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Description archivistique
1037 - Project Contemporary History
1037 · Fonds
Fait partie de Stuttgart City Archive

Brief description: In October 1979, the local council decided to establish a collection of urban history with a special focus on the 20th century within the framework of a contract for work. The task of this institution should not only be a collection of material, but primarily the preparation and presentation of contemporary historical themes in exhibitions. In April 1980 the journalist and historian Dr. Karlheinz Fuchs was entrusted with this task. A public appeal by the then Lord Mayor Manfred Rommel in the spring of 1982 for the handing over of documents and objects from the Nazi era was met with great approval by the public, so that numerous objects could be handed over to the employees for their exhibitions. In addition, contemporary witnesses were available for interviews. Between August 1982 and December 1984, five exhibitions on the subject of "Stuttgart in the Third Reich" were shown. When the project was discontinued in 1984, an exhibition was still pending ("Stuttgart in War - the Years from 1939 to 1945"). Under the auspices of historian Dr. Marlene Hiller of the Library for Contemporary History, this was made up on the occasion of the 50th return of the outbreak of war in 1989. Scope: 1100 units / 6.1 linear metres Content: Documents: Documents on the establishment of the project Contemporary History and its staff; Planning and realisation of the exhibitions; Collection of exhibition objects; Loans, donations and purchases for the exhibitions; Interviews with contemporary witnesses Photographs: Photos from the exhibitions; photos, contact prints, negatives, slides and photo albums from the Nazi era, audio cassettes and tapes: interviews with contemporary witnesses, original recordings from the Nazi era, radio broadcasts, accompanying music in the exhibitions, videos and films: Interviews with contemporary witnesses, documentaries, feature films and television films, recordings of the project Zeitgeschichte Bücher: Bücher aus der NS-Zeit as well as books about the NS period Posters and plans from the NS period Duration: (1891-) 1979-1990 Instructions for use: Some units are still subject to a 30-year blocking period; three personal units are subject to special blocking periods; many photo units are subject to copyright; some units are blocked for conservation reasons. Foreword: History of the project In October 1979, the local council decided to build up a collection of urban history with a special focus on the 20th century. The task of this institution should not only be a collection of material, but first and foremost the preparation and presentation of contemporary historical themes in the form of exhibitions. In April 1980, a contract for work was signed with the historian and journalist Dr. Karlheinz Fuchs, according to which he was commissioned to develop a concept for the collection of urban history with a special focus on the 20th century ("collection of contemporary history") as well as to prepare and organise exhibitions on contemporary historical themes in agreement with and in cooperation with the cultural office of the city of Stuttgart. In addition, the two historians Bernd Burkhardt and Walter Nachtmann have also been working on the project since spring and autumn 1980, respectively. The graphic artist Michael Molnar was engaged in freelance collaboration for the exhibition design and realization. A secretariat was set up in April 1982. In August of the same year, two additional freelancers were hired on an hourly basis. Since the end of 1982, a pedagogical-didactic employee had been working on the project, whose position was financed by the Robert Bosch Foundation in the first year and then by the Cultural Office. In the spring of 1982, the press published an appeal by the then Lord Mayor Manfred Rommel to support the contemporary history project by surrendering documents and objects from the Nazi era. This appeal received a great response from the population, so that the employees were given numerous objects for their exhibitions. In addition, contemporary witnesses were available for interviews. The venue for all exhibitions was the Tagblatt Tower in Eberhardstraße (cultural centre "Kultur unterm Turm"). On 13 August 1982 the first exhibition "Prolog. Political Posters of the Late Weimar Republic" opened. The accompanying exhibition "Völkische Radikale in Stuttgart. On the Prehistory and Early Phase of the NSDAP 1890-1925" was shown from November 12, 1982. Both exhibitions ran until 12 January 1983. The second major exhibition "The Seizure of Power. From Republic to Brown City" was opened on 28 January 1983. The accompanying exhibition "Friedrich Wolf. The years in Stuttgart 1927-1933. An example" was shown from 9 July to 13 November 1983. From 23 March to 22 December 1984 the exhibition "Adaptation - Resistance - Persecution. The years from 1933 to 1939". This exhibition encompassed the themes "Everyday Life", "Resistance" and "Persecution of the Jews of Stuttgart", originally planned as individual complexes, each between 1933 and 1939, whereby views of the wartime period also showed the consequences of the National Socialist dictatorship for Stuttgart. Extensive catalogues were published for all exhibitions (see references). Dissolution of the project, exhibition "Stuttgart in the Second World War" Because of the amount of material, for financial reasons and also because the project broke new ground, the deadlines set for the individual exhibitions could not be met. When the fixed-term employment contracts of the project staff expired as planned at the end of March 1984 and the project was terminated, an exhibition was still pending ("Stuttgart in the War - the Years from 1939 to 1945"). This was made up for the 50th return of the outbreak of war in 1989 (1.9. - 22.7.). The specialist staff for this was provided by the Library for Contemporary History, money and premises were provided by the City of Stuttgart. The historian Dr. Marlene Hiller from the Library of Contemporary History was commissioned with the exhibition project. Further employees were Chris Glass, Dr. Benigna Schönhagen and Stefan Kley. A book accompanying the exhibition was also published here. Content of the inventory: On the one hand, the collection contains documents and files produced by the members of the contemporary history project as part of their work. This includes correspondence with lenders and interview partners, but also correspondence with the administration about the provision of office space, the collection of information material and the like. By far the largest part of the collection, however, consists of the collected objects, photos, sound and film cassettes as well as books, which were acquired for the individual exhibitions by donation, loan or purchase. A further focus are the numerous interviews with contemporary witnesses, some of which are available in the form of video cassettes, but most of which are in the form of audio cassettes, most of which have been digitized subsequently and can now be used in the form of mp3 or wav files. However, this only applies to audio cassettes with interviews with contemporary witnesses. Sound cassettes with other content (e.g. music, industrial noises, excerpts from speeches) or sound cassettes on which (today's) SWR programmes are recorded have not been digitised because they are also available elsewhere (e.g. in the radio archive). Some of the interviews were transcribed by the project staff (some, however, incomplete). The original plan to issue an extra volume with the interviews conducted could no longer be realized. . Further information on the inventory and its use: The inventory comprises a total of 1100 units. The written documents have a circumference of 6.1 linear metres. There are also seven photo albums, 297 photo folders, one framed photo, 665 slides, 107 units with negatives, four films, 58 postcards, 20 audio and magnetic tapes, 56 video cassettes, 331 audio cassettes and 59 books. The actual period of the collection runs from 1979 to 1990, with the collection containing pre-files or documents, books, photos, etc., which were taken before 1945 and date back to 1891. The documents were handed over to the City Archive by the Cultural Office in May 1987. Since there was no order or classification, this had to be done on the basis of the existing material itself. Some of the documents are still blocked due to the general 30-year blocking period for fact files. Copyrights must be respected for the numerous photos stored in the photo archive. Please order the desired units according to the following sample: Project Contemporary History - 1037 - Unit number Photos can be ordered using the signatures FM 132/1-297 or FM 132/1-297. FR 132/1 (framed photo), slides about the signatures FD 132/1-9, photo albums about the signatures FA 132/1-7, films about the signatures FF 132/1-4, negatives about the signatures FN 132/1-107, postcards about the signatures FP 132/1-14, digital copies about the signatures 1037_E_41-372, books about the signatures KE 12/1-59. The audio and video cassettes as well as the audio tapes cannot be ordered for conservation reasons. If you refer to documents from the inventory, please attach a reference according to the following model: Source: Stadtarchiv Stuttgart - 1037 - Number of the unit Further files and posters for the project Contemporary History are in stock 17/2, main file (no. 594-596), in stock 132/1, Kulturamt (no. 274, 302-305), in stock 2134, estate of Wilhelm Kohlhaas (no. 11), in stock 2154 estate of Karl-Heinz Gerhard (no. 5) as well as in stock 9401, poster collection (M 96 and M 828). Stuttgart, May 2007 Elke Machon References to literature: "Ausstellungsreihe Stuttgart im Dritten Reich - Prolog - Politische Plakate der späten Weimarer Republik", edited by the project Zeitgeschichte im Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, 1982 "Ausstellungsreihe Stuttgart im Dritten Reich - Völkische Radikale in Stuttgart, zur Vorgeschichte und Frühphase der NSDAP 1890-1925", accompanying exhibition to the Prolog - Politische Plakate der späten Weimarer Republik, edited by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Stuttgart. from the project Zeitgeschichte im Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, 1982 "Exhibition Series Stuttgart in the Third Reich - The Seizure of Power, from the Republican to the Brown City", ed. from the project Zeitgeschichte im Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, 1983 "Ausstellungsreihe Stuttgart im Dritten Reich - Friedrich Wolf, Die Jahre in Stuttgart 1927-1933, ein Beispiel", edited by the project Zeitgeschichte im Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, 1983 "Ausstellungsreihe Stuttgart im Dritten Reich - Anpassung, Widerstand, Verfolgung, Die Jahre von 1933 bis 1939", edited by the German Federal Cultural Office Stuttgart, 1983. from the project Zeitgeschichte im Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, 1984 "Stuttgart im Dritten Reich", to the reception and resonance of the exhibition cycle, a report by Claudia Pachnicke, edited by the Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, 1986 "Stuttgart im Zweiten Weltkrieg", catalogue, edited by Marlene P. Hiller, Gerlingen 1989

