
Bereich 'Elemente'



Anmerkung(en) zur Eingrenzung

    Anmerkung(en) zur Herkunft

      Anmerkungen zur Ansicht

        Hierarchische Begriffe


          Equivalente Begriffe


            Verbundene Begriffe


              130 Dokumente results for Flugschriften

              130 Ergebnisse mit direktem Bezug Engere Begriffe ausschließen
              Association files (individual files)
              Stadtarchiv Solingen, 1459 · Akt(e) · 1893-1923
              Teil von City Archive Solingen (Archivtektonik)

              Contains: (spec.)Gymnastics clubs Statutes of the Walder Jugendturnverein, 25.01.1898;Statutes of the gymnastics club 'Einigkeit', Wald, 26.02.1898;Festprogramm zum Stiftungsfest und zur Fahnenweihe des Kreuzweger Turnerbunds, 19.08.1900;Statutes of the Ittertaler Turnerbund, 04.07.1900;Statutes of the gymnastics club 'Germania', 16.08.1902;Statutes of the Männerturnverein Wald, 20.10.1903;Statutes of the Turnverein Grün, Buxhaus, 01.07.1905;Flyer: 'Spitzel an der Arbeit', August 1906;Statutes of the free Walder gymnastics community, 04.08.1906;Statute of the Lochbachtaler Turnerbund, 19.06.1907;Statutes of the Damenturnverein Wald, August 1907;Statutes of the Merscheider Turnerbund, 16.05.1899;Statutes of the Niedermangenberger Turnverein, February 1908;Flyer: 'Youth, wake up!';Annual reports of the Wald-Merscheider Turnerbund, 1913 - 1918;Statute of the Schlagbaumer Ballspielverein, 28.08.1920;Invitation of the Walder Gymnasgemeinde to a conference, December 1893;Statutes of the Kreuzweger Turnerbund, September 1895 and January 1906;Invitation of the Wald-Merscheider Turnverein to the 42nd Gymnastics Congress of the Walder Ballspielverein, 28.08.1920;Invitation of the Walder Ballsgemeinde to a conference, December 1893;Invitation of the Wald-Merscheider Turnverein to the 42nd Gymnastics Congress of the Walder Ballspielverein, 28.08.1920;Invitation of the Walder Ballspielverein to the 42nd Gymnastics Congress of the Walder Merscheider Ballspielverein, 28.08.1920 Foundation celebration, January 1903; Letter of request from the Windhuk Gymnastics Club, Deutsch-Südwestafrika (German Colony), 1906; Letter of request from the German Haida Gymnastics Club, July 1909, with donation cards and a picture of the donations; Programme of the Wald-Merscheider Gymnastics Club for an entertainment evening, 17.11.1912; Programme of the Lower Berg Gymnastics Club: 'Jugendwettturnen des Gaus', 06.08.1916; Programme of the Wald-Merscheider Turnverein e.V., Jugendabteilung, Turnerischer Unterhaltungs- und Werbeabend, 24.03.1918; Call of the Turnkreis VIIIb (Rheinland) of the German Gymnastics Association 1917; Statutes of the Association 'Ausschuss der rheinischen Turnerschaft e.V.', January 1918

              B. Archive of the Counts of Pückler-Limpurg
              B. · Bestand · 1396 - 1931
              Teil von City Archive Fürth

              The collection of the Counts of Pückler-Limpurg is one of the most important aristocratic archives in the region. It belongs to the Pückler-Limpurg Charitable Foundation and is held in trust by the Fürth City Archives. Insight into house and family matters is only possible with the consent of the Foundation. In terms of content, the entire spectrum of the grand administration as well as house and family affairs is covered. The private correspondence contains contacts to the most important noble families of the region, Germany and Europe, e.g. The von Thurn

              Basel Missionary Society (founded 1815)
              RMG 717 · Akt(e) · 1921-1928
              Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

