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FA 1 / 72 · File · 1885 - 1902
Part of Cameroon National Archives

'Mutation des Soldats Haoussa du Togo à Yaoundé afin d'y établir un contact avec les caravanes de marchands Haoussa de l'Adamaoua et leur redirection vers la côte du Protectorat du Cameroun. - Arrêté du Ministère des Affaires étrangères

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Administration du District
FA 1 / 110 · File
Part of Cameroon National Archives

General political, military and economic conditions. - Bali and Bamum (Fumban) area. - Report by Lieutenant Menzel, 7.5.1909 [fol. 16 - 19] Cameroon hinterland research expedition (Dr Eugen Zintgraff). - Confiscation of the weapons and ammunition handed over to Bali by Dr Eugen Zintgraff. - Report by Lieutenant Menzel, Bamenda, 1908 - 1910 [fol. 28 - 255] Offices of the local administration. - Bamenda. - Handover of the station, 6.4.1909, 10.2.1910, 2.6.1911 [fol. 42 - 117] Offices of the local administration. - Bali(burg). - Subordination of the localities of the Bali area to the station and settlement of border disputes, 1909 - 1910 [fol. 45 - 57] Administrative and territorial boundaries (tribal boundaries). - Bandeng and Bali, 1909 [fol. 51 - 52] Combating unrest in Bamenda District, May-August 1910 [fol. 71 - 81] Njoya, Chief of Bamum (Fumban). - Gifts to the Imperial Colonial Office. - Forwarded by Governor Dr Seitz, 17.1.1910 [fol. 82 - 86] Evangelical Missionary Society in Basel. - Removal of the Bagam from the Bali area. - Report of the Evangelical Missionary Society, 1910 - 1911 [fol. 99 - 109] Criminal case against the sub-chief Fomessang of Bali for murder. - Minutes of the Bamenda military station, 20 January 1911 [fol. 110 - 115] Administrative and territorial boundaries (tribal boundaries). - Dschang and Bamenda, 1908 [fol. 118 - 119] Offices of the local administration. - Kentu. - Handover to Sergeant Krüger by Sergeant Kramer, 2 July 1911 [fol. 120 - 121] Local government offices. - Bamenda. - Administrative changes (planning), April 1912 [fol. 129 - 130] Affairs of the chiefs. - Reinstatement of the exiled Chief Batebe. - Report by Lieutenant Adametz, Bamenda, 1912 [fol. 132 - 133] Special Administration Offices. - Kuti (agricultural research centre). - Transfer of administrative powers to Dr Krüger and his successor Dr Simoneit, March, June 1912 [fol. 134 - 137] General political, military and economic conditions. - Bali region, in particular support for the pro-government Chief Bali, 1911 - 1912 [fol. 149 - 194] Combating unrest and uprisings. - Baminge expedition from 17 July - 23 August 1912 (Captain Adametz, Bamenda), 1912 [fol. 195 - 250] Protection force for Cameroon. - 7th Company. - Stationing of a division of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun in the Residenturbezirk. - Memorandum by Captain Thierry, Garua, June, September 1904 [fol. 218 - 224] Administrative and territorial boundaries (tribal boundaries). - Bamenda and Ossidinge, 1912 [fol. 251 - 254] Map with reconnaissance of the Mbam from Wonang to Mbamti (April 1911) by Lieutenant Winkler and of the Nun from Wonang to Baka (March and April 1911) by Lieutenant von der Leyen, 1:500 000, print, monochrome, publisher: Hofbuchhandlung von E.S.Mittler & Sohn, Berlin, 1911

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 115 · File · 1904 - 1908
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Regional border affairs. - Ebolowa [fol. 1 - 30] French incursions against German trading companies on the southern border, 1902 - 1907 [fol. 1 - 36] Combating unrest and riots. - Tour of the Ebolowa district from 17 January to 8 April 1905 (First Lieutenant von Sobbe), April 1905 [fol. 11 - 15] Murder of the merchant Heinrichsen from the Bremer Westafrika-Gesellschaft mbH on 5 April 1905 - Report by First Lieutenant von Sobbe, Ebolowa, 1905 [fol. 21] Local government offices. - Ebolowa. - Handover of the military station to Non-Commissioned Officer Kastilan by Non-Commissioned Officer Greca in the absence of the sick station commander, First Lieutenant von Sobbe, 15 Sept. 1905 [fol. 32 - 33] General political, military and economic conditions. - Ebolowa region. - Report by Sergeant Kastilan, 25 Oct. 1905 [fol. 35 - 37] Local government offices. - Ebolowa. - Handover of the military station to Sergeant Schlieder by Sergeant Kastilan, 19 Dec. 1905 [fol. 47 - 49] Local government offices. - Ebolowa. - Inspection of inventories, materials and provisions by station manager Captain Zimmermann. - Minutes, 