2147 - Estate of Eugen Berner
2147 · Fonds
Fait partie de Stuttgart City Archive

Brief description: Eugen Berner; radio editor at SWR; 1929-2000 Scope: 293 units / 0.05 running meter. Content: Documents: Biography; History Feuerbach, Stuttgart and Baden-Württemberg Photos Videos Medals Duration: 1880-1999 Instructions for use: No usage restrictions. Preface: The estate of Eugen Berner was transferred to the Stuttgart City Archive on 8.7.2000. Eugen Berner was born on 19.4.1929 as the son of the worker of the Technical Works Eugen Berner and Lena Berner, née Dobler. In 1945, at the age of 16, he was drafted and served as an anti-aircraft gunman. He completed his apprenticeship as a registration technician at Siemens

2190 - Family archive Mörrath-Kölle
2190 · Fonds
Fait partie de Stuttgart City Archive

Brief description: David Kölle; Hofflaschnermeister; Friedrich Ludwig Mörrath; master carpenter; born 1850; Friedrich Otto Mörrath; carpenter, naturopath; 1880-1944; Auguste Maria Mörrath born Kölle; Paula Frieda Auguste Mörrath; born 1906 Scope: 117 units / 0.1 running meter. Content: written material: Hofflaschnerei Kölle, Chinese medicine, society furniture truck, correspondence, family papers photos: Family album Running time: 1848-1944 Notes on use: No usage restrictions. Preface: The family archive Mörrath-Kölle was donated to the city archive Stuttgart in January 2007 by Mrs. Ruth Brinkmann with all rights. Only the family photo album remained in the possession of the family. But the city archive was allowed to scan the photos of the album. Scans/printouts on one side and the photos of the album on the other side can be owned and used independently of each other. The collection documents one generation of the Kölle family and three generations of the Mörrath family in Stuttgart David Kölle was Hofflaschnermeister in Villastraße in Berg. He and his wife Karoline had 14 children and 16 journeymen in the house. Later, on their mother's birthday, when her numerous descendants could not be seen, the children held a great feast. The Mörrath family lived in the house next to the Kölles in Berg. Friedrich Ludwig Mörrath (born 1850) was a master carpenter. He was also involved with the Red Cross and was the founder of the Stuttgart-Berg ambulance column. The neighbourly relationship led to the marriage of Friedrich Otto Mörrath (born 1880) and Auguste Maria Mörrath, née Kölle. Friedrich Ludwig Mörrath then moved with his family to Stuttgart-Ostheim, Kanonenweg 145. Friedrich Otto Mörrath, one of six siblings, wanted to study medicine. Since the economic conditions did not permit this, he became a carpenter like his father. He first went to South America as a ship's boy. As a soldier he was ordered to China in 1900 to fight the Boxer Uprising. He used this opportunity to study Chinese medicine intensively there (1901-1903). In Stuttgart he then founded a practice for naturopathy in which he successfully treated his patients with Chinese medicine (compare no. 17 patient letters (the Stuttgart internist Dr. Natorp, for example, had himself treated every year). In the Third Reich he still had to attend the now prescribed Heilpraktikerschule. The practice was founded in the house Schwarenbergstraße 64 where Friedrich Otto Mörrath lived since his marriage. After the death of his father he moved into his house in Stuttgart-Ostheim, Kanonenweg 145 (today Haußmannstraße 145). He had paid off his siblings as an heir, which led to quarrels. Friedrich Otto Mörrath was a member of the Fastnachts-Gesellschaft Möbelwagen, an association which at that time had devoted itself primarily to social and charitable goals in addition to socializing. Friedrich Otto Mörrath died in 1944. Paula Frida Auguste Mörrath (born 1906), the daughter of Friedrich Otto and Auguste Maria Mörrath, met Hugo Janko (born 1885) from Berlin at an invitation in the house of Richard and Emmi Maul. Paula Mörrath and Hugo Janko first began a secret correspondence about the address of Richard and Emmi Maul. In 1924 was celebrated engagement, 1925 wedding. The correspondence between the two does not only provide information about the relationship between fiancées and later spouses. Rather, Hugo Janko also reflected on the question of whether he could marry his bride and entertain her in a befitting manner due to the age difference and the difficult economic situation in Germany. After the marriage Paula Janko followed her husband to Berlin, the residence of the family. The family archive Mörrath-Kölle contains 20 cm files, 10 cm appendix and more than 80 photos/scans. It was recorded by B. Neidiger with the assistance of C. Mack in February 2007. Related persons for the family details are Ruth Pauline Brinkmann née Janko and her sister Erika Maria Janko, the daughters of Hugo Janko and his wife Paula, née Mörrath. See the pedigree in file no. 15. Bernhard Neidiger, February 2007