              Correspondence on border issues in the mission hinterland; correspondence on the handover of Borneo to Basel; contract of service between Miss. doctor Dr. Boeckh and Basler Mission, 1921; contract between "De Classical Zendingscommissie te Amsterdam" and Basler Mission, 1925; appeal to the Basler Mission, flyer, 1927

              Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
              Basel Missionary Society (founded 1815)
              RMG 720 · Akt(e) · 1942-1946
              Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

              Correspondence on the question of the mission hinterland; Correspondence on the fate of the missionaries affected by the Second World War; Agreement between the Basler and the RMG on work in the common home area of Kurhessen, 1942; Notice of death for the former president Rev. Dr. Wilhelm Burckhardt (1856-1943), 1943; To the registered friend of the Basler Mission, Dr...., 1944; From our medical mission, pamphlet, 1944 1945; minutes of the meeting on 19.10.1945 m. President D. Köchlin, 1945; Letter from Prelate Dr. Hartenstein on this, 1945; Guidelines of the Basel Mission in the Question of Relationship to the German Home Church, 1945

              Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
              Berlin Missionary Society (founded 1824)
              RMG 725 · Akt(e) · 1869-1920
              Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

              Missions-Kirchenordnungen, Dr., 1869, 1875 o.J.; Agreement on the transfer of the Hakka Mission (China) to Berlin, 1882; Negotiations on a joint teacher training institution and on the ordination of colored helpers in Africa, 1903; Negotiations on the coordination of the work at the Cape, 1904; Report on the death of Insp. Sauberzeig-Schmidt in Hong Kong, Dr., 1906; J. Neitz: Report of a journey to Samuel Maherero, 13 p., 1907; Foundation of church coffers in China, Vorschlag Glüer, 1907; Satzung d. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft, Dr., 1907; Die Aufsicht über die Missionsarbeit d. Berliner Mission, 18 p., ms., ca. 1908; Admission of Miss. Behrens/Hermannsburg, 1913; Reports of fights in Tsingtau, 1914; Vertraul. Report on obstruction of missionary work by World War I, 18 p., ms., 1915; conflict with P. Theo. Fliedner/Madrid, 1920; What still holds us to the pagan mission today, pamphlet, ca. 1920

              Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
              Berlin Missionary Society (founded 1824)
              RMG 724 · Akt(e) · 1822-1845
              Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

              4 letters from Johann Jänicke and M. Rückert, 1822-1824; correspondence with v. Gerlach and Laroche, 1828-1837; Circular über Aussendung d. ersten Missionare, 1833; extract from account book on the costs of sending their first missionaries, 1835; letter Missionar Döhne an Miss. Lückhoff in Stellenbosch, 1837; Instruction for the missionaries of the Berliner Mission, 40 p., Dr., 1837; Offenes Schreiben zur Neuordnung der Jänickeschen Missions-Ges. in Berlin, 8 p., Dr., 1840; pamphlet against the attacks of the preacher Rückert, 1844; letter of comfort to the "Brothers beloved in Christo on Tahiti", 1844; correspondence with Insp. O. Sheet metal, 1845

              Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
              Berlin Missionary Society (founded 1824)
              RMG 727 · Akt(e) · 1931-1937
              Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

              Correspondence on cooperation in Germany and abroad; correspondence on position on the Imperial and Confessing Church; leaflet on the "Hundred Penny Rifle" of the Aid Committee for the Berlin Mission, signed by O. Dibelius, Dr., 1933; Appeal by the Extraordinary Council of Trust of the Berlin Mission, Dr., 1934; East Prussia Agreement on Cooperation of the Berliners, Goßnerschen, Herrnhuter and RMG, 1934; Colourful handicraft sheet and postcard for the construction of a Christmas church in Johannesburg/South Africa by the Reichsverband f. Kindergottesdienst, 1936; Correspondenz hierzu, 1936; Todesanzeige Insp. L. Weichert, 1936; Settlement of donations by East Prussian working group, 1938; Heavy experiences of missionaries in Canton in the Chinese-Japanese War, 12 p., ms, 1938

              Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
              Berlin Missionary Society (founded 1824)
              RMG 729 · Akt(e) · 1945-1959
              Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

