut), 1906 [fol. 159 - 167] Combating the dominance of the Duala and Abo traders in the Jabassi district. - Demand by Lieutenant Buthut, November 1906 [fol. 159 - 169] General political, military and economic conditions. - Joko (in particular the Tukan's action against Ngutte) Report by Captain Dominik, 20 May 1908 [fol. 174] Operations against the Betschoa (Jabassi district) from February - September 1908 - Implementation 27 July - 4 September 1908 (Lieutenant Dickmann), 1908 [fol. 187 - 191]

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Angelegenheiten des Schutzgebietes Togo; Band 1
FA 1 / 1 · Akt(e) · 1885 - 1887
Teil von Cameroon National Archives

Errichtung der Schutzherrschaft.- Bericht von Reichskommissar Falkenthal (Abschriften), 1885 [fol. 1 - 19] Politische Lage in Togo und den benachbarten Gebieten.- Bericht von Reichskommissar Falkenthal, 1885 [fol. 1 - 19] Nichtanerkennung der deutschen Schutzherrschaft über Togo durch Frankreich und sonstige gegen das Deutsche Reich gerichtete französische Maßnahmen. - Protests by Reichskommissar Falkenthal to the French consular agent Piathet, Groß-Popo, 1885 [fol. 1 - 60] Report by Rear Admiral Knorr, 1885 [fol. 61 - 69] Expulsion of the Cameroonians Manga Akwa, Anja Preso (Priso) and Misunga to Togo for participating in the uprising in Duala. - Handed over to the Reichskommissar by Rear Admiral Knorr, flight to Accra and extradition negotiations, 1885 [fol. 71] Accusations against Portuguese authorities for slave trade. - Misinterpretation of a labour recruitment in Dahomey by the German planter Spengler (Chamisso plantation) on St. Thomé, 1885 [fol. 76 - 84] Establishment of the Portuguese protectorate over Dahomey and its takeover by France, 1885 - 1886 [fol. 85 - 192] Approval and request for armament and equipment, 1885 [fol. 102 - 105] Establishment of the protectorate over the west coast between Liberia and Grand Bassam. - Memorandum by Reichskommissar Falkenthal, 1885 [fol. 106 - 108] Shipping of slaves on the coast of Dahomey and Whydah (Quittab) in the presence of British gunboats. - Denial by Acting Colonial Secretary Percival Hughes, Accra, 1885 [fol. 109] Breakthrough of the coast at Cotonou on 23 September 1885 by the French to establish a connection between the lagoon of Porto Novo and the sea. - Report by Consul Randad jun., 1885 [fol. 118] Action against the French during the occupation of the Gridji and Abanaque territories. - Justification by Reichskommissar Falkenthal in response to a reprimand by von Bismarck, 1885 [fol. 133 - 135] Relations between France, Great Britain and Portugal on the slave coast between Whydah (Quittah) and Lagos as well as Dahomey. - Report by Reichskommissar Falkenthal, 1885 [fol. 138 - 139] Establishment of German protectorate over Porto Seguro at the request of the local King Mensa. - Report by Reichskommissar Falkenthal, 1885 [fol. 148] Clarification of German intentions in Togo. - Enquiry from Governor von Soden to von Bismarck, 1885 [fol. 156 - 157] Bielke, sergeant of the police force - Death and burial, 1885 [fol. 183] Official residence of the Reichskommissar in Klein-Popo. - Construction of a prefabricated building by the company F. H. Schmidt, Hamburg, 1886 [fol. 196 - 204] Pietrowski, sergeant, drill sergeant of the police force. - Assignment as successor to the deceased Sergeant Bielke and leave of absence for health reasons, 1886 - 1888 [fol. 212] Situation in Klein-Popo after the arrival of Reichskommissar Falkenthal at his official residence, 1886 [fol. 214] Recruitment of Hausa, 1886 - 1888 [fol. 214] Criticism of the inauguration of Reichskommissar Falkenthal (31 October 1887) and interim appointment of the previous chancellor in Cameroon, von Puttkamer, 1886 - 1887 [fol. 217 - 221] Treaty between France and the chiefs of the country of Quatschi (Kete Krachi) north of the Popos in Togo. - Copy, 21 June 1885 [fols. 238 - 239] Protocol on the German and French possessions on the west coast of Africa and in the South Seas. - Copy (German and French text), 24 Dec. 1885 [fol. 240 - 247] Exchange of notes between Germany and France on King Mensa of Porto Seguro [fol. 248 - 251] Work of the Franco-German Boundary Commission on the demarcation of the territories on both sides of the Slave Coast in accordance with Article 2 of the Protocol of 24 Dec. 1885 - Protocol, 2 Apr. 1887 [fol. 252 - 254] Regulation of flag mail traffic. - Circular no. 3, 29 May 1914