2746 - estate Walther-Gerd Fleck
2746 · Fonds
Fait partie de Stuttgart City Archive

Brief description: Walter-Gerd Fleck; Architect Scope: 56 units / 0.8 linear metres, 242 photos and postcards Content: Documents: Construction report Photos Duration: 1874 - 2007 Notes on use: One unit of the stock is still subject to the 30-year blocking period. Foreword: Walther-Gerd Fleck was born on 03 March 1926. He was married to Lore Margarete, née Mößner (born 19.10.1926, died 25.02.1980). In 1943, when he was not even 17 years old, he was called up for military service as an air force helper. From March 1944 he was drafted into the Reichsarbeitsdienst department in Albern as a labourer. During a fire by the Americans, he was severely wounded on his arm, leg and back. He was released from captivity in 1946. In 1950 he completed his architectural studies and received his doctorate on the subject of "The Weikersheim Castle. Its architectural history and its position in the art of palace building in the 16th and early 17th centuries". He then worked in several different architectural firms. He died on 17.03.2014 in Stuttgart. The units no. 1 and FA 263/1 were donated to the city archive in February 2006 by Walter-Gerd Fleck for archiving, the other documents followed later. August 2016 Melanie Haas

7.15 Lüderitz, Adolf (inventory)
Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 7,15 · Fonds · 1883 - 1887
Fait partie de State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Explanation: 1834-1886, merchant and explorer. Content: Expeditions and land acquisitions in Southwest Africa 1883-1886 - Splinters of the estates of brother August Lüderitz (1838-1922) and Heinrich Vogelsang (1862-1914) - Photo albums Use restriction: Please use on microfilm FB 3167, photos are digitally available

Lüderitz, Adolf
August Gottfried Friedrich Senst
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, E 192 (Benutzungsort: Dessau) · Fonds · 1882-1895
Fait partie de State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Find aids: Findbuch 2012 (online searchable) Registraturbilddner: August Gottfried Friedrich Senst was born on 14 May 1864 in Coswig. On 1 November 1881 he was hired in Kiel as a sailor in the Imperial Navy and initially served on the training ship SMS Arkona. Later he served on the gunboat SMS Albatross and the corvette SMS Gneisenau. After the service on the artillery training ship SMS Mars he resigned from the naval service. After hiring on various merchant ships, he joined the Navy of the United States of America in 1891 on the USS Boston armoured cruiser, which was involved in the overthrow of the monarchy in Hawaii. In 1894 Senst entered the service of HAPAG on the fast steamer Fürst Bismarck. He spent the rest of his life in Coswig. Inventory information: The family transferred the portfolio as a deposit in March 2012. Included photos: 139

Colonial objects ("temporary title")

In the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ordenskunde e.V. there are various collectors of colonial objects. These include individual photos and albums, certificates (award certificates of orders and decorations as well as official letters, reports and contracts), diaries and other objects from the colonies. Among other things, cooperation between the colonial powers also plays a role. There are also private estates of colonial soldiers and inhabitants of the former German colonies.

Dr. Carl Peters (inventory)

The part in the district archives from the estate of the German colonial pioneer Carl Peters, who acquired the core area of the later "D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a", was mainly compiled by his wife Thea née Herbers and enriched by copies and transcripts from the Federal Archives Koblenz and the then Central State Archives Potsdam as well as by materials from the Berninghaus family - Asta Berninghaus was a sister of Thea Peters. At the beginning of the 1950s the collection came into the possession of the archives of Altena Castle. In eight boxes, the estate contains documents, correspondence and newspaper clippings, most of which relate to the disciplinary proceedings and insults brought by the colonial politician. In addition to these documents there are photos and personal belongings. In addition, the collection was supplemented by books and essays on colonial topics, in particular by and about Carl Peters. The indexing was done in 1990 by the trainee Elke Röscher. Biography: - 27.11.1856 born as son of a pastor in Neuhaus a. d. Elbe - studies in Göttingen, Tübingen and Berlin - 1879 doctorate in history - 1880 Oberlehrerexamen in history and geography - since 1881 stay in London, occupation with the English colonial politics and administration - 1883 return to Berlin - 28.03.1884 Carl Peters founds the "Society for German Colonization" - September 1884 departure for East Africa, in the same year conclusion of colonial contracts with the chiefs of Useguna, Uguru, Usagara and Ukami - 12.02.1885 foundation of the DOAG ("Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft") - 27.02.1885 signing of the first colonial letter of protection by Wilhelm I. for the area acquired by Peters - March 1889 to August 1890 expedition to liberate Emin Pasha, conclusion of further contracts in Africa - 01.07.1890 Helgoland-Sansibar-contract - 1891 dispatch as Imperial Imperial Commissioner at the disposal of East Africa - 1992 cooperation in the German-English border regulation in East Africa - 03.05.1894 Appointment to the statutory "commissioner" - 13. to 16.03.1896 colonial debate of the Reichstag, attack Bebels against Peters, soon afterwards move to London, journalistic activity, foundation of a business enterprise - 24.04./15.11.1897 disciplinary judgements against Carl Peters for misconduct towards natives: Dismissal from the Reichsdienst (legal consequences of the verdict were reversed in 1937 by Hitler in favor of Peters' widow) - 1899-1911 Trips to South Africa: Managing Director of the Carl Peters Estates Company - 1905 pardon from Kaiser Wilhelm II.Peters gets back the title "Reichskommissar" - 1907-1909 various insult suits especially against editors of social democratic newspapers - 1909 marriage with Thea Herbers - 1914 Carl Peters is granted his pension by grace - 10.09.1918 died in Waltorf near Peine

