Objekt FO 383/61 - Germany: Prisoners, including: Allegations of ill-treatment and reprisals on British officers in Germany for treatment...

Bereich "Identifikation"


FO 383/61


Germany: Prisoners, including: Allegations of ill-treatment and reprisals on British officers in Germany for treatment...


  • 1915 (Anlage)



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Bereich "Inhalt und innere Ordnung"

Eingrenzung und Inhalt

Germany: Prisoners, including: Allegations of ill-treatment and reprisals on British officers in Germany for treatment of German submarine crews, including: Thirty nine officers under arrest in Germany: Lieut Ian Hamilton, Gordon Highlanders, in Burg; enquiries from his father, Mr Vereker M Hamilton, of London. Imprisoned British officers in Germany: conditions and treatment. Parliamentary questions regarding treatment and situation. German submarine prisoners at Chatham and Devonport: includes lists of individuals (in docket no. 66626). Captain G A Elliot, Royal Irish Regiment, at Magdeburg: enquiries from his wife, Alison Elliot of Epsom, Surrey, and David H Loch, of Guildford. Submarine reprisals: suggestion from Mr M Robertson of Cheltenham that only means of obtaining better treatment for British officers would be by sending German crews to ordinary camps. British officers imprisoned in Germany: report that four separately held officers were to be transferred to Magdeburg. Treatment of imprisoned British officers: question of officers being kept together at Magdeburg. British officers under barrack arrest. Lieut Cecil Graves, and other British officers at Magdeburg: report from Charles Russell Jr, Attaché to US Embassy, Berlin. Treatment of German submarine crews in UK. German submarine crews, prisoners at Chatham: increase in prisoners weights; includes list of individuals (in docket no. 76302). Crew of captured German submarine U.14. German submarine officers in UK: includes list of individuals at Donington Hall, Holyport and Dyffren Aled (in docket no. 80478). German prisoners from submarine U.8. Transfer of German submarine prisoners from Devonport. Imprisoned British officers in Germany: lists of names of officers and detention camps to which returned (in docket no. 89383). Mrs E Schumacher, German subject, of St Moritz: enquiries regarding recovery of money taken from her in the Cameroons by Cameroon Expeditionary Force. Transfer of British prisoners to neutral territory: enquiry from Mr W Hebard Hudson, of Rome. Adolf Felix Loewengrad, naturalised British subject of German origin, suspected of being a German spy. Mr L H Robbins, New York Evening News correspondent in UK: request for pass to visit camps and submarine prisoners. Mr F M Zunckel, of Natal: request for refund of money held by UK authorities, advanced for relief of his daughter, Mrs Pfretschner, British subject married to a German officer, Max Pfretschner, both interned in Tenerife. Sum entrusted to Jaluit Company at Nauru by the late German Commissioner of Nauru: question of disposal. Baron Frederick Von Bulow, previously Krupps agent in UK, living on parole in Putney: desirability of his continued residence in UK, or his possible repatriation; correspondence from Mr E F Hickman of Hove, Sussex, owner of house in Putney being leased by Von Bulow. Proposed exchange of Oliver de Reuter for Captain von Oppeln-Bronikowski; also possible exchange of Colonel Stratton for Baron von Oppeln. Mrs E Albin, British-born wife of German subject, of South Bank, Yorkshire: request for relief to support her and her family due to internment of her German husband. Bank officials, including: Release of bank officials: British officials of Anglo-South American Bank and Standard Bank of South Africa; release from Ruhleben; case of Mr F W Steege, manager of Standard Banks Hamburg branch; includes lists of individuals (in docket nos. 64772 and 69240). German bank officials in UK: question of internment; includes list of German and Austrian officials (in docket no. 87854). Re-internment of bank officials in Germany. British and German bank officials: question of reciprocal internments; enquiry from Walter R Hearn, British Consulate General, Paris. C Phillips, bank official in Germany: possible exchange. Parliamentary questions regarding situation. Internment of enemy bank officials in UK. Sons of Prince Ali Fazil of Egypt: request from H Douglas Williams of Wadham House, Hove, Sussex, for support for the two sons, grand-nephews of the Sultan of Egypt, left in his charge following re-marriage to a German of their mother Princess Marthe Fazil; question of eldest sons joining HM Forces (enlisted under name E E Dale). Pay for prisoners, including: Pay of non-commissioned officers and men in camps in Germany. Parliamentary questions regarding situation. Transmission of pay to British soldiers in Germany. Amount of money prisoners allowed to possess. Power of Attorney: validity in Germany; enquiry from H H Gastrill, of London, late HM Consul at Stuttgart. Theo Flucher, German travelling to Europe from Chicago: report that he was returning to Germany to submit invention regarding submarine mines to German Government. Code 1218 File 48319 (papers 64626-end)-53225.

Bewertung, Vernichtung und Terminierung


Ordnung und Klassifikation

The National Archives >> Records created or inherited by the Foreign Office >> Records of various First World War Departments >> Foreign Office: Prisoners of War and Aliens Department: General Correspondence from 1906

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