              Correspondence on reorientation and assignment of the hinterland in Ravensberg and Ballenstedt; correspondence on the fates of mission members; report on boarding school conferences. Mission Council and World Council of Churches in Geneva, 1946; F. Schmitt from internment camp at Hohenasperg/Ludwigsburg, 1946; program for the 125th anniversary celebration, 1949; To the Friends of the Berlin Mission in West Germany, Dir. Brennecke, Dr., March 1950; 2 pamphlets: To all friends and co-workers of the Berlin Mission (concerning the sending out of the first missionaries after World War II), report about your trip to Cape Town. Brennecke, March April, 1950; obituary for you. Siegfried Knak, 1955; death announcement for Rev. Joachim Wilde, 1956; Invitation and minutes of the meeting of the Council of Trust, 1957

              Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
              BArch, R 3602 · Bestand · 1873 - 1954
              Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

              History of the Inventory Designer: In 1880, the "German Agricultural Council" suggested the creation of a "Reichszentrale zur Beobachtung und Vertilgung der die die Kulturpflanzen schädden Insekten und Pilze" (Reich Centre for the Observation and Eradication of Insects and Fungi Harmful to Cultivated Plants). On 24 March 1897, the Member of Parliament and practical farmer, Dr Dr hc. Albert Schulz-Lupitz in the Reichstag, an initiative for the creation of an "agricultural-technical Reichsanstalt für Bakteriologie und Phytopathologie". A necessity was given by the annual damages in the agriculture and forestry by diseases and pests of the cultivated plants and because of the importance of certain bacteria. This request was initially postponed until the following year and was finally dealt with again on 28 January 1898. On that day the Imperial Health Office demanded 2400 Marks for a "botanically trained unskilled worker" who would not only carry out the food examinations, but also the botanical work for the pharmacopoeia and the exploitation of plants from the protectorates, as well as be active in the field of plant protection. Finally, on 25 February, a commission met at the "Imperial Health Office" to discuss the planned establishment of a "Biological Department" at the Health Office and to draw up a first memorandum. The integration into this office was carried out because the now projected tasks (e.g. combating phylloxera) had been carried out there for years. The founding memorandum set out the tasks of the future research institute in eight points and became part of the "Law on the Determination of a Supplement to the Reich Budget Budget for the Financial Year 1898". In 1899 this department already comprised four laboratories in the newly built building of the "Imperial Health Office" in Klopstockstrasse in Tiergarten. Initially the department (see Reichstag printed matter no. 241, 1898): - study the living conditions of animal and plant pests of cultivated plants and gain the basis for their control, - study the damage to cultivated plants caused by inorganic influences, - study the beneficial organisms from the animal and plant kingdoms, - study the microorganisms useful and harmful for agriculture, and - study the diseases of bees. - In addition to the experimental activities, the following tasks were also assigned to the department: - Collecting statistical material on the occurrence of the most important plant diseases at home and abroad, - Provision of difficult-to-access literature (in particular from abroad) to the state institutes, - Publication of common publications and leaflets on the most important plant diseases, - Training of experts (for the German colonies). For field experiments, a test field was leased in Dahlem on the site of the "Royal Prussian Domain" at today's Königin-Luise-Strasse 19. In May 1898 the construction of a greenhouse with insulating cells and a small laboratory building began on this site. When the "Biological Department for Agriculture and Forestry at the Imperial Health Office" was founded, Oberregierungsrat Dr. med. h. c. Karl Köhler was director