Objekt FO 383/296 - Germany: Prisoners, including: British merchant seamen and officers interned in Germany, including Definition of ranks...

Bereich "Identifikation"


FO 383/296


Germany: Prisoners, including: British merchant seamen and officers interned in Germany, including Definition of ranks...


  • 1917 (Anlage)



Umfang und Medium

Bereich "Kontext"


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Bereich "Inhalt und innere Ordnung"

Eingrenzung und Inhalt

Germany: Prisoners, including: British merchant seamen and officers interned in Germany, including Definition of ranks or ratings in the Merchant Navy which would qualify as having officer status. Captain Buyers and Chief Engineer William Baser of SS Yarrowdale , interned in Germany: recommendation for their repatriation on grounds of health and age. Mr Thomas Burns, interned at Brandenburg Camp: request by his wife, Mrs A Burns, for his transfer to an officers camp. Arrangements for payments to interned officers of the Mercantile Marine Service by the Netherlands Legation in Berlin. Advice from the Admiralty on allowances to be paid to British Mercantile Marine Officers, and confirmation of their non-combatant status. Mr D Y Muir and Mr W A J Welsh, interned at Karlsruhe Camp: payments to them from the British India Steam Navigation Company. The Imperial Merchant Service Guild: letter enquiring about the welfare of interned merchant seamen and officers. Captain Allenson of SS Goldmond , interned at Schloss Celle: claim by the British Government that his ship was not an armed liner. Cadet Akerman of SS Mount Temple , interned in Germany: decision not to agree to his release in exchange for six ships boys interned in the UK. Mr R Cooper: request for the transfer of his son, a cadet from SS Otaki , to a camp containing other officers and cadets. Internment of the crew of the schooner Jean at Güstrow, Mecklenburg, with a list of names (in docket no.169205). Forced employment of British merchant seamen at Lubeck and Stettin: recommendation for a formal complaint to be made. Captain Robert Glasper and Chief Officer Alfred Hirst: arrangements for payments to them while interned at Brandenburg. Captain G A Mackenzie, interned at Karlsuhe, and Captain J Clarke, interned at Augustabad: request for subsistence payments. Captain William Oliver of SS Clan Mactavish , interned at Hameln Camp: enquiry about the possibility of his release, with a manuscript copy of his marriage certificate (in docket no.192511). Confirmation that payments would be made by the British Government to British Mercantile Marine Officers interned in Germany. Mr Whiting of SS Eskimo , interned at Altdamm Camp: enquiry from his wife about the possibility of his release. Enquiries about the transfer of Mercantile Marine Officers from SS Voltaire and SS Lestris , currently interned at Brandenburg Camp, to an officers camp. Mr B A Shute, former Purser of SS Esmeraldas , interned at Brandenburg Camp: request for officer status to be granted to various ranks of prisoners from the Merchant Navy interned in the camp. Notification of the transfer of a number of Mercantile Marine Officers from Brandenburg Camp to officers camps. Captain J Mathie, Captain William Oliver, Mr Robert Knox and Mr A G Macpherson: enquiries regarding their repatriation. Agreement by the German Government to proposals regarding rates of pay for certain ranks of the British Mercantile Marine Service. List (in docket no.213131) of merchant seamen and officers interned at Wahmbeck Camp. Enquiry about the status of British fishermen captured from unarmed fishing vessels. Captain Edgar Burke of the schooner Jean , interned at Brandenburg Camp: letter requesting his transfer to a neutral country. Captain J C Murray interned at Karlsruhe Camp: information that his allowance had been stopped. Conditions of internment of cadets and apprentices, and attempts to arrange the exchange of Cadet Akerman, interned in Germany. Enquiries regarding Cadet L Morrish, Cadet J Holman and Cadet H Brown, interned at Brandenburg Camp, with a printed circular produced by the General Post Office in March 1917, titled Communication with Prisoners of War Interned Abroad. Captain Moynihan and Captain J M Pearson, interned at Wahmbeck Camp: enquiries regarding payments and repatriation. Captain J E Williams: request for transfer to Switzerland on medical grounds. Correspondence regarding a proposal for the reciprocal exchange of all British and German merchant seamen. Agreement for reciprocal payments to be made to officers of the British and German Mercantile Marine Services. Captain J O Evans, interned at Brandenburg Camp: request for his transfer to an officers camp. List (in docket no.238768) of officers of the Mercantile Marine Service eligible for transfer to officers camps, giving details of name, rank, ship and place of internment. Captain A D Burroughs, interned at Stroken Camp: request for his transfer to a neutral country. Dr Fritz Schyzer: appointment to a post in the Swiss Legation in London. Support for Sir Roger Casement by certain British prisoners, including: Information that thirty British prisoners who had supported his cause had been transferred to Dantzig (Danzig), Germany. Gunner Carr: allegations that he received preferential treatment from the German authorities. Private P J Forde: allegations of his support for Sir Roger Casement. Mr Watt MP: parliamentary question about an agreement between France and Germany on the transfer to Switzerland of prisoners who were fathers of families; related enquiry from the Australian Government on behalf of Oberleutnant Lothar Marcks, an interned German prisoner. Mr Emil von der Osten, a Canadian subject interned at Crefeld Camp, including: Question of his possible transfer to a civilian camp. Mrs Lillian von der Osten: application for an emergency British passport (the form with a photograph is in docket no.165356). Mr Edward Page Gaston, including: Letters from Mr Gaston offering his services to the British Government, with an article from The Literary Digest outlining his work on behalf of British prisoners in Germany. Correspondence concerning a proposed libel action by Mr Gaston against Mr Gerard, the American Ambassador in Berlin. Information that Mr Gerard had not withdrawn charges made against Mr Gaston; discussion with Sir George Lewis on arrangements for payment of the costs of the libel action. Deportation of Swiss missionaries from German East Africa to India, including: Enquiry (French language) on their behalf from the Swiss Legation in London, giving their names and other information (in docket no.43000). Report that the missionaries were interned at Ahmednagar Camp, India; subsequent information that three of the missionaries were still in Africa, having been moved from Killindini-Mombasa Camp, Kenya, to Dar es Salaam, German East Africa. Father Liborias Leutenegger: report that he was resident at Namupa, Lindi, German East Africa. Dr Kastl: letter for transmission to the German Government requesting funds to be sent to him at Windhoek, German South West Africa. Code 1218 Files 40483 (papers 141364-end)-43001.

Bewertung, Vernichtung und Terminierung


Ordnung und Klassifikation

The National Archives >> Records created or inherited by the Foreign Office >> Records of various First World War Departments >> Foreign Office: Prisoners of War and Aliens Department: General Correspondence from 1906

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