21 Sept. 1904 [fol. 61 - 68] Individual cases. - Heinicke, First Lieutenant. - Appointment as leader of the 5th company in Ebolowa, 12 March 1906 [fol. 72] Individual cases. - von Sobbe, first lieutenant, - relieved as station commander of Ebolowa due to illness, 12 March 1906 [fol. 72] Local government offices. - Ebolowa. - Handover of the military station to First Lieutenant Heinicke by Sergeant Schlieder, 1 April 1906 [fol. 78 - 80] Combating unrest and uprisings. - Enterprise into the territory of the Ntum chiefs and Bitam (First Lieutenant Heinicke, Ebolowa) Authorisation granted by the command of the protection force for Cameroon, 29 May 1906 [fol. 83 - 89] General political, military and economic conditions. - Bule area. - Report by Lieutenant von Sobbe, 8 January 1906 [fol. 95 - 100] Affairs of the chiefs. - Lifelong banishment of the allegedly insane Bule chief Ile to Victoria for causing constant unrest in the Ebolowa district and his final takeover by the Edea district office, 1905 1906 [fol. 105 - 117] Labour and porters' affairs. - Collection of bounties and passage fees for plantation labourers. - Order of the deputy governor Dr Ebermaier, 8.10.1903 [fol. 108 - 109] Ebolowa, district. - Development work on the Sangmelima-Elemovo (Elemvoo) post road, 1907 [fol. 139 - 146] Smallpox immunisation in the Ebolowa district. - Provision of Lymphe, March 1907 [fol. 150] Crossing the German-French border to free two French merchants from Essamasala captivity. - Report by Lieutenant von Oertzen, Akoafim, 1907 [fol. 172 - 182] Investigations by the Ebolowa station against the Jendam chief Assam for burglary of the merchant Köhne, Jantum near Sangmelima, 1907 [fol. 184 - 203] Sketch of the scene of the murder of the merchant Heinrichsen of the Bremer Westafrika-Gesellschaft mbH. in the Ebolowa district on 5 April 1905, no date, Pen and ink drawing with coloured entries by Sobbe, First Lieutenant, 1905 Local government offices. - Ebolowa 1904/05; February-December 1905, 1905 Offices of the local administration. - Ebolowa January-December 1906, 1906

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 118 · File · 1902 - 1904
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - 1st Company. - Formed by conversion of the Garua Expedition by the command of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun without authorisation by Governor von Puttkamer, 1902 [fol. 4] Personalwesen der Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - Regular company of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - Strength report, 7 Dec. 1902 [fol. 19] Expedition to the area north of the Benue from 13 Jan. to 18 Aug. 1902 - Alleged border crossing by the Garua expedition. - Investigations into a British protest, 4 April 1902 [fol. 27 - 31] Garua. - Takeover or handover of the Residentur by First Lieutenant von Bülow (successor to First Lieutenant Count Fugger von Glött, murdered on 5 February 1903), 8 March 1903 [fol. 49] Establishment of a factories in Garua. - Unsuccessful endeavours with German and British companies, 1902 - 1904 [fol. 54] Reports of the general administration departments. - Garua. 1 Company of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun April - December 1903, 1903 [fol. 67 - 108] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Establishment of a factory in Ngaundere for the purpose of exploiting the wild rubber deposits in the border region of Kunde. - Commitment to the governorate, 1904 [fol. 92 - 213] Garua. - Establishment of the Residentur, competences of the Resident and provisional takeover of the business by Captain Thierry. - Order by Governor von Puttkamer (draft), 20 September 1903 [fol. 103 - 104] Garua. - Takeover and handover of the Residentur, 8 March 1903 [fol. 105 - 106] Preparation for the introduction of cash transactions at Garua station, September 1903 [fol. 109] Garua. - Delivery of a house made of asbestos manufacturing parts from the company Asbest- und Gummiwerke Alfred Calmon AG, Hamburg, 1903 [fol. 128 - 143] Garua. - Handover of the station by the 1st Company to the Resident. - Order by Governor von Puttkamer (draft), 20 Nov. 1903 [fol. 145 - 159] Lake Chad voyage of 6 Aug. 1904 (Governor von Puttkamer). - Alleged encroachments by the Sultan of Tibati against the Wute. - Extract from the monthly report of the Joko station, January 1904 [fol. 150] Tibati-Ngaundere expedition of 27 February - 12 July 1904 (Captain Thierry), 1904 [fol. 152 - 252] Establishment of a police force of the Garua