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Description archivistique
01.04.01. General Administration
01.04.01. · Fonds
Fait partie de Stuttgart City Archive

Brief description: The personnel office was founded in 1919. On 1 August 1998, it was merged with the Main Office to form the Main and Personnel Offices. His duties include all personnel matters of the municipal administration, in particular the recruitment, promotion and dismissal of municipal officials, employees and workers as well as the drafting of regulations and statutes in the field of personnel management. Scope: 457 units / 12 running meters Content: Files: Personnel policy, recruitment, training, promotion and dismissal of municipal staff, personnel welfare, tax, salary and insurance matters for staff, establishment plans of individual municipal offices. Focus: Third Reich and immediate post-war period Duration: 1866-1970 Notes on use: All files are blocked for a period of 30 years from the end of their term. The collection contains 26 personal documents with a special blocking period; some of the photographs contained in Nos. 403 and 397 are subject to copyright. Foreword: On 24 April 1919, the Municipal Colleges decided to establish a Personnel Office. This was to regulate the personnel and organisational affairs of municipal officials, sub-officials, workers and temporary staff, with the exception of the technical staff of hospitals and teachers, a task for which the Municipal Board of Education had previously been responsible. Dr. Frank Rechtsrat was appointed to the Management Board of the new office. Until 1933, the head of the personnel office was also head of the superordinate personnel department, which was connected with the gymnastics and sports department. With effect from 15 December 1933, the personnel office was separated from the personnel department, i.e. it was no longer managed directly by the personnel officer, but was subordinate to his area of responsibility. In June 1934, the salary department, which had until then been attached to the city maintenance, was attached to the personnel office. Further organisational changes were not made, so that the personnel office is still subordinate to the personnel and sports department. It is still responsible for all personnel matters of the city administration, especially for the employment, promotion and dismissal of all civil servants, employees and workers as well as for the preparation of regulations and statutes in the field of personnel. Most of the files listed in this volume were archived between 1965 and 1972. Most of them date back to the period between 1930 and 1950, while some of them date back to the 19th century. On the other hand, some files, in particular files relating to the establishment plan, date back to 1970. Personal files already handed over to the archives have not been included in the repertory since they are subject to a special blocking period and are generally not accessible for use. Since the files have been available to the users unlisted for several years and were quoted after the old signatures that were no longer applicable, a concordance is attached to the repertory. The stock comprises 457 units with a volume of 12 running metres. Edited by Elke Machon, 1985 Supplement to foreword: In August 2006, the typewritten find book on the stock "Personalamt - Allgemeine Akten 1866-1970" by Gerd Lange was transferred to the indexing program Augias 8 under the supervision of Sabine Schrag and Christina Wewer. Unusual abbreviations within the original find book were resolved.

201/1 - Social welfare office
201/1 · Fonds
Fait partie de Stuttgart City Archive

Brief description: The "Armenbureau", renamed Armenamt in 1885, was founded in 1873. On April 1, 1910, the alms administration (responsible for the accounting and cashier's office of the local poor association as well as for the administration of the poor foundations and the municipal eating establishments), which had been independent until then, was attached to the poor people's office. From February 1919, the Armenamt was known as the "municipal welfare office". After the Reichsfürsorgeverordnung of 1 April 1924 came into force, a distinction was made between "superior welfare" and "welfare for the poor". For this purpose, the Youth Welfare Office, founded in 1921, was merged with the War Welfare Office to form the "Welfare Office". Its jurisdiction extended to the care of war-disabled persons and war survivors, pension recipients of disability and salaried employees' insurance, small and social pensioners as well as unemployed persons and minors in need of assistance. The welfare office was still responsible for all other people in need. On 1 May 1933 the welfare and welfare offices were united under the name "Wohlfahrtsamt". After the end of the Second World War, the Social Welfare Office was rebuilt with the following departments: Welfare Office, Youth Welfare Office (independent since 1962), Foundation Office, Emergency Aid Office (spun off in 1952 under the name "Ausgleichsamt"), Refugee Office (since 1949). Scope: 3117 units/2 films/50 printing plates/12 slides/86 photos/105 running meters Content: Files: General welfare, welfare office, welfare for war victims, small and social pensioners, unemployed, sick, disabled, alcoholics, homeless, hikers, foreigners, Germans abroad, returnees, resettlers, evacuees, new citizens, refugees, prisoners of war, homosexuals and prostitutes, health, recreational and family welfare; Cooperation with the voluntary welfare work; youth welfare office, child and youth welfare; foundation office, individual foundations, donations and collections of photos: Educational institutions, children's homes, kindergartens Children's sanatoriums, youth work, workplace for compulsory workers in Gaisburg, military hospitals, training workshop for metal workers Plans: offices of the welfare or Welfare Office, Cannstatt Civil Foundation, Landjahrheim Wart, children's and welfare homes, kindergartens, training workshop for metal workers, women's home in Bismarckstraße, association for children's homes Photos: mainly welfare facilities (old people's homes, nursing homes, welfare accommodations, youth homes, children's clinic) and social office facilities Duration: 1748-1985 All files are subject to a blocking period of 30 years from the end of their term; the file contains several file units with a personal blocking period. In the case of photo units, copyrights are often to be observed. Foreword: Introduction On January 1, 1873, the Reich Law on the Support Residence came into force in Württemberg. In the course of the resulting reorganization of the care of the poor, the "Armenbureau" was founded as an office for the urban poor. The tasks of this office, renamed "Armenamt" in March 1885, were laid down in the Statute for the Administration of Public Care for the Poor of 4 December 1873: 1. receiving applications for support, carrying out the necessary investigations, presenting the results of these investigations and the application to the Armdeputation, implementing the decisions of the Armdeputation. 2. to provide expert opinions on admission to state orphanages, institutions for the blind and deaf and dumb, as well as to the poor bath in Wildbad. 3. making requests for immediate financial assistance to the City Council in particularly urgent cases. 4. to order the provision of support in kind as well as food and shelter in asylum for the homeless; to give clothing to poor travellers in transit. 5. advising and supporting the deputation of the poor in asserting claims of the local local arms association for compensation of support against the legally obligated arms associations or private persons; the same applies to the imposition of compulsory labour and the initiation of compulsory education. 6. to participate in the appointment of volunteers to care for the poor. 7. the same applies to the election of the poor doctors. 8. the same applies to the election of the paid poor supervisors. 9. the supervision of the poor in public support, research into the causes of impoverishment and the measures to prevent poverty. In addition, until their unification with the Armenamt on 1 April 1910, the alms-giving service responsible for the accounting and cashier's office of the Ortsarmenverband as well as for the administration of the poor foundations and the municipal eating establishments existed. On April 1, 1913, professional guardianship was introduced, which was established as a collective guardianship. During the First World War, the Office of the Poor was given further tasks by various war welfare institutions and measures. In February 1919 the former poor people's office was renamed the "municipal welfare office". On 7 August of the same year, the municipal council decided to establish the War Welfare Office for War-Damaged Persons and War-Related Persons. The Welfare Department, whose tasks included the granting of subsistence allowances from voluntary contributions to those in need or the forwarding of those in need to the competent authority, was established on 3 February 1921. After the enactment of the Württemberg Youth Welfare Office Act of October 8, 1919, which prescribed the establishment of a youth welfare office in every official body, such an office was also established in Stuttgart on April 1, 1921. It took over all legal and voluntary tasks of the public youth welfare including the economic care for the needy youth. After the foundation office, which had existed since 1910, was dissolved as an independent office as a result of the devaluation of money by municipal council resolution of 16 August 1923, it was merged with the welfare office. On 1 January 1924, on the other hand, the social pensioner welfare was transferred from the welfare office to the war welfare office, which had already taken over the small pensioner welfare scheme on 1 September 1923, which had since been administered by the Central Administration for Charity. The welfare system underwent a major reorganisation with the entry into force of the Reichsfürsorgeverordnung (Reich Welfare Ordinance) of 1 April 1924, which separated "superior welfare" from "welfare for the poor". For this purpose, the Youth Welfare Office was merged with the War Welfare Office to form the "Welfare Office". Its jurisdiction extended to care for war-disabled persons and war survivors, pension recipients of disability and employee insurance, small and social pensioners and (since 9 October 1924) for unemployed persons and minors in need of assistance. The welfare office remained responsible for all other needy persons. On 1 April 1925, the administration of the municipal kindergartens was transferred from school administration to the welfare office. On 25 February 1929, an educational counselling centre was set up at the Youth Welfare Office; it was to deal with all educational issues and advise the municipal authorities and the population on educational matters. The Foundation Office was re-established as an independent office on 1 October 1929. A major change in the organisation of social welfare took place in 1933 when, on 1 May of the same year, the Welfare and Welfare Office was united under the name "Wohlfahrtsamt". The new Office was initially divided into the following business areas: - General welfare work (since then welfare office) - youth welfare office - war welfare - small pensioner welfare - social pensioner welfare Already in December of the same year a new division of the business circles took place: - General Administration (with Foundation Office) - Family Welfare - Welfare Office for War-Damaged Persons and Survivors - Youth Welfare Office On 1 February 1935, the municipal labour welfare service was transferred to the Welfare Office. The Welfare Office received a further increase in tasks by taking over the administration of the welfare institutions on 1 April 1939 and by setting up a department for family maintenance in September of the same year. After the end of the Second World War, with the establishment of the Social Welfare Office, welfare work was again reorganised. This newly established office got the following departments: 1. welfare office 2. youth welfare office 3. foundation office 4. office for immediate assistance (became independent on 1 September 1952 as a compensation office) On 2 February 1949 the refugee office, which had since belonged to the economic department, was integrated into the social welfare office as the fifth department, while the youth welfare office was separated from the social welfare office in 1962 and continued as an independent office. The files recorded here were handed over to the City Archives by the Social Welfare Office between 1983 and 1988, with the fact files being taken over in their entirety. Since it was not possible to take over all the individual files offered, only the files of those persons whose surnames begin with the letter "G" were kept here. The stock contains 3117 units, has a circumference of 105 running metres and is divided into the following parts: A Fürsorgerecht, Träger der öffentlichen Fürsorge B Wohlfahrtsamt (Verwaltung) C Fürsorgeleistungen des Wohlfahrtsamts D Jugendfürsorge (gesetzliche Grundlagen) E Jugendamt (Verwaltung) F Fürsorgeleistungen des Jugendamts G Stiftungsamt It was attempted to roughly restore the registry order of the former Welfare Office, since the term of most files refers to the period between 1924 and 1945. The following aspects had an aggravating effect on the order and distortion of the inventory: 1. the frequent and numerous changes in the organisation of the offices 2. several changes in the file plan (e.g. files with different contents had the same file number) 3. files which were created in the welfare office before 1924 and later continued at the welfare office received a new four-digit file number, while files which were not continued retained their old file number. The long duration of the files (from 1748 to 1985) also made it difficult to put all the files in order, although the files which arose after 1945 were mostly individual files (social assistance, tuberculosis aid, etc.). As already mentioned above, the majority of the holdings contain files from the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich, so that the social conditions of this epoch can be traced. Since the inventory was already used before the completion of the indexing work and was already quoted in publications, a concordance is attached to the repertory. Existing individual files (social assistance files, family maintenance files, etc.) are subject to special personal protection and can only be used in exceptional cases with special prior permission. Further files on the history of the poor and social system in Stuttgart are to be found in Depot A, in the holdings of the main file and in the holdings of the Foundation Office. Stuttgart in January 1993 Edited by Elke Machon 1992 Supplements to the Preface: From July to October 2006, the typewritten finding aid book on the "Social Welfare Office" holdings by Angelika Gyurcsik, supervised by Sabine Schrag and Christina Wewer, was transferred to the Augias 8 indexing program. Unusual abbreviations within the original find book were resolved. Units summarized in the original Finebook were transferred to Augias if there were more than 10 units (422-679, 1099-1131, 1281-1396, 1513-1524), if there were less than 10 units they were recorded separately. In the course of the Augias input, the stock was partly measured and tufted information replaced by cm information. In March 2015, files from the former "Armenamt", which had been wrongly kept there, were taken from the collection of newspaper clippings and incorporated into the 201/1 Social Welfare Office under the serial number 3116. According to Vermekr, the files were handed over to the archive on August 11, 1949, on the file cover sheet. One unit (No. 3117) was subsequently handed over by the Social Welfare Office in 2015. The photos were handed over to the city archives in August 2001. The shots are two roll films, 12 slides and 50 printing plates, all shots are black and white. The photos show social facilities such as old people's and nursing homes, youth homes and welfare facilities as well as schools in Stuttgart in the 1950s. The printing plates are for the most part each provided with an impression. From these as well as from the glass slides and the roll films, a PE print was subsequently made. Four printing plates are without impressions; according to the current state of knowledge, these cannot be printed any more because the small-format offset printing machines are no longer in use. Use is via the photo prints. The photos with the inventory designation FM 86 were recorded by Vera Dendler in October 2001. A typewritten finding aid was created. In December 2016, this was transferred to the Augias registry program and integrated into the 201/1 Social Welfare Office.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 F 62 · Fonds · 1871-1915, 1919
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

28th and 29th Infantry Division: The XIV Army Corps formed on 01.07.1871 was divided into the 28th and 29th Infantry Division, which was also founded at the same time. The 28th Infantry Division included the 55th and 56th Infantry Brigades as well as the 28th Cavalry Brigade. In 1899 the 28th field artillery brigade was added. The division was located in Karlsruhe.The commanding generals were:1871 to 1875Lieutenant General von Pritzelwitz1875 to 1883Lieutenant General von Willisen1883 to 1887Lieutenant General von Meerscheidt-Hüllessem1887 to 1890General Lieutenant von Keßler1890 to 1892General Lieutenant Weinberger1892 to 1896General Lieutenant von Rößing1896 to 1899General Lieutenant von Grone1899 to 1900General Lieutenant von Oertzen1900 to 1903General Lieutenant von Beneckendorff and von Hindenburg1903 to 1906Lieutenant General von Pfuel1906 to 1910Lieutenant General von Fabeck1910 to 1912Lieutenant General von Krosigk1912 to 1914Lieutenant General von der Goltzab 1914Lieutenant General von Kehler.The 29th Infantry Division was divided into the 57th and 58th Infantry Brigades and the 29th Cavalry Brigade. The 29th Field Artillery Brigade was added in 1899. In the years 1897 and 1898 and starting from 1913 the 84th Infantry Brigade belonged likewise to the range of the division. The division was located in Freiburg.The commanding generals were:1871 to 1873Lieutenant General von Glümer1873 to 1876Lieutenant General von Woyna1876 to 1882Lieutenant General von Scheffler1882 to 1886Lieutenant General von Berken1886 to 1889Lieutenant General von Petersdorff1889 to 1892Lieutenant General von Mantey1892 to 1894Lieutenant General von Schleinitz1894 to 1894 1897General lieutenant Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig von Baden1897 to 1898General lieutenant von Bülow1898 to 1901General lieutenant von Bissing1901 to 1907General lieutenant von Fallois1907 to 1910General lieutenant von Schickfus and Neudorf1910 to 1913General lieutenant von Deimlingab 1914General lieutenant Isbert. 55th, 57th and 58th Infantry Brigade: The 55th Infantry Brigade emerged from the former 1st Baden Infantry Brigade on 01.07.1871. The infantry regiments 109 and 110 were subject to it. The official seat was in Karlsruhe.The commanders were: 1871 to 1874Major General von Neumann1874 to 1878Major General von Bonin1878 to 1881Major General von der Esch1881 to 1884Major General von Grolmann1884 to 1889Major General Roeder von Diersburg1889 to 1891Major General von Rantzau1891 to 1893Major General von Plessen1893 to 1893Major General von Plessen1893 to 1891Major General von Grolmann1891Major General von Diersburg1881 to 1889Major General von Diersburg1889 to 1891Major General von Rantzau1891 to 1893Major General von Plessen1893 to 1893Major General von Plessen1893 to 1893Major General von Diersburg1889 to 1891Major General von Rantzau1891 to 1893Major General von Plessen1893 to 1897General Major from Janson1897 to 1900General Major from Hugo1900 to 1902General Major Lölhöffel from Löwensprung1902 to 1906General Major from Hoffmeister1906 to 1910General Major from Schack1910 to 1912General Major from Omptedaab 1912General Major Knight and Noble von Oetinger.The 57th Infantry Brigade emerged on 01.07.1871 from the former 3rd Baden Infantry Brigade. The infantry regiments 113 and 114 were subject to it. The official seat was in Freiburg.The commanders were:1871Generalmajor Keller1871 to 1873Generalmajor von Weller1873 to 1880Generalmajor von Falkenhausen1880 to 1885Generalmajor von Ditfurth1885 to 1889Generalmajor von Gerhardt1889 to 1890Generalmajor Ziegler1890 to 1893Generalmajor von Fischer-Treuenfeld1893 to 1897 Major-General from Mülbe1897 to 1899 Major-General from Braunschweig1899 to 1901 Major-General from Fallois1901 to 1905 Major-General from Kutzen1905 to 1907 Major General of Tresckow1907 to 1910 Major General Marshal of Sulicki1910 to 1911 Major General of Winckler1911 to 1914 Major General of Kehlerab 1914 Major General of Trotta.The 58th Infantry Brigade was built on 01.07.1871. The infantry regiments 112 and 142 were subject to it. The official seat was in Mulhouse in Alsace. The commanders were:1871 to 1878major General from Sell1878 to 1881major General from Boehn1881 to 1887major General from Reibnitz1887 to 1888major General from Prittwitz and Gaffron1888 to 1890major General from Westernhagen1890 to 1892major General Girschner1892 to 1896major General Berger1896 to 1898major Bock General from Wülfingen1898 to 1899major General Köpke1899 to 1902General Major from Voigt1902 to 1904General Major Nethe1904 to 1906General Major Birnbaum1906 to 1908General Major from Eberstein1908 to 1910General Major from Deimling1910 to 1911General Major from Ompteda1911 to 1912General Major from Schmundt1912 to 1913General Major from Bodungenab 1913General Major Stenger. Inventory history: After the end of the war, the files remained at the processing offices of various infantry regiments. From January 1920, the establishment of an archive of the XIV Army Corps was begun, in which the archives of the settlement agencies were brought together. In autumn 1920 the corps archive moved to the infantry barracks in Heilbronn. From January 1921, the Corps Archives entered the portfolio of the Reich Ministry of the Interior under the name Aktenverwaltung XIV, before being incorporated into the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam as the Heilbronn archive branch on April 1, 1921. As a result of the merger of the Heilbronn and Stuttgart branches of the Reich Archives, the holdings were transferred to Stuttgart in 1924. The Württembergische Archivdirektion, which after the end of the Second World War took over the administration of the holdings of the Stuttgart Army Archives, handed over the records of the XIV Army Corps to the General State Archives in Karlsruhe between 1947 and 1949. A very detailed history of the holdings is contained in the foreword of the Deputy General Command of the XIV Army Corps (holdings 456 F 8). These documents have been handed down in the inventory 456 F 120 fascicles 24 to 29. The inventory comprises 16 fascicles with a circumference of 0.40 running meters. References: Deutsche Militärgeschichte in sechs Volände 1648-1939, ed. by the Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt Freiburg, Munich 1983 Fischer, Joachim: Zehn Jahre Militärarchiv des Hauptstaatsarchivs Stuttgart, in: Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 37 (1978), p. 362-368 Jäger, Harald: Das militärische Archivgut in der Bundesrepublik für die Zeit von 1871 bis 1919, in: Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 1968/2, p. 135-138 Ranking list of the Royal Prussian Army and the XIII Royal Württemberg Army Corps 1871 to 1914. Overview of the holdings of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, edited by Joachim Fischer (publication of the Staatliche Archivverwaltung Baden-Württemberg, vol. 31), Stuttgart 1983.