of this office. The first head of department was then in 1899 the Privy Councillor Prof. Dr. Albert Bernhard Frank, who died in 1900. His successor was Privy Councillor Prof. Dr. Carl Freiherr von Tubeuf, who was appointed to Munich after only a few months. In 1902, Dr. Rudolf Aderhold, Privy Councillor, became the new head of the government. He was followed on August 1, 1907 by the Privy Senior Government Councillor Prof. Dr. Johannes Behrens, former head of the "Bacteriological Laboratory". A further change of leadership did not take place until 1920, when Privy Councillor Prof. Dr. Otto Appel became Director of the BRA. He was succeeded from 1933 to 1945 by Dr. Eduard Riehm, Senior Government Councillor, as Director and from 1937 as President of the BRA. Head of the BRA until 1945 Term of officeHead1898Oberregierungsrat Dr. med. h. c. Karl Köhler1899Geheimer Regierungsrat Prof. Dr. Albert Bernhard Frank1900- ca. 1902Geheimer Regierungsrat Prof. Dr. Carl Freiherr von Tubeuf1902-1907Geheimer Regierungsrat Dr. Rudolf Aderhold1907-1920Geheimer Oberregierungsrat Prof. Dr. Johannes Behrens1920-1933Geheimer Regierungsrat Prof. Dr. Otto Appel1933-1945Oberregierungsrat Dr. Eduard Riehm On 1 April 1905, the department became an independent authority as the "Imperial Biological Institute for Agriculture and Forestry" (see Reichsanzeiger No. 83 of 6 April 1905) and was now subordinate to the Reichsamt des Inneren until it was subordinated to the Reichswirtschaftsamt on 31 October 1917 (renamed the Reichswirtschaftsministerium on 21 March 1919). On 13 January 1919 it changed its name to "Biologische Reichsanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft" (Biological Imperial Institute for Agriculture and Forestry) and from 1920 was subordinate to the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture (RMEL). Names and assignments of the BRA until 1945 Name Superordinate authority1898-1905Biological Department for Agriculture and Forestry at the Imperial Health Office1. April 1905 Imperial Biological Institute for Agriculture and Forestry Reichsamt des Inneren31. October 1917Reichswirtschaftsamt or Reichswirtschaftsministerium13. January 1919Biologische Reichsanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft1920Reichsministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft Since 1907, the following BRA branch offices have gradually been set up to research and control pests and diseases: - 1907: Ulmenweiler near Metz, from 1919: Naumburg / Saale (phylloxera) - 1920: Aschersleben (vegetables and ornamental plants) - 1921: Stade (fruit trees), from 1941: Heidelberg - 1921: Trier, from 1926: Bernkastel-Kues (vines) - 1925: Kiel (grain and fodder plants) - 1927: Mechow near Kyritz, from 1936: Eichhof (Langen near Redel, potato diseases, breeding) - 1932: "The "Branch Office East" in Königsberg (research into the possibilities of sufficient production of protein-containing animal feed for the "German East") - 1934: Gliesmarode (rust diseases, forest resistance of plants) - 1940: Vienna (previously Vienna State Institute for Plant Protection) - 1940: Kruft / Eifel (potato beetle research), later relocation to Mühlhausen / Thür. In addition, the BRA supervised research supported by RMEL in Markee in Nauen (combating cabbage pests: cabbage fleas, cabbage flies, cabbage shoots) and Magdeburg (combating tomato diseases). The working group with the German Entomological Institute of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society, founded in 1934, was intended to promote systematic and morphological research in the field of applied entomology. In the case of mass occurrences of individual pests, so-called "flying stations" were set up ad hoc for research purposes, which could be dissolved at any time. These flying stations included: - 1921-1925: Oybin near Zittau, respectively Dresden (plague of nuns) - 1922-1927: Crenzow / Pomerania and Anklam (beetle of Rübenaas) - 1924: Stralsund, from 1925: Rosenthal near Breslau, from 1928: Heinrichau, from 1933: Guhrau (beet fly and beetle leaf bug) - 1929-1931: Randowbruch / Pommern (grass diseases and pests) - 1937: Oldenburg (grassland pests) After