Residentur. - Preparations, September 1903, May 1904 [fol. 159 - 199] Offices of the local administration. - Dikoa. - Service instructions for the garrison commander in accordance with the instructions of the Foreign Office, 14 April 1903 [fol. 164 - 165] Garua. - Budget - applications for the 1905/06 budget, 1904 [fol. 176 - 189] Assassination of the Deputy Resident in Garua, Captain Thierry, on 16 September 1904 near Mubi. - Reports by Deputy Governor Dr Ebermaier to the Foreign Office, October 1904 [fol. 226 - 277] Personnel changes in the administration after the death of Captain Thierry on 16.9.1904 - Planning, 1904 [fol. 226 - 277] Livestock farming by the natives in Adamaua. - Report by Captain Thierry, 1904 [fol. 253 - 254] Services of the local administration. - Garua. - Service instructions, 15 July 1904 [fol. 260 - 263] Implementation of military measures in the Garua Resident District. - Complaint by Captain Thierry about Lieutenant Strümpell, August 1904 [fol. 264 - 270] Battle at Duhu on the Dikwa (Dikoa) Garua road on 3-4 July 1904 (Lieutenant Schipper), 1904 [fol. 258 - 259] Distribution of European members of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Lists, some with names Garua - plans, 1902

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 120 · File · 1903 - 1905
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - Weapons and equipment. - Mountain gun 6.7 cm and other military equipment of the Residentur Garua - Request by Captain Thierry, April 1904 [fol. 1 - 7] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Residentur Garua August 1904 - January 1905 [fol. 9 - 12] Police force in Garua. - Status report by Captain Langheld, 13 November 1904 [fol. 13 - 14] Affairs of the chiefs. - Chiefs' Day in Ngaundere on 11 Nov. 1904 - Report by Captain Langheld, Garua, 1904 [fol. 15 - 17] Ngaundere. - Cancellation of the resident post due to lack of personnel in the protection force for Cameroon, 17 November 1904 [fol. 18 - 21] Garua. - Transfer of supreme command of all units of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun stationed in the area of the Adamaua and Lake Chad Lands Residentures as well as command of the 7th Company stationed in Garua to the Resident Captain Langheld, 31 January 1905 [fol. 24] Takeover of the business of the Adamaua Residenture and the Lake Chad Lands Residenture by Captain Langheld, based in Garua. - Order of Governor von Puttkamer, 31 January 1905 [fol. 25] Merger of the Residentur Adamaua and the Residentur of the Lake Chad Countries to form the Residentur Adamaua-Bornu with headquarters in Garua. - Order of Governor von Puttkamer, 27 February 1905 [fol. 26] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Residentur Garua [fol. 29 - 30] Combating unrest and uprisings. - Realisation of a joint undertaking with the Garua Residency to open the Marua Garua road [fol. 43 - 52] Unrest in the Mubi Uba area. - Report by Captain Langheld, Garua, 14 February 1905 [fol. 55 - 56] Smallpox and chickenpox. - Adamaua, January 1905 [fol. 55 - 58] Garua. - Taking over or handing over the residency to Captain Thierry, 21 September 1903 [fol. 60 - 78] Affairs of the chiefs. - Hamadjam, Lamido of Tibati. - Dismissal by Captain Zimmermann, Garua, 12 June 1905 [fol. 79 - 210] Local administration, general. - Relocation or cancellation of various military stations and posts in Adamaua. - Planning, August 1905 [fol. 88 - 89] Business trip to Ngaundere and Kunde from 27.3. - 17.4.1905 (Captain Langheld), 1905 [fol. 90 - 120] March Tibati Ngaundere Garua from mid-June - 11 July 1905 (Captain Zimmermann), 1905 [fol. 121 - 123] Affairs of the chiefs. - Lauan Haman of Kalfu. - Banishment to Duala, May-June 1905 [fol. 130 - 138] Kusseri. - Dissolution of the Residentur by Captain Stieber, 10 August 1905 [fol. 139] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Garua Residency. - Residentur Garua July-December 1905 - February 1906 [fol. 140 - 217] Affairs of the chiefs. - Dallil, Lamido of Ngaundere. - Execution of the Dugga. - Investigations, July 1905 [fol. 148 - 150] Affairs of the chiefs. - Gerka, Ardo of Mitschiga. - Participation in the murder of Maita and banishment to Buea for ten years, September 1905 [fol. 151 - 154] Affairs of the chiefs. - Dallil, Lamido of Ngaundere. - Alleged use as a herdsman with the governorate herd in Buea, January 1906 [fol. 152] Regional border affairs. - Djau Kombol [fol. 156] Payment of food for the supply of official expeditions and transports with vouchers. - Memorandum by Captain