Landeshauptarchiv Schwerin, 5.12-7/1 · Fonds · 1849 - 1945
Fait partie de Schwerin State Archives (archive tectonics)

In 1849, after the introduction of the ministerial organisation, special departments were created for the tasks of the administration of worship and medicine performed by the government or its Special Department of Education (see 2.21-1). These departments were temporarily attached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then to the Ministry of Justice as departments for educational, medical and spiritual affairs. It was not until 1919 that a special ministry was established under the above-mentioned authority name, the members of which were also individually referred to as "Ministry of Education", "Ministry of Art", "Ministry of Spiritual Affairs" and "Ministry of Medicine". The competence extended to the entire area of education administration (including the University of Rostock), the administration of art institutions, the supervision of religious communities (including the supervision of foundations and institutions for pious and mild purposes) as well as all matters of medical and health care (including veterinary matters). After the transformation of the State Ministry in 1934 (Rbl. 1935, p. 3), the Ministry was renamed "State Ministry, Department of Education, Arts, Spiritual and Medical Affairs". With the ordinance of 6 Oct. 1941 (Rbl. 1941, p. 199), the previous departments were given the designation "Science, Education and Training". At the same time the affairs of the Staatstheater, the Mecklenburgische Landesbühne and the Landestheater Neustrelitz (to the State Ministry) as well as the health service (to the State Ministry, Department of the Interior) were spun off. These changes are no longer reflected in the inventory situation. The tradition for the period 1918-1945 is partly incomplete. GENERAL REGISTRATURE A. Registry of the Ministry of Justice, Department of Spiritual, Educational and Medical Affairs: Business and service operations; personnel files. B. Registries of the Ministry of Education, the Arts, Spiritual and Medical Affairs (Includes, inter alia: (e.g. business and official operations, relations with other institutions, constitution and legislation, treasury, budgetary and accounting matters, employment of civil servants and employees). MINISTERIUM FOR INSTRUCTION A. University of Rostock I. General university affairs: Relationship with other German and foreign universities, scientific societies, academies, etc.; university associations; students; academic profession; exchange service; university reform - II. position and administration of the university: business operations; university conferences; relationship with state authority; government representative (vice chancellery); rector and senate; university archive; civil servants and employees (except faculty); university suppliers (includes, etc.: university book printing and bookstores); III. finance and budget system of the university - IV. Buildings and equipment - V. Discipline - VI. Convict and scholarships - VII. Donations and foundations - VIII. University operation: Statutes (also of other universities); Statistics (Includes: General university statistics, women's studies, working students); Lecture and personnel directories; Doctoral studies (Includes: Honorary doctorates, recognition and withdrawal of academic degrees); University publications; Summer courses, excursions; Academic celebrations and honours - IX. Faculties: General (Includes: Statutes, Deaneries); Faculty of Philosophy; Faculty of Theology; Faculty of Law and Economics; Faculty of Medicine (Includes: Teaching Operations, Doctorates, Professors and Chairs); Faculty of Agriculture (Includes: Agricultural Experimental Station).- X. University Library - XI. Institutes and Seminars: General - Humanities Institutes and Seminars (Contains: Philosophical Seminary, Linguistic and Literary Seminars, Historical and Art History Institute, Theological Seminars, Legal Seminars, Economic Seminar with Thünen Archive); Mathematical and Natural Science Institutes (Includes: Air Observatory, Natural History Museum); Medical Institutes; Other Institutes - XII. University hospitals: General; University Hospital; Medical Clinic; Surgical Clinic; Women's Clinic (with midwife school); Children's Clinic; Polyclinic for Oral and Dental Diseases; Ear Clinic; Eye Clinic; Dermatology Clinic; Psychiatric Clinic Gehlsheim (Includes, among others, the following) XIII: General service and employment conditions of professors; private lecturers (contains: personnel files A-Z according to faculties); lecturers (also personnel files); assistants; dance and fencing masters.- XIV. students: Admission and matriculation; liaison; foreign students; social services. B. Primary, middle and secondary schools I. Schools (Older General Acts 19th century to 1918 ff.): General (Contains: School regulations and school laws, school systems in other countries, pupil and education statistics, compulsory education, school associations, school years; school revisions and improvements, teaching matters, teachers); municipal schools; Romanial schools; knightly schools (also landscape rural schools); II. elementary and secondary schools (Recent General Acts 1918-1945): Elementary schools (Contains, among other things, the following: - school regulations and school laws, school systems in other countries, school statistics, compulsory education, school associations, school years; school revisions and improvements, teaching matters, teachers): School laws, school supervision, school and church, curricula, education and teaching, war preparation and war deployment, teachers, pupils); middle and secondary schools; private schools; budget and treasury bills of district treasuries - III. elementary and secondary schools (special files 18th/19th century to 1945): Stadtschulen A-Z; Landschulen A-Z; Stellen- und Diensteinkommensakten.- IV. Secondary schools: General files (contains among other things: organisation and administration, statistics, school-leaving exams); special files A-Z.-V. teacher seminars, teacher training institutions: Teacher Seminar Neukloster (also Ludwigslust); Teacher Seminar Lübtheen; University for Teacher Education Rostock/Pädagogium - VI. Special Schools: Neukloster Institution for the Blind; Ludwigslust Deaf and Mute Institution. C. Vocational and technical schools I. Vocational schools (see also 5.12-3/1): General information; Vocational schools, Generalia and Spezialia (Includes: Staatliche Gewerbeschule Schwerin, Örtliche Gewerbeschulen A-Z); Vocational schools for business administration; Rural vocational schools II. Technical schools: General information; technical colleges (Includes among others: Baugewerkschule Neustadt-Glewe, Technikum Strelitz, Baugewerkschule Sternberg, Ingenieurschule Wismar, Eisenbahnfachschulen); Seefahrtsschulen (Contains among others: Seefahrtsschule Wustrow, Navigationsvorbereitungsschulen); Handelsschulen; Hauswirtschaftsschulen; Kinderpflegerinnenschulen; Landwirtschaftliche Fachschulen (Contains among others: Individual agricultural schools, rural household schools, rural women's school Malchow). D. Adult Education Centres General; Adult Education Committees A-Z. E. Archives and libraries I. Secret and main archives/state archives Schwerin: general administration; household; buildings and inventory; archive staff; acquisitions, collections, use; historical association, commissions - II. Mecklenburgische Landesbibliothek Schwerin (see also 5.12-3/1) - III. Landesarchiv und -bibliothek Rostock - IV. Main Archive and State Library Neustrelitz - V. Public Libraries. MINISTERIUM FOR ART A. General (Includes, but is not limited to Associations, interest groups, art foundations, art collections, fine arts, concessions to acting companies, film and radio, participation in artistic undertakings, awards, scholarships). B. Theatre I. Stage associations - II. Versorgungsanstalt deutscher Bühnen - III. Hof- bzw. Staatstheater Schwerin (Contains among other things: Intendanz, household, building and inventory, performances, personnel, engagements, interim theatre, Fritz-Reuter-Bühne, open-air theatre).IV. Landestheater Neustrelitz - V. Mecklenburgische Landesbühne - VI. Sonstige Bühnen - VII. Lichtspieltheater. C. Museums I. Mecklenburgisches Landesmuseum Schwerin (Contains among others..: General Administration, Budget, Buildings and Inventory, Acquisitions, Awards, Sales, Grand Ducal Art Collections, Picture Gallery, Museum of Prints and Drawings, Coin Cabinet, Department of Prehistory, Gewerbemuseum, Military Department / Hall of Fame).- II. Wossidlo Collection (Mecklenburg Farmers' Museum) - III. local museums of local history A-Z. D. Landesamt für Denkmalpflege (before 1929 Commission for the Preservation of Monuments) E. Administration of the Strelitz Castles (Includes, among other things: Castles in Neustrelitz, Hohenzieritz, Mirow, Stargard Castle, Schweizerhaus Serrahn, State Gardens, National Museum). F. Music schools G. Private music teacher. MINISTRY FOR INTELLECTUAL AFFAIRS A. General Administration Legal and Administrative Standards - Business - State and Church. B. Evangelical Lutheran Church I. Constitution, Organisation, Internal Relations - II. High Council of the Church - III. Consistory - IV. Finance and Economy - V. Church Offices (Contains: VI. theological examination commission and preaching seminar - VII. moral police - VIII. cult and pastoral care - IX. Missionary work and care of the poor - X. Military Churches - XI. Church publications - XII. Monuments, buildings and paths - XIII. parishes A-Z (contains among other things: parish and coastal places, parish buildings, churchyards) - XIV. church associations - XV. castle church - XVI. burial creature - XVII. bell ringing - XVIII. marital status. C. Other religious communities I. General (Contains among other things: Public practice of religion, spiritual budget, mixed marriages) - II. Roman Catholic Church: General (Contains among other things: Freedom of religion, monitoring of the movement of the Catholic population, relationship with the Protestant regional church, Catholic clergy, Catholic pastoral care); parishes A-Z.- III. Reformed Church (Contains above all: Reformed Church of Bützow).- IV. Israelite communities (Includes among others: V. Baptists, Irvingians, Mormons, etc. D. Foundations General - Family Foundations A-Z - Charitable Foundations and Institutes (Includes among others: Monasteries to the Holy Cross, Monastery Elevations Dobbertin). MINISTRY FOR MEDICAL ANGELECITIES A. General (Includes, but is not limited to, health conditions and medical rules). B. Medical authorities General medical administration - Medical commission - Health offices (Contains: Reichsgesundheitsamt, Landesgesundheitsamt Schwerin, Gesundheitsämter A-Z).- Landesimpfinstitut.- Landeslebensmitteluntersuchungsanstalt.- Obergutachterausschuß. C. Medical personnel Doctors (Contains, among others, Dentists and dental technicians - Pharmacists - Nursing staff - Medical trainees - Technical assistants - Food chemists. D. Hospitals and medical institutions General hospital system - Hospital statistics - State hospitals (Contains, among other things, the following Irrenpflegeanstalt Dömitz, Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Schwerin-Sachsenberg, Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Rostock-Gehlsheim, Kinderheim Schwerin-Lewenberg, Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Domjüch) - Municipal and private hospitals (Contains among others: Caroline monastery Neustrelitz, hospitals A-Z, auxiliary hospitals) - Lung sanatoriums (contains among other things: sanatorium Amsee/Buchen, convalescent home Waldeck) - Sea baths, sea hospices, healing springs (contains among other things..: Bad Doberan, Ostseebad Neuhaus, Heiligendamm, Friedrich-Franz-Hospiz in Waren/Müritz) - children's homes and sanatoriums (Contains among others..: Bethesda Bad Sülze Children's Hospital, Anna-Hospital Schwerin, children's homes A-Z) - Elisabethheim Cripple Hospital Rostock - Other sanatoriums. E. Pharmacies General Pharmacy - Pharmaceuticals - Druggists - Pharmacies A-Z. F. Midwives (Includes: employment, midwife districts, childbed fever, etc.). G. Health care (Includes, but is not limited to District Nursing Offices, Red Cross, Infant Care, Cripple Care, Youth Welfare). H. Hygiene General sanitary conditions (Includes, but is not limited to, the following) public education, water and soil hygiene, industrial, food and housing hygiene, hygiene in seaside resorts, NS racial hygiene, funeral services) - sanitary conditions in towns and villages A-Z.- sanitary conditions in offices (districts) A-Z. I. Medical police (Includes, inter alia: Judicial autopsies and sections, abortions and interruptions of pregnancy, hypnotic notions). K. Epidemics and diseases General - Vaccination, disinfection - Individual epidemics and diseases: Cholera to typhus. L. Veterinary Veterinary Administration - Medical persons (Contains: veterinarians, district doctors, veterinary examinations) - Veterinary Conferences - State Animal Diseases Office Rostock - Slaughter cattle and meat inspection - Food and industrial hygiene - Livestock diseases (Contains, among other things, the following: - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veter: livestock diseases law, livestock disease statistics, individual livestock diseases).- livestock breeding.- shoeing.- frog eggs.

A 5 (inventory)
Kreisarchiv Höxter, A 5 · Fonds
Fait partie de District Archive Höxter (Archive Tectonics)

Introduction : The ¿Law of 3 July 1934 on the Unification of the Health Sector¿ ordered the creation of health offices in urban and rural districts on 1 April 1935, in accordance with the lower administrative authority. The Health Offices were entrusted with the following tasks: health police, hereditary and race care including marriage counselling, public health education, school health care, maternal and child counselling, care for tuberculosis, sexually ill persons, physically handicapped persons, infirmity and addicts. In addition, it was planned to involve doctors in measures to promote personal hygiene and physical exercise as well as in official, court and confidential medical activities. The health offices were state institutions run by a state medical officer. The state health department in Höxter began its service on 1 May 1935. In practice, it continued the work of the district physician, who was appointed official physician and head of the state health department for the Höxter district by decree of 17 April 1935. The seat of the health office became the district hall, in which rooms for health care already existed. The official physician, who had the official rooms in his apartment as a district physician, had to perform his duties from now on in the rooms of the health office. A part of the district house was rebuilt for the health department. Before the law to unify the health care system came into force, the district physician was alone. The district employed only three caregivers, two of whom were taken over by the State Health Office. After the law came into force, the health office employed an assistant doctor, four health care nurses, an office clerk, a health supervisor, three office employees and a technical assistant in addition to the official doctor. In Beverungen, Brakel, Bad Driburg, Steinheim, Lügde and Vörden, the health authorities set up examination centres. By a joint decree of the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Finance of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia of 27 January 1947, it was ordered that the costs of the former state health offices for the accounting year 1947 be provided for in the district budgets. This also applied to the personnel costs of the medical officers. Until the end of the accounting year 1946 on 31 March 1947, the costs of the health offices were still borne by the State Treasury. By decree of 19 March 1947, the Minister of Social Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia ordered the districts to take over the inventory. Thus the State Health Office Höxter was transferred to the district on April 1, 1947. On 21 August 1947, the inventory was formally handed over to District Inspector Otten by the official physician Dr. Larverseder. The legal regulation took place only later. On 30 April 1948, the State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia passed the "Act on the Integration of Special State Authorities of the District Stage into the District and City Administrations". The first state medical officer and head of the health department was Dr. Bruno Rathe (born 17 September 1879 in Rastede/Oldenburg). Adolf Tomfohrde (born January 24, 1887), who began his service in Höxter on December 1, 1935. His successor became Dr. med. Karl Larverseder (born May 19, 1899 in Fürstenzell/Lower Bavaria) on September 1, 1942. He retired early at the end of 1958 and died in December 1959. Corresponding holdings: Kreisarchiv Höxter, A 0 (mainly on personnel, organisation and premises of the health office); Kreisarchiv Höxter, B 1 (mainly on the classification point "Health Care"); Landesarchiv NRW (OWL department), D 102 Höxter; Landesarchiv NRW (OWL department). OWL), M 2 Höxter (Classification Point "Health and Veterinary Affairs") Following the retroconversion of the finding aid book produced in March 2000, in July 2015 the data records were provided with blocking notes in accordance with the Archives Act of North Rhine-Westphalia in the version of 16 September 2014 with a view to publication as an online finding aid book. Two data sets have not (yet) been published (as of 20.07.2015). Usability: A considerable part of the files and processes contained in the holdings are subject to official medical secrecy and may therefore only be used within 60 years of the creation of the documents or the final year of the file, in particular with regard to § 7 para. 6 of the Archivgesetz Nordrhein-Westfalen (ArchivG NRW) i.d.F.v. 16.09.2014. In the case of personal archive records, the provisions of § 7 (1) No. 1-3 and § 7 (6) No. 1-4 ArchivG NRW must also be taken into account. Höxter, signed in March 2000/July 2015. Horst-D. Krus/ Ralf-Oliver KreieKreisarchiv Höxter A 5 No. ..........

Albers, Wilhelm
BArch, N 686 · Fonds · 1879-1919
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Dr. Wilhelm Albers General Physician born on 02 November 1859 in Uelzen, died on 17 December 1919 in Lüneburg 29 March 1879 - 15 February 1883: Kaiser Wilhelm Academy for Military Medical Education 1891 - 1895: Doctor in the Surgical Department of the Charité in Berlin 17 July 1900 - 04 March 1904: East Asian Expeditionary Corps of the East Asian Occupation Brigade until 17 September 1904 December 1901: Chief Physician Feldlazarett 2 in Beijing and Feldlazarett 1 in Tientsin 18 December 1901 - 04 March 1904: Brigadier Physician 1910: Chief Physician and Division Physician of the 5th Division in Frankfurt/Oder 1914-1918: Corps Physician of the XXIIth Reserve Corps (consisting of 43rd and 44th Reserve Divisions), at the beginning of the First World War on the Western Front, from June 1915 on the Eastern Front. Editing note: Index inventory description: Lectures from his time in East Asia. 6 volumes field letters to his wife, 3 volumes with letters of family members and 12 volumes diary entries from the First World War as a corps doctor of the XXII reserve corps citation method: BArch, N 686/...

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 172 · Fonds
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)
  1. l'histoire des autorités Lors de la bataille des nations près de Leipzig (16. - 19. octobre 1813), les troupes alliées, auxquelles appartenaient également les fédérations prussiennes, infligèrent une défaite dévastatrice à Napoléon. Le roi Frédéric Auguste Ier de Saxe, allié de Napoléon, fut capturé lors de la prise de la ville de Leipzig et transféré d'abord au château de Berlin, puis au château Friedrichsfelde. L'armée française, qui avait occupé Dresde après la victoire de Lützen le 2 mai 1813, capitula le 11 novembre 1813 et l'administration du royaume de Saxe, du duché de Saxe-Altenburg et des principautés russe et de Schwarzburg fut transférée au département administratif central. Son chef, le baron Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum Stein, établit le gouvernement général des puissances alliées dans le royaume de Saxe le 21 octobre 1813. Un conseil de gouvernorat a été établi en tant qu'organe directeur sous la présidence du général russe Nikolaï Grigorieïevitch Repnine-Wolkonski, qui a été nommé le 9 décembre 1813. Elle comprenait des fonctionnaires russes, prussiens et saxons, qui ont prêté serment devant les nouvelles autorités. Repnin-Wolkonski a lancé une série de réformes administratives. Une école industrielle a également été créée à Dresde et une académie de chirurgie médicale à Leipzig. Les collections royales d'art, les terrasses Brühl et le grand jardin de Dresde ont été ouverts au public. La Frauenkirche a été restaurée. Pour poursuivre la guerre, les Landwehr et Landsturm furent érigés et une bannière des Saxons volontaires fut érigée en corps libre. Néanmoins, un patriotisme particulier a connu un essor que les puissances occupantes étrangères ne pouvaient ignorer. Pour contrer les craintes d'une dissolution du royaume, Repnin promit dans son discours d'adieu imprimé : "La Saxe reste la Saxe et ses frontières intactes. Une constitution libérale garantira l'indépendance de l'Etat et le bien-être de chaque individu." (I. HA Rep. 172, No. 7, Feuille 3 VS). Après le début du Congrès de Vienne, le 8 novembre 1814, Repnin-Wolkonski remit la direction du Gouvernement général au Ministre d'Etat prussien Freiherr Eberhard Friedrich Christoph Ludwig von der Recke et au Général Freiherr Friedrich Wilhelm Leopold von Gaudy (également Gaudi). Ils portaient tous deux le titre de Gouverneur général. Le Règlement intérieur du Gouvernement général du 12 décembre 1814 date de l'après-transition de la Russie à la Prusse et se fonde sur des instructions plus anciennes (Leipzig, 25 oct. 1813 ; Leipzig 1er nov. 1813 ; 8 nov. 1813 ; Vienne, 25 oct. 1814), qui ne figurent pas dans le dossier correspondant (I. HA Rep. 172, n° 15). Cependant, les principales caractéristiques du Règlement intérieur de l'administration générale sont probablement restées inchangées en 1813 et 1814. L'administration générale se compose du Secrétariat général, de quatre sections et services administratifs ainsi que de la Commission centrale des impôts. En outre, le Conseil supérieur existait en tant que "réunion de tous les membres du gouvernorat". Le Secrétariat général était le bureau de conservation des documents au sein du Gouvernement général. Il dirigeait les journaux et surveillait le cours des affaires. En outre, le Secrétariat général était chargé de toutes les affaires supérieures ("Generalia") qui n'appartenaient pas aux différentes sections, ainsi que de la gestion de la Haute Police. Les affaires de la haute police ont été exemptés de la conférence au Conseil des gouverneurs, ont été décidées par les seuls gouverneurs généraux. Jusqu'à la transition vers la Prusse, le Secrétariat général était dirigé par le Conseiller d'Etat Freiherr Andreas von Merian, puis par le Conseiller d'Etat Friedrich Wilhelm August Werner von Bülow. Outre le colonel Dietrich von Miltitz et un Kriegsrat Krüger, Bülow dirigeait également la première section du gouvernement général. Cette section était chargée des questions concernant le pouvoir judiciaire, la police générale, le secteur médical et les secteurs pauvres, les municipalités, les entreprises et les instituts publics, ainsi que les églises et les écoles. La 2ème Section, en revanche, s'est occupée des finances dans la mesure où celles-ci ne relevaient pas de la compétence de la Commission Centrale des Impôts. Karl Ferdinand Friese et le conseiller financier Julius Wilhelm von Oppel en étaient responsables. Dans la 3ème section, le Kriegsrat Krüger a réglé la question de la restauration militaire, tandis que la 4ème section a été chargée des questions militaires restantes, pour autant qu'elles ne relèvent pas de la compétence du commandement militaire général. Le major-général Carl Adolf von Carlowitz et le major von Brockhusen en étaient les responsables. Les membres de la Commission centrale des impôts étaient Kriegsrat Krüger, Rat et le président Moritz Haubold von Schönberg et Hofrat Ferber. A la fin de chaque mois, les chefs de section devaient rédiger un rapport annuel, qui était transmis au chancelier d'Etat, le Prince von Hardenberg, par l'intermédiaire des gouverneurs généraux. En ce qui concerne les décisions, les chefs de section des 1ère, 2ème et 4ème sections devaient se prononcer conjointement sur toutes les questions. En cas de divergence, les gouverneurs généraux décident après avoir pris la parole au Conseil des gouverneurs. Toute une série de questions importantes ne pouvaient généralement être tranchées qu'avec la participation des gouverneurs généraux. Les séances plénières ont eu lieu les lundis, mercredis et samedis à partir de 10 heures. Sinon, les enseignes d'affaires se trouvaient entre 9 h et 13 h ou entre 16 h et 19 h. A moins qu'elles n'aient été remodelées dans le cadre de la réforme administrative, les autorités centrales royales saxonnes ont continué d'exister aux côtés du Gouvernement général. Cependant, l'administration générale exerçait un contrôle officiel sur eux. Le Gouvernement général étant subordonné au Département administratif central jusqu'en 1814, puis au Chancelier d'Etat prussien, mais lui-même supérieur aux autorités saxonnes, il représentait une sorte d'autorité centrale. Les autorités royales saxonnes, quant à elles, sont tombées entre les mains des autorités provinciales. Avec les commissaires du gouvernement et les commissariats de police, l'administration générale avait aussi des bureaux subordonnés nouvellement formés. Après la conclusion du traité de paix entre la Prusse et la Saxe le 18 mai 1815, la Prusse quitte le royaume de Saxe, mais conserve le duché du même nom. Le gouvernement général a été transféré de Dresde à Mersebourg en tant que gouvernement général du duché de Saxe. Le roi de Saxe, rentré de captivité à Dresde, libéra ses sujets dans la partie ducale de Saxe de leurs obligations envers lui par des paroles d'onction : "Je me séparerai de toi, et le lien qui était si fort avec Moi et Ma Maison par ta dévotion fidèle, et sur lequel pendant des siècles le bonheur de Ma Maison et tes ancêtres était fondé, devra être séparé. Selon la promesse faite aux puissances alliées, Je vous renvoie, vous, sujets et soldats des provinces, de vos serments et devoirs envers Moi et Ma Maison qui ont été abandonnés par Moi, et Je vous recommande d'être fidèles et obéissants à votre nouveau souverain". (I. HA Rep. 172, Bl 84 VS) Le roi Frédéric Guillaume IV de Prusse l'a accueillie avec des paroles tout aussi onctueuses : "Par le sort des peuples maintenant séparés d'une maison princière, à laquelle vous êtes attachés depuis des siècles avec une dévotion fidèle, vous passez maintenant à une autre, à laquelle vous êtes liés par les liens amicaux du voisinage, la langue, les coutumes et la religion. Si vous renoncez à vous-mêmes avec la douleur de circonstances antérieures dignes d'intérêt, J'honore cette douleur, comme il convient à la gravité de l'esprit allemand, et comme une garantie que vous et vos enfants appartiendrez aussi à Moi et à Ma Maison avec une telle loyauté plus loin. Seule l'Allemagne a gagné ce que la Prusse a gagné." (I. HA Rep. 172, No. 286, p. 89 VS) L'administration générale fut dissoute avec l'entrée en vigueur de la Constitution provinciale en mars 1816. 2. Historique des participations L'autorité qui a repris la tradition du gouvernement général n'est pas connue, pas plus que le moment de la prise en charge. Une autre vue d'ensemble de "l'état des dépôts" de 1872, qui figure parmi les rapports annuels de la GStA PK, note "totalement inconnu" pour les fonds du gouvernement général (GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 178 n° 1900, p. 160). Le poste se trouvait dans le PF GStA, mais l'attribution du numéro de dépôt et le traitement du poste n'avaient pas encore eu lieu. Ce n'est qu'en 1923 que le Conseil des Archives d'Etat a constitué les dossiers sous le nom de Repositur 172 (GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 178 Nr. 1930, Bl. 57') par le Dr Meyer. Après l'externalisation liée à la guerre, les fonds ont été indexés sur des fiches dans les Archives centrales allemandes, département de Merseburg. Aucun livre de recherche n'a été créé. En 2012, les informations d'indexation ont été transférées dans la base de données des archives. Au cours de la rétroconversion, des unités de distorsion individuelles ont été vérifiées ou nouvellement enregistrées. 3ème roman littéraire Töppel, Les Saxons et Napoléon. Dans le GStA PK : voir en particulier les autres fonds du groupe tectonique "Sonderverwaltungen der Übergangszeit 1806-1815" : - GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 114 Zentralverwaltungsrat der verbündeten Mächte, (1812) 1813-1815 Dans les Archives d'État de Saxe - Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden : voir groupes tectoniques "1.3 Les autorités judiciaires 1485-1831" et "1.5 Les autorités et institutions des terres héritées" notamment : - HStA DD, 10030 Hilfs- und Wiederherstellungskommission für Sachsen, 1813-1821 - HStA DD, 10031 Friedensvollziehungs- und Auseinandersetzungekommission, 1815-1821 5. remarques, commandes, citation Les dossiers sont à citer : GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 172 Gouvernement allié et prussien pour le Royaume et le Duché de Saxe n° () Dr. Leibetseder 09.08.2012 Instruments de recherche : base de données ; find book, 3 volumes.
Althoff, Friedrich Theodor (collection)
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Althoff, F. T. · Fonds
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