Peters, Carl
Edith estate Huch
Fonds · 1930-1932
Fait partie de Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin

Habari gani? two-year foot safari through southern East Africa, now Tanzania, in 1930-1932, to explore the vegetation. 138 p., 1 card, 4 sw. Photos; Typoscript 1988: Experience report of the research trip with her brother, the botanist Hans-Joachim Schlieben (1902-1975), correspondence with the management of the BGBM.

The estate of Elisabeth and Walter von Oettingen (1873-1944) mainly contains material for the use of the hospital train L - Crown Princess Cecilie - which the couple operated for the Red Cross during the First World War. The Oettingen estate also includes 500-600 glass plate negatives (partly coloured) from the time of the First World War and earlier. These are photographs from the various wars in which the Oettingen couple operated field hospitals (fonds 8/6).

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, PL 718 · Fonds · 1927-1988
Fait partie de State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: Karl Hein was born on 20 February 1901 in Frankfurt/Main. After passing the one-year voluntary examination, he joined the Royal Prussian Railway Administration in Frankfurt in 1916, where he was initially employed in field service at railway stations and offices as well as in telegraph and radio service. In 1927 he won a prize at the 4th International Telegraph Competition in Como and obtained the Funkpatent I in Berlin. Great. From 1934 to 1941, he was responsible for drawing up express train timetables and bus traffic on Reichsautobahnen in the timetable department of the Reichsbahn Directorate in Frankfurt. Between 1941 and 1945 he organized the Wehrmacht vacation traffic and courier services at the Reich Ministry of Transport in Berlin. Immediately after World War II, Karl Hein was employed as a travel official at the Frankfurt regional office of the United States Zone in connection with U.S. Railway stations (Railway Grand Divisions and Second Military Railway Service), where he was responsible for rebuilding rail traffic. From 1947 until his retirement in 1964, he was employed in the operations department of the Head Office of the Railways (HVE), later the Head Office of the German Federal Railways (HVB), from 1947 until his retirement in 1964, and from 1948 as head of their travel agency. In this function, Karl Hein had the task of organising and supervising train journeys for high-ranking personalities, in particular heads of state and members of government, at home and abroad. Since he took part in these special train journeys himself, he came into personal contact with almost everything that had rank and name in the Federal Republic of the 50s. Among others he accompanied Theodor Heuss, Heinrich Lübke, Konrad Adenauer, Ludwig Erhard, Charles de Gaulle, Schah Reza Pahlevi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, Alcide de Gasperi, Emperor Haile Selassie I. of Ethiopia, King Paul I. of Greece, Archbishop Makarios, etc.The highlight of his career was undoubtedly his participation in Adenauer's trip to Moscow in 1955, which resulted in the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bonn and Moscow and the release of the German prisoners of war. For his work he received numerous awards, such as the Federal Cross of Merit and Officer's Crosses of Orders in Italy, Greece, Madagascar and Liberia. Karl Hein collected numerous memorabilia on his travels, especially postcards and photos, but also file material, invitation cards, travel programs etc. and kept them carefully, partly glued on photo cardboard and inscribed. This collection was donated by his daughter Lydia von Prondzynski, Bad Oberdorf, to the Ludwigsburg State Archives in 1991. It documents not only a special piece of railway history at a time when trains were still travelling as "rolling embassies" of statesmen through documents about technical details of the trains looked after by Karl Hein and about the condition of the routes travelled, but also allows a charming look behind the scenes of major state visits.The present stock PL 718, which comprises 0.4 linear m = 15 archive units, was ordered and indexed by the undersigned in February 1991. The computer-aided fair copy of the repertory was obtained by Hildegard Aufderklamm.Ludwigsburg, March 1991Leuchweis

Estate of Robert Koch
Fonds · ca. 1854-1939
Fait partie de Robert Koch Institute

Robert Koch's scientific legacy - including around 1,100 letters, certificates of awards, manuscripts for lectures and publications, photographs and microscopic specimens