Thierry, Garua, May 1904 [fol. 160 - 162] African members of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Recruitment of deserted Senegalese into the protection force for Cameroon by Captain Langheld, Garua, March 1905 [fol. 163] Indigenous levies and services. - Collection of taxes from Mbororo herds. - Report by civil engineer Holstein, October 1905 [fol. 164] Garua. - Takeover or handover of the residency to Lieutenant Schipper by Captain Zimmermann, 31 January - 1 February 1906 [fol. 170 - 230] Recruitment of Tibati for labourers and porters. - Request by Captain Fabricius, Banjo, January 1906 [fol. 175 - 178] Tour of the Mandara Mountains from 16 Nov. 1905 - 20 Jan. 1906, 1905 - 1906 [fol. 183 - 208] Individual cases. - Freyer, senior physician of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon (deputy garrison commander in Dikoa). Repeated exercise of unauthorised jurisdiction against natives. Refusal of subsequent confirmation of executed death sentences, among others against Sultan (Lauda ?). - Report by Lieutenant Müller to the Foreign Office, 12 April 1906 [fol. 211 - 213] Garua. - Takeover or handover of the Residentur to First Lieutenant Strümpell by First Lieutenant Schipper, 24 February 1906 [fol. 221 - 225] Administrative and territorial boundaries (tribal boundaries). - Banjo, Garua and Joko, 1905 [fol. 225] Mission from Ibi on the Benue to Garua (Lieutenant Strümpell), 1906 [fol. 232] Collection of levies in the sultanates of Tibati and Tinge by the Banjo station. - Memorandum by Captain Langheld, 3 February 1905 [fol. 233] Capture of Galim Castle and reorganisation of the balance of power of the native rulers, 1904 [fol. 234] Banjo. - Non-relocation of the station to Galim for political reasons. - Report by Lieutenant Ostermayer, May 1905 [fol. 239 - 241] Occupation of Tibati. - Request from Captain Langheld, Duala, 31 Aug. 1905 [fol. 242] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - 7th Company. - Transfer from Garua to Marua. - Memorandum by Captain Langheld, Duala, 31 Aug. 1905 [fol. 243]

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 121 · File · 1905 - 1906
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Islam. - Appearance of a Mahdi in Northern Nigeria. - Report of the British Resident in Jola, March-April 1906 [fol. 4 - 6] Affairs of the Chiefs. - Sanda, Shefu of Dikwa. - Reinstatement. - Application, May 1906 [fol. 7 - 15] Local Government Services. - Banjo. - Subordination of the Lamidat Tibati, 18 June 1906 [fol. 27 - 28] Companies. - The Niger Company, Ltd. - Opening of a factory in Garua, August 1906 [fol. 38 - 39] Punitive expedition against the Midjiwin and Bobojo on the Binder (Kaele) Mendif Marua road. - Preparations, July 1906 [fol. 44 - 45] Dikoa. - Cancellation of the military post by Lieutenant von Bülow. - Objection by Governor von Puttkamer, 1903 [fol. 52 - 53] Combating unrest and uprisings. - March Garua (Bebene) Rey Buba - (Ssagdje) - Ngaundere - Garua of 7 May-June 1906 (Lieutenant Strümpell), 1906 [fol. 54 - 65] Murder of porters of the Lagone-Pama frontier expedition resident in the area of the Garua Residency by Lakka people, 1913 [fol. 58 - 60] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Residentur Garua May-December 1906 [fol. 68 - 197] General political, military and economic conditions. - Ssari and Massios region. - Report by Lieutenant Nitschmann, 30 June 1906 [fol. 75 - 90] Affairs of the chiefs. - Gerka, Ardo of Mitschiga. - Trial for outrage and murder, August 1905 [fol. 91 - 105] Provisional Franco-German agreement on the border in the Chari-Lagone-Tuburi area: objection by the resident in Garua, December 1905 [fol. 106] Combating unrest and uprisings. - Liberation of the border areas between Lere (Lame) Benue from 16 October to 4 November 1905 (Captain Zimmermann), 1905 [fol. 107 - 114] Public safety. - Carrying out military operations against highwaymen. - Report by Lieutenant Schipper, Binder, October 1905 [fol. 115 - 123] Regional border matters. - Binder [fol. 124 - 127] March Binder Kalfu Jagua Bongor Tchatibali Binder, 5-16 Sept. 1905 (Lieutenant Schipper), 1905 [fol. 129 - 134] Dikoa. - Temporary occupation by the 3rd Company stationed in Kusseri, 1906 [fol. 158 - 162] Attack on the Binder post by the Tupuri resident in French territory, June 1906 [fol. 166 - 170] Defiance of Lamidos Sedu of Mendif. - Report by Sergeant Mellenthin Binder, 23 May 1906 [fol. 171 - 173] Hamadjam, Lamido of Tibati. - Petition for clemency. - Rejection by Colonel Müller, 12 October 