The present estate of Friedrich Theodor Althoff (1839-1908), Prussian Ministerial Director in the Ministry of Culture, was given to the Prussian Secret State Archives in 1921 as a gift from the widow Marie Althoff. In 1924, 1935, 1936, 1951, 1958 and 2000 further smaller parts of the estate were transferred to the (Prussian) Secret State Archives (PK). The estate contains primarily personnel documents, comprehensive reference files from official activities, extensive official correspondence with a large number of partners, newspapers and newspaper clippings and a small partial estate of the widow Marie Althoff, mainly with her correspondence after 1908 The correspondence was filed by Althoff himself according to two types, alphabetically according to the names and professions of the senders, so that both groups (by database query) are to be searched. An additional peculiarity is that about 500 letters are enclosed with other correspondences, namely when the letter writers mainly expressed themselves about other, third parties. In these cases, the letters were not filed under the senders, but under the names of those about whom they were written. Modern distortion maintains this order, but ejects the names concerned in the respective distortion titles. (Example VI HA, Nl F. T. Althoff, No. 805 alphabetical correspondence "Kohl - Koppy" also contains in "Kollmann, Julius, Basel, 1887 - 1888 (3)" a letter by Gustav v. Schmoller about Julius Kollmann from 1884). In the course of entering the database, the individual correspondence partners in the correspondence volumes were added to the contents notes using the register. The number in brackets indicates the number of letters. For the former divisions A I and A II (today No. 1-655) there is a separate detailed analysis volume which should be consulted during research. Its contents are not part of the database, as they would have gone beyond its scope. For the complete technical processing of the magazine, which took place in 2012, the discount was re-signed according to serial numbers for the sake of simplicity. A corresponding concordance can be found at the end of the search. Distortion began in 1921 by Ludwig Dehio. Mrs. Krähe created the list of letter correspondents. In 1939 G. Wentz dispersed the correspondence. In the years 1960-1962 Renate Endler recorded the estate again, including a revision. From 1975-1976 a further revision was carried out by Holger Schenk. The following files were already missing when the still valid find book from the 1960s was compiled: A I No. 18 Academic Freedom, 1905 A I I No. 144 Criminalist Seminar, Halle, 1885 - 1896 A II No. 98 Eduard Simon, 1906-08 B No. 7 Baltzer B No. 21 Cantor B No. 28[Content unknown] B No. 69 Hermite B No. 137 Bd. 2 Netto B No. 168 Bd. 2 Schottki Bei B No. 48 Frobenius, B No. 65 Heffter, B No. 70 Heffner und B No. 169 Sturm missing the main part. The old numbers B No. 98, B No. 106 and B No. 167 are also missing, according to remarks in the find book; in the group "Correspondence Althoff's correspondence sorted by sender's profession", which is very intensively indexed, the contents of the missing pieces have also been included in the database, since their contents may be of partial interest, even if the individual letters no longer exist. These letters then bear the addition"(missing)". The following autograph of Althoff is also kept in the "Small Acquisitions" collection of the Geheimes Staatsarchiv PK: I. HA Rep. 94 Small acquisitions, No. 1711 Friedrich Althoff to an unknown person: Transmission of 4 facsimile Primaner essays of the Joachimsthalschen Gymnasium in Berlin from 1901 on the topic "The Beinstellung der Monmämäler in der Siegesallee" with Marginalien Kaiser Wilhelm II, The database was entered by Mrs. Pistiolis, the database correction, determination and addition of the runtimes on the basis of the contained notes and preparation of the foreword was done by the undersigned. With the introduction of the new tectonics in the GStA PK, the estate of Friedrich Theodor Althoff, formerly headed as I. Department Rep. 92, was incorporated into the newly formed VI. Department of Family Archives and Bequests in 2001. According to the Internet database "Kalliope, Verbundsystem Nachlässe und Autographen der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin", another extensive part of the manuscript section of the Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz is located. This section contains 23 boxes with correspondence, documents, manuscripts, photos, prints and the death mask. Further correspondence of Althoff (312 sheets) is kept in the document collection Darmstaedter (2c 1890) of the Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Duration: (1723) 1778, 1824 - 1908 (1909 - 1919) and without date Scope: 23 running metres Last assigned number: To be ordered: VI HA, Nl Friedrich Theodor Althoff, No.... To quote: GStA PK, VI. HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Friedrich Theodor Althoff, No.... Berlin, August 2013 (Chief Inspectoress of the Archives, Sylvia Rose) Life Data February 19, 1839 Born in Dinslaken Father: Friedrich Theodor Althoff (1785-1852), Prussian Dömanenrat Mother: Julie von Buggenhagen (née. 1802) from 1851 1856 to 1861 Gymnasium in Wesel (1856 Abitur) Studied law in Berlin and Bonn from 1856 Membership of Corps Saxonia with subsequent honorary membership 1861 State Exam 1864 Referendar 1867 Legal Assessor Exam 1870 Lawyer 1871 Legal adviser and consultant for church and school matters in Strasbourg from 1872 Dr. h.c. associate professor of French and modern civil law (1880 full professor) in Strasbourg 1882 university lecturer at the Ministry of Culture 1888 secret senior government council 1896 honorary professor at the University of Berlin 1897-1907 ministerial director of the I. Education Department (universities and secondary schools) 1900 chairman of the scientific and scholarly staff of the University of Berlin 1897-1907 professor at the University of Berlin 1896 honorary professor at the University of Berlin 1896 honorary professor at the University of Berlin 1896-1907 ministerial director of the I. 1901 Honorary member of the Göttingen Society of Sciences 1904 Title "Excellence" 1906 Title "Professor" 1907 Title of a "Real Privy Council", Crown Councillor October 20, 1908 died in Berlin-Steglitz Friedrich Theodor Althoff had been married to Marie Ingenohl (1843-1925) since 1865 and had no children. The life data were taken from the literature given. Furthermore, the personnel file Althoffs, 1882-1939 (I. HA Rep. 76 I Sekt. 31 Lit. A Nr. 15, incl. Supplement 1 2) is to be compared. Literature " M. Althoff (Edit.), From Friedrich Althoff's time in Berlin. Memories for his friends. Jena 1918 (printed as manuscript) " A. Sachse, Friedrich Althoff and his work. Berlin 1928; F. Schmidt-Ott, Experiences and aspirations. 1860-1950 Wiesbaden 1952, p. 5 u. ö. " New German Biography, vol. 1, Aachen - Behaim. Berlin 1953, pp. 222-224 " C.-E. Kretschmann, Friedrich Althoff's estate as a source for the history of the medical faculty in Halle from 1882-1907. Halle 1959 " G. Lohse, Die Bibliotheksdirektoren der ehemalmals Prußischen Universitäten und Technische Hochschulen 1900-1985. Köln 1988, p. 1 u. ö. (Publications from the Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage, vol. 26) " R.-J. Lischke: Friedrich Althoff and his contribution to the development of the Berlin scientific system at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Berlin 1991; J. Weiser, The Prussian School System in the 19th and 20th Centuries. A source report from the Secret State Archives of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. Cologne, Weimar, Vienna 1996, pp. 194-197 (Studien und Dokumentationen zum deutschen Bildungsgeschichte, vol. 60) " Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon. 16th Herzberg 1999, Sp. 29-48 " St. Rebenich and G. Franke: Theodor Mommsen and Friedrich Althoff. Correspondence 1882-1903 Munich 2012 (German Historical Sources of the 19th and 20th Centuries Vol. 67). Description: Biographical data: 1839 - 1908 Resources: Database; Reference book, 1 vol.

BArch, R 67 · Fonds · 1914-1921
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: In January 1915, the Hamburgische Landesverein vom Roten Kreuz and the Frankfurter Verein vom Roten Kreuz joined forces through the Prussian Ministry of War with the aim of bringing about a unified working group of all those involved in the investigation of missing persons and the care of prisoners. For the investigation of missing persons the name "Ausschuss für deutsche Kriegsgefangene" was chosen and for the care of prisoners the name "Hilfe für kriegsgefangene Deutsche". By May 1915 it had been possible to combine all the major Red Cross associations in Germany into a single working group. In September 1915, the Working Group and the Central Committee of the German Red Cross Associations in Berlin agreed on the principles of their respective responsibilities in the areas of missing persons investigation and prisoner welfare. The two headquarters in Hamburg and Frankfurt am Main became official information centres in the sense of the Hague Land Warfare Ordinance; at the same time they were attached to the Central Evidence Bureau of the Prussian War Ministry. Their tasks included the search for missing soldiers, the procurement of official death certificates and the improvement of postal traffic with prisoners of war. In addition, the Committee for German Prisoners of War of the Frankfurt Association of the Red Cross endeavored to provide information in the occupied territories of France, Russia, and Romania and to improve the situation of foreign prisoners of war in Germany. In July 1916, Rudolf Lismann, a senior member of the Committee for German POWs of the Frankfurt Association of the Red Cross, founded the Archive of the Committee for German POWs, later the Archive for POW Research. His aim was to produce a comprehensive documentation of the prisoners of war of the First World War from a uniform point of view. The collection areas included the relief organizations of the Red Cross associations, missing persons, prisoners of war and civilians, the position of prisoners under international law, refugees, hostages and refugees. Status: December 2003 Inventory description: In January 1915, the Hamburgische Landesverein vom Roten Kreuz and the Frankfurter Verein vom Roten Kreuz joined forces through the mediation of the Prussian Ministry of War, with the aim of bringing about a unified working group of all the offices concerned with the investigation of missing persons and the care of prisoners. For the investigation of missing persons the name "Ausschuss für deutsche Kriegsgefangene" was chosen and for the care of prisoners the name "Hilfe für kriegsgefangene Deutsche". By May 1915 it had been possible to combine all the major Red Cross associations in Germany into a single working group. In September 1915, the Working Group and the Central Committee of the German Red Cross Associations in Berlin agreed on the principles of their respective responsibilities in the areas of missing persons investigation and prisoner welfare. The two headquarters in Hamburg and Frankfurt am Main became official information centres in the sense of the Hague Land Warfare Ordinance; at the same time they were attached to the Central Evidence Bureau of the Prussian War Ministry. Their tasks included the search for missing soldiers, the procurement of official death certificates and the improvement of postal traffic with prisoners of war. In addition, the Committee for German Prisoners of War of the Frankfurt Association of the Red Cross endeavored to provide information in the occupied territories of France, Russia, and Romania and to improve the situation of foreign prisoners of war in Germany. In July 1916, Rudolf Lismann, a senior member of the Committee for German POWs of the Frankfurt Association of the Red Cross, founded the Archive of the Committee for German POWs, later the Archive for POW Research. His aim was to produce a comprehensive documentation of the prisoners of war of the First World War from a uniform point of view. The collection areas included the relief organizations of the Red Cross associations, missing persons, prisoners of war and civilians, the position of prisoners under international law, refugees, hostages and refugees. State of development: Findbuch (1984) Citation method: BArch, R 67/...

Artillery Commander 28 (inventory)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 F 82 · Fonds · 1913-1919
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Formation history: The Baden artillery brigade set up on 01.07.1871 was renamed to 14th field artillery brigade on 18.07.1872. It received on 01.10.1899 the new designation 28. field artillery brigade. The field artillery regiments 14 and 50 were assigned to it, and in February 1917 the higher artillery command was reorganized. The previous staffs of the field artillery brigades were dissolved and an artillery commander was formed for each division as commander of the entire artillery belonging to and assigned to it. As a result of this reorganization, on 28.02.1917 the association received the designation Artillery Commander 28. The commanders of the formation were: Mobilisation until 24.12.1914 Major General Siegfried Fabarius24.12.1914 until 27.10.1917 Major General Karl von Herff28.10.1917 until 23.05.1918 Lieutenant Colonel Richard von Laer23.05.1918 until 16.02.1919 Lieutenant Colonel Ludwig Bissinger.The unit was subject to the following higher staffs during the war: mobilisation until 04.10.191628. Infantry Division04.10.1916 until 04.11.191611. Reserve Division04.11.1916 until 03.07.191828. Infantry Division03.07.1918 until 04.07.191887. Infantry Division05.07.1918 until the end of the war28. The formation participated in the following battles:09.08.1914 to 10.08.1914Fights near Sennheim and Mulhouse20.08.1914 to 22.08.1914Battle in Lorraine23.08.1914 to 14.09.1914Battle near Nancy ¿ Epinal15.09.1914 to 30.09.1914Fights near Flirey13.10.1914 to 08.05.1915Position fights in French Flanders and in Artois14.10.1914 to 24.12.1914Battle in French Flanders14.01.1915 to 21.01.1915Battle at the Loretto height03.03.1915 to 08.03.1915Battle at the Loretto height15.03.1915 to 24.03.1915Battle at Ablain15.04.1915Battle at Ablain09.05.1915 to 13.06.1915Battle at La Bassée ¿ Arras15.06.1915 to 16.07.1916Position fights in the Champagne23.07.1916 to 04.11.1916Battle at the Somme06.11.1916 to 24.01.1917Position fights in the Champagne25.01.1917 to 11.08.1917Position fights before Verdun12.08.1917 to 17.09.1917Defensive Battle at Verdun29.09.1917 to 23.10.1917Positional Battles in Upper Alsace29.10.1917 to 02.11.1917Fighting at the Ailette03.11.1917 to 24.11.1917Positional Battles at the Ailette25.11.1917 to 29.11.1917Battle at Cambrai30.11.1917 to 05.12.1917Assault Battle at Cambrai20.01.1918 to 19.02.1918Position fights in the Champagne20.02.1918 to 20.03.1918rest period behind the 18th army21.02.1918 to 06.04.1918Great battle in France07.04.1918 to 22.04.1918Fights at the Avre near Montdidier and Noyon27.05.1918 to 13.06.1918Battle at Soissons ¿ Reims27.05.1918Storming of the heights of the Chemin des Dames28.05.1918 to 01.06.1918Chase fights between Oise and Aisne and over the Vesle to Marne14.06.1918 to 04.07.1918Position fights between Oise, Aisne and Marne05.07.1918 to 07.07.1918Position fights between Aisne and Marne08.07.1918 to 17.07.1918Position fights west of Soissons18.07.1918 to 25.07.1918Defensive battle between Soissons and Reims26.07.1918 to 30.07.1918rest period behind the 7th army31.07.1918 to 30.08.1918Position fights in the Champagne01.09.1918 to 14.09.1918Position fights at Reims15.09.1918 to 26.09.1918Position fights in the Woëvre plain and west of the Mosel27.09.1918 to 04.10.1918Defensive battle in the Champagne and at the Maas05.10.1918 to 06.11.1918Defensive battle between Argonne and Maas07.11.1918 to 11.11.1918Deployment of the occupied territory and march to the homeland. Inventory history: After the end of the war, the files remained with the Field Artillery Regiment 14. From January 1920, the establishment of an archive of the XIV Army Corps was begun, in which the archives of the processing centres were brought together. In autumn 1920 the corps archive moved to the infantry barracks in Heilbronn. From January 1921, the Corps Archives entered the portfolio of the Reich Ministry of the Interior under the name Aktenverwaltung XIV, before being incorporated into the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam as the Heilbronn archive branch on April 1, 1921. As a result of the merger of the Heilbronn and Stuttgart branches of the Reich Archives, the holdings were transferred to Stuttgart in 1924. The Württembergische Archivdirektion, which took over the administration of the holdings of the Army Archives Stuttgart after the end of the Second World War, handed over the XIV Army Corps to the General State Archives Karlsruhe in the years 1947 to 1949. A very detailed history of the holdings is contained in the foreword of the Deputy General Command of the XIV Army Corps (holdings 456 F 8). 161 fascicles with a circumference of 4.50 linear metres are included. References: Die Badener im Weltkrieg 1914/18, edited by Wilhelm Müller-Loebnitz, Karlsruhe 1935.German Military History in six volumes 1648-1939, edited by the Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt Freiburg, Munich 1983.Fenske, Hans: Die Verwaltung im Ersten Weltkrieg, in: Deutsche Verwaltungsgeschichte, vol. 3, Stuttgart 1984, p. 866-908.Fischer, Joachim: Zehn Jahre Militärarchiv des Hauptstaatsarchivs Stuttgart, in: Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 37 (1978), p. 362-368.Jäger, Harald: Das militärische Archivgut in der Bundesrepublik für die Zeit von 1871 bis 1919, in: Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 1968/2, S. 135-138.Overview of the holdings of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, edited by Joachim Fischer (published by the Staatliche Archivverwaltung Baden-Württemberg, vol. 31), Stuttgart 1983.

B. · Fonds · 1396 - 1931
Fait partie de City Archive Fürth

The collection of the Counts of Pückler-Limpurg is one of the most important aristocratic archives in the region. It belongs to the Pückler-Limpurg Charitable Foundation and is held in trust by the Fürth City Archives. Insight into house and family matters is only possible with the consent of the Foundation. In terms of content, the entire spectrum of the grand administration as well as house and family affairs is covered. The private correspondence contains contacts to the most important noble families of the region, Germany and Europe, e.g. The von Thurn

Bank der Deutschen Arbeit (Stock)
BArch, R 8120 · Fonds · 1933-1940
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: The Bank der Deutschen Arbeit was founded in 1933 in Berlin as a private specialist bank by the smashing of the banks for workers, employees, and civil servants, controlled by the German Labor Front (DAF). It took over the assets of the free and Christian trade unions. At first, its main function was to provide credit for job creation and settlement purposes, later the bank developed into a general credit bank with a large number of branches in the German Reich and the occupied territories. Content characterization: In addition to a few Generalia 1925-1950, there are primarily individual case files for individual companies A-Z. State of development: Find index (1974) Citation method: BArch, R 8120/...

Becker, Carl Heinrich (Dep.) (inventory)
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Becker, C. H. · Fonds
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

The estate of the Prussian Minister of Culture Carl Heinrich Becker was given to the Secret State Archives in 1973 by his son Prof. Dr. Hellmut Becker as a deposit. The estate consists of two main groups, 1. correspondence and 2. factual documents. Business and factual correspondence were not separated, as the transitions were fluid and difficult to distinguish in individual cases. Associations, authorities, etc. are listed in the correspondence as correspondence partners and in the subject groups with writings, publications and statutes. In the case of factual files, a detailed division into individual subject groups was made. These are Carl Heinrich Becker's notes on official matters as well as Becker's publications and works as professor of Oriental Studies. The collection was edited by Dr. Cécile Lowenthal-Hensel, Heidemarie Nowak, Sabine Preuß and Elke Prinz. The technical writing work was done by Petra Bergert. The estate comprises 19 running metres from 1919 - 1933: VI HA, Nl Becker, C. H., Nr. The files are to be quoted: GStA PK, VI. HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Carl Heinrich Becker (Dep.), No. Berlin, September 1995 Ute Dietsch, Scientific Archivist Curriculum Vitae Carl Heinrich Becker Born in Amsterdam April 12, 1876 Father: Consul and banker of the Rothschild brothers 1895: Abitur in Frankfurt/Main, then studied Theology and Oriental Studies in Lausanne, Berlin and Heidelberg 1899 Doctorate as Dr. phil "cum laude" in Heidelberg 1900-1902 Study trips to Spain, Egypt, Greece, Turkey and Sudan 1902 Habilitation in Heidelberg Privatdozent für Semitische Philologie 14.3.1905 Married Hedwig Schmid, daughter of the Geheimes Kommerzienrat and banker Paul von Schmid-Augsburg (three children are born out of marriage) 1906 appointed full professor 1908-1913 professor and director of the Seminar for History and Culture of the Orient at the Colonial Institute in Hamburg, founder of the journal for history and culture of the Orient "Der Islam" 1.9.1913 appointed full professor and director of the newly established oriental seminar of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität 17.5.1916 Joined the Prussian Ministry of Culture as an unskilled worker 21.10.1916 Appointed secret governmental and lecturing council, responsible for the personnel affairs of the universities; at the same time honorary professor at the University of Berlin April 1919 Undersecretary of State April 1921 Prussian Minister of Culture, after six months return to his office as State Secretary Febr. 1925 reappointment as Minister of Culture Jan 1930 Resignation as Minister, resumption of his activity as Professor of Islamic Studies at the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin 1931 Appointment as 3rd professor of Islamic Studies at the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin. Vice-presidents of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften and Managing Director of the Institut für Semitistik und Islamkunde Chinareise on behalf of the Volkerbund for information on Chinese education Literature (in selection): H. Schaefer (ed.), Carl Heinrich Becker - ein Gedenkbuch. Göttingen 1950 G. Müller, University Reform and World Political Education. Carl Heinrich Becker's science and university policy 1908 - 1930 (mechanical diss.) Aachen 1989 C. Esser / E. Winkelhane, Carl Heinrich Becker - orientalist and cultural politician. In: The World of Islam (28) 1988 Description: Biographical Data: 1876 - 1933 Resources: Database; Reference Book, 5 vol.