Koch, Robert
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, I 435 (Benutzungsort: Dessau) · Fonds · 1853 - 1950
Fait partie de State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Find aids: Findbuch 1978, Revision 1988 (online searchable) Registraturbilder: The DCGG was founded on 12.03.1855 in Dessau on the initiative of the entrepreneur Viktor von Unruh and the Dessau banker Louis Nulandt. At first a gasworks was built in Dessau, which supplied the city with town gas for street lighting from 1856 onwards. This was followed by gas works in cities at home and abroad, such as Mönchengladbach, Magdeburg, Frankfurt/Oder, Mülheim/Ruhr, Potsdam, Warsaw and Lemberg. In 1857, Unruh brought the engineer Wilhelm Oechelhaeuser sen. into the company. In 1859 Nulandt retired after accusations of irregularities and Oechelhaeuser became the sole director general. Both the production of appliances for the sale of gas and the production of gas-consuming appliances themselves grew rapidly. The Centralwerkstatt Dessau was founded in 1871 to convert existing gas meters and to produce new ones. In 1921, the Centralwerkstatt merged with Carl Bamberg Werkstätten für Präzisionsmechanik in Berlin-Friedenau to form Askania-Werke AG. In 1872, Berlin-Anhaltische Maschinenfabrik AG (BAMAG), which manufactured the vertical furnaces used in the gas works, and Dessauer Waggonbau AG, which manufactured gas-powered trams, operated in Dessau. From 1886 Dessau received the second power station in Germany after Berlin. The required generators were developed by Wilhelm von Oechelhaeuser jun. Together with Hugo Junkers, brought into the factory in 1888, they succeeded in using powerful two-stroke counter-piston engines from 1892 onwards. Wilhelm von Oechelhaeuser jun. followed his father in 1889 as general director. Under the management of Bruno Heck, the company achieved a dominant position in Central Germany in 1917 with the founding of Elektrizitätswerke Sachsen-Anhalt AG in Halle. When the property located in the Soviet occupation zone was expropriated after the end of the war, the company moved its headquarters to Hagen/Westphalia in 1947. The alleged transfer of assets was the reason for the GDR's first Stalinist show trial, which was negotiated in 1950 under Hilde Benjamin in Dessau and ended with high prison sentences. The inventory is supplemented by the deliveries of the E-Werke in Bernburg, Dessau and Coswig. Inventory information: The collection was handed over in 1967 by the archive of the VEB Energieversorgung Halle to the then Historische Staatsarchiv Oranienbaum, now Abteilung Dessau. Small supplements were added in 1978. Included photos: 110

Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, I 543 (Benutzungsort: Merseburg) · Fonds · 1884 - 1957, 1993
Fait partie de State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Find aids: Findbuch 2013 (online searchable) Registraturbilder: Hermann Moritz Bertram founded the company Herm in 1884. Bertram Halle/S. with headquarters at Torstraße 61, which manufactured and sold special machines for bakeries. Over the years, Bertram has developed a large number of patents for special bakery machines which have been supplied to customers at home and abroad. From 1896 the company produced kneading machines and from 1905 steam ovens. Between 1915 and 1918, the factory also supplied cast iron grenades and light mobile field ovens to the military. In April 1909 Otto Bertram became a partner in the company. At the same time, the company was transformed into a general partnership under the new company name "Herm. Bertram, Hallesche Dampfbackofen-Fabrik - Hallesche Misch- und Knetmaschinen-Fabrik". In March 1921, Bertram Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH was founded in Halle, Thielenstrasse 4, to improve the marketing of the company's products. The company offered complete equipment for bakeries and bread factories, as well as steam ovens, electric ovens and bakery machines of all kinds. In 1931, Herm. Bertram GmbH took over the uneconomical distribution company. In order to prevent the use of the name "Bertram" by other companies, the fictitious registered office of the sales company was moved to Berlin in 1936. Until 1938, the deletion of the Vertriebs-GmbH from the local commercial register could thus be prevented. In 1924 Otto Bertram was the sole owner of the company, which was renamed Herm. Bertram, Hallesche Dampfbackofen-Fabrik-Hallesche Misch- und Knetmaschinen-Fabrik umändern. At the beginning of 1929 the company Herm. Bertram, Hallesche Dampfbackofen-Fabrik-Hallesche Misch- und Knetmaschinen-Fabrik GmbH whose main shareholders were Otto and Charlotte Bertram, from April 1937 also Wolf Günther Bertram. From 1939, the company again carried out army orders and, in addition to bakery machines for army building offices and various offices in the occupied territories, also produced grenades and supplied machines to important war factories. In 1942 the GmbH was converted into a limited partnership. By order of the President of the Province Saxony Main Department of Economics of July 3, 1946, Herm. Bertram KG was placed under the direct supervision and power of disposal of the Province of Saxony, but the company was neither placed under sequestration nor expropriated. Only fiduciary administrators and managing directors were appointed. In March 1948 the limited partnership was converted back into Herm. Bertram, Hallesche Dampfbackofen-Fabrik-Hallesche Misch- und Knetmaschinen-Fabrik GmbH. The purpose of the company was to manufacture and sell ovens and machines of all kinds for the bakery, food and chemical industries, and in particular to continue the business of Hermann Bertram KG. On 19 March 1953, the then managing director filed a petition for bankruptcy against the assets of the company and its owners on account of tax debts with the Halle City Council (Finance Department, UA Abgaben). By "private sale" the company inventory was sold to the VEB (K) Bäckereimaschinen und Ofenbau Halle (Saale) on 15 April 1953 as part of the compulsory execution and the company was thus transferred into public ownership. On 1 Jan. 1957 this company was merged into Nagema "Habämfa" VEB Hallesche Bäckereimaschinen- und Ofenfabrik, Halle. Inventory information: In the years 1999, 2000 and 2004 the Stadtarchiv Halle handed over about 8.7 linear metres of untapped documents to Herm. Bertram, Hallesche Dampfbackofen-Fabrik - Hallesche Misch- und Knetmaschinen-Fabrik GmbH to the former Landesarchiv Merseburg (later Landeshauptarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, Merseburg Department), where it was processed and recorded in 2012. Cards included: 18 Photos included: 8

Brief description: The transfer of the AEG Telefunken Archive from Frankfurt a. M. to the care of the German Museum of Technology in Berlin began in 1996. The large volume of material (the first delivery alone consisted of more than 250 Euro pallets) made it necessary to divide this total stock into individual sub-stocks. The basis for this division was the diversity of the respective archives, which include files, company fonts, photographs, etc.. The following is a list of the individual available partial collections (whereby the inventory abbreviation "I.2.060" always represents the AEG Telefunken archive): A - AEG file collection, term (1854) 1883 to 1951, ;