1906 [fol. 178] Borders with the British possessions. - Protests and investigations into German border incursions against Bornu, 1906 [fol. 180 - 183] Reports of the general administration departments. - Binder June 1906, 1906 [fol. 187 - 197] Sketch of the district visit of the resident in Garua, Captain of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun, Karl Zimmermann, in the period 16.10. - 4.11.1905, 1:200 000, multicoloured drawing, Zimmermann, Captain, 1905 Punitive expedition against the Midjiwin and Bobojo on the Binder (Kaele) Mendif Marua road. - Punishment of the Bobojo and Midjiwin. - Report by the Deputy Resident in Garua, Lieutenant of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun, Kurt von Strümpell, December 1906 Map of the march Binder - Kalfu - Jagua - Bongor - Suai - Tsatibali - Mburai- Binder by Lieutenant Schipper in the period from 5.9.-16.9.1905, 1:250 000, pen and ink drawing with coloured entries, Schipper, Lieutenant

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 123 · File · 1906 - 1907 (1908)
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Affairs of the Chiefs. - Sanda, Shefu of Dikwa. - Escape of Shefu Ibrahim, 1906 - 1907 [fol. 1 - 2] Boundaries with the British possessions. - Protests and investigations into German border incursions against Bornu, 1906 [fol. 4 - 11] Reports of the general administration departments. - Residentur Garua, January-March 1907 [fol. 14 - 177] Combating unrest and uprisings. - Operation against the Modelam from 29 April to 10 May 1907 (Lieutenant King, Bongor), 1907 [fol. 30 - 33] Borders with the British possessions. - Co-operation with the British authorities, 1902 - 1911 [fol. 35 - 56] Administrative and territorial boundaries (tribal boundaries). - Marua-Madagali and Mora, 1907 [fol. 39 - 41] Reports of the general administration departments. - Ngaundere March - April 1907, 1907 [fol. 57 - 164] Combating unrest and insurrections. - Operation against Ssari (Captain Vokre) on 30 April 1907 (Lieutenant Dühring, Ngaundere), 1907 [fol. 64 - 66] Reports of the general administration departments. - Binder February, April, May 1907, 1907 [fol. 67 - 183] Garua. - Takeover and handover of the Residentur to Captain von Krogh by First Lieutenant Strümpell, 9 September 1907 [fol. 76 - 78] Reports of the general administration departments. - Residentur Garua May-December 1906 [fol. 80 - 90] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Binder September 1906, 1906 [fol. 87] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Mani-Illin August-September 1906, 1906 [fol. 97 - 103] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Bongor August-September 1906, 1906 [fol. 98 - 105] Individual cases. - Freyer, senior physician of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Termination of the investigation proceedings for abuse of official authority on the occasion of the events in Dikoa in December 1905, November 1907 [fol. 109] Faro expedition from March-April 1907 (Lieutenant Strümpell, Garua), 1907 [fol. 111 - 155] Namdschi expedition from 28 May - 12 June 1907 (Lieutenant Strümpell, Garua). - Execution, 1907 [fol. 123 - 135] Namji expedition from 28 May - 12 June 1907 (First Lieutenant Strümpell, Garua). - Participation of the Dühring column. - Report by Lieutenant Dühring, 1907 [fol. 136 - 139] Namji expedition from 28 May - 12 June 1907 (First Lieutenant Strümpell, Garua). - Execution without authorisation of the governorate. - Report by Governor Dr Seitz, 11.11.1907 [fol. 157 - 158] Ssagdje - Revision of the post. - Report by Lieutenant Dühring, April 1907 [fol. 162 - 164] North Adamaua Expedition from 13 November 1906 - 13 January 1907 (Lieutenant von Raven), 1906 - 1907 [fol. 167 - 194] Reports of the general administration departments. - Residentur Garua April 1907 - February 1910 [fol. 168 - 176] Ngaundere. - Construction of a new post at another location of the Ngaundere station built by Captain Thierry. - Report by Lieutenant Dühring, 10 February 1907 [fol. 179] Offices of the local administration. - Ngaundere. - Rejection of re-establishment by Colonel Müller, 8 July 1907 [fol. 184 - 185] North Adamaua Expedition from 13 November 1906 - 13 January 1907 - Report by Lieutenant Müller [fol. 187 - 200] Customs. - Ellbore (Ellibore) customs post in the Binder area. - Establishment and French protest, February 1907 [fol. 202 - 204] General map for the Faro exploration, 1:500 000, pen and ink drawing with coloured entries, Strümpell, First Lieutenant, March 1907