Becker, Carl Heinrich
Stadtarchiv Mainz, Best. 209 · Fonds · 1806 - 1997 (2005)
Fait partie de City Archive Mainz (Archivtektonik)

The archive of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium was stored in the archive room of the Gymnasium, which was located in the basement of the building at 117er Ehrenhof, until it was taken over by the city archive on 3 September 2008. The files, photos and documents were stored on wooden and steel shelves and in locked steel cabinets (personalia), roughly sorted according to material groups, file groups or filing layers. Earlier registry orders were no longer recognizable. The printed programmes (predecessors of the annual reports) and prize distributions up to 1900, the testimonies from 1901 to 1944, censorship lists from 1894/95, 1900/01 and 1910/11 to 1944/45 (incomplete) as well as files up to 1992/2000 and photos up to 2005 were taken over by the City Archives, as well as a selection of course books from 1974/75, 1979/80, 1984/85, 1994/95 and 1995/96. The part of the school archive now stored in the town archives comprises the printed prize distributions of the Lycées of the Napoleonic period, the invitations and programmes of the Grand Ducal Gymnasium as well as the preserved documents of the Grand Ducal, Old (or Autumn) and New (or Easter) Gymnasiums. In addition, the records from the Hessian, National Socialist and post-war periods. The files of the representative for the secondary schools in Mainz 1945 (personal union with the then director Dr. August Mayer), the files of the circle of friends and sponsors of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium (formerly: Bund der Freunde und ehemaligen Schüler des Humanistischen Gymnasiums) and 2 files of the Philologenverband Rheinland-Pfalz (board in personal union with the director Dr. Peter Fehl) belong to the archive. The documents of the representative for the secondary schools in Mainz are especially interesting for the school system of the immediate post-war period in Mainz and because of the documented denazification measures of Mainz teachers. The circle of friends and supporters of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium takes care of contacts with former pupils, organises events and plays a decisive role in events such as school anniversaries. The registry work began in January 2011 and was completed in October 2013, the trainee Mrs. Saskia David recorded in August 2011 the archival records no. 209 / 400 - 708. Although two registry layers were still visible during the registry work, it must be stated that the majority of the originally existing registry orders have been dissolved over the decades. The school archive was thoroughly thinned again and again, especially for school anniversaries and commemorative publications or other publications. Documents were torn out of their original file context and brought into new "artificial" contexts. In this way, folders were created with topics such as "Interesting Facts on School History" or material collections for essays, commemorative publications, exhibitions and anniversaries. The two registration layers mentioned above included the administrative files from about 1930 to 1945, arranged according to the registration plan for secondary schools [signature 209 / 1042, with date of receipt stamp of 4 July 1931], which provides for file groups from I.1 to XXV.10, and the second administrative files from 1946 to 1959, which were created according to the same plan. The files were stapled in cardboard folders of different colours, handwritten with the registration signature and the title according to the registration plan. Since the folders contained a metal stapling, they were in most cases replaced by archive folders. The original registry signature, if available, is indicated in the Faust database and in the Findbuch in the category "Old registry signature". Archivale 209/978 contains an extended version of the above-mentioned registration plan (10 pages, typewritten, 1959). Until the end of the First World War, the tradition essentially consisted of testimonies, censorship lists and personal files, which began in 1870. With a few exceptions, the transmission of material files only begins at the end of the First World War. In Archivale 209 / 897, there is a reference to the fact that "the files of the Gymnasialarchiv are very incomplete, since a large part of them was lost during many years of storage in the wet cellar of the destroyed school building [at the 117er Ehrenhof]". School principal Dr. Fehl writes on 15.4.1959 (209/978): "Due to the effects of the war further documents, especially of the "Old Gymnasium" are no longer available." In addition, it is pointed out that "the files of the Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt and the school department of the then government in Darmstadt concerning the grammar school were completely destroyed by fire in 1944". (209/897) The holdings included two files of the Gutenberg School, Oberschule für Jungen (now Staatliches Gymnasium am Kurfürstlichen Schloss), which were added to the holdings of the City Archives: 202/246: Luftwaffenhelferangelegenheiten (1942-1945) and 202/247: Schülerunfallversicherung (1936-1944). The receipts of the 1960s, hourly tables of other federal states (1965), files on the class parents' advisory board, on long-distance calls, stocks of cleaning utensils and on the Mainz study level 1979/80 (13 D1-3, pupil's bows), a total of about 1 linear metre were collected. The holdings now include the indexes 1-1069, the following signatures were not assigned: 209 / 412, 413, 606, 671, 790, 975, 976. Because of the described state of the Gymnasialarchiv, a new overall content structure was created, which is based on the classification for the Gymnasium am Kurfürstlichen Schloss (holdings 202) archive already listed in the Stadtarchiv. The photo collection of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium, as far as it was taken over into the city archives, is extensive and includes photos from the 1890s to 2005. Unfortunately, it is largely disordered and still requires a proper sorting, sorting and indexing (cf. 209 / 1044-1069). 26.10.2013, Ramona Weisenberger School History The history of the Mainz Humanistic Gymnasium, today's Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium, has been excellently researched and published, only the commemorative publications "400 Jahre Gymnasium Moguntinum : Festschrift des Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasiums Mainz. - Mainz, 1962", "Gymnasium Moguntinum : the history of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. - Mainz, 1980" and "Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz : the history of the school / edited by Ferdinand Scherf, Meike Hensel-Grobe, Franz Dumont. - Ruhpolding [et al.], 2007" For an understanding of the files and the history of provenance, the important organisational changes in school history will be presented here. The file tradition does not begin until the 19th century, for the sake of completeness the prehistory is briefly mentioned below. The school was founded on 9.12.1561 as "Gymnasium Moguntinum" in the Burse Zum Algesheimer by the Jesuits and was also run by the Jesuits until 1773. From 1618 to 1782 it was in the Domus Universitatis and from 1782 to 1792 in the Kronberger Hof, where the seminary had previously been located from 1662 to 1773. In 1792 the school moved to the Augustinian monastery, where it remained until 1798, when the city was taken over by the French. Under French rule the grammar school was continued from 1798 to 1802 as a central school and from 1802 to 1814 as a French imperial lyceum in the former Jesuit novitiate. After the withdrawal of the French in 1814, the school now had its seat again in the Kronberger Hof as "Großherzoglich Hessisches Gymnasium bzw. Großherzogliches Gymnasium". In 1829 the "Bischöfliche Gymnasium", founded in 1805, was integrated into the Großherzogliche Gymnasium. In 1889 the grammar school was divided into two buildings due to the increasing number of pupils: In the new building on Kaiserstraße, where the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium is still located today, the middle and upper grades of the grammar school were first accommodated, the lower grades and three preschool classes were taught in the old grammar school at Kronberger Hof. In 1900 the Gymnasium was divided into two separate institutions with their own directors: the Großherzogliches Ostergymnasium in the Kaiserstraße with the start of school at Easter and the Großherzogliches Herbstgymnasium in the Kronberger Hof with the start of school in autumn. From 1912/13 the school year begins in all schools at Easter, so the Herbstgymnasium is renamed Altes Gymnasium and the Ostergymnasium is renamed Neues Gymnasium. Since the beginning of the war in 1914, the Neue Gymnasium on Kaiserstraße has served as a military hospital (after the end of the First World War, the French Girls' Lycée was set up there) and is therefore housed together with the Realgymnasium under catastrophic spatial conditions in today's Schlossgymnasium. In 1923 the Realgymnasium was confiscated by the French occupying authorities, now the Realgymnasium and Neues Gymnasium are accommodated in the Höhere Mädchenschule, the school attendance takes place in shifts. Under these poor conditions, the number of pupils in both the new and old grammar schools is declining. In response, the "Bund der Freunde des Menschenrechtsistischen Gymnasiums" was founded in 1922 to halt the decline of the Gymnasium. In 1924 Neues Gymnasium and Altes Gymnasium were merged in the Kronberger Hof to form the "Altes Gymnasium" or "Hessisches Altes Gymnasium". From 1925 the institution was called "Hessisches Gymnasium", as you can read on the certificates, or just "Gymnasium Mainz" (see 209/963). Starting from these years the number of pupils slowly rises again. Under National Socialist rule, the Gymnasium was renamed "Adam-Karrillon-Gymnasium" on 12 May 1933. Adam Karrillon was a former high school student, doctor and local poet. In January 1943 the lessons were transferred to the former Hermann-Göring-Schule, today the Staatliche Gymnasium am Kurfürstlichen Schloss. The school building of the Adam-Karrillon-Gymnasium is destroyed during the bomb attack on Mainz on 27.02.1945. After the end of the Second World War, teaching was resumed on 2 October 1945 at the Marienschule am Willigisplatz (today's Bischöfliches Willigis-Gymnasium) under the new director Dr August Mayer, who was also the representative for the secondary schools in Mainz. The name "Adam-Karrillon-Gymnasium" is no longer used, instead the school is again simply called "Gymnasium Mainz". In June 1953, the school was renamed "Staatliches Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium" (State Rabanus-Maurus Grammar School), which can now move back into the rebuilt school building on Kaiserstraße / 117er Ehrenhof. In 1958 the classical philologist Dr. Peter Fehl took over the management of the grammar school, which he held until 1977. In 1962 the school celebrates its 400th anniversary. The Mainz study level is introduced from the 1974/75 school year at the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium. 400 years Moguntinum High School. Festschrift of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Mainz 1962. Encounters. The conversation with Judaism at a Mainz school, edited by Helmut Link and Ferdinand Scherf. Mainz 1988: Encounters with Judaism at the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Follow-up volume, edited by Helmut Link and Ferdinand Scherf. Mainz 1993. Bickel, Wolfgang: The Castle of Education. Notes about the building of the new grammar school in Mainz, which was erected 100 years ago. In: Mainz Journal 83(1988), S. [165]-174. Brumby, Michael: 50 Years Ago. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 58(1995), after p. 216 [back cover and inside] Three times school. An interim balance, edited by the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Mainz 1992. Eigenbordt, Karl Wilhelm: Four school centuries. To the anniversary of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium. In: Das neue Mainz 1962, Nr. 5, S. 9-10. Elz, Wolfgang / Erbar, Ralph: "You are the Germany of the future". School in the early National Socialism (1934-1936) at the example of the Mainzer Gymnasium. Edition of a class book and suggestions for practical implementation. Bad Kreuznach [et al.] 2008. (PZ-Information ; 7/2008) Sources and literature reference pp. 138-141 Erbar, Ralph: Witnesses of Time? Contemporary witness talks in science and education. In: History for today 5 (2012), No. 3, p. 5-20. Fascination History. Young people have been researching Mainz history for 23 years at the "German History Pupils' Competition" for the Federal President's Prize, edited by Werner Ostendorf and Ferdinand Scherf. Mainz 1997. Fascination history. 27 years of student competition German history at the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz, edited by Werner Ostendorf and Ferdinand Scherf. 2nd, erw. Aufl. Mainz 2001. Fascination history. Young people explore Mainz history. Participants in the history competition 2004/05, Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. [Texts: Werner Ostendorf, Ferdinand Scherf]. Mainz 2005. Fehl, Peter: The grammar school from 1919 to 1961. In: 400 years grammar school Moguntinum. Festschrift of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Mainz, 1962, pp. 111-152: The Gymnasium from 1919 to 1961. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum. The history of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Mainz 1980, pp. 111-152: The Gymnasium from 1962 to 1979. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum. The history of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Mainz 1980, pp. 153-216 Franz, Jakob: On the naming of our school. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 39(1979), S. 4-6 Fritsch, Koloman: The Gymnasium during the Electoral period. In: Moguntinum Grammar School. The history of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Mainz 1980, pp. 9-71. Fritsch, Koloman: The Gymnasium in the Electoral Period. In: 400 years Gymnasium Moguntinum. Festschrift of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Mainz 1962, pp. 9-71. Moguntinum High School. The history of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. - Mainz: von Zabern, 1980. - XX, 228 p. Ill. Heiser, Hermann: School theatre also has its history. A contribution to 425 years of tradition at the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 50(1987), pp. 96-123. Krach, Tillmann: From the school desk to the front. The fate of the school leavers born in 1942. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 67 (2004), S. [126]-130. Krach, Tillmann: Carl Zuckmayer as a pupil of the Humanistic Gymasium. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 76(2013), p. 145-146: Teachers and pupils of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium in Mainz and their writings. A bibliographical selection, edited by the Stadtbibliothek Mainz. Mainz 1962. Ostendorf, Werner: "Familiar Strangers. Neighbours in history". History Competition of the Federal President 2012 In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 76(2013), p. 66-71. Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. The history of the school, edited by Ferdinand Scherf, Meike Hensel-Grobe, Franz Dumont. Ruhpolding [a.o.] 2007. Supplement: High school graduates of the Mainzer aldsprachlichen Gymnasium (Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium) from 1901-2007, edited by Karl-Heinz Knittel. Scherf, Ferdinand / Schütz, Friedrich: History lessons and archive. Experiences of a three-year cooperation between Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz and Stadtarchiv Mainz. In: Extracurricular learning in history lessons of the upper secondary school. Speyer 1979, p. 52-61 Scherf, Ferdinand: School in Transition - The Grammar School since 1945 In: Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. The history of the school. Ruhpolding [et al.] 2007, pp. 261-315 Scherf, Ferdinand: Carl Zuckmayer as a pupil. To a previously unknown photo. In: Blätter der Carl-Zuckmayer-Gesellschaft 10(1984), Nr. 3, S. 110-114 Scherf, Ferdinand: 425 Jahre Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Pictures from the school history, [Texts: Ferdinand Scherf]. Mainz 1986 [folder] Scherf, Ferdinand: 425 years Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 49(1986), pp. 83-97 Scherf, Ferdinand: 425 years Gymnasium Moguntinum. History, old languages, artistic activities and shaping the future at the "RaMa". In: Mainz. Vierteljahreshefte für Kultur, Politik, Wirtschaft, Geschichte 7(1987), H. 1, S. 101-104 Scherf, Ferdinand: Das Stadtarchiv Mainz - for 25 years a place of learning for young people. In: Mainzer Zeitschrift 96/97(2001/2002), p. 26-32 Scherf, Ferdinand: Four times 50 years. Anniversaries at the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium In: Mainz. Quarterly issues for culture, politics, economy, history 23(2003), H. 2, p. 6. Students explore the history of Mainz. Contributions to the "Schülerwettbewerb Deutsche Geschichte um den Preis des Bundespräsidenten" (German History Pupils' Competition for the Federal President's Prize) and specialist works on Mainz history. Written by pupils of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz, edited by Ferdinand Scherf and Friedrich Schütz. Mainz 1980: List of all competition entries by pupils of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz (1974 - 1980). In: Students explore the history of Mainz. Mainz 1980, p. 93. Vogt, Walter: A school celebrates its patron saint. In: Living Rhineland-Palatinate 17(1980), H. 2, S. 42-46. Vogt, Walter: The extension of the grammar school. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 41(1981), S. 47-49. Vogt, Walter: The official handover of our extension building. For the completion of the extension of our school. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 43(1983), pp. 49-52. From the fortress to the extension. In: Gymnasium Moguntinum 43(1983), pp. 53-62 Zuckmayer, Carl: The goal of the class. Humanist grammar school in anecdote and reflection. Speech on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the Humanistische Gymnasium in Mainz, held on 27 May 1962. In: Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz. Ruhpolding [et al.] 2007, pp. 325-340 Zuckmayer, Carl: The goal of the class. Special print for the 175th anniversary of the Philipp von Zabern publishing house. Speech on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the Humanistische Gymnasium in Mainz, held on 27 May 1962. 2nd edition. Mainz 1977 Zuckmayer, Carl: Spirit and Practice of Humanism. Speech on the occasion of the four hundredth anniversary of the Humanistische Gymnasium in Mainz, held on 27 May 1962. In: Blätter der Carl-Zuckmayer-Gesellschaft 7(1981), H. 4, p. 193-206 Gymnasium Moguntinum : Blätter des Freundes- und Fördererkreis des Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasiums Mainz, FFK. Mainz: Circle of friends and sponsors of the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium, 1953 ff. Annual report / Adam-Karrillon-Gymnasium, Mainz: about the school year ... Mainz, 1936-1941 Annual report of the Gymnasium zu Mainz for the school year ... Mainz: [s.n.], 1925-1930 Annual report of the Grand Ducal Old High School in Mainz for the school year ... Mainz : [s.n.], 1913-1917 Annual report of the Grand Ducal New High School (with preschool) in Mainz ... Easter ... Mainz : [s.n.], 1913-1917 Annual report of the Grossherzoglichen Ostergymnasium zu Mainz for the school year ... Mainz : Prickarts, 1902-1908 Annual report of the Grossherzogl. Herbst-Gymnasium in Mainz for the school semester ... Mainz : [s.n.], 1901-1912 Annual report of the Grossherzogl. Herbst-Gymnasium in Mainz for the school semester ...Mainz. 1900/01(1901) - 1911/12(1912). Report of the Grossherzogl. Oster-Gymnasium zu Mainz for the half-year autumn ... until Easter ... as a supplement to the programme of the Gesamgymnasium published in autumn 1900. Mainz : [s.n.], 1901-1901 Program of the opening of the new grammar school building Monday, November 4, 1889 ... school celebration / Grand Ducal Grammar School in Mainz. Prickarts, 1889. extent: [2] sheet closing ceremony of the school year ... / Grand Ducal Grammar School of Mainz. Mainz, 1861-1885 Programme of the Grand Ducal Grammar School in Mainz : School year ... Mainz: Prickarts. - Mainz : Seifert [at the beginning], 1854-1900 Program of the Großherzoglich Hessischen Gymnasium zu Mainz as an invitation to the public examinations and the awarding of prizes associated with a speech at the end of the course ... Mainz: Seifert, 1852-1853 Programme of the Grand Ducal Grammar School in Mainz : School year ... Mainz: Prickarts. Mainz: Seifert [at the beginning], 1854-1900 Invitation to the public examinations and the prize distribution at the Grand Ducal Grammar School in Mainz : at the end of the school year ... Mainz, 1819-1851 Listing of the pupils of the Großherzoglichen Gymnasium zu Mainz, who at the end of the school year ... of a prize or of the next passages. Mainz, 1817-1859

Bramann, Friedrich Gustav from (Dep.)
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Bramann, von · Fonds
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Friedrich (Fritz) Gustav von Bramann came from a family of landowners in East Prussia. Born on 25. In September 1854 in Wilhelmsberg near Darkehmen he attended the Gymnasium in Gumbinnen and then studied medicine at the University of Königsberg. In 1880 he did voluntary military service in a cuirassier regiment as a one-year volunteer, the second half as a one-year voluntary doctor. In the following years he participated in several military exercises and was promoted to general physician in 1905. In the years 1881 to 1884 von Bramann was an assistant at the surgical clinic of the University of Königsberg, received his doctorate in 1883 as Dr. med. and from 1884 was assistant to Prof. Dr. Ernst von Bergmann at the surgical clinic of the Charité in Berlin. Of decisive importance was von Bramann's stay in San Remo in 1887/1888 on the recommendation of Prof. von Bergmann. Here, in February 1888, he made a tracheotomy for Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm, who suffered from throat cancer, using chloroform as an anaesthetic. On his return to Berlin, von Bramann completed his habilitation and was appointed associate professor at the University of Berlin. He refused an appointment to the University of Greifswald in 1889, but one year later accepted an appointment to the University of Halle. Already accepted into the Hohenzollernorden in 1888, he was elevated to hereditary nobility in 1890. Further non-Prussian awards were added. Friedrich von Bramann died on 26 April 1913 in Halle and left his wife Hanna, née of Tronchin (died 1943) and four sons. Two of them, Goswin (born 1894) and Hellmuth (born 1895) fell in the First World War at intervals of two months (March and May 1915). The eldest son, August Friedrich, (née 1892) died in 1936; the fourth, Constantin lived from 1899 to 1989 and was last chief physician of the surgical clinic at the municipal hospital in Berlin Neukölln. The estate registered here, Friedrich Gustav von Bramanns, was presented to the GStA PK in 2011 by Dr. Hellmut von Bramann, a grandson of Friedrich Gustav von Bramann, as a deposit. The focus is on the correspondence between Ernst von Bergmann and his first assistant Friedrich Gustav von Bramann. It begins with the arrival of Bramanns in San Remo and extends over the entire stay, whereby the letters of Bramann are more numerous - von Bramann complains about missing answers (Nr. 13). On the other hand von Bergmann points out the increased workload in Berlin, which prevents him from writing more frequently (No. 22). Formulations from von Bramann's letters to von Bergmann were in part verbatim in the official Report (The illness of Emperor Frederick the Third, presented according to official sources and the figures given in the royal report) the House Department reports. Berlin 1888). This correspondence was already evaluated in the mid-1960s as part of a medical dissertation, to which Constantin von Bramann made his father's family-owned letters available (Christa Rinck, The course of the death sickness of Emperor Frederick III after the correspondence between E. v. Bergmann and Fritz Gustav Bramann. Diss. Berlin 1965). There are typewritten copies of the letters of Bramanns and von Bergmanns, which was probably written in the late 1950s / early 1960s by Mrs. Cläre Zimmermann, a sister of the secretary Dr. Constantin von Bramanns at the Neukölln Municipal Hospital, Ruth Zimmermann. Perhaps these (not entirely error-free) transcriptions were made with a view to an intended evaluation of the correspondence. The letters were put together with the transcriptions in an album. This formation was dissolved for conservation reasons. However, the album is under no. 52 in the estate. The tradition of the ministry of the Royal House (GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 100) as well as the Personalrepositur BPH, Rep. 52 Friedrich III. Last assigned no.: The estate is to be quoted: GStA PK, VI. HA Family archives and estates, Nl Friedrich Gustav von Bramann (Dep.), No. The estate is to be ordered: VI HA Nl Friedrich Gustav von Bramann (Dep.), No. Literature: - Winfried Burkert, The Surgeon Friedrich Gustav von Bramann. The Crown Prince's savior. Halle 2008 - Michael Freund, The drama of 99 days. Illness and Death of Frederick III, Cologne / Berlin 1966 - The Illness of Emperor Frederick the Third, presented according to official sources and the reports filed with the Royal Housing Ministry. Berlin 1888 - Christa Rinck, The Course of the Death Sickness of Emperor Friedrich III after the Exchange of Letters between E. v. Bergmann and Fritz Gustav Bramann. Diss. Berlin 1965 Berlin, October 2012 Dr. Schnelling-Reinicke Inventory description: Life data: 1854 - 1913 finding aids: database; find book, 1 vol.