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0730 · Akt(e) · 1899-01-01 - 1904-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 2/1904; EndVNr: E 696/1904; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, pp. 266, the Natural History Museum, pp. 44, 254, 266, the German Colonial Museum, pp. 165, and the Arsenal, Berlin, (1904), pp. 156 - Distribution and exchange of duplicates with the Museums für Völkerkunde, Lübeck, pp. 83, 123 ff., and Stuttgart, (1904), pp. 225 f., 238, 247.- Cooperation with the Museum Society, Essen, (1904), p. 271.- Cooperation with the governors of DOA, (1903), p. 23, and Togo, (1904), p. 248.- Cooperation with a missionary, (1904), p. 110 ff., and the White Fathers, (1903), p. 80 ff., 272 ff.- Hutter: "Cost estimate No. I a scientific (ethnographic) expedition in western Sudan ...", p. 47 ff., "Cost estimate No. II ...", (1903), p. 55 f.- Krieger: Report from Moschi, (1903), p. 71 - by Luschan: Comment on the Provisional Magazine in Dahlem, p. 79, Support of the Red Eagle Order for Kandt, p. 91, Significance of Ethnography in Connection with the War in DSW, (1904), p. 138 - van Eyndhoven: "Investigation of 2 Samples of Asphalt from Egypt", (1904), p. 88 f - Rehse: "Marriage. by the Muziba, (1904), pp. 93 f.- Ruamugara: "History of Kiziba.", (1904), Deprecation, pp. 94 f.- Gruner: Bericht über die Folgen der Umwandlung von Misahöhe in ein Beziksamt, Bl. 97, "Description of the Captured Fetish Bird in Tzugbedye - davango ...", (1904), Bl. 99.- AA: Verfügung zum Rechnungsungsmodus zwischen dem MV und dem Gouvernement von DOA, (1904), Bl. 100.- by Pückler: Verwendung von Haussa-Lanzen, (1904), Abschr., Bl. 106 - Frobenius: "Sketch of a journey into northern German-Southwest Africa (border area between the English and Portuguese possessions)", (1904), Bl. 139 ff. by Stefenelli: Report on Yu-Yu customs, (1904), pp. 167 ff. - Langheld: because of the war no collection, (1904), pp. 171.- by Stein: "Catalogue of ethnographic collections from the years 1899-1904", (1904), pp. 195 ff.- Ankermann: "Bericht über die Besichtigung der Sammlung des Frhr. v. Stein in Darmstadt." (1904), pest control measures for the collection of Stein, p. 215, p. 224, Schmidt: "Liste über die Photographieen aus dem Atakpame Bezirk Togo." (1904), p. 288 f. - Mischlich: Bericht über Fetisch-Hütte, p. 291.

Archive Ewe I
VII W 1118 · Akt(e) · 1904-01-01 - 1904-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin
  • Audio* description: Content according to this documentation: "23) Proverb in Tschi, spoken, drummed""24) Proverb in Tschi, spoken, drummed" "25) Reigentanzrhythmus auf der Haussa-Trommel sokodo oder sanga, in Ewhw: gakpa
Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv
Correspondence Kube / Nitsch (Plots)
9 · Akt(e) · 1904; 1938
Teil von Neukirchen Mission

Purchase of the house Sübel-Achenbach in Uha; also contains: report about the visitation in Dar Es Salaam and Usaramo. 30.12.1903 - 27.1.1904 by Sauberzweig Schmidt v. 31.03.1904