the end of the war in 1945, the BRA was broken up, first attempts were made to resume work in Berlin and the four occupation zones. In May 1945, the Dahlem offices were first subordinated to the Berlin magistrate. Prof. Dr. Otto Schlumberger became the new President in Berlin in July. Inventory description: Inventory history The inventory R 3602 Biologische Reichsanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft consists of a total of 1955 files, which are subdivided as follows: - Naumburger Akten": signature numbers 1-1020 - files of the BRA: signature numbers 2001-2625 - personal files: Signature numbers 3001-3320 "Naumburger Akten" The first portion of files, subsequently referred to as Naumburger Akten, was handed over to the Zentrale Staatsarchiv (ZStA) in Potsdam on 24 January 1983 by the Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften, Institut für Züchtungsfragen Quedlinburg. A list of fees is available. The Naumburg files formed the inventory R 3602 Biologische Reichsanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft. After 3 October 1990, the holdings were transferred from the ZStA to the Federal Archives. Files of the BRA Of the approx. 40 linear metres of the remaining records which had been preserved in the Federal Biological Institute for Agriculture and Forestry - Institute for Nonparasitic Plant Diseases - Berlin-Dahlem, the Federal Archives took over approx. 12 linear metres of archival documents in August 1983, including personnel files, most of the administrative documents and a selection of documents on implementation tasks. Around 1978, a considerable number of files, mainly from the Office for Economic and Legal Affairs in Plant Protection (WURA), had already been collected by the Federal Institute. In 1988, the Bernkastel-Kues branch and the Berlin Institute of the Federal Biological Research (Institut Berlin der Biologischen Bundesanstalt) handed over further files, in particular on viticulture and soil fertilisation (R 168 / 470-625). Personnel files In the 1950s, personnel files were mainly transferred from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to the ZStA. These three named groups of files were brought together in the Federal Archives to form a single collection: R 3602 Biological Imperial Institute for Agriculture and Forestry. The Naumburg files retained the signature numbers 1 to 1020, the numbers of the files from the former R 168 were added around 2000 (R 168 / 1 became R 3602/ 2001), the 320 personnel files received the signature numbers R 3602 / 3001-3320. The ZStA had no further BRA files. It is suspected that the archival material handed over to the Reichsarchiv by the BRA and the other branch offices was destroyed during the destruction of the archive in April 1945. Content characterisation: Documents on the following subject areas have been handed down: Headquarters: Business operations of the headquarters 1885-1949, land and buildings, budget 1905-1944, personnel matters 1902-1949, business operations of the branch offices, especially Trier and Bernkastel-Kues 1919-1948, development and activities in general: historical development 1897-1944, activity reports, work of the advisory board, lectures, publications, public relations, anniversaries 1902-1952. Individual areas of responsibility: Plant protection 1899-1948, animal protection 1894-1940, botany 1879-1944, soil analysis and treatment, fertilisation, viticulture 1873-1944 (77), activity of the branch Trier and Bernkastel-Kues 1920-1946. Naumburg branch: administration and organisation 1920-1945, business operations 1920-1945, land and buildings 1901-1943, budget 1921-1945, personnel matters 1917-1947, development and activity in general, including research funds, public relations 1907-1961, tasks: Phylloxera control, including: herd of phylloxera, research, phylloxera memoranda 1875-1951, grapevine breeding 1891-1955, plant protection and pests (without phylloxera) 1902-1947, relations to and material from other (including foreign) institutions 1905-1944, activities of other institutions 1897-1952. State of development: online find book (2008) citation: BArch, R 3602/...