C 2 (inventory)
Kreisarchiv Höxter, C 2 · Fonds
Fait partie de District Archive Höxter (Archive Tectonics)

Introduction : C 2 - Warburg Health DepartmentWith the "Law on the Unification of the Health System" of 3 July 1934, the establishment of health departments was ordered in the city and county districts on the basis of the lower administrative authority on 1 April 1935. The health offices were entrusted with the following tasks: health police, hereditary and race care including marriage counselling, public health education, school health care, maternal and child counselling, care for tuberculosis, sexually ill persons, physically handicapped persons, infirmity and addicts. In addition, it was planned to involve doctors in measures to promote personal hygiene and physical exercise as well as in official, court and confidential medical activities. The health offices were state institutions run by a state medical officer. The state health department in Warburg began its service on 1 May 1935. Initially, until June 1935, Dr. Walter Czerwionka, a medical assessor employed as a district physician since 1 February 1934, took over the management. However, Dr. Carl Kirchner began his service as director on 5 June 1935. The seat of the health office became the district administration office (Kreishaus), in which rooms for preventive health care already existed and in which the health office moved into the rooms that were actually intended to be used as a district administration apartment. However, these rooms were completely inadequate for the new requirements. Thus the winter garden, which was difficult to heat, was used as a waiting room and, since the appointment of an assistant doctor in January 1937, as her consulting room with "unbearable cold in winter", whereby the hallway had to become a waiting room. In 1941 the district administrator's room came to the health department. A new building was considered for several years, but planning was discontinued in 1942 due to the war. In May 1945 rooms and inventory were heavily devastated by the occupation soldiers. In May 1945, the district officer of the British military government seized the premises of the health department. The Health Department found an - inadequate and expensive - alternative quarter in the Commerzbank building and from 1951 in its rear building, the former hall of a hotel divided by press fabric walls. In 1959 the health department moved into a new building next to the district hall. By a joint decree of the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Finance of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia of 27 January 1947, it was ordered that the costs of the former state health offices for the accounting year 1947 be provided for in the district budgets. This also applied to the personnel costs of the medical officers. Until the end of the accounting year 1946 on 31 March 1947, the costs of the health offices were still borne by the State Treasury. By decree of 19 March 1947, the Minister of Social Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia ordered the districts to take over the entire staff and inventory. Thus the State Health Office Warburg was transferred to the district. The legal regulation took place only later. On 30 April 1948, the State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia passed the "Law on the Integration of State Special Authorities of the District Stage into the District and City Administrations". The first state medical officer and head of the health department was Dr. med. Carl Kirchner (born September 21, 1889 in Merseburg), who retired on March 31, 1952 due to a serious illness. On August 1, 1952, Dr. Karl-Theodor Roeingh, Medical Councillor, took over the management of the health office. Horst Zeidler, MD, was the last senior medical officer of the Warburg district. The holdings contain the files as they were transferred from the Warburg branch to the district archives. A small collection of 56 numbers of splinters can be found in the Landesarchiv Nordrhein-Westfalen (department OWL) in Detmold as "D 102 Gesundheitsamt Warburg". According to information in No. 80 of the holdings in the district archives, "a large part of the files of the health department was destroyed by the effects of war in 1945". A considerable part of the files and processes contained in the holdings are subject to official medical secrecy and may therefore only be used within 60 years of the creation of the documents or the final year of the file under special consideration of § 7 Paragraph 6 of the Archivgesetz Nordrhein-Westfalen (ArchivG NRW) of 16 March 2010. In the case of personal archive records, the provisions of § 7 (1) No. 1-3 and § 7 (6) No. 1-4 ArchivG NRW must also be taken into account. Höxter, February 2013 (Horst-D. Krus) It is to be quoted: District Archives Höxter C 2 No. ....

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 114 · Fonds
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

1 History of the authorities In the course of the wars of liberation, the Wroclaw Convention of 19 March 1813 formed a Board of Directors consisting of two German and two Russian members. This committee was headed by the baron from and to the stone, who is in Russian service. He was to take over the administration of the areas to be conquered in northern Germany, but his activities were effectively limited to Mecklenburg, Saxony and for a short time to some small Thuringian states. Since the Allied Powers had defined the tasks only without obligation and hardly supported his activities, he was unable to meet the expectations placed in him. For this reason, renewed negotiations took place between the Allies, which resulted in a new agreement. On 21.10.1813 the Leipzig Convention was concluded by the allied powers Austria, Russia, Prussia, Great Britain and Sweden. This agreement created the Central Administrative Department and dissolved the Central Administrative Council. Stein was again appointed head of the Central Department. The headquarters of the administration was located at the headquarters of the Allied Powers, first in Frankfurt am Main and later in Paris. The Central Administrative Department was responsible for the administration of the Kingdom of Saxony and the territories of the conquered Napoleonic satellite states (Kingdom of Westphalia, Grand Duchy of Berg, Grand Duchy of Frankfurt). Other Rhine Confederation states remained outside the authority's sphere of influence, as the princes concerned moved to the Allied camp in good time. The main tasks of the Central Administrative Department included: - Ensuring the supply of the troops of the Allied Powers in the administered territories - Contributions to the war costs of the Allied Powers through cash payments and supplies from the administered territories - Implementation of the national armament and installation of the land storm - Supervision of the national administration by the authorities of the administered territories during the transitional period. To carry out these tasks at regional level, several Generalgouvernements have been set up in the administered areas. The Generalgouvernements were subordinate to the Central Administrative Department and bound by Stein's instructions. To support the governors-general, councils were set up in the individual provinces to which nationals of the areas concerned, as well as some non-national civil servants, belonged. Existing administrations and authorities were largely used to carry out the administrative tasks. The following Generalgouvernements were formed: - Generalgouvernement Sachsen o Headquarters: Dresden o Governor General: initially Nikolai Grigorjewitsch Repnin-Wolkonski (1778-1845), Russian General - Generalgouvernement Berg o Headquarters: Düsseldorf o Governor General: first Justus von Gruner (1770-1820), then Prince Alexander von Solms-Lich - Generalgouvernement Frankfurt o Administrative seat: Frankfurt/Main - Generalgouvernement between Weser and Rhine o Administrative seat: Münster o Governor General: Ludwig von Vincke (1774-1844) - Generalgouvernement Mittelrhein (from 1814) o Administrative seat: Trier (later Koblenz, respectively. Mainz) o Governor General: Justus von Gruner - Generalgouvernement Niederrhein (from 1814) o Headquarters: Aachen o Governor General: Johann August Sack (1764-1831). In a position as head of the Central Department, Stein tried to work towards the political transformation of Germany. A number of draft constitutions and correspondence on various constitutional and constitutional issues bear witness to these efforts, which, however, did not lead to any tangible results due to the Allies' incipient restoration policy. After the conclusion of the First Paris Peace on 30.05.1814 the tasks of the Central Administrative Department were fulfilled and its dissolution followed. The managed areas have been handed over to the civilian administrative authorities. As late as 1814, one of Stein's closest associates, Johann Albrecht Friedrich von Eichhorn, wrote a publication that can be regarded as an account of the activities of the Central Administrative Department. 2 History of the holdings Unfortunately it is not possible to provide more detailed information on the history of the holdings, e.g. the time when the documents were taken over by the Secret State Archives of the PK. The original find book was recorded and compiled by the archivist Robert Arnold, who worked in the Secret State Archives from 1884-1891 and 1901-1910. After the Second World War, the holdings returned to the German Central Archive in Merseburg as a result of outsourcing and German division and, after reunification, to the Secret State Archive PK. The holdings search book was retroconverted in 2011 and 2012 by the archive employee Guido Behnke. The classification has been recreated. In addition, the existing file titles were reviewed and revised. In some cases, individual files had to be redrawn. As part of the distortion, the inventory was re-signed (conversion of the signature schema to Numerus currens). In order to make it easier to use the old signatures, which are no longer in use, a concordance was added to the search book. 3 References to other holdings and literature references 3.1 Holdings in the Secret State Archive PK 3.1.1 Generalgouvernement Sachsen - GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 172 Allied or Prussian Gouvernement for the Kingdom or Duchy of Saxony 3.1.2 Estates of Stein and his employees in the Central Department - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Squirrel - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Gruner I (M) - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Gruner - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Johann August Sack - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Karl vom Stein 3.2 Collections in other archives - Archive Schloss Cappenberg, Cap.C.I, Freiherr vom Stein's estate (cf. Der Freiherrn vom Stein im Archiv des Grafen von Kanitz auf Schloss Cappenberg / ed. by Norbert Reimann, edited by Annekatrin Schaller and Norbert Reimann. - 2 volumes. - Münster, 2009 - 1324 p.) 3.3 Literature (selection) - Botzenhart, Erich; Hubatsch, Walther (ed.): Freiherr vom Stein - Briefe und amtliche Schriften, Vol. 4: Preußens Erhebung - Stein als Chef der Zentralverwaltung - Napoleons Sturz (January 1813 - June 1814), Stuttgart 1963, 893 p. - Botzenhart, Erich; Hubatsch, Walther (ed.): Freiherr vom Stein - Briefe und amtliche Schriften, Vol. 5: Der Wiener Kongress - Rücktritt ins Privatleben - Stein und die ständischen Strstreben des westfälischen Adels (June 1814 - December 1818), Stuttgart 1964, 895 pp. - [Eichhorn, Johann Albrecht Friedrich:] The Central Administration of the Allies under the Baron of Stein, Berlin 1814, 140 p. - Hubatsch, Walther: The Stein-Hardenberg Reforms, Darmstadt 1977, 242 p. - Huber, Ernst Rudolf: German Constitutional History since 1789, Vol. 1, Stuttgart 1957, pp. 499-510 - Just, Wilhelm: Administration and Armament in Western Germany after the Battle of Leipzig in 1813 and 1814, Göttingen 1911, 118 pp. - Kielmansegg, Peter Earl of: Stein and the Central Administration 1813/14, Stuttgart 1964, 203 p. - Neigebaur, Johann Daniel Ferdinand: Presentation of the Provisional Administrations on the Rhine from 1813 to 1819, Cologne 1821, 345 p. - Vollheim, Fritz: The provisional administration on the Lower and Middle Rhine during the years 1814 - 1816, Bonn 1912, 256 p. - Wetzel, Paul: The Genesis of the Central Administrative Board appointed on 4 April 1813 and its effectiveness until the autumn of this year, Greifswald 1907, 110 p. 4 Notes, order signature and method of citation Scope of holdings: 149 SU (2.0 running metres) Duration: 1812 - 1815 Last issued signature: The files must be ordered: I. HA, Rep. 114, No. () The files are to be quoted: GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 114 Central Administrative Council of the Allied Powers, No. () Berlin, December 2012 (Guido Behnke) finding aids: database; finding guide, 1 vol.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 206 · Fonds
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary note The Senior Welfare Office for civil servants from the border areas was established at the same time as the Welfare Office for civil servants from the border areas (GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 180 C) with the law on the accommodation of indirect civil servants and teachers from the areas assigned by the Versailles Treaties (Accommodation Act) on 30 March 1920 (GS. p. 63). It was an appeal body to the welfare office for civil servants from the border areas and to the welfare office for teachers (stock not handed down). An appeal has been lodged against decisions concerning the termination of a post, the obligation of the Appointing Authority to notify a post, the right to register an applicant, the obligation for the applicant to accept an assigned post and the loss of the right to welfare of an applicant, the involvement of the Employers' Associations in the removal costs and the use of a post occupied contrary to the provisions of this Act. The law concerned indirect state officials who lost their office as a result of the assignment or occupation of Prussian parts of the country or gave up their office because, according to the circumstances, they could not be expected to continue their office under foreign rule. It also applied to the former Alsace-Lorraine indirect civil servants and teachers and to teachers who had had to give up their jobs in the foreign or colonial school service (the welfare office for teachers was responsible for this; its file stock is not handed down). The 1920 law was amended by the law of 21 May 1935 (p. 69). The Chief Welfare Office was under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance, but was affiliated to the Higher Administrative Court. It essentially consisted of members of the Higher Administrative Court appointed by the State Ministry; it was not received until 1945. The files listed here were transferred to the main archive in 1953 by the Higher Administrative Court in whose house, Berlin-Charlottenburg 2, Hardenbergstr. 31, was located. gez. Dr. Kober, May 2011 finding aids: database; finding guide, 1 vol.

Foreword: The find book was created in 1966 by Mr. Kossack, the head of the archive at that time. The following introductory presentation is limited primarily to administrative-historical aspects, the present collection being specifically the administrative management of the Charité Hospital. After the establishment of the institution in 1710, which was initially to serve as a plague hospital but then, since Berlin was spared the plague, served as a workhouse and garrison hospital, it was subordinated to the Prussian Poor Management. The Cabinet Order of King Friedrich Wilhelm I of 8 November 1726 expanded the facility into a citizen hospital according to the plan of the first inspector Christian Habermass. In 1798, in addition to the Directorate for the Poor, the College Medicum was included in the supervision of the Charité. The measure was intended to improve medical care and clinical education, as the poor management only supervised from the point of view of the administration. From the very beginning the training of military doctors for the Prussian army was in the foreground. As a result of the introduction of Stein's reforms, there was no more room for the two superior authorities. In 1816 it was subordinated to the Berlin government, which was part of the Ministry of the Interior as a central authority. After the dissolution of the Berlin government, supervision was transferred to the police president in Berlin. Various reforms were carried out concerning the internal conditions of the Charité as a teaching and medical institution. By the Regulativ of 7 September 1830 a "Royal Board of Trustees for Hospital Affairs" was created, which was subordinated to the Ministry for Spiritual, Educational and Medical Affairs. This board of trustees, as the central authority, from now on supervised the Charité, both from an administrative and a clinical point of view. The board of trustees consisted of a president and six other members. The President was the Privy Senior Medical Officer Prof. Dr. Johann Nepomuk Rust. Rust, who himself was director of the surgical and ophthalmological clinic of the Charité, carried out an important activity for the Charité. From the beginning, the management of the Charité was carried out by a doctor and, in administrative matters, by a chief inspector. In 1846 the management of the institution was transferred to an officer, the Major Hirsch, while the Chief Inspector Carl Heinrich Esse was responsible for the administrative affairs. This ended the supervision of the Board of Trustees for Hospital Affairs over the Charité. The dissolution of the Board of Trustees took place at the beginning of 1848. The Charité Hospital was now under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Spiritual, Educational and Medical Affairs. An "Instruction for the Directorate of the Royal Charité Hospital of 3 May 1846" regulated the legal status and duties of the director. An "Instruction für die Charité-Direktion zu Berlin" of 30 March 1850, issued by the Ministry for Spiritual, Educational and Medical Affairs, established the legal status and tasks of the Charité-Direktion. After Hirsch's departure in 1849, a directorate consisting of a medical director and an administrative director was set up. This instruction from 1850 remained in force until 1929. After that, the two directors were legally equal and had to fulfil the duties of the previous Board of Trustees. The powers conferred on the Charité directorate corresponded to those of the governments according to the instructions of 23 October 1817 and 31 December 1825. A cabinet order of 6 January 1904 determined that the post of medical director should always be filled by a senior military doctor. With the departure of the last medical director on 1 October 1929, this post was not filled again. This prompted the Ministry of Science, the Arts and National Education to submit a new draft instruction to the Administrative Director. Thereafter, the Charité was described as "an independent foundation under public administration, under public law, with its own legal personality". The legal representative was the Administrative Director of the Charité Hospital. His tasks included the "care for the Charité, the direct execution of the administrative business concerning them, the supervision of the economic and technical operations, the management of their property and cash management, as well as the preservation of their justice and the care and promotion of their internal and external existence". It has not been possible to establish whether these Instructions have entered into force. However, a review of the relevant administrative files of the inventory has shown that the draft instructions were followed until 1945. According to an overview of the areas of work existing in the Administration Directorate from 1931, the following areas were available: -Office Management - Calculature - Cash - General Registry - Spa Costs - Office - Reception and Health Interview - Costumery - Chancery - Chancery - Telephone Headquarters - Kitchen Administration - Home Management - Washing and Laundry - Inspections - Operations Inspection The Business Distribution Plan of 1 November 1937 lists 37 subject areas with 35 civil servants and 50 employees. No new business distribution plan was drawn up in the following years. (Cf. business distribution plan of the Charité management v. 1.11.1937 in: Charité-Direktion Nr. 2168 - Course of business of the Charité). History of records and holdings: I. Registry ratios: The registry of the Charité Directorate corresponds in its layout and management to the older authority registries. The file titles correspond to the file contents. Until the introduction of the standing file registry and the new file plan according to the decimal classification at the end of 1932, the registry management remained unchanged. There existed main groups, marked with Roman numerals. The further subdivision (Arabic numeral) referred to the subject group and the third numeral to the file unit (e.g. I.1.No.4). The administrative subordination of the Charité Hospital under 4 different central authorities (from 1727 Armen-Direktion, 1817 Regierung Berlin, 1822 Polizei-Präsidium Berlin, 1830 -1846 Kuratorium für die Krankenhaus-Angelegenheiten, from 1846 Ministerium für die geistlichen-, Unterrichts- und Medizinalangelegenheiten direkt) also had an effect on the registry conditions. Thus the files of the individual superior authorities kept on the Charité were inserted after the change of the subordination relationship of the registry of the Charité Directorate and continued there. The files, which were not continued at the Charité directorate, were retained in order not to break the historical context. The competent State Archives have been consulted and have given their consent. With the introduction of the new file plan at the end of 1932, two registry layers were created, so that according to § 62 OVG a separation of both registry layers was carried out while continuing the archive signatures. There was no interworking according to § 63 OVG. The new file plan was four-digit (Arabic numerals) and was initially retained in the years after 1945. TWO. Access: Before the takeover, the inventory was located in the administration building of the Faculty of Medicine (Charité). A pre-regulation after the registry signatures had already taken place. In order to be able to carry out archive indexing and to achieve controlled use, it was necessary to transfer the holdings to the university archive. The takeover took place in the spring of 1961. The archive had to be rearranged according to the registry signatures, which took place in the autumn of 1961. The collection also includes approx. 500 books of recordings/receptions from the 1st half of the 18th century to the end of the 19th century, which are stored separately and were not included in the finding aid book. III. archival treatment: After completion of the order work 1963 with the listing was begun. The file units were listed individually. The "extended distortion" (§ 87 OVG) was applied. The internal order was based on the existing registry order, since this remained unchanged during the activity of the registry trainer (§ 61 OVG). A reorganization was therefore not necessary (§ 65 - 68 OVG). The stocktaking process was carried out in accordance with § 49 OVG, since the number of files of the poor directorate, the government of Berlin, the police headquarters and the board of trustees for hospital affairs, which were not continued, is very small. In spite of the two existing registry layers, a continuous distortion of the inventory was carried out. The indexing was carried out in the years 1963 - 1965 by the then head of the university archive, Mr. Kossack. Citation style: HU UA, Charité-Verwaltungsdirektion.01, No. XXX. HU UA, ChVD.01, No. XXX.

BArch, RM 110 · Fonds · 1914-1918
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Description of the stock: On 29.8.1914 the commander of the naval air departments was appointed, who in 1916 became commander of the naval aviation departments, later naval flight chief and to whom the commanders of the planes were subordinated. The naval flight chief was responsible for the provision of all flight personnel and for fulfilling the military requirements for seaplanes and ground organisation. The Naval Air Force consisted of seaplane and naval land flight departments, seaplane and naval land flight stations, training and special units as well as front units of the naval pilots. Characterisation of the content: The naval flight commander handed down the orders, company and operational files on air warfare and operations on several theatres of war, weekly and monthly reports as well as the "Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiet des Luftkrieges". In addition, the war diary documents, documents on personnel and weapons matters as well as daily and weekly reports of the individual air force commanders have also been handed down from time to time. A large part of the documents may have been transferred to the Luftarchiv at that time and destroyed in 1945. State of development: Online-Findbuch Scope, Explanation: Stock without increase 18.2 lfm 635 AU Citation method: BArch, RM 110/...