Neukirchener Mission
Diehl, Philipp (1837-1920)
RMG 1.606 a-c · Akt(e) · 1868-1918
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1868-1920 in Okahandja, Usakos; Reports & Letters, 1868-1918; Notes about the first baptism on Okahandja, Jan. 1873; Short history of: Jonker Afrikaner, as he met Damras, March 1873; station reports by Okahandja, 1888-1893; letters to and from missionary Peter Heinrich Brincker, 1888 1890; copy of correspondence with commissioner Nels u. Maharero Tjamuaha, 1890; Report of the Evangelist Elia Kandirikirira, 1891; Presentation: "Is it appropriate that Christians won by evangelists gather in parishes or return to their relatives", 6 pages, hs., 1891; Friedrich Wilhelm Gottlieb Viehe: Opinion on Herero land sales, 1887; Report on the increase in Herero's impoverishment through robbery, request for ideas from the German government, 1902; Reports on the Herero Uprising, 1904; Contract on the sale of land in Windhoek to the German tax authorities, 1904; Loss of property of the Mission and others, 1904; Contract for the purchase of the so-called "Borchard House" in Otjimbingue to Philipp Diehl, 1908; deed of donation of 5,000 marks from Philipp Diehl to Mission, 1912; congratulatory letter and laudatory speech for Philipp Diehl on his 50th ordination anniversary, 1918

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 208 A, Nr. 70 · Akt(e) · 1904, 1907, 1912 - 1916, 1920, 1926 - 1927, 1930
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

77 sheets, Contains and others: - Employment of Ludwig Adzaklu, 1904 - Employment of Andreas Anno from Ntschumeru in Nkunya (Togo) as a teaching assistant for Ewe (Ephe) and Tschi, 1913 - Involvement of Bonifatius Foli to help with lessons in Ewe (Ephe) and Hausa (Haussa), 1926.

BArch, N 227/2 · Akt(e) · 31. Okt. 1898 - 30. Dez. 1912
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Kaiser Wilhelm I: Appointment as Major under promotion, as Flügeladj.; Ministry of the Royal House: Letter of thanks for transfer of the work "Durch Kamerun von Süd nach Nord"; GenOberst Graf Waldersee: Letter of thanks; Kaiser Wilhelm II: Command as Gr. GenSt. under removal as Mil.Att. at the Embassy in Constantinople and at the Embassy in Belgrade; Emperor Wilhelm II: Silver award of his name; Austro-Hungarian Embassy in Constantinople (correspondence); v. Liebert, Brandenburg (correspondence) Count Schlieffen (Chef d. GenSt. of the Army): Letter of thanks; German-Asian Society: elected to the Board; Royal Office of Herold: Diploma of Nobility and Family Coat of Arms; Lauenstein, Lüneburg (correspondence); Georg Maria Schaumburg Lippe: Telegram of Condolence; Margarethe v. Krepp, née Freiin v. Ende; Krupp v. Bohlen u. Halbach: Telegram of Condolence

Morgen, Curt von
Verwaltung des Ssanga-Ngoko-Gebietes; Band 2
FA 1 / 130 · Akt(e) · (1897 -) 1902
Teil von Cameroon National Archives

Dienstreisen des Stationsleiters von Jaunde (Leutnant von Carnap-Quernheimb). - Business trip to the Congo from 15 August to 10 September 1897 (Governor von Puttkamer), 1897 [fol. 7 - 26] Ssanga-Ngoko expedition (Dr R. Plehn). - Journey from Molundu - Bertua, 1899 [fol. 95 - 101] Ssanga-Ngoko expedition (Dr R. Plehn). - Journey to Ndsimu and Bajanga on the Sanaga (5 - 29 June 1899), 1899 [fol. 104 - 116] Ssanga-Ngoko expedition (Dr R. Plehn). - Death of Dr R. Plehn on 24.11.1899 and repatriation of the expedition. - Report by Corporal Peter, 27 Dec. 1889 [fol. 121 - 123] Takeover of official passenger and cargo transports to and from the Ssanga-Ngoko area by the South Cameroon Company and transport difficulties on French territory, January-February 1900 [fol. 130 - 153] Regional border matters. - Ngoko, February 1900 [fol. 145 - 147] Reports from the general administration departments. - Lomie February 1900, 1900 [fol. 149 - 151] Conviction of the Hausa interpreter Dodo Madessa for various offences while on duty. - Pardon at the request of Lieutenant von Stein-Lausnitz, 1900 [fol. 163 - 167] Expeditions of the deputy head of the station at Ngoko (von Lüdinghausen). - Segawo expedition (12-29.4.1900), 1900 [fol. 176 - 181] Organisation of the administration of justice. - Station at Ngoko. - Basic authorisation of the head of the station to exercise jurisdiction in the first instance, 11.7.1900 [fol. 184 - 186] Expeditions of the head of the administration at Ngoko (Lieutenant Baron von Stein-Lausnitz). - Bertua expedition (15.4.-12.8.1902), 1902 [fol. 187 - 215] Activities of Lieutenant Ludwig Freiherr von Stein-Lausnitz as head of the station, (signature uncertain), 1900 - 1913 Ssanga-Ngoko expedition (Dr R. Plehn). - Execution, 1899 Franco-German survey to determine the boundaries of New Cameroon Headquarters South (Major Zimmermann), report, March-June