              BArch, RM 3/10024 · Akt(e) · Nov. 1899 - März 1900
              Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

              Contains among other things: Germany's fleet and colonial possessions. The necessity and means of its enlargement, by Caesar Artfalck (print), 1896 Germany's economic existence and its fleet, by J. Erichsen (print), 1900 Why does everyone among the people have an interest in a strong German fleet? Essay by Hans Hartmann (print), 1900 Die Bedeutung der deutschen Kriegsflotte für unsere Gegenwart und Zukunft, by Heinrich Weber (print), 1899 Zur Flottenvorlage, by Wilhelm Geiger (print), 1900 Festausgabe der Danziger Neuesten Nachrichten zur Jahreswende 1899/1900 (print) Overview of the German Navy's ship fleet (flyer), 1900 Interest in a strong German fleet? A contribution to the fleet issue. By Hans Hartmans (print), 1900

              BArch, RM 3/10027 · Akt(e) · Dez. 1901 - März 1904
              Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

              Contains among other things: What saves us from colonial fatigue? Report of the Berlin branch of the Alldeutscher Verband (print), 1904 Das Linienschiff einst und jetzt. Two lectures by Tjard Schwarz (print), 1903 The imperial German Navy. essay by William Laud Clowes (print), 1903 Blick in das Herz eines Helden, by Georg von Viebahn (print), 1866 Deutschland am Scheidewege, by Heinrich Baecker (print), 1902 Die Brotfrage und die Brotantwort, by Gustav Simons (print), 1902 Arbeiterkundgebungen (print), 1903 Katechismus der sozialdemokratischen Religion und Revolution, by J. Klein (print), 1903

              Church in the 3rd Reich
              RMG 1.134 · Akt(e) · 1937
              Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

              Collection of newspaper cuttings, pamphlets, circular letters, confessional writings, official gazettes of the Protestant Confessional Synod, intercession lists, sermons and lectures on the conflict between German Christians and the Confessing Church

              Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
              Church in the 3rd Reich
              RMG 1.133 · Akt(e) · 1937
              Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

              Collection of newspaper cuttings, pamphlets, circulars, confessionals, official gazettes of the Evangelical Confession Synod, intercession lists, sermons and lectures on the dispute between German Christians and Confessing Church.

              Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
              Church in the 3rd Reich
              RMG 1.130 · Akt(e) · 1934
              Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

              Collection of newspaper clippings, pamphlets, printed matter, confessions, green letters on the situation and correspondence on the dispute between German Christians and Confessing Church; Die Deutsche Bekenntnis-Synode, S.-Dr., Barmer Zeitung, May 1934; Theological Declaration on the Barmer Confession Synod, 1934

              Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
              collection system
              RMG 1.146 · Akt(e) · 1934-1948
              Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

              Church advertising and collecting forms; general collecting instructions; collecting and advertising practice of other mission societies; collecting bags, handicraft sheets, leaflets, information documents

              Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
              RMG 1.083 · Akt(e) · 1905-1935
              Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

              Submissions, Applications, Circulars; Correspondence mainly for the establishment of e. Chair f. Islamic Studies and Missionary Lectureship Bethel; F. v. Bodelschwingh: The Free Theological School of Bethel b. Bielefeld, 8 p., Dr., 1905; F. v. Bodelschwingh: Epilogue, 13 p., Dr., 1905; The Theol. school in Bethel, Prospekt m. Abb, Dr., ca. 1910; F. v. Bodelschwingh: Die tiefere Einwurzelung d. Mission in die Kirche, pamphlet, 4 p.., Dr. 1905; Statutes of the Association for Foundation and Entertainment e. Practical Theological School in Bethel, 4 p., Dr., 1906; RMG: Our Relations with the Theolog. School in Bethel and the East African Mission, 3 p., Dr., 1912

              Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
              colonial question
              NL Laven/2410 · Akt(e) · 1928-1940
              Teil von Trier City Archive

              Contains among other things: Public rally of the Deutsche Kolonial-Gesellschaft (1934) Darin: Flyer "Can we do without Togo and Cameroon?" of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft

              Commercial support funds
              Stadtarchiv Solingen, 1779 · Akt(e) · 1892-1904
              Teil von City Archive Solingen (Archivtektonik)