Leaflets, pamphlets, invitations, programmes, commemorative publications, newspapers, articles, disputes, memoranda, speeches, occasional poems - each unique - about Cologne, its past and history. I. Imperial city; Icewalk from 1784, funeral service for Emperor Leopold II, Imperial Post Office in Cologne, pamphlet of the evangelicals against mayor and council in Cologne (Wetzlar 1715), municipal lottery, occasional poems for weddings, individual personalities (Jan von Werth, Frhr. Theodor Steffan von Neuhoff); II. Time of the French occupation 1794-1815: opening of the Protestant church (1802), educational affairs (Collége de Cologne, Université), Heshuisian inheritance, secularization, Peace of Tilsit, election of the department 1804; assignates, dentists, liberation wars; successor society of the society at Wirz, Neumarkt (1813); III. Prussian period (1815-1945): Visit of members of the Prussian royal house, imperial birthday celebrations, cathedral, cathedral building, cathedral completion celebration 1880, cathedral building association; Hohenzollern bridge, southern bridge, monument to Friedrich Wilhelm III, Laying of the foundation stone of the Rhine. Appellhofs (1824), building festival for the town hall (1913), town hall, provost's house at St. Maria ad Gradus; suburbs (terrain in Marienburg, parish St. Marien, Kalk: Fabriken, Arbeiter, 1903); travel brochures, city maps, articles on Cologne for tourism; commemorative and public holidays; revolution 1848; parties, elections (centre, liberal parties, social democratic party); Reichstag elections, city elections; city announcements/publications, decrees concerning the city of Cologne. Debt management (1824), rules of procedure of the city council, census, distribution of business in the administration; announcements of the news office; general comptoir or table calendar 1814-1829 (incomplete); programmes of the Konzertgesellschaft Köln and the Gürzenich concerts (1849-1933); programmes of the chamber music concerts (1897-1914); programmes of the Musikalische Gesellschaft (1900-1916), music festivals, etc. Lower Rhine Music Festivals (1844-1910); Cologne Theater Almanach (1904-1908), City Theater, Schauspielhaus, including program booklets and leaflets; Theater Millowitsch; musical performances at celebrations and festivals, concert programs; Cologne Arts and Crafts Association (Annual Report 1912); Rheinisch-Westfälisches Wirtschaftsarchiv: Statutes, Rules of Procedure 1907; Exhibitions, etc. Art in Cologne private possession (1916), Carstan's Panoptikum (1888), German Art Exhibition, Cologne 1906, Deutsche Werkbund-Ausstellung 1914, Exhibition for War Welfare Cologne 1916; Handelshochschule Köln; university courses in Brussels (1918); Women's university studies for social professions (1916/17); music conservatory (1913); grammar schools, further education schools, elementary schools, weaving school in Mülheim, Waldschulhof Brück (1917), elementary school teachers' seminar; scientific conferences: 43. Meeting of German Philologists and Schoolmen 1895, IX. Annual meeting of the Association of Bathing Professionals 1910, 12th Association Day of the Association of German Professional Fire Brigades 1912; occasional poems for family celebrations, weddings; associations; programmes, membership cards, diplomas, statutes of health insurance funds and death funds; Catholic Church: associations, parishes, saints and patrons; Protestant Church: religious service order or Death ceremonies for the chief president Count Solms-Laubach (1822), for Moritz Bölling (1824); inauguration of the new synagogue, Glockengasse (1861); military: regimental celebrations, forbidden streets and restaurants (before 1914); memorandums about the garrison Cologne (1818); food supply in the First World War: food stamps, bread and commodity books, ration coupons and forms, etc.a. for coal purchasing; Einkaufs-Gesellschaft Rhein-Mosel m. b. H.Economy: Stadtsparkasse, cattle market in Cologne, stock exchange, beer price increase 1911; individual commercial enterprises, commercial and business buildings, hotels: brochures, letterheads, advertising cards and leaflets, price lists, statutes; shipping: Rhine shipping regulations, timetables, price lists, memorandums; main post office building, inauguration 1893; Rheinische Eisenbahn, Köln-Gießener Eisenbahn; German-French War 1870/71; First World War, etc.a. Leaflets, war loans, field letters, war poems; cruisers "Cologne"; natural disasters: Rhine floods, railway accident in Mülheim in 1910, hurricanes; social affairs: charity fair, asylum for male homeless people, possibly home for working young girls, invalidity and old-age insurance; St. Marien-Hospital; Sports: clubs, sports facilities, gymnastics festivals; Carnival: programs, carnival newspapers, - songs, - poems; celebrations, ceremonies for imperial birthdays, enthronements of archbishops, celebrations of other personalities; IV. Weimar Republic and National Socialism: floods; churches, treasure chambers; cathedral; individual buildings, monuments, including the old town, town hall, Gürzenich, Haus zum großen Rosendal, Mühlengasse; Revolution 1918: workers' and soldiers' council; gifts, honorary citizenship to NS greats; hanged forced laborers; bank robber Gebrüder Heidger (1928); municipal and other official publications concerning the Weimar Republic and National Socialism. Luftschutz, NSRechtsbetreuungsstelle; Newsletter of the Welfare Office 1937, 1938; Kameradschaftsdienst der Verwaltung für Wirtschaftsfürsorge, Jugendpflege und Sport 1940, 1943, 1944; Müllabfuhr und Müllverwertungsanstalt, Wirtschaftspolitik, Industrieansiedlung, Eingemeindung von Worringen, Erweiterung des Stadtgebiets; political parties: Advertising flyers for elections, pins, badges of DNVP, NSDAP, SPD, centre; camouflage letters of the KPD; appeals, rallies of various political groups, including the Reich Committee for the German Referendum (against the Young Plan, 1929), Reich Presidential Election, referendum in the Saar region, Working Committee of German Associations (against the Treaty of Versailles); Municipal Stages: Periodical "Die Tribüne", 1929-1940, annual reports 1939-1944, programme and cast sheets for performances in the opera house and the Schauspielhaus, also in the Kammerspiele; Lower Rhine music festivals; galleries (Dr. Becker, Goyert), Kölnischer Kunstverein: Invitations to exhibitions (1934-1938), circulars to members; art auctions at Fa. Math. Lempertz (1925-1931); music performances, concerts: Kölner Männer-Gesang-Verein, municipal orchestra, concerts of young artists, Concert Society Cologne; Millennium Exhibition 1925; museums: Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Kunstgewerbemuseum (among others monuments of old Russian painting, 1929), Schnütgen-Museum, art exhibitions, among others. Arno Breker (NSDAP-Gaupropaganda-Amt Gau Köln-Aachen), exhibition of works by West German artists (Deutsche Arbeitsfront), Richard Seewald, Deutscher Künstlerbund, Ausstellungsgemeinschaft Kölner Maler; universities, including the University of Cologne (lecture timetables, new building, anniversary 1938), Hochschule für Musik bzw. Conservatory of Music in Cologne; Reich activity reports of the foreign office of the lecturers of the German universities and colleges (1939-1942); Lower Rhine music festivals; scientific and cultural institutions and events and events in the region.a. Petrarca-Haus, German-Italian Cultural Institute, Volksbildungsstätte Köln, German-Dutch Institute, Cologne Meisterschule, Vereinigung für rechts- und staatswissenschaftliche Fortbildung in Köln, Austrian Weeks, Kampfbund für deutsche Kultur e.V.Conferences (Westdeutscher Archivtag 1939, Deutsche Anthropologische Gesellschaft 1927, Rheinische Siedlungstage 1925, Conference for Monument Conservation and Cultural Heritage Protection, Grenzland-Kundgebung der Beamten der Westmark, Cologne 1933, Internationaler Brieftauben-Züchter- Kongress (IBRA) 1939; Schools: Invitations, Testimonials Concerning the German Anthropological Society 1927, Rheinische Siedlungstage 1925, Conference for the Preservation of Monuments and Cultural Heritage, Borderland Demonstration of the Officials of the Westmark, Cologne 1933, Internationaler Brieftauben-Züchter-Kongreß (IBRA) 1939; Schools: Invitations, Testimonials Concerning the German Anthropological Society 1927, Rheinische Siedlungstagestage 1925, Conference for the Preservation of Monuments and Cultural Heritage, Borderland Demonstration of the Officials of the Westmark, Cologne 1933, International Brieftauben Congress (IBRA) 1939) Elementary schools, vocational schools, grammar schools; Sports: Vaterländische Festspiele 1924, Zweckverband für Leibesübungen Groß-Köln, 14th German Gymnastics Festival 1928, II German Fighting Games 1926, Leichtathletik-Welt- und Länderkämpfe, Westdeutscher Spielverband, Hockey-Damen-Länderspiel Deutschland- Australien 1930, Excelsior-Club Köln e.V., XII. Bannerspiele der weiblichen Jugend der Rheinprovinz 1926; Catholic Church (official announcements and publications, e.g. Kirchlicher Anzeiger für die Erzdiözese Köln; pamphlets; programme, prayer slips); British occupation, French colonial troops in the Rhineland, identity cards, passports; British World War I pamphlets; Liberation celebration in Cologne 1926; Second World War: appeals, leaflets concerning the Second World War; information leaflets concerning the Second World War: "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution". Air raids, defence, low-flying combat, darkening, etc.; newspaper articles about air raids on Cologne; advertising: leaflets, leaflets of the advertising office, the Cologne Week publishing house and the Cologne Tourist Association for Cologne, including the surrounding area and the Rhine Valley; invitations, menus to receptions and meals of the Lord Mayor Adenauer (1927-1929); pay slips, work certificates, work books of Cologne companies; Cologne Trade Fair: Programmes, brochures, adhesive stamps, catalogues for trade fairs and exhibitions (1924-1933); food stamps and cards for World War I; announcements; clothing cards, basic cards for normal consumers for World War II; vouchers for the city of Cologne (emergency money) from 1920-1923, anniversary vouchers for Gewerbebank eGmbH Köln-Mülheim, also for Dellbrücker Volksbank eGmbH; savings banks: Annual reports of the Sparkasse der Hansestadt Köln; documents, savings books of the Spar- und Darlehnskasse Köln-Dünnwald, the Kreissparkasse des Landkreises Köln, Bergheim und Mülheim, also the branch Köln-Worringen, the Bank des Rheinischen Bankverein/Rheinischen Bauernbank; Köln-Bonner-Eisenbahnen: Annual reports, balance sheets (1939-1941); trams: Annual Report, Annual Report (1939, 1940), Ticket; Köln-Frechen-Benzelrather Eisenbahn: Tariffs; Shipping: Preussisch-Rheinische Dampfschiffahrts-Gesellschaft zu Köln, Dampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft für den Nieder- und Mittelrhein zu Düsseldorf (Annual Reports 1938-1940), Köln- Düsseldorfer Rheindampfschiffahrt, Weber-Schiff (Timetables); Kraftverkehr Wupper-Sieg AG, Wipperfürth (Annual Reports 1939, 1940, Advertising Brochure 1937); Advertising brochure of the Airport Administration Cologne (1929); Individual Companies: House announcements, advertising leaflets, cards, brochures, adhesive stamps, receipts from industrial companies (Ford Motor Company AG, Glanzstoff- Courtaulds GmbH, Herbig-Haarhaus, department stores). Department store Carl Peters, insurance companies, newspapers, publishing houses, bookstores, craft businesses, shops (tobacco shops); Cologne bridges (Mülheimer bridge), post office, restaurants, hotels; invitations to festivals, events, anniversaries of associations, programmes; professional associations; cooperatives (Cologne-Lindenthal cooperative savings and building association (1930-1938); social affairs: Cologne emergency aid, housing assistance, sending of children (mostly official printed matter); collecting cards from Cologne and other companies, above all from the food and luxury food industries, such as coffee and tobacco companies, etc.a. the companies Haus Neuerburg, Himmelreich Kaffee, Stollwerk AG, König

Corporation of the merchants of Berlin
A Rep. 200-01 · Fonds · (1725-) 1820-1920 (-1938)
Fait partie de State Archive Berlin

On 2 March 1820, King Frederick William issued a statute for the merchants of Berlin. It received the name "Korporation der Berliner Kaufmannschaft". Superior authorities were the municipal authorities of the city of Berlin and the Prussian Ministry for Trade and Industry. Joining the corporation was a free decision. In order to obtain the commercial rights (credibility of the books, interest and commissions, changeability, social status of the assistants), however, accession was a prerequisite. The guild of cloth and silk traders, the guild of material traders and the stock exchange corporation merged to form a new association in the corporation of the Berlin merchants. She managed the affairs of the merchant team and represented them externally. Her area of responsibility included the cities of Berlin and Charlottenburg. After the establishment of a chamber of commerce in Berlin on April 29, 1902 according to the law of August 19, 1897, the corporation ceded its public law tasks to the chamber of commerce, but remained in existence alongside the chamber of commerce as a self-governing body and was finally dissolved only in 1920.- Organisation and assets (real estate, finance, elections, elders, advisory boards, celebrations, foundations) - Chambers of commerce and associations (chambers of commerce, commerce and agriculture, companies, cooperatives, associations, federations, federations, international congresses).- Berlin Stock Exchange (incl. Court of Honour) - trade and industry (individual branches of trade, crafts, working hours, arbitration, trade with foreign countries, exhibitions, taxes, customs) - transport (railways, shipping, packing yards) - expert opinions Commissions and deputations. Commercial college Berlin, indexed: 1405 [AE] 52,95 [lfm].Duration: (1725 -) 1820 - 1920 (- 1938).Use: database, find book, finding aids.References:- LAB A Rep. 010-02 Magistrat der Stadt Berlin, Städtische Baupolizei- LAB A Rep. 016, Magistrat der Stadt Berlin, Gewerbedeputation- LAB A Rep. 201 Gewerberat zu Berlin- LAB A Rep. 200-02-03 Handels-Hochschule Berlin- BLHA Pr. Br. Rep. 070 Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Berlin-Brandenburg- GStA I. HA Rep. 120 Ministry of Trade and CommerceLiterature:- Berlin. In: Now living Kauffmannschaft in and outside Germany. First Versuvh. Leipzig 1743 - The corporation of the merchants of Berlin. Commemorative publication on the occasion of the centenary on 2 March 1920, Berlin 1920 - Demeter, Karl: Private Wirtschaftsarchive in Berlin. In: Archivalische Zeitschrift, ed. by der bayerischen Archivverwaltung, 44th Vol. (1936), Munich 1936 - Cuba, Karlheinz: The holdings of the Berlin Merchants' Corporation and their significance for the economic history of the 19th and early 20th centuries. In: Series of publications of the Stadtarchiv Berlin, Vol. 1 (1964), H. 2, pp. 109-118.

Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, D 23 · Fonds · 1918-1977
Fait partie de Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • 1918-1977, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, D 23* description: Adaptation - Maxi Sophie Eichhorn Character of the holdings - The estate of Karl Hartenstein forms an extensive collection of his work in an eventful period. - His work as a pastor and scientific worker can be read from the extensive sermon and lecture material, the documents of the Basel Mission reflect his activity as a mission director and passionate mission representative, as also the correspondence material, e.g. with international mission workers, the Evangelical Church of Germany (EKD) or pastors of the regional church, proves. Karl Hartenstein always remained open to all demands and proved his pastoral talent not least during the war in Stuttgart. - The collection provides an excellent illustration of a personal life path marked by the upheavals of the 20th century: decisions and paths were shaped by the First World War, the Third Reich and the period of reconstruction in Germany, the close connection to Basel was a positive effect of that time, for example, Hartenstein's departure and the accompanying end of his rectorate at the beginning of the Second World War are rather ambivalent. - In its entirety, the collection reflects missionary activity in the first half of the 20th century and the personal and inner-church changes triggered by the Second World War, up to the reconstruction of the Württemberg regional church and the renewal of worldwide missionary activity. Biographical Information - Karl Wilhelm Hartenstein, born on 25 January 1894 in Stuttgart - Bad Cannstatt, was the eldest of three sons of the Hartenstein banking family. His childhood was marked by a bourgeois evangelical education. The usual military year followed the school leaving examination in 1912. During this time Karl Hartenstein began to deal more intensively with his faith and religion. His parents did not oppose the increasing desire to study theology, although Karl Hartenstein was intended to take over his father's business. After a year at Tübingen University, in which he joined the student fraternity Nicaria and met his later wife Margarete Umfried, Hartenstein had to go to war with the Western Front in 1914. Not only the promotion to officer during the wartime and the resulting responsibility for many comrades, but also the maturation and consolidation of a faith continued significantly due to the war impressions. In the spring of 1919 Hartenstein was able to resume his studies and after his exam in 1921 in Calw near Stuttgart, a short time later in his home community Bad Cannstatt he took over the temporary parish service. Already in 1922, after one year of intensive church work, he was appointed as a Repetent (teaching activity) to the Tübinger Stift, where he devoted himself to theological studies, e.g. the Römerbrief commentaries of Karl Barth, in addition to his activity, and wrote his doctorate. His marriage to Margarete Umfrid coincided with the start of his first permanent parish post in Bad Urach in 1923. At the foot of the Swabian Alb Hartenstein systematically expanded the church work, so that not only the Inner Mission, but also the Outer Mission soon belonged to the successful interest of his church. When a new director of the Basler Mission was sought in 1926, whose seat was traditionally occupied by a German representative, the choice quickly fell on the ambitious pastor from Bad Urach, who also accepted the surprising offer after a period of reflection. - As director of the Basler Mission, the largest mission agency of that time, important tasks such as the reconstruction of mission fields lost in the First World War awaited the youngest leader ever to lead the Basler Mission. Karl Hartenstein was also responsible for the supervision of the administration, as leading member of the inspectors' conference and the committee, and as pastor for the missionaries. The annual mission festival, his travels to India and Africa, which quickly earned him a good reputation in international missionary work, were the highlights of Hartenstein's time in Basel, along with the births of his three sons (1928: Hermann, 1931: Markus, 1935: Gottfried). For the political turnaround in Germany, from which Hartenstein only turned away after a "closer look" and clearly joined the Confessing Church, was to weaken his position, so that with the outbreak of the Second World War Hartenstein's time in Basel was over. - As an authorized representative of the Basler Mission - Deutscher Zweig (Basel Mission - German Branch), he tried from 1939 on to secure the assets of the Mission Society from Stuttgart, but was mostly cut off from the exchange with the management in Basel. - In 1941, Hartenstein responded positively to the request of Theophil Wurm, Bishop of the State of Württemberg, to act as Prelate of Stuttgart, thus the former Mission Director became one of the closest advisors to the Bishop of the State of Württemberg, Wurm. However, the effects of the war gradually pushed back everyday church life, air raids destroyed churches, houses and authorities, and communication shrank to a minimum. - With the end of the war, a busy time began for the prelate: Hartenstein acted as the contact man for the regional church between the occupying powers and the municipal and state authorities, and the return to Basel seemed closed. In 1948 Karl Hartenstein rejected the office of the regional bishop, but he became a member of the Council of the Protestant Church in Germany and took part in international mission events, for example in Amsterdam in 1948. Since his return in 1939 Karl Hartenstein had suffered various health setbacks, in 1949 he fell ill at heart and struggled with death, so that he voluntarily resigned from several offices. The major church events in 1952, the World Mission Conference in Willingen (Hesse) and the German Protestant Church Congress in Stuttgart, were still co-organized and organized by Hartenstein, but on October 1, 1952 he died surprisingly of his heart disease and was buried in the Stuttgart forest cemetery. History of the Collection - The estate of Karl Hartenstein was handed over to the Landeskirchlichen Archiv in 1964 and incorporated into the archive's collection of estates as Collection D 23. In 1976, Albrecht von Stackelberg recorded part of the files (order no.: 176-270) in a detailed manner, which meant that the holdings could not be used as a unit. In spring 2005, as part of the final training course for the signatories' upscale archives service, the unprocessed part of the training began to be indexed. The units entered into the Faust archive program were not as deeply recorded in this section as in the section completed in 1976. After completion of the distortion, the old find book units could also be entered in fist stones, whereby they were partly divided for packaging reasons. The subsequent classification reflects Hartenstein's various life periods and his diverse activities. The collection covers the period 1926-1954, with a focus on the period after 1945. The photos contained in the estate were transferred to the photographic collection of the Regional Church Archive, and the existing library holdings were passed on to the Regional Church Central Library.
Hartenstein, Karl
Dean's Office Homberg (existing)
Landeskirchliches Archiv Kassel, D 2.2 Homberg · Fonds
Fait partie de Regional Church Archive Kassel