I.4.095 - NL Wolfgang Federmann

Foreword: * 1903 † 14 February 1986 Wolfgang Ferdermann was employed from 1926 to 1946 as a graduate engineer in Department F 3 of the Telefunken Gesellschaft für drahtlose Telegraphie m.b.H. under the direction of Prof. Fritz Schröter. This department dealt with visual telegraphy and the development of television. Federmann himself worked as a television technician and cameraman for Telefunken. He was involved in the design of the FE series of television receivers, at least the FE I, a cabinet-shaped device first presented to the public at the Radio Exhibition in 1932. He was awarded a gold medal for television at the 1937 World Exhibition in Paris. In 1940 the Telefunken group "Studiotechnik" was dissolved. Only a small part of the group continued to construct television sets for military use, the largest part (probably Federmann) was assigned radio measurement technology (night hunter displays, radar and panoramic observation equipment) as a new area of responsibility. Further biographical information on the professional career can be found in document I. NL 095/162 can be taken. The main duration of the estate of Wolfgang Federmann is 1926-1956, with a focus on the late 1920s (picture telegraphy) and mid-1930s (1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, 1937 World Exhibition in Paris, radio exhibitions, opening of the programme service by the Reichs-Rundfunkanstalt). Thematically, technically oriented documents predominate, the estate contains little personal information. The main focus is on the development of television, the development of tubes and picture telegraphy. Most frequently, photos (and glass slide positives, as these often show identical motifs) and printed journal articles appear in Nachlaß Federmann. The estate was donated to the archive in 1994. It has a scope of 639 units of distortion with a duration of 1917-1994.

Sans titre
I.4.146 - NL Peter M. Grosz

Foreword: * May 22, 1926 in Berlin, † September 29, 2006 in PrincetonPeter M. Grosz was born in Berlin as the son of the famous painter George Grosz. After his parents emigrated to the USA in 1932, he lived for another year with his aunt at Belle Alliance Strasse 1, where he had a good view of the flight operations at Tempelhof Airport from the fifth floor. These impressions fascinated him to such an extent that his childlike enthusiasm for aircraft turned into a lifelong hobby. In 1933 he moved to his parents in New York. He studied physics at Harvard and in 1952 moved with his wife Lilian to Princeton, which became their new home. There he worked in various research laboratories and several companies. After the death of his father in 1959, Peter Grosz administered and edited his estate, but his hobby remained aviation, and with more than 220 published articles on technical history, including standard works such as "The German Giants", "Austro-Hungarian Aircraft of World War I", "Die Fokker-Flugzeugwerke in Deutschland 1912-1921", he was the internationally recognized expert in the field of German aviation development until the end of the First World War.Peter M. Grosz's well-ordered, systematically structured archive of technical history comprises around 30,000 photographs, 160 Leitz files with technical documents, 104 manuals and operating instructions, more than 1500 books and over 220 publications published since the mid-1950s. The files were dissolved during the re-drawing process, while the existing order structure was largely retained. In addition to the technical-historical documents on the individual aircraft manufacturers, the documents on the establishment of the German aviation troops during the First World War and Peter M. Grosz's extensive correspondence with other aviation historians are also of importance. The extensive photo collection will be listed separately at a later date, but can already be used with restrictions. The estate was handed over to the Deutsches Technikmuseum by Lilian Grosz on 2 October 2007. It has a scope of 1139 units of registration with a duration of 1889-2006.

Landtag, II. chamber (inventory)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 231 · Fonds · 1816-1939; Fotos: Ende 19. Jahrhundert - ca. 1934
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The Baden constitution of 1818 had created a parliamentary two-chamber system. In contrast to the representatives of the estates assembled in the first chamber, the representatives of the people in the second chamber were elected by universal suffrage, in which the mass of citizens could cast their votes. The political debates in the Ständehaus in Karlsruhe were to play a not insignificant role in the upswing of the liberal movement in the first half of the 19th century. In 1904, direct suffrage was introduced for the second chamber. With the end of the constitutional monarchy, the first chamber of the Landtag disappeared. The Baden constitution of 1919 abolished class voting rights and introduced women's suffrage. On 30.1.1934, the history of the Badischer Landtag came to an end after 115 years with the National Socialist law on the abolition of the popular representations of the Länder. The archives of the Landtag were delivered to the General State Archives in 1934 and 1942, the photos of the members of parliament in 1943. These photos can be found under the heading No. 40k Members of the Estates. The minutes and invoices of the first and second chambers are summarized in fonds 231. The petitions of the population to their members of parliament, some in alphabetical order and some in chronological order, are very extensive. The present index was converted into an online find book in 2009 with funds from the German Research Foundation and then edited by Michael Bock. Karlsruhe, October 2009Dr. Rainer Brüning

Müller, Georg von (Inventory)
BArch, N 159 · Fonds · 1871-1918
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Georg von Müller, Admiral Born on 24 March 1854 in Chemnitz, died on 18 April 1940 in Hangelsberg November 1889 Married Elisabeth Luise von Montbart; March 1900 Elevated to hereditary nobility Military career (selection) May 1871: Entry into the Imperial Navy; August 1878: Appointment as lieutenant at sea; May 1879: Commanded torpedo weapon; 1882-1884: Travels abroad to West India and South America on S.M.S. "Olga" and S.M.S. "Blücher"; November 1884: Statistical Office of the Admiralty; May 1885 - March 1886: Military Political Advisor (Marine Attaché) at the German Embassy in Stockholm; March 1886: Promotion to lieutenant captain; until spring 1889: changing uses on board and on land, including participation in the company in Samoa in Aug./Sept. 1887 on board S.M.S. "Bismarck"; spring 1889: entry into the newly created Imperial Naval Cabinet; September 1891: Commander gunboat S.M.S. "Iltis"; November 1892: Head of Personnel in the High Command of the Navy; Autumn 1895 - February 1898: Personal Adjutant of Prince Heinrich of Prussia; November 1898: Commander of the Great Cruiser S.M.S. "Germany"; April 1899: Chief of the Staff Ostasiatisches Kreuzergeschwader; May 1899: Promotion to Captain at Sea; April 1900: Head of Department in the Navy Cabinet; October 1902 - September 1904: Commander Linienschiff S.M.S. "Wettin"; September 1904: Duty wing adjutant of Kaiser Wilhelms II; 1905: Appointment as rear admiral; July 1906: Head of Imperial Naval Cabinet; 1907: Appointment as vice-admiral; 1910: Appointment as admiral, also general adjutant of Kaiser Wilhelms II.November 1918: Farewell to active service Description of the inventory: As head of the naval cabinet, Georg Alexander von Müller had the opportunity to exert far-reaching influence on all naval affairs beyond his duties as head of personnel policy. His key position was based, on the one hand, on a special, personal relationship of trust with the Emperor and, on the other hand, on the fact that all personnel decisions of the Navy were in his hands and that Müller was called in for all lectures. Müller served as a link between the Emperor and the various Immediate Offices of the Navy. During the war, Müller increasingly met with reservations and criticism from the Naval Corps of Officers for the widespread view that the head of the Naval Cabinet delayed or blocked measures for a more aggressive naval war. Müller also entered into a permanent conflict with Grand Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz and was publicly attacked by him and his followers during and especially after the war. Although Müller, in contrast to numerous other members of the Naval Corps, did not publish any memoirs, a whole series of published articles from Müller's pen testifies to this permanent conflict. Müller's influence on naval affairs in general and on warfare in particular declined as a function of the importance of Kaiser Wilhelm II. As Supreme Warlord. In October 1918, Müller was largely on the fringes of the project of a militarily senseless, but myth-founding sacrificial corridor of the deep-sea fleet. As the duty wing adjutant of Wilhelm II and chief of the naval cabinet, Georg Alexander von Müller belonged to the immediate circle of Wilhelm II for more than a decade and a half and throughout the First World War. His records reflect in a special way the court society as well as the personality and work of the monarch in the last years of the German Empire. Content characterisation: The collection comprises only the seven handwritten diaries of Georg Alexander von Müller. They extend over a period of 47 years, beginning with Müller's entry into the Imperial Navy in 1871 up to his retirement as Chief of the Naval Cabinet in 1918. The records are enriched with photos and drawings. Other documents from the estate edited by Walter Görlitz and his son Sven von Müller, on the other hand, are considered lost. Citation style: Barch, N 159/...