              Contains: (spec.) Specialist associations Leaflets: 'An die Metallarbeiter des Kreises Solingen', April 1892 and 'Öffentliche Metallarbeiterversammlung', 05.10.1892;Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Berlin, 14.09.1889;Leaflet: 'SPD-Versammlung', 12.11.1893;Deutsche Metallarbeiterzeitung', Nürnberg, 01.07.1893;Statuten des Gewerkvereins der deutschen Maschinenbau- und Metallarbeiter, 01.07.1883;Flyer: 'Aufruf an die Hilfsarbeiter von Rheinland-Westfalen', 1894;Agreed grinding prices for custom-made hollow forged razors, 1895;Statute of the German Woodworkers' Association, Stuttgart, 01.07.1895;Statute of the Verein der Heizer und Verputzisten für den Kreis Solingen, July 1895;Statute of the Walder Maurer- und Verputzerverein, 15.11.1896;Extrablatt der Walder Zeitung, 21.05.1895;'Glück auf: Organ of the Zentralverein deutscher Former and all workers employed in iron and metal foundries', Hamburg, 26.06.1897; Statute of the Zentralverein deutscher Former and all workers employed in iron and metal foundries', Hamburg, 1897; Statute of the Platten-Messerreiderverein des Kreis Solingen, 06.01.1897; Statute of the Zentralverband der Maurer Deutschlands und verwandter Berufsgenossenschaften, Hamburg, 01.05.1897; Statute of the Zentralverband der Maurer Deutschlands und verwandter Berufsgenossenschaften, Hamburg, 01.05.1897.1897;Statute of the Association of Painters, Varnishers, Painters and Related Professional Associations of Germany, 1898;Leaflet: 'Die Sozialpolitik und die deutschen Gewerkvereine', 1898;Statutes of the Association of German Temper Foundry Owners, Elberfeld, 01.10.1896;Statutes of the German Master Craftsman's Association, Nuremberg, 1884;Statute of the Krankenunterstützungsbund der Schneider, Braunschweig, 01.01.1898;Statute of the Association of Slaughter, Bread and Vegetable Knife Riders of the Solingen District, 17.04.1900;Statute of the Central Association of Christian Metal and Smeltery Workers in Germany, Siegen, 1902;Extract from the Walder Zeitung, 20.05.1895: 'Strike of the Ausmacher'.

              Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 32 · Akt(e)
              Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

              Contains: Untersuchungsausschuss - Schreiben von Dr. Hermann Münch wegen Verteidigung unterliefernden Personen zulieferden bereit, masch., 24.9.1919 - Transit Camp Giessen sends extensive material from interrogations of former prisoners of war on Allied violations of international law and martial law (approx. 150 sheets of interrogation protocols, masch.), 8.11.1919 - Schreiben von Dr. Bühler mit Gutachten "Zur Auslieferungsfrage", masch, 15.2.1920 - "Strafrecht und Gerichtsbarkeit der Entente über deutsche Staatsangehörige" by Prof. Hafter from Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Strafrecht, ed., 1.4.1920 - "Die deutsche Gegenliste - Über 400 französische Kriegsverbrecher", ed, o.D. - Letter from Dernburg on the question of war guilt, mechanical, 4.4.1919 - Letter from the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry with manual draft answer, mechanical, 12.1.1921 - Letter from Dr. Herz with previous results of the Committee of Inquiry, mechanical, 12.1.1921 - Letter from Dr. Herz with previous results of the Committee of Inquiry, mechanical, 12.1.1921 - Letter from Dr. Herz with previous results of the Committee of Inquiry, mechanical, 12.1.1921 - Letter from Dr. Herz with previous results of the Committee of Inquiry, mechanical, 12.1.1921 - Letter from Dr. Herz with previous results of the Committee of Inquiry, mechanical, 4.4.1919 - Letter from the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry with manual draft answer, mechanical, 12.1.1921 - L from Dr. Herz with previous results of the Committee of Inquir, 17.3.1921 Committee on Foreign Affairs - Numerous notes by Haussmann, handschr. - Letter from State Secretary v. Kühlmann with return Letter from Stegemann, masch., 5.1.1918 - Invitation to meeting of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, masch.., 21.8.1919 - List of members of the Foreign Affairs Committee, ed., 21.8.1919 - Letter from Dr. Fuchs with recommendation for J. A. Ford of the "Morning Post", masch., 22.8.1919 - Letter from F. Wetterhoff with reports on the situation in Finland (18., 23., p. 1).

              Haußmann, Conrad