Description: from 1531(1537) 6 large Superintendenturen: Kassel (with Homberg), Rotenburg, Marburg, Alsfeld and St. Goar starting from 1585 office Homberg: forms the Superintendentur Kassel with 16 further offices beside the Superintendenturen (Rotenburg) - Allendorf, Lutherische Superintendentur Marburg, Reformierte Inspektur Hersfeld, Inspektur Hersfeld and from 1686 franz. Inspection from 1610 Convents (parish priests only): probably also Convent Homberg - at the head: Metropolitan from 1780 parish class Homberg (ecclesiastical district), Superintendententur Kassel - at the head: Metropolitan from 1886 Superintendententur Ziegenhain - Homberg with Superintendent in Ziegenhain 13 small Superintendententuren or Diöcesansynodalverbände - at the head: Superintendent with the parish classes: Ziegenhain, Neukirchen, Treysa, Homberg, the ref. communities of Marburg and the ref. Class Frankenberg - at the head of the parish class: Metropolitan from 1923 Church District Homberg - at the head: District Priest from 1945 Church District Homberg (Dean's Office) - at the head: Dean Classen, Wilhelm: Die kirchliche Organisation Alt-Hessens im Mittelalter During the restructuring of the Hessian church under Phillip, the old Catholic order had been completely abandoned and rebuilt on the secular, administrative structure of the country. The six superintendencies created in 1531 by the ecclesiastical ordinance were maintained to the same extent by the second order of 1537 and formed the basis of the entire administration for a long time. These are the following districts of 1st Kassel (Ämter Trendelburg, Sababurg, Grebenstein, Zierenberg, Wolfhagen, Hasungen, Gudensberg, Felsberg, Homberg, Borken, the three Kassel offices); 2. Rotenburg (offices Melsungen, Spangenberg, Lichtenau, Ludwigstein, Allendorf, Eschwege, Wanfried, Rotenburg, Sontra, Friedewald, Vacha, Herleshausen, Gleichen, Schmalkalden and the cities Hersfeld and Waldkappel); 3. Alsfeld (Alsfeld, Romrod, Kirtorf, Homberg-Ohm, Burggemünden, Grünberg, Ziegenhain, Neukirchen, Ulrichstein, Schotten, Nidda, Sturmfels and the cities of Treysa and Schwarzenborn) 5th St. Goar 6th Darmstadt This order remained undisturbed for a long time, initially even after the division of 1567/8 although the superintendencies and partial principalities overlapped. 1574 the first adaptation to the new political conditions took place: the offices of Ziegenhain and Neukirchen.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 77/1 · Fonds · 1914-1920, Vorakten ab 1878, Nachakt
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1st Deputy General Command XIII (K.W.) Army Corps: When Emperor Wilhelm II declared a state of war on the Reich's territory on 31 July 1914, the Prussian Law on the State of Siege of 4 June 1851, which conferred executive power on the military commanders, came into force at the same time (1). The military commanders were the commanding generals of the individual army corps and the governors and commanders of fortresses whose orders had to be obeyed by the civilian authorities. For the first day of mobilization, 2 August 1914, the mobilization plan provided for the establishment of the deputy command authorities, which, after the previous command authorities had moved away, were to take over their command and business area independently on the sixth day of mobilization (2). At the same time, the powers of the military commander were transferred to the deputy commanding general, who led the supreme command of the remaining occupying, replacement and garrison troops. Only responsible to the emperor as the "Most High Warlord", the military commander was not bound to instructions of the Bundesrat, the chancellor or the war ministry. According to Article 68 of the Reich Constitution, the military commander assumed responsibility for handling the state of siege in his area of command. The constitution allowed him to intervene in the legal situation by declaring the intensified state of war, to restrict constitutionally guaranteed freedoms and to establish war courts. In Württemberg, however, the declaration of the intensified state of war was dispensed with, since the existing laws offered a sufficient basis for the ability of the deputy commanding general to act (3). Although the cooperation between military commanders and civilian authorities was not regulated uniformly until October 1918, in Württemberg, similar to Bavaria, there was from the outset a coordination between the military and civilian executive powers. This was particularly encouraged by the union of the offices of Minister of War and Deputy Commanding General in the hands of General von Marchtalers (4). Army corps were from 2.8.1914 to 1.9.1914 general of the infantry retired Otto von Hügel, from 1.9.1914 to 21.1.1916 general of the infantry Otto von Marchtaler and from 21.1.1916 to end of war general of the infantry retired Paul von Schaefer. Chief of Staff was Major General 2. D. Theodor von Stroebel (5) from the beginning to the end of the war. At the beginning of the mobilization, 7 officers and 14 sub-officials transferred to the Deputy General Command, which had its official seat at Kriegsbergstraße 32. It soon became apparent that the business volume was expanding considerably, individual lines of business were growing strongly and new ones were being added, so that an increase in the number of employees and the expansion of the premises became necessary. The new tasks brought a further strong enlargement of the administrative apparatus under the sign of the "Vaterländischen Hilfsdienst" and the Hindenburg Programme (6). The scope of duties of the Deputy General Command included military, economic and political matters. Various authorities were subordinated to him: the Deputy Infantry Brigades, the Landwehr Inspectorate, since 1917 the Military Central Police Station and the Post- and Deport Monitoring Centre (Schubpol) Stuttgart. The distribution of responsibilities changed several times in line with the expansion of tasks. According to the business distribution plan (Appendix), which came into effect on 27 August 1917, the central task was initially to ensure that the field army could meet its needs for crew and war material. The recruitment and training of replacements, the establishment of the "troop units ordered by the War Minister and the transfer of replacement crews to the field troops were priority tasks" (Departments l a and Il b). A subdivision la 3, specially created for horse affairs, which dealt with the recruitment and military and civilian use of horses in the troops and at home, underlines the great importance of the horse as a riding, working and pack animal in the First World War. In addition to military tasks in the narrower sense, including the handling of all officers' affairs (Department Ha), the Deputy General Command was primarily responsible for political and administrative tasks. In August 1917, the Ile defence department was set up, which carried out security measures against feared enemy attacks on the transport network and important war operations by organising railway protection and air defence. The surveillance of railway and border traffic, passport and registration regulations and the inspection of foreigners served to protect military secrets and defend against espionage and sabotage. This area also includes the various efforts made to control correspondence. A central chemical office (department Il e Abwiss.) should uncover and decipher secret documents. Another task of the Deputy General Command was the accommodation and care of prisoners of war in camps and their employment in industry and agriculture (Department Il f). With the duration of the war, the shortage of raw materials and food grew as a result of Germany's exclusion from the world economy. Rationing and coercive management were inevitable. In addition, there was a shortage of labour, which required the mobilisation of all material and human resources. The Hindenburg Programme attempted to adapt the production of war material to the increased demand. The 'Vaterländische Hilfsdienstgesetz' was intended to solve the problem of job creation (7). In November 1916, the Prussian War Ministry established a War Office "for the management of all matters related to the overall conduct of the war concerning the procurement, use and nutrition of workers, as well as the procurement of raw materials, weapons and ammunition," to which the Deputy General Commands were subordinated in all matters of war economics (8) . The Deputy General Command was responsible for the management of the labor market, measures to ensure food security for the population and troops, the allocation of labor and raw materials, and measures to increase industrial production necessary for the needs of war. For example, the control office of the Daimler plants made it possible to monitor arms production, but it also allowed influence to be exerted on the working conditions and wages of the employees and the pricing of the companies. The supervision of political life in the area of command was carried out via § 9b of the Siege Act, which allowed intervention in all areas of public life to maintain security and order (9). The militarization of war-important enterprises served to avoid demonstrations and strikes. The right of association and assembly was restricted. Censorship became a useful instrument to influence the mood of the people in the sense of the rulers. It covered the pre- and post-censorship of the press, letters, telegrams and mail, as well as the import of newspapers and magazines. The communications intended for the public on domestic political issues or military news were also subject to censorship. The attempt to strengthen the will of the population to persevere through official propaganda, called "war enlightenment" (10), was added to this. For this purpose propaganda lectures were established in the deputy general commandos, Captain (ret.) Heinrich Hermelink, Professor of Church History in Marburg, was hired as a reconnaissance officer of the XIII Army Corps. Under Ludendorff the Oberzensurbehörde became the executive organ of the Supreme Army Command, which increasingly restricted the independence of the military commanders. Since April 1917, for all Deputy General Commands, the guidelines of the Press Office, to which the Supreme Censorship Authority was subject, had been decisive for the handling of propaganda and censorship. There was information for workers and women, for the troops war propaganda was carried out as patriotic instruction. Other divisions of the Deputy General Command were the Court Division (Division III), which was responsible for military justice and also dealt with legal and police matters in the civil sector. There was also an Administration and War Food Department (Division IV d) and a Medical Department (Division IV b). Veterinary Department (Division IV d) and Supply Department (Division V), which dealt with war disability care and pension matters (11). After the ceasefire was declared in November 1918, the Deputy General Command remained in place. It organised the demobilisation, collection, repatriation, supply and disbanding of units. Accommodations in Württemberg and the evacuation of occupied territories were among the tasks, as was the deployment of security troops (Department la 1). Subordinate evacuation train distribution commissions based in Heilbronn and Mühlacker were responsible for forwarding the goods and war equipment transported back from the field to the homeland. The demobilisation order for the mobile General Command XIII Army Corps came into force on 11.12.1918. Officers and officials of the General Command transferred to the previous Deputy General Command, which continued business by merging with the former mobile General Command under the new name General Command of the XIIIth Army Corps. In February 1919 the General Command was incorporated into the War Ministry. Individual subdivisions of the la department were dissolved, and existing departments were incorporated into the War Ministry. The Rumpfbehörde was led as department Generalkommando of the war ministry and remained as such also in August 1919, when the war ministry was converted into the Reichswehrbefehlsstelle Württemberg (12). On October 1, 1919, the Württemberg War Ministry ceased to exist. For the authorities and facilities of the former army that were still needed, settlement offices were created under the authority of the Reich Ministry of Defence. On October 1, 1919, the Reichswehr Command Post was transformed into the Winding-up Office of the former Württemberg War Ministry. At the same time, the Department General Command XIII Army Corps and the Higher Resolution Staffs 49 - 51, which had been set up since July 1919, were used to form the Office of the former XIII Army Corps. Under the leadership of the supreme von Hoff, both offices were described as the "Abwicklungsamt Württemberg", at the end of the year as the "Heeresabwicklungsamt" of the former XIIIth Army Corps. At the end of March 1921, the Army Processing Office was dissolved, and when the Deputy General Command was established, Registratur Andrä, who headed the Central Office in 1917, was entrusted with the registry and file management. The files were arranged according to the departments valid at the time of their creation, but were numbered consecutively; each number was subdivided again according to Generalia and Spezialia and, if necessary, with additional letters. Blue or green envelopes were used for the general files and red envelopes for the special files. The files were stapled in accordance with the Prussian model of file management, and the registry remained intact both after the transfer to the General Command and after the merger with the War Ministry; however, the files of the departments and areas that were now transferred to other departments of the War Ministry were given the new department names; some were also spun off. Thus the records of Veterinary Department IV d were handed over to Department A 4 of the War Ministry. During this period of transition, documents have already been segregated and destroyed as a result of political events, but also during relocations or new divisions. Already during the November confusion, the personnel department Il d suffered losses; in February 1919, before the department Ile moved to Olgastraße, 11 files on associations and assemblies, radical social democracy, protective custody and security police as well as lists of suspects were sorted out (13). The files of other departments were transferred to other authorities or spun off because the department became independent. Thus, in May 1919, the prisoner-of-war department Il f became independent as the prisoner-of-war homecoming department (Gehea) (14). The records of the pension department V had been transferred to the main pension office. The remaining files also remained in order in the Heeresabwicklungsamt and from October 1920 formed part of the newly established Korpsarchiv, which from 1921 together with the old Kriegsarchiv became the Reichsarchiv branch office. 2. to the order and distortion of the stock: In the Reichsarchiv branch office, the files were first recorded in 1924 by Maximilian Haldenwang, whereby the order by departments according to the last business distribution plan of 1917 was taken as a basis, the individual units were combined into larger clusters and these were numbered consecutively. However, the files of Gas Protection Division IIc were already missing in this inventory; it is not known when and why they were lost. During subsequent administrative work in the holdings of the War Ministry and the Army Processing Office, various files with the provenance of Deputy General Command were added to the holdings. This includes 50 censored books published during the World War. During the November events, these books were confiscated at the press office of the Deputy General Command and shortly afterwards they were taken over into the war collection of the Court Library. The "military" part of the Court Library was transferred to the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart in 1938. It was assumed that these books had the character of censorship copies, that the remainder of the edition had been stamped, and that when the inventory M 630 was dissolved in 1983, the court files of the Upper War Court of the XIIIth Army Corps were assigned to the inventory; further files from the inventory of the Army Processing Office (M 390) were attached as appendices, which were taken from the General Command XIIIth Army Corps Department of the Ministry of War or from the General Command XIIIth Army Corps Department of the Ministry of War. With the new indexing, which began in 1987, it seemed to make sense to leave the entire tradition with the provenances of the Deputy General Command, General Command (from December 1918) and Department General Command of the War Ministry and the Reichswehr (from February to October 1, 1919) in one inventory, since the registry runs through despite the changes. An exception are the files of those areas that were integrated into other departments of the War Ministry in February 1919; here the files created after this time were, if separable, attached to the corresponding holdings. Thus files of the horse department la 3, which after February 1919 merged into the department A 10 of the War Ministry, as well as files of the officer affairs department Ha, which after February 1919 were processed by the personnel department of the War Ministry, were classified in the stocks M 1/4 and M 1/5 respectively. A bundle of files of the "Leitung der Ausflüge für verwundete Stuttgarter Lazarette 1918/20", an independent association, whose files had apparently come to the Army Processing Office after its dissolution and remained with the inventory of 1924, was also separated. It was set up as a separate portfolio in line with provenance (M 324). Conversely, the archival records previously treated as appendices to the holdings and removed from M 390 were integrated into the corresponding departments. In addition, reference is made to individual pieces of documents of the provenance of the former XIII Army Corps's Winding-up Office which are in the inventory and could not be separated because of the thread-stitching. The files of the Court Division III also remained together, although they extend beyond October 1, 1919, since they were continued as a continuous registry also in the time of the Army Processing Office independently and independently. Two tufts from the Herzog Albrecht (M 30/1) Army Group stock were classified according to provenance. The internal order of the stock was maintained in principle. Again, the business distribution plan of April 1917 was used as a basis. This means that even subjects which cannot actually be expected from the title of the respective department remained in its registry context. The heterogeneity of the subjects within a differently designated department is often due to the fact that numerous subject areas belonged earlier to other departments and were only assigned to another department by the business distribution plan of August 1917 - apparently in the course of the streamlining of the authority (cf. table of contents). Within the departments, titles were arranged according to objective criteria, so that the order of the fascicles often differs from the old index. The old bundle count was replaced by a new consecutive numbering of the tufts. A concordance of the old bundle signatures and new bundle numbers was added to make it easier to find cited passages. The individual file units remained, they were only rearranged in exceptional cases. The books (censorship copies) handed over in 1938 were correctly classified by the press department, and the main titles, as they were given in the Haldenwang repertory on the basis of the inscriptions, were also preserved in the individual title recordings. Because of the high source value of the files, which after the losses of the Second World War were of exemplary importance, also as a replacement for the lost Prussian tradition, detailed notes on contents appeared justified; this all the more so as the main title of the thread-stitched and therefore indivisible files sometimes only most incompletely reflects the contents. The notes should clarify both the content and the structure of the file clusters. However, not all sketches, maps and plans could be ejected individually, as they are available in too large a number and are often to be expected anyway. Only where a tuft of files reaches beyond the narrower provenance of "Stellvertretendes Generalkommando" was the further provenance noted.In order to compensate for the disadvantage of the heterogeneity of the files and the partly unusual order, a detailed subject index was compiled which, apart from the keywords "XIII. army corps" and "Württemberg", brings together as far as possible all narrow terms related to the subject matter of the holdings, partly in two parts. From March 1988 to August 1989, the stock was arranged and listed by the scientific employee Anita Raith under the direction of Dr. Bernhard Theil as part of a job creation scheme, who also greatly revised the introduction. Archive employee Werner Urban played a decisive role in the creation of the final editorial office and the indices. The packaging and installation was carried out in August 1989 by working student Angelika Hofmeister. 1144 tufts (= 29.6 m) were in stock. Comments: (1) Article 68 of the Constitution of the Reich provided for a Reich Law regulating the state of war, which, however, did not exist until the end of the Empire. Militär und Innenpolitk im Weltkrieg 1914 - 1918, edited by Wilhelm Deist, Düsseldorf 1970, vol. l, p. XXXI; see also HStAS E 130a Bü. 1146 Richtlinien des Preußischen Kriegsministeriums zum verschärften Kriegszustand (Letter of 25. July 1914)(2) HStAS M 33/1 Bund 80, Annexes to the mobilization provision, cf. also § 20.7 of the mobilization plan 1914/15 in M 1/2 vol. 32(3) Deist (wie Anm. 1) Bd. l, p. 13 ff. besonders Anm. 2(4) Ebd. S. XLV(5) HStAS M 430/2 Bü. 942, 1354, 1795, 2146(6) In March 1917, the Deputy General Command had 134 budgeted officer positions, actually 317 persons were employed. The accommodation of the departments in M 77/1 Bü. 632(7) Deist (as Note 1) p. 506 ff.:(8) HStAS M 1/4 vol. 1272, reprinted at Deist (as Note 1) p. 508 ff., cf. ibid. XLVII(9) Gesetz über den Siegeerungszustand, Handbuch der during des war issued Verordnungen des Stellvertretenden Generalkommandos XIII. (Kgl. Württ.) Armeekorps mit Einschluster nicht veröffentlichtter Erlasses, Stuttgart 1918, p. l ff.(10) Deist (wie Anm. 1) S. LXV(11) The memorandums, which report on the experiences of individual departments during the mobilization, also contain information on the structure, personnel and delimitation of the working areas of a department (fonds M 77/2)(12) Cf. Appendix III of the Introduction to the Repertory of the Collection M 390(13) M 77/1 Bü. 935(14) The files of this department, which is subordinate to the Army Office for the Settlement of Armed Forces, are now in the collection M 400/3 Literature: Deist, Wilhelm: Zur Institution des Militärbefehlshabers im Ersten Weltkrieg. In: Jahrbuch für die Geschichte Mittel- und Ostdeutschlands 13/17 (1965) S. 222 - 240Mai, Günther: Kriegswirtschaft und Arbeiterbewegung in Württemberg 1914 - 1918. 1983Ders: Das Ende des Kaiserreichs, Politik und Kriegsführung im Ersten Weltkrieg (Deutsche Geschichte der neuesten Zeit) 1987Matuschka, Edgar, Graf von: Organisation History of the Army 1890 - 1918 In: German Military History in 6 Volumes 1648 - 1939 Ed. by the Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt, 3.1983 S 157 - 282Militär- und Innenpolitik im Weltkrieg 1914 - 1918, edited by Wilhelm Deist (Quellen zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, 2. Reihe Bd. 1,1 und 1,2) 1970Moser, Otto von: The Württembergers in the World War. A History, Memory and Folk Book 2.1928Stuttgart, October 1989Anita RaithBernhard Theil

Diels estate (title)

Direktionskorrespondenz und weitere Unterlagen 1937-1941: 1 portfolio, loose-leaf collection; copies or handwritten, authors: Diels, Dr. Friedrich Bolle, R. Pilger; Prof. Dr. Hoppe (all Botanischer Garten Berlin), Milos Deyl (botanist, Prague); Wilhelm Engelmann (publishing bookshop Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig), Wimmer (priest, editor of the Lobeliaceae for the plant kingdom). contents: air-raid protection measures in the Botanical Museum (removal of alcohol collection etc.)); financial means of the Englerstiftung; whereabouts of lost herbarium loans (Spanish Civil War); reminder to return herbarium loans; printing of various volumes of the Pflanzenreich (Richtlinien zur Korrektur, Korrespondenz mit der Verlagsbuchhandlung Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig), editing of the Lobeliaceae für Pflanzenreich scientific manuscripts on the flora of SW Africa, individual letters [see FA1/1] diaries 1943-1945 (copy, p.p. in copy); incl. transcript; diaries 1943-1945 (copy, p.p. in copy); incl. transcript

Directorate XIII Army Corps (Existing)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 17/1 · Fonds · 1844-1923
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: Military administrative tasks such as "money and natural catering", "clothing", "equipment" and "quartering" of the troops, "new buildings and conversions", "construction supervision", "sick and disabled care" had been performed directly by the War Ministry in Württemberg since the beginning of the 19th century. The alignment of the military administration of the individual states with Prussian conditions stood in the way of maintaining this administrative organization. This also applied to those individual German states which had still retained special (administrative) powers, such as their own war ministries. For Württemberg it followed from this that, on the basis of the "Military Convention with the North German Confederation" of 21 and 25 November 1870, the Württemberg War Ministry was first restructured. A central office, a military department and an economics department were formed and the Prussian military administrative regulations introduced. At first, however, a Württemberg tradition consciousness remained a special feature documenting the history of the region: the directorate to be created according to the Prussian model remained within the Economics Department of the Württemberg War Ministry. However, a separate authority was then spun off. On 23 February 1874 the "Intendantur XIII (Königlich Württembergisches) Armeekorps" in Stuttgart and the two Divisions-Intendanturen (the 26th Division in Stuttgart and the 27th Division in Ulm (= 1st and 2nd Königlich Württembergische Division) were established. The administrative structures in this area were thus fully in line with the Prussian model, right down to the division into individual departments. The files indexed in the present repertory were created in the Corps Directorate, which, apart from the Director General's area of responsibility, is also the Director General's office. Department 1: Budget, cash and accounting (cash administrations, paymasters) Department 2: Meals in kind (provisions offices) and mobilisation matters Department 3: Clothing and equipment (clothing office; patterning of corps troops), travel expenses, transport, workers' insurance, pension and accident matters, remonte and horse matters.Division 4: Garrison administration (garrison administration, accommodation of troops, barracks, service buildings and housing, drill grounds, firing ranges and military training areas) Division 5: Hospital administration (administration) including disability and pension matters Division 6 (from 1902 Divisions VI a and VI b: Construction (military building offices and construction management) Processing of all construction matters in the corps area in conjunction with the other departments of the corps directorate.As local administrative units, so-called "local offices" were set up, whose activities were co-administered by the Directorate General. On the spot, the following offices/individual offices acted: cash administrations: (paymaster) at each troop unit Provision offices: Stuttgart, Ludwigsburg, Ulm, Weingarten, Wiblingen, (since 1896:) MünsingenGarnisonsverwaltungen: Stuttgart, Ludwigsburg (until 1883 Hohenasperg), Ulm, Weingarten, Gmünd, Mergentheim, Tübingen, Heilbronn, MünsingenLazarett administrations: Like garrison administrations (at smaller locations without civil servants, only with an accountant)Garrison building offices, later military building offices: Stuttgart, Ludwigsburg (from 1900 I and II), Ulm (from 1898: ) I and II; according to need additionally local construction management, military new building offices (army multiplication)mounting depot: (until 1874:) Stuttgart, later Heilbronn; (since 1889:) Bekleidungsamt Ludwigburg; (since 1907:) civilian craftsmen instead of the previously appointed teamsOn August 2, 1914, the Corps Directorate was divided. A mobile Field Directorate XIII. army corps and a deputy (immobile) In tendantur XIII. army corps in Stuttgart were created, and in January 1817 an additional Field Directorate was established at the General Command for special use No. 64.Field directorates were established at the divisions: in 1914 at the 26th and 27 infantry divisions, then the 54 reserve divisions, in 1915 at the 2nd and 7th Landwehr divisions, in 1916 at the 204th infantry division, in 1917ff at the 242nd and 243 infantry divisions and at the 26th Landwehr division. In the course of the war, the Deputy General Director was faced with such a large number of new tasks that the personnel rose from 59 (May 1914) to 424 (1918) - 60 of them women as civilian employees.The installation of new field and replacement formations, over 90,000 men in the occupation army, approx. 248,000 men in the Württemberg field troops, necessitated divisions in the individual existing departments and new business areas. These were:(K) prisoner of war department (10 camps with about 50,000 prisoners)(N) estate department (III b)(V) supply department - later supply office: widows, orphans, invalids and pensions, support payments (with over 82,000 dead and 190.000 wounded from Württemberg alone) After the armistice had been concluded, the field troops were finally repatriated, dissolved and dismissed, and from December 1918 the formation of security companies and Schutztruppen was added to their duties. From October 1919, the Intendantur was then referred to as "Abwicklungsintendantur XIII. Armeekorps", until it was dissolved on 31 March 1921 after 47 years of existence.The names of the directors of the XIIIth Army Corps (Corps Director) were: 1872 Metzger, 1874 von Bartholomäi (Real Secret War Council) 1885 von Deuschle1894 von Bürger1901 von Wunderlich (Real Secret War Council)1906 von Haldenwang (1912 Real Secret War Council) 1914 (2. August) Schall1915 (March) von Haldenwang (back from the "Einsatz im Feld") Inventory history: The majority of the files recorded here as a whole originated in the Corps Directorate, whose activities in the administrative functions were also continued in extended form and after addition of new functions as far as possible continuously. Accordingly, the given registry layers were considerably extended, the registry plan (cf. order number 20) was supplemented by whole sections, but not newly formed. This did not result in an additional new registry layer; not even when the name of the Corps Directorate was changed to "Deputy Directorate General" or "Settlement Office", etc. The continuity or the number of points of contact of most administrative activities stood in the way of the exceptions to this rule, or a separate registry layer formed the inventory M 17/2, Deputy Directorate General. However, this separate, completed part of the registry contains only partial aspects of what would actually have corresponded to this authority's area of responsibility from 1914. It contains only those parts which were actually new in 1914 and thus could hardly be integrated into the existing structures. These were above all the personnel matters which were very extensive due to the war conditions. After all these documents had been taken over by the Reichsarchiv branch office, they were set up there in accordance with the last rules of procedure (cf. Registraturplan Bü 17 and 20) and finally (1941) listed. Subsequently, 1941-1946 extensive cassations were carried out, which are documented in the lists drawn up in 1941. The cash-flow was mainly in the areas of accident cases, equipment matters, army strength increase, trial files, construction matters. The destruction of a large number of building plans is particularly painful. The index tries to keep the traditional registry scheme. In the conversion to the possibilities of digital finding aids, this results in a four-stage classification according to the decimal system. The departments are left as upper groups; the focus remains on department 4 (garrison administration department). Bernhard Zaschka and Hansjörg Oswald were involved in the recording, along with a large number of candidates. As one of the first larger holdings, the title recordings completed in Midosa/Midetit by 1995 were converted to Midosa 95. The further work, including classification and fine-tuning, as well as the final editing of the holdings, was carried out by the signatories. The stock comprises 1247 title records or 36.5 linear metres of shelf space files. Stuttgart, August 2000

Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, Z 140 (Benutzungsort: Dessau) · Fonds · 1820-1966
Fait partie de State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Search aids: Findbuch 2010 (online searchable) Registrar: District Directorate Bernburg, District Municipal Administration Bernburg, The Lord Mayor Bernburg as police authority; The formation of the districts in the Anhalt duchies dates back to 1848. The tasks and organisation of the district directorates were subject to frequent changes. In 1870 the districts were transformed into a municipal association with corporate rights. These so-called district municipal administrations thus joined the district directorates. The administration of the state and municipal district affairs was the responsibility of the state-appointed District Directorate, which thus headed both the District Directorate and the District Municipal Administration in personal union. In 1878, offices were inserted between the districts and the municipalities as a further administrative level. In 1932 the district directorates were abolished and replaced by the district offices. These were subordinated to the State Ministry (previously the District Directorates were subordinated to the Government). Department of the Interior). Among the special authorities integrated into the system were the district doctors and veterinarians, the district school supervisors, the building authorities, the surveying offices and the district treasuries. After the end of the 2nd World War, the circles initially remained in their traditional form. The changes in the district administrations in the spring of 1945 were largely limited to a new staffing. Until 1947 the district administration bodies were under the control of the district administrations, after their dissolution directly under the provincial government. Inventory information: The major part of the holdings was transferred to the former Landesarchiv Oranienbaum (now Landeshauptarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, Department Dessau) in December 1959 by the council of the district of Bernburg/Kreisarchiv. Cadastral and surveying documents were archived by the cadastral office in Köthen in 2001. There were further increases due to several takeovers of individual file units and provenance adjustments within various holdings. For pragmatic reasons, the holdings "Kreisdirektion Bernburg I", "Kreisdirektion Bernburg II" and "Kreiskommunalverwaltung Bernburg" were merged to form one holding with the name "Kreisbehörden Bernburg". The background to this solution was that the files of the District Directorate and the District Municipal Administration were in any case difficult to separate, since the District Administrator was at the head of both authorities and both files were administered by the same registry. The traditions of the district court Bernburg, the district court Bernburg, the building administration Bernburg, the waterway office Bernburg, the national health office for city and district Bernburg and the offices in the district Bernburg form on the other hand own stocks. The successor institution of the Bernburg district authorities - the Bernburg district administration (from 1945) - also forms a separate inventory.

