Objekt FO 383/432 - Germany (German Prisoners), including: Rations allowed to German prisoners of war in UK. Place of...

Bereich "Identifikation"


FO 383/432


Germany (German Prisoners), including: Rations allowed to German prisoners of war in UK. Place of...


  • 1918 (Anlage)



Umfang und Medium

Bereich "Kontext"


Abgebende Stelle

Bereich "Inhalt und innere Ordnung"

Eingrenzung und Inhalt

Germany (German Prisoners), including: Rations allowed to German prisoners of war in UK. Place of detention at Aylesbury. Correspondence to German prisoners of war. Housing of German prisoners in canvas tents and huts. Delay in the sending of correspondence to German prisoners at Sandhill Park. Conditions in prisoners of war camps in UK. Alleged ill-treatment of German prisoners in UK. Conditions at working camp at Dunmow, Essex. Rationing of German prisoners of war in UK. Reports on visits of inspections to camps in UK: Coal Aston, Sheffield; Monks Abbey, Lincolnshire; Peak Dale Quarries, Derbyshire; Sproxton Moor, Yorkshire. Complaints regarding the 92nd Prisoners of War Company. Complaints regarding the No 36 Prisoners of War Company. Visits of inspection to prisoners of war camps in UK: Dartford, Kent; Skipton, Yorkshire; Colsterdale, Yorkshire. Food supplied to German prisoners at Amherst. Conditions at Knockaloe camp. Visits of inspection to prisoners of war camps in UK: Halton Park, Buckinghamshire; Wakefield, Yorkshire; Alexandra Palace, London. Conditions at prisoners of war camp, Sandhill Park. Alleged roll-calls at the internment camp at Leigh between midnight and one oclock. Conditions at prisoners of war camp at Brocton. Alleged non-delivery of parcels and remittances despatched by relations in Germany to Johann Kullmer, German prisoner of war interned in France. Visits of inspection to prisoners of war camps in UK: Stainby, Lincolnshire; Boston Docks, Lincolnshire; Kings Lynn, Norfolk. Food supplied to German prisoners in Canada. Evacuation of the internment camp at Ahmednagar, India. Visits of inspection to prisoners of war camps in UK: Rainham, Essex; South Ockenden, Essex; Foxbarrow Farm, Essex; Chipping Ongar, Essex. Alleged seizure of jewellery belonging to German prisoners of war. Report concerning alleged abuses in the 105th British Prisoners of War Company in France and the insufficient diet of the prisoners. Conditions at Uppingham camp, Rutland. Conditions at Marshmoor Sidings working camp, Hertfordshire. Freedom allowed to German prisoners. Conditions at the internment camp at Lofthouse Park, Wakefield. Alleged ill-treatment of German Askaris prisoners of war in German East Africa. Food for German prisoners of war in UK. Conditions at prisoner of war camp, Sutton Veney. Visits of inspection to prisoners of war camps in UK: Knockaloe; also alleged ill-treatment of German subjects, and conditions at camp. Conditions at the internment camp at Amherst, Nova Scotia. Food provision at the prisoner of war camp, Margate. Accommodation provided for the body of a deceased German prisoner at Douglas prior to its burial. Conditions at Dartford prisoners of war hospital, Kent. Conditions alleged to have prevailed at the civilian internment camp at Oldcastle, Ireland. Supply of horseflesh for German civilian prisoners of war at Alexandra Palace, and in UK. Camp discipline at Camp I, Knockaloe. Alleged non-delivery of parcels regularly despatched through the YMCA. Complaints by prisoners as to punishments awarded for breaches of discipline. Transfer from Alexandra Palace, London, to the Isle of Man, of civilians interned at Alexandra Palace whose relatives do not reside within the London area. Alleged non-delivery of parcels to Leutnant Hausthec Kretzschmer, prisoner of war interned at Skipton. Detention of German women at Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. Accommodation of German prisoners of war at Blandford camp. Correspondence from prisoners of war through neutral intermediaries. Transmission of correspondence from prisoners of war through neutral intermediaries. Alleged murder of captured German soldiers by English soldiers on the Western Front. Inspection visits to the internment camps at Knockaloe and Douglas, Isle of Man. Code 1218 File 2829 (papers 32336-end).

Bewertung, Vernichtung und Terminierung


Ordnung und Klassifikation

The National Archives >> Records created or inherited by the Foreign Office >> Records of various First World War Departments >> Foreign Office: Prisoners of War and Aliens Department: General Correspondence from 1906

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