Objekt FO 383/319 - Germany (British Civilians): Prisoners, including: Enquiry from Louisa Warne as to whether her husband William...

Bereich "Identifikation"


FO 383/319


Germany (British Civilians): Prisoners, including: Enquiry from Louisa Warne as to whether her husband William...


  • 1917 (Anlage)



Umfang und Medium

Bereich "Kontext"


Abgebende Stelle

Bereich "Inhalt und innere Ordnung"

Eingrenzung und Inhalt

Germany (British Civilians): Prisoners, including: Enquiry from Louisa Warne as to whether her husband William Warne, a famous jockey, was among those prisoners released from Ruhleben. Enquiry as to whether parcels can be sent to Thomas Cottrell-Dormer in Ruhleben camp and correspondence concerning his status as a combatant or civilian prisoner of war. Doctors report on the mental and physical condition of Dora A Matteson at Kipsdorf and the provision of money to support her and her son. Complaints concerning the contents of food parcels from England sent to British staff employed at the Netherlands Legation, particularly John Phillips Jones, auditor of Ruhleben camp accounts, Harold Sheldon and Mr R B Brown. Frequency and censoring of letters from prisoners at Ruhleben and meeting of the Prisoners of War Release Committee. Censoring of letters written by John Hatfield in Ruhleben due to their containing criticism of the Government and the Central Prisoners of War Committee. Letter from Mr Morgan, late American Consul-General at Hamburg, concerning remittances for the men of the San Wilfredo , Mr A Murray Gibbon in Germany and German Imperial War Ordinances relating to banking. Request from Messrs E Green and Company as to whether it can send remittances to the wives of its employees interned at Ruhleben: Mrs Moorhouse at Hagenau, Alsace and Mrs Hanton, wife of William Hanton of Hydetown, Manchester. Rate of exchange for £1 sterling. Application by Emmy Foell for a British passport. Application of Curt August Hermann Lehmann (Le Mang) for a British passport and his forcible enlistment in the German Army. Nationality of Grace Ford in Dresden. Enquiry as to address and welfare of George Ludwig C Schoner (Schoener), released from Ruhleben. Location of Dr Tollemache Bull interned at Wahn and parcels sent to him and Mr Owen. Allowance arrangements for Amelia M Hoad, residing at Schwerin. Application for remittance by Bertha Müller including completed application forms for remittance and for an emergency British passport (with photograph). Application for a British passport by Jack Lackser. Request by Duncan Campbell for payment of medical expenses in Switzerland, should he be released from Ruhleben. Estate of the late Gustav Mann. Request for payments by Mrs Smith-Dampier to be made to the Reverend H M Williams in Berlin. Exchange of Sir John H Irwin, ship-owner, for Lieutenant-Commander Franz Rintelen, along with four other prisoners arranged by Mr C O Johnson of Brittatorp, Sweden. Transfer of Sir John H Irvin from Ruhleben to Havelberg and back to Ruhleben, and reprisals on German prisoners of war held in England. Exchange of Sir John H Irvin for Richard Kuenzer, a German Consulate Officer. Code 1218A Files 38215-59785.

Bewertung, Vernichtung und Terminierung


Ordnung und Klassifikation

The National Archives >> Records created or inherited by the Foreign Office >> Records of various First World War Departments >> Foreign Office: Prisoners of War and Aliens Department: General Correspondence from 1906

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