District Office Biberach
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Wü 65/5 T 3 · Fonds · 1806-1958
Fait partie de State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

History of Tradition Preliminary Remark By the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss of 25. February 1803 came the imperial city Biberach and the area of the hospital Biberach with the places Ahlen, Attenweiler, Bergerhausen, Birkendorf, Höfen, Ingerkingen, Laupertshausen, Muttensweiler, Volkersheim then partly Röhrwangen, Warthausen, Winterreute, Ummendorf, Baltringen, 1/3 of Baustetten, Burgrieden and Oberholzheim an Baden, which built out of it a Biberach upper bailiwick assigned to the "upper principality", which divided into the Ratsvogtei (town bailiwick) and the Vogteiamt (official bailiwick). The immediate imperial counties of Metternich-Ochsenhausen, Törring-Gutenzell, Waldbott-Bassenheim-Heggbach and partly Wartemberg-Rot and Sternberg-Schussenried were formed from the area of the Köster, as far as they belonged to the district, and the possessions of the Salem monastery were assigned to the Prince of Thurn und Taxis. The Rhenish Federal Act of 12 July 1806 brought the city of Biberach and the area of the hospital to Württemberg and the immediate imperial counties under Württemberg sovereignty, but the dominions of Erolzheim and Kellmünz on the Iller under Bavarian sovereignty. Through the state treaty with Bavaria, the left bank of the Iller became Württemberg again. According to the State Manual of 1807 and 1808, the following villages and hamlets belonged to the Oberamt Biberach: Biberach, Ahlen, Attenweiler, Aufhofen, Baltringen, Baustetten, Bühl, Bihlafingen, Bergerhausen, Birkendorf, Bronnen, Burgrieden, Donaustetten, Dorndorf, Hagenbuch, Häusern, Höfen, Holzheim, Hüttisheim, Ingerkingen, Laupertshausen, Muttensweiler, Obersulmetingen, Rißegg, Röhrwangen, Steinberg, Stetten a. d. Rottum, Unterweiler, Volkersheim, Westerflach, Wiblingen, Winterreute. In addition, the following were subordinate to the Oberamt: the patrimonial offices Achstetten, Bußmannshausen, Ellmannshausen, Hürbel, Groß- und Kleinlaupheim and Mittelbiberach and the patrimonial superior servant offices Heggbach, Schemmerberg, Sulmingen and Mistingen and Warthausen. After the abolition of the patrimonial offices (1809) the upper office Ochsenhausen was formed with the places Ochsenhausen, Bellamont, Berkheim, Erlenmoos, Gutenzell, Haslach, Horn-Fischbach, Hummertsried, Hürbel, Kirchberg, Kirchdorf, Maselheim, Edenbachen, Reinstetten, Ringschnait, Rot, Schönebürg, Spindelwag, Steinbach, Tannheim and Ummendorf. The newly created lower office Wiblingen with the villages Wiblingen, Aufhofen, Bihlafingen, Bronnen, Bühl, Donaustetten, Dorndorf, Hüttisheim, Steinberg, Stetten an der Rottum, Unterweiler and the Burgvogtei Illerrieden was subordinated to the upper office Biberach. Already after one year the upper office Ochsenhausen was abolished by the organization manifesto of 27 October 1810 again and subordinated as lower office to the upper office Biberach. At the same time the lower office Wiblingen was raised to a higher office. After these extensive changes, which placed the upper office administratively under the control of the 11th Landvogtei, the "an der Donau", with seat in Ulm, the following municipalities belonged to the upper office Biberach: Biberach, Äpfingen, Ahlen, Altheim, Aßmannshardt, Attenweiler, Aufhofen, Bellament, Bergerhausen, Birkendorf, Birkenhard, Erlenmoos, Erolzheim, Füramoos, Gutenzell, Grodt, Höfen, Hürbel, Ingerkingen, Kirchberg an der Iller, Langenschemmern, Laupertshausen, Maselheim, Mettenberg, Mittelbiberach, Mittelbuch, Muttensweiler, Obersulmetingen, Ochsenhausen, Reinstetten, Reute, Ringschnait, Rißegg, Rottum, Schemmerberg, Steinhausen an der Rottum, Ummendorf, Unterdettingen, Untersulmetingen, Volkersheim, Warthausen, as well as the Thurn und Taxissche Amtsgericht and Amt Obersulmetingen. The Unteramt Ochsenhausen was abolished, like all Unterämter in Württemberg, by the II. organization edict over the Oberamtsverfassung of 31 December 1818. By the law about the change of the upper office districts from 6 July 1842 Alberweiler came from the upper office Ehingen and Stafflangen from the upper office Waldsee to the upper office Biberach. The following reunions were carried out: 1836 a clean-up in the area of the communities Dietmanns and Unterschwarzach, 1844 Winterreute from Ummendorf to Ringschnait, 1846 conversion from Hauerz to Ellwangen, 1854 the Glaserhof from Gutenzell to Oberbalzheim, 1861 the wood mill from Burgrieden to Oberholzheim, 1864 Westerflach from Ingerkingen to Untersulmetingen, 1933 the Halbertshof from Wain to Unterbalzheim, 1933 Ziegolz from Dietmanns to Unterschwarzach, 1933 the book from Steinach (today Kr. Ravensburg) to Mühlhausen, 1951 Rindenmoos from Reute to Rißegg. The following incorporation took place: 1864 Birkendorf into the town of Biberach 1934 Bergerhausen into the town of Biberach 1934 Gemeinde Oberdorf into Mittelbiberach, which had replaced it in 1899, 1935 Gemeinde Hummertsried into Mühlhausen. Steinhausen was connected to Schussenried until 1892. Laupheim became a town in 1869, Schussenried in 1947 and Ochsenhausen in 1950. According to the law of 25 April on the division of the territory, the district of Biberach comprises all the municipalities of the former Oberamtsbezirk with the exception of Volkersheim, which was transferred to the Ehingen district administration; it received the municipalities from the Laupheim district: Achstetten, Altheim, Baltringen, Baustetten, Bihlafingen, Bronnen, Bühl, Burgrieden, Bußmannshausen, Großschafhausen, Laupheim, Mietingen, Oberbalzheim, Oberholzheim, Orsenhausen, Rot v. Laupheim, Schönenbürg, Schwendi, Sießen, Sinningen, Stetten, Sulmingen, Unterbalzheim, Wain and Walpertshofen; from the district of Leutkirch the municipalities: Berkheim, Ellwangen, Haslach, Kirchdorf, Rot an der Rot, Spindelwag and Tannheim; from the district Waldsee the municipalities: Dietmanns, Eberhardzell, Oberessendorf, Otterswang, Schussenried, Schweinhausen, Steinhausen, Unteressendorf, Unterschwarzach, Winterstettendorf and Winterstettenstadt. The files listed below were handed over to the Sigmaringen State Archives by the Biberach/Riß District Office on 9 November 1948, 4 February 1949, 3 October 1958 and 24 August 1959. The 1948 and 1949 deliveries were already set up in May 1949 in the State Archives according to the principle of provenance. The 1959 Accession was exclusively for steam boiler files, which were further expanded by a delivery from the Sigmaringen Trade Supervisory Office in 1960 (Acc. 24/1960). The present collection comprises 847 numbers in 23, 85 linear metres and the period from 1806-1950. Files of the same provenance from earlier deliveries for the period from 1806 to about 1925 are kept in the Ludwigsburg State Archives in fonds F 155. The order and indexing was carried out by government inspector Kungl, Reinschrift und Register, who was responsible for the order and indexing. Sigmaringen, January 1966 Kungl Government Inspector Supplement to the Foreword The official assembly records with the earlier signatures Wü 65/5 T 3 No. 54-64 and the building records with the earlier signatures Wü 65/5 T 3 No. 387-477 were handed over to the Kreisarchiv Biberach. In the years 2009/2010, the typewritten finding aid was digitized as part of the German Research Foundation (DFG) funded project for the retroconversion of archived finding aids. In cooperation with the Retroconversion Coordination Office at the Marburg School of Archives and the Baden-Württemberg State Archives, the finding aid book was prepared for publication on the Internet. Corinna Knobloch and Silke Schöttle carried out the necessary reworking. The development data has been available on the Internet since June 2010. The citation of the inventory is: Wü 65/5 T 3 Nr. [Order number] Contents and rating Contains: German Reich: elections, referendums; König-Karl-Jubiläumsstiftung; statistics; Oberamt und Amtskörperschaft: personnel and remuneration, accommodation, diaries, Oberamtspflege, Pensionskasse für Körperschaftsbeamte, Oberamtssparkasse; municipality: Local heads, community officials, community colleges, community property, citizen benefits and burdens, community visitation, expenditure and income management, budget plans, debt level; nobility; citizenship and emigration; awards and honors; Germans abroad; surveyors and marker border adjustments; trade tax; military affairs: Recording, military monitoring, neighbourhood services, damage to land, medical care, care of war-affected and surviving dependants, war graves, consequences of war, requisitions; churches: Diaconate, divine service, church and parsonage construction, furnishings, church assets, pastor, sacristan, church and state, congregations, church care, foundations, levies; free religious community; elementary school: Teachers and salaries, school building construction; work schools; secondary schools; welfare for the poor, youth and migrants; welfare for refugees and displaced persons; support, foundations, hospitals; charities; unemployment and voluntary work; civil servants in construction; fire brigade; agriculture and forestry: Field cleaning, irrigation and drainage, field paths, crossing and stairway rights, irrigation, fruit growing, agricultural associations, local livestock insurance associations, goods traders and debt relief, forest management plans, agricultural workers; river and water police: rivers, ditches, bridges, wells, jackdaws; roads: Construction and maintenance, personnel, forced expropriations, snowmobiles; municipal and security police, police hour; political parties; confiscation of printed matter; gypsies; health police: doctors, mentally ill persons, gravediggers, morgue, ambulance crews; veterinarians; commercial, trade and traffic police: Concessions, mill supplies, steam boilers; old-age and disability insurance; health insurance; accident insurance; executions; Jews; provenance royal taxissches Gemeinschaftsliches Amt Obersulmetingen betr. Schemmerberg.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, FL 20/12 I · Fonds · 1937-1961 (Nachakten bis 1982)
Fait partie de State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: Most of the building files listed in this finding aid book were handed over to the State Archives by the District Office Ludwigsburg in the years 1963 to 1976. Smaller subsequent deliveries were made up to 1985. The present collection consists of documents on all municipalities of the Altkreis Ludwigsburg with the exception of the Großer Kreisstadt Kornwestheim. However, only two construction files refer to the large district town of Ludwigsburg. These have apparently been transferred to the State Archives in another context. The holdings mainly contain the years 1939 to 1959. In some municipalities, the tradition ends with the year 1954. The documents on the municipality of Bietigheim even date back only to 1944. On the other hand, the holdings still contain individual building files of the upper office of Besigheim, which was dissolved in 1938, which were continued by the successor authority. The documents relating to the municipality of Marbach relate primarily to submissions and complaints in building matters, but not to building permit procedures. For the period before 1939, reference is made to the inventories F 154 II (Besigheim upper office), F 181 III (Ludwigsburg upper office) and F 182 II (Marbach upper office). Since there can be several years between the submission of the building application and the granting of the building permit or the closing of the file, the duration of the stock actually extends up to the beginning of the seventies. in the title entries the name and the occupation (or the company) of the builder, his place of residence (or his place of business), if this differs from the place of construction, the construction diary no. (or the construction case no.), if applicable the approval date as well as the extent and the duration of the file are indicated. The building project is only mentioned in the Contained Note if it is not the new construction of a residential building. The title entries are first in alphabetical order of location, then sorted by year, whereby the year of the building diary number is decisive for the temporal allocation. Within the individual vintages an alphabetical order according to the names (and/or the companies) of the owners took place. the building files united in the present inventory were registered in the years 1980 to 1983 by the gentlemen Manfred Korreng (Aldingen - Beihingen) and Hans Schürle (Benningen - Erdmannshausen) as well as by Mrs. Anita Hundsdörfer (Erligheim - Winzerhausen). Mr. Alfred Ibrom worked on individual latecomers. The supplements to the municipalities Neckargröningen, Tamm and Walheim as well as Großsachsenheim, Kleinsachsenheim and Unterriexingen were prepared by Eberhard Royek in January 1995. The documents listed in the supplements for the latter three were taken from the FL 20/18 II (Landratsamt Vaihingen). The cataloguing was supervised by Wolfgang Schneider, archivist, Dr. Franz Mögle-Hofacker, State Archives Councillor, Udo Herkert, Archives Inspector, and Udo Schäfer, Archives Councillor. 17748 tufts in 107.5 metres of shelving were included in the holdings FL 20/12 I, the tufts having spring-numbers. The order numbers were assigned in accordance with numerus currens.Ludwigsburg, January 1995Udo Schäfer

Fonds · 1804-1970
Fait partie de State Archives Munich (Archivtektonik)

The files listed below were handed over to the Munich State Archives by the Laufen District Office in 1959 (1827 files), 1962 (720 files), 1966 (280 files), 1972 (12 files), 1976 (approx. 40 linear metres) and 1977 (1 file). The indexing was carried out by various editors, among them the assistant archivists of the 1975/1977 course, who, under the direction of Chief Inspector Klaus Fischer, were responsible for the processing of the 1962 and 1976 levies from June to September 1976 as part of the practical training at the Munich State Archives. Since only one summary list was available for the older levy and no list at all for the more recent levy, both levies were combined and completely reworked. The subsequent reorganization into objectively connected groups was generally oriented towards the standard file plan, but also deviated from it when the circumstances made it necessary. The following record groups were not archived, but destroyed: Vaccination lists, subsidies for farmers' drainage work, state audit. In a further work step, the index data of the individual taxes were then summarized in a joint volume of repertories by Chief Archive Inspector Anton Grau at the end of the 1970s. As part of a retroconversion project in 2015, this analogue tape repertory was finally digitised unchanged.

Estate Grummelt
Fonds · 1925-1949
Fait partie de City Archive Altenburg

Estate of Werner GrumpeltIn Altenburg, the colonial goods store C was founded in 1838. (Carl) J. (Julius) Grumpelt founded. It was located at Pauritzer Platz 4. In 1900 Karl Heinrich Grumpelt (1870-1935) took over the business and continued it until 1929. His son Werner Grumpelt (1909-1949, teacher and author), who also lived in Altenburg, was very interested in many things - including (global) history. He wrote two books about colonisation and life in Africa: "Im Herzen von Deutsch-Südwest. Erlebnisse des deutschen Reiters Albin Freier]" as well as "Einer aus Deutschland" (A story about the life of his great uncle Carl Albert Grumpelt). It can be assumed that both books are primarily novels, but also describe actual experiences.Karl Heinrich GrumpeltBirth date: 09.02.1870 in AltenburgSterbedatum: 07.03.1935 in AltenburgFather: Karl Heinrich Grumpelt Grandfather: Carl Julius GrumpeltCarl Albert GrumpeltResidence: Barkly West, Northern Cape, South AfricaBirth date: 24.12.1837 in Altenburg (christening: 07.01.)1938)Marriage: 29.04.1897 in Barkly West Deceased: 1920 Barkley West, South AfricaFather: Carl Julius GrumpeltProfession: Pharmacist Emigration to Africa after 1866 (at this time still employed as a pharmacist in Altenburg), witnessed Boer wars Protagonist in the novel by W. Grumpelt (grandnephew), ca. 1939-41 (unpublished)Werner GrumpeltBirthday: 17.01.1909Father: Karl Heinrich GrumpeltDate of death: 19.06.1949 in Etzelbach

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/3 · Fonds · 1868-1925
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: In 1965, the estate of Berthold von Fetzer was handed over to the Main State Archives by Mrs. Friedel Schloßberger-Hoffmann, the granddaughter of Berthold von Fetzer, retired superior. The printed matter and books (including printed matter by Carl August and Berthold von Fetzer) submitted by Mrs. Schloßberger-Hoffmann at that time were classified in the service library of the Main State Archives. The collection contains 40 volumes of diaries from 1868 to 1925 (with gaps), five volumes of notebooks from 1918 to 1923 as well as three photos of Berthold von Fetzer, and the entries of Fetzer on his activities as court physician of King Karl in 1883, 1885 to 1891 (volumes 5-15). Unfortunately the corresponding volume covering the period from April 1883 to February 1885 is missing. According to the correspondence with Mrs. Schloßberger-Hoffmann, it was not handed over to the Main State Archives. The diaries, which were kept in detail in the years 1883 and 1885 to 1891, especially during the King's winter stays in southern France and Italy, contain numerous information about the person of King Charles, his illnesses, his daily routine and his attitude towards the people around him - especially towards Queen Olga, Charles Woodcock (Baron de Savage), Wilhelm Freiherr von Spitzemberg and Julius Albert Freiherr von Griesinger. Fetzer was consulted almost daily by the king, especially during his winter stays in the south, while he did not maintain such close contact with the king during the remaining months when the king was in Stuttgart, Friedrichshafen or Bebenhausen. In addition, the diaries Volumes 5-15 also give interesting insights into farm life. These diaries, which are the most important source about the last years of King Karl, were written by Professor Dr. Paul Sauer for his book "Regent with mild sceptre. For Fetzer's activity as court physician under King Wilhelm II, however, there are no comparable entries except for a diary (volume 17), which contains some information about diseases of Queen Charlotte. This is probably due to the fact that Fetzer was consulted less frequently by the last royal couple of Württemberg and at that time was primarily active as head of the medical department of the newly created Karl Olga Hospital in Stuttgart. In addition to the diaries on court life, the two volumes with entries on Fetzer's work as senior physician at the Fourth Württemberg Field Hospital in the War of 1870/71 (Volumes 1 and 2), in which he reports on his activities in the field hospitals and in the Solitude reserve hospital - including the operations he performed - also deserve attention. In addition to the above-mentioned entries by Fetzer, all of which are in some way connected with his work as a doctor, the diaries naturally also contain numerous references to his family life and provide insights into Fetzer's personality, his diverse interests and political attitudes. In addition to the sometimes very detailed descriptions of his numerous travels in Germany and other European countries, here are notes and comments on his reading in the fields of medicine and natural sciences. literature, art or art history, philosophy and history. There are also frequent reports in the diaries about visits to theatre, opera and concerts, as well as visits to art exhibitions and museums. They convey an impressive picture of a typical educated citizen of the imperial period and are therefore of importance for cultural, mental and social history. The descriptions of his travels and even more the notes and commentaries on his reading - like a red thread, so to speak - run through almost all of his diaries, whereby in the diaries of the years 1913 to 1925 (volumes 27-40) - possibly due to a lack of reportable external experiences of Fetzer - they occupy a large space. In addition to the diaries, Fetzer also kept pure notebooks with notes for his reading between 1918 and 1923 (vol. 41-45). The estate of Fetzer was recorded in the summer of 1997 by the candidate archive inspectors Nicole Schütz and Andre Kayser. The title recordings were edited by Archive Inspector Eberhard Merk in autumn 1999. The stock comprises 46 title records in 0.3 metres. Stuttgart, November 1999 Eberhard Merk

Sans titre