Municipal port operation (existing)
Stadtarchiv Worms, 027 · Fonds
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Description of the holdings: Dept. 27 Städtischer Hafenbetrieb Scope: 42 archive boxes (= 285 units of description incl. 5 copies of plans Überformate = additional 4 running metres) Duration: 1892 - 1980 On 28.1.2011, in the building of the Hafen Betriebs GmbH of the city of Worms (Hafenstr. 4), one of the archive managers together with Dipl.-Arch. (FH) Tanja Wolf and the files were sorted out. At the beginning of January 2011, the archive manager had contacted Mr. Karl-Heinz Adelfinger by telephone with Mr. Ruthmann as the person in charge on site as part of the usual searches for municipal files in various offices after the managing director of Hafen-Betriebs-GmbH had been called in beforehand. Since the latter pointed out that the building, which had been used at least since the war as the administrative headquarters of the port operations (until 2002 part of the Stadtwerke, since then GmbH under the roof of the municipal holding company, Dez. II Bgm. Büttler), contained quite extensive records dating back to before the war, a visit was arranged to determine which files and plans were to be evaluated as worthy of archiving and could be taken over by the municipal archives. With the cellar we found an orderly, safe and securely locked room suitable for storage, in which rich files of the time were found at least since the 1920s. In some cases (for the post-war period) a selection was made for takeover; the files and records of the last approx. 30 years remain unaffected by the collection. The interest in the documents, their state of order, the feeling for their value and their quite good accommodation in the port administration are by no means to be taken for granted and positively emphasised. The condition at the time of the selection was recorded in four photos. Two boxes with rolled plans are completely taken from the archive and viewed, photo material existed only in the form of a few large-format black-and-white wall pictures. The documents of the port operation and the port railway are of importance for questions of economic and company history, for aspects of technical history and others. The port as an important municipal infrastructure project of the 1890s has remained an important economic factor for many companies in Worms to this day. The focus of the tradition is on correspondence files between the port operations and the companies located in the port with a focus on the period between 1920 and 1955. There were no war losses. With regard to the treatment of the documents in the archive, it was decided that the closed files, which were kept beyond 1945, would be set up as a new archive collection of their own under the municipal provenances (new Dept. 27 Municipal Port Operations). This is supported not only by this practical argument but also by today's legal independence in the form of a limited liability company. Since no port office files are kept in Dept. 6 so far (only organisation and inspection documents of the RPA etc.), there is at most an overlap with files of the file plan group XVI.5.m Port for the period of approx. 1893 (completion of the port extension) and the 1920s in Dept. 5 Cf. also files on the port in Dept. 30 (District Office Worms). The evaluated documents were collected on 16.2.2011 and archived. The recording (under selective subsequent cassation, files with the beginning of the term before 1948 were generally excluded from this) took place from March to June 2011 by Mr Martin Geyer. Lit. on port construction 1890-1893: Die Hafen- und Uferbauten zu Worms 1890-1893, Worms 1893; F. Reuter, Karl Hofmann und das neue Worms, 1992, pp. 183-186, cf. the annual administrative reports (printed until 1928). Gerold Bönnen/Martin Geyer, Worms

Stadtarchiv Lemgo, N 09 · Fonds · o. D.
Fait partie de City Archive Lemgo (Archivtektonik)

The picture archive of the two Lemgo master photographers Fritz Ernst Ohle (1881 - 1962) and Karl Ernst Ohle (1917 - 1982) was transferred to the city archive as a deposit (reservation of title) of the association Alt Lemgo e. V. in 2013. The picture archive was sold in 1989 to the Lemgo entrepreneur Gerhard Mische, who donated the photo collection to the Alt Lemgo association in 2002. The stock consists of glass plate negatives, b/w photo prints on cardboard, photo albums (b/w), negatives (b/w and color), slides (b/w and color) as well as loose or framed photo prints (b/w and color). In the archive database, the glass plate negatives and some of the photo prints on cardboard have been indexed so far. When the picture archive was handed over, digital photos of the glass plate negatives and some of the photo prints were also delivered on cardboard, which are stored as thumbnails in the archive database and can be viewed in the reading room of the city archive via the archive database. For the remaining photo material there are partly handwritten lists, which were made by Mr. Hartmut Walter of the association Alt Lemgo. The rest is not further developed and has only partial inscriptions. The old finding aids for the glass plate negatives and the photo prints on cardboard are available for inspection in the reading room of the City Archive. Your details have been included in the archive database. In addition, B/W printouts of the digital copies can be viewed in the reading room according to the sequence of signatures. The order signatures of the stock consist of an abbreviation and a sequential number. The abbreviations shall be broken down as follows: FAK = Photo prints on cardboard GPK = Glass plates GPG = Glass plates Contents mainly photographs of houses, streets, people and events in Lemgo from the end of the 19th century to the 1960s. In the case of publications of photos from the stock, the following shall be cited: StaL N 9 Depositum Ohle (Association Alt Lemgo/Mischen) signature. Some of the glass plate negatives from the picture collection have been owned by the Westfälisches Amt für Denkmalpflege since 1979. Prints of these negatives can be found in the photo collection N 1 of the city archive.