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Verwaltung von Adamaua; Band 7
FA 1 / 124 · Akt(e) · 1905 - 1909
Teil von Cameroon National Archives

Angelegenheiten der Häuptlinge. - Haleru, Lamido of Gawar. - Trial of the Power Arbitration Court at Mendif for murder, sale of free fullahs, robbery and highway robbery, 29 Dec. 1906 [fol. 1 - 8] Reports of the departments of general administration. - Residentur Garua April 1907 - February 1911 [fol. 9 - 31] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Garua Residency April 1907 - February 1909 [fol. 20 - 22] Budget, cash and accounting. - Binder. - Revenue and expenditure (statement) - April 1903 - March 1907 [fol. 24 - 28] Affairs of the chiefs. - Haleru, Lamido of Gawar. - Imprisonment with the Lamido of Garua since 1907 - Removal and exile to Kampo and arrival on 1 December 1908 - Order of Governor Dr Seitz, 23 April 1908 [fol. 54 - 165] Boundaries with the British possessions. - Co-operation with the British authorities, 1902 - 1912 [fol. 56] Boundaries with the British possessions. - Protests and investigations into British border incursions against Bornu, 1902 - 1904, 1907 [fol. 62 - 72] General political, military and economic conditions. - Adamaua and Lake Chad countries. - Report by Captain von Krogh, 12 January 1908 [fol. 73 - 83] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - Allocation of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Status of planning, 1 January 1908 [fol. 85] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - Weapons and equipment. - Mounted detachment in Marua - equipment status (list), 1 Jan. 1908 [fol. 87] Indigenous levies and services. - Reduction of the travelling trade tax. - Memorandum by Captain Dominik, March 1908 [fol. 88 - 89] Hausa trade. - Memorandum by the merchant Louis Pagenstecher with comments by Governor Dr Seitz, 25 April and 16 May 1908 [fol. 91 - 95] Approval of the introduction of an export duty on rubber and ivory by the Ngaundere Resident Post, August 1905 [fol. 97 - 98] Customs. - Ngaundere (Resident outpost). - Introduction of an export duty on rubber and ivory in agreement with Randad & Stein, August 1905 [fol. 97 - 98] Native duties and benefits. - Introduction of a travelling trade tax in Tibati - Ngaundere. - Violation of the Governor's order of 5 July 1904 (report by Captain Zimmermann, Garua), August 1905 [fol. 99] Trade situation in the Garua Residency. - Report by Captain Langheld, 1 April 1905 [fol. 102 - 104] Indigenous levies and services. - Involvement of the Musgum area in tribute payments. - Report by Captain Zimmermann, Garua, January 1906 [fol. 105] Indigenous levies and services. - Collection of cattle export duty, January 1906 [fol. 105] Garua (Residentur) introduction of customs, 1905 - 1906 [fol. 105 - 130] Collection of export duties to increase the popularity of imperial nickel coins among the natives. - Memorandum by Lieutenant Strümpell, Garua, 1906 [fol. 131 - 133] Low popularity of imperial nickel coins among the natives. - Memorandum by Lieutenant Strümpell, Garua, 1906 [fol. 131 - 133] Establishment of customs posts on the British and French border of the Garua Resident District, October 1906 [fol. 135 - 140] Combating unrest and insurrections. - Makio and Hino Expedition (Garua District) Subsequent substantiated authorisation by Governor Dr. Seitz, 6.11.1908 [fol. 154 - 158] Combating unrest and insurrection. - Punitive expedition against the (Muhi ?) (Garua district). Rejection of the requested undertaking by the Governor Dr Seitz, 6.11.1908 [fol. 154 - 158] Affairs of the chiefs. - Negotiation of the Lamido Asura Daso. - Arrival in Duala, October 1908 [fol. 163]

Gouvernement von Kamerun