N11 - Mintmans estate (inventory)
N11 · Fonds · 1860-1975
Fait partie de District Archive Kleve (Archivtektonik)

The N11 collection of Mintman's estate comprises 169 units of indexation with a total duration from 1863 to 1975. It probably reached the Kleve district archives shortly after the death of the estate of Ludwig Mintman (1884-1975) and was incorporated into the old collection E here. Groups were formed and provided with the signatures E6 to E34. An exact list of the old index can be found in the registry of the district archives under the file number 41 22 14 02. Since this first indexing was only a rough sorting with however very exact single sheet indexing, the present reorganization and new indexing was carried out, which permits a systematic access to the stock with the help of a classification. In addition, a search via keywords is possible. During the reorganization, cash was also collected, especially newspapers and newspaper cuttings. In addition some photos and death slips were taken and arranged with origin note into the appropriate collections, namely into F3 photo collection of the circle archives Kleve, S6 death slips collection and S16 prayer mission Primiz pictures. The estate consists or consisted mainly of books. Those with historical or local references were incorporated into the library of the district archives immediately after the inheritance was taken over at the end of the 1970s. A list of these books unfortunately does not exist. However, all volumes were marked with a stamp "Nachlass Mintmans". The largest part of the estate consists of textbooks or books related to pedagogy and didactics. These were grouped together, e.g. according to subjects. In addition, the estate also contains personal papers and private items, as well as extensive notes on the genealogy of various Aldekerk families, elaborations for teaching and drafts for the chronicle of Aldekerk as well as articles for the Aldekerk Heimatblatt and the Geldrische Heimatkalen-der. Ludwig Mintmans was born on 17 March 1884 at the Vennekels- and Mintmanshof in Kengen, Rheurdt municipality, Moers district as the only son of the married couple Jakob Mintmans and Anna Petronella née Jörris. After his discharge from primary school, he first attended the Präparandenanstalt in Krefeld, then the Lehrerseminar in Kempen from 1903 to 1906. After passing the 1st apprenticeship examination in July 1906, he became a teacher at the elementary school in Aldekerk. At first he received only a temporary employment, but after passing the 2nd apprenticeship examination in October 1909 he was permanently employed. At the same time he headed the vocational school in Aldekerk. After the end of the Second World War, Mr. Mintmans was reinstated into the school service in December 1945, from which he retired on 23 March 1948. The personal file of Ludwig Mintman is in inventory A under the signature KA Kle A 24. Further information about him and his teaching activities can be found in the following files: KA Kle A 106, KA Kle A 267, KA Kle B 417. On 13 June 1911 Ludwig Mintmans married Katharina Dese-laers, born on the Bermeshof in Vernum. The two had four children: Ludwig (7.7.1912), Adele (24.4.1914), Jakob (4.3.1917) and Heinrich (4.5.1921). Mrs. Mintmans died in May 1967. Ludwig Mintmans devoted his entire life to the history of his homeland, especially to researching the history of his hometown Aldekerk. So he wrote a chronicle for the parish Aldekerk, designed the coat of arms for the parish Aldekerk, took care of the dialect care and was co-founder of the Heimatverein, in which he received the honorary membership for his 80th birthday. Ludwig Mintmans published the following articles in the Geldrisches Heimatkalender: GHK 1953, p. 69ff: Das Rittergut Palings GHK 1955, p. 27ff: Haus- und Hofmarken GHK 1956, p. 110ff: Buttermilch und Flötekäs. The court of the Lower Rhine in ancient times GHK 1957, p. 79f: Ritter Deric van Eyll GHK 1957, p. 126f: Dä Kretbom. En Vertellsel ut de fruggeren Tid in Vogdeier Platt GHK 1958, p. 150f: The New Coat of Arms of the Office Aldekerk GHK 1959, p. 125f: Eduard Poell a Domestic Dialect Poet GHK 1960, p. 117f: A Court with a Past. From the history of the Lindemanshof in Aldekerk GHK 1961, p. 126: Alte Schöpfbrunnen. The excavations at Haus Titz in Rahm GHK 1962, p. 168f: Der Rittersitz "et Gut ter Stade" GHK 1963, p. 139ff: First German pastor in Bulgaria. The memory of ater Laurentius Dericks GHK 1965, p. 175ff: Der alte Doktor GHK 1965, p. 183ff: Das Herren- und Rittergut Gastendonk GHK 1967, p. 107ff: 500 Jahre Kloster in Aldekerk. On 11 July 1967 the monastery and its church celebrate 500 years of existence Ludwig Mintman died on 22 October 1975 at the age of 92. An obituary can be found in the Heimat-blatt of the municipality of Aldekerk, Volume 6, No. 21 of 8 November 1975. The estate was rearranged and recorded by Claudia Kurfürst from October to December 2008.

Partial estate of Felix von Luschan
Fonds · 1876-1922
Fait partie de Berlin State Library. manuscript department

Correspondence, manuscripts, working materials, maps (e.g. Libya), diary, notes, Africa box and photos, special prints, proofs and correction sheets (e.g. reviews), personal papers, newspaper clippings. Further information: Denecke/Brandis p. 229, GSNL 1.404.

Peters, Karl (inventory)
BArch, N 2223 · Fonds · 1871-1929
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: Founder of the Gesellschadt für deutsche Kolonisation (the later Deutsch-Ostafrikanischen Gesellschaft), Reichskommissar in the German protectorate of East Africa Citation method: BArch, N 2223/...

Peters, Carl