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 125 · File · 1903 - 1905
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Kusseri. - Establishment of the Residentur in the old Rabeh Palace by Governor von Puttkamer, 3 Nov. 1903 [fol. 1 - 10] Kusseri. - Appointment of Lieutenant Stieber as provisional Resident, 2 Nov. 1903 [fol. 10 - 18] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kusseri November 1903 - January 1904, 1903 - 1904 [fol. 21 - 56] Kusseri. - Budget 1904/05 (draft), 1903 [fol. 34] Regional border affairs. - Kusseri [fol. 39 - 71] Musgum expedition from 8 February to 20 March 1904 (Lieutenant Stieber), 1904 [fol. 57 - 161] River navigation. - Exploration of a water connection between Chari and Benue, 1903 [fol. 58 - 59] Europeans. - Distribution of the European members of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Lists, some with names. - Dikoa, 11 June 1904 [fol. 67] Boundaries with the British possessions. - Boundary relations with British-Bornu, 1902 - 1906 [fol. 69 - 72] Boundaries with the British possessions. - Protests and enquiries about English border incursions against Bornu, 1902 - 1904, 1907 [fol. 73 - 77] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kusseri March-December 1904 [fol. 83 - 178] Kusseri. - Appointment of Captain Langheld as Resident. - Proposal of the command of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon, 29 August 1904 [fol. 94 - 95] External relations. - French Central Africa, 1904 [fol. 96 - 114] Borders with the French possessions. - Franco-German border agreement of 15 March 1894. Note to Great Britain on the validity, 1904 [fol. 121 - 125] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - 1st Company. - Use of the company stationed in Garua as an expeditionary company and its further deployment. - Order by Governor von Puttkamer, 20 November 1903 [fol. 128] Assassination of the Deputy Resident in Garua, Captain Thierry, on 16 September 1904 near Mubi. - Initiation of immediate measures by the Kusseri Residency. - Report by Lieutenant Stieber, 6 October 1904 [fol. 180] Conditions in the district and the tasks to be performed by the governorate in the near future. - Secret memorandum by District Officer Steinhausen and Deputy Surgeon Hösemann, (signature uncertain), 16 Nov. 1903, 29 Dec. 1903

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 66 · File · 1905 - 1906
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Reports of the Departments of General Administration. - Victoria 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 1 - 9] Distribution of European Civil Servants. - Victoria, 23 January 1906 [fol. 10] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Victoria, 23 March 1906 [fol. 11] Status of the white population. - Victoria, January 1905 [fol. 12 - 23] Causes of death of the white population. - Victoria, 1905 [fol. 14] Marital status of the white population. - Victoria, January 1905 [fol. 17 - 18] Plantation statistics. - Victoria, District, 1905 - 1906 [fol. 28 - 43] Reports of the Departments of General Administration. - Duala, District Office, Annual Reports 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 47 - 53] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Duala, 22 July 1906 [fol. 56 - 57] Status of the white population. - Duala, January 1906 [fol. 59 - 67] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon protectorate. - Directories. - Kribi, 31 December 1905 [fol. 84 - 87] Marital status of the white population. - Duala, January 1906 [fol. 60] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kribi 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 78] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Edea 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 101 - 112] Distribution of European civil servants. - Lists. - Edea, 1 April 1906 [fol. 113] Movement of the white population. - Edea, January 1906 [fol. 114 - 115] Companies.- Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Edea, 1 April 1906 [fol. 116] Firms Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Edea, 1 Jan. 1906 [fol. 119] Reports of the general administration departments. - Yaoundé 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 126 - 130] Movement of the white population. - Victoria, 1905 [fol. 131] Movement of the white population. - Yaoundé, 1 April 1906 [fol. 131] Movement of the white population. - Yaoundé - Planning, 1 April 1906 [fol. 131] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 134 - 136] Status of the white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Barombi-See), January 1906, March 1906, 15 April 1906 [fol. 137 - 170] Marital status of the white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), January 1906 [fol. 138] Movement of the white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1905 [fol. 144] Status of the indigenous population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1 January 1906 [fol. 145 - 147] Status of the non-native, non-white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1 January 1906 [fol. 148] Causes of death of the white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1905 [fol. 149] Firms.- Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), January 1906 [fol. 150] Plantation statistics. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1905 [fol. 151 - 155] Distribution of European members of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Lists, some with names. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe, 1 January 1906 [fol. 156] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon Protectorate. - Directories. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 5 Dec. 1905 [fol. 158] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Dschang (Tinto, Fontemdorf), 31 Dec. 1905 [fol. 173] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon Protectorate. - Directories. - Ossidinge, 31 Dec. 1905 [fol. 173] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Bare 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 169 - 174] Distribution of the African members of the protection force for Cameroon. - Strength report. - Bascho (Basso), March 1906 [fol. 172] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Dschang (Tinto, Fontemdorf) 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 173 - 186] Movement of the white population. - Joko, 1905 - March 1906 [fol. 187] Movement of the white population. - Fontemdorf-Tinto, 14 July 1906 [fol. 187 - 189] Fontemdorf (Tinto). - Budget - Economic control lists, 31 March 1906 [fol. 190 - 191] Reports of the general administration departments. - Rio del Rey 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 193 - 195] Causes of death of the white population. - Joko, 1905 - March 1906 [fol. 194] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Rio del Rey, 1 April 1906 [fol. 198] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Jabassi 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 200 - 205] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Lolodorf 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 211 - 217] Distribution of the European members of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Lists, some with names. - Lolodorf, 1 January 1906 [fol. 219] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Lolodorf, 1 January 1906 [fol. 221 - 223] Status of the white population. - Lolodorf, January 1906 [fol. 218 - 226] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kampo 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 227 - 230] Status of the non-native-born non-white population. - Kampo, January 1906 [fol. 231] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Buea 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 234 - 236] Plantation statistics. - Buea, District, 1906 [fol. 237 - 240] Reports of the general administration departments. - Ebolowa 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 244 - 247] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Ebolowa, 1 January 1906 [fol. 248 - 249] Reports of the general administration departments. - Bamenda 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 251 - 260] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Joko 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 262 - 281] Status of the white population. - Joko, 31 March 1906 [fol. 283] Status of the white population. - Kampo (South Cameroon Society only), 1906 [fol. 283] Status of the white population. - Joko, January 1906 [fol. 283] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Bamenda, 17 June 1907 [fol. 284] Distribution of the European members of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Lists, some with names. - Joko, 1 Jan. 1906 [fol. 285] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Banjo 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 288 - 294] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Joko, 31 March 1906 [fol. 284] Causes of death of the white population. - Banjo, 1905 [fol. 296] Marital status of the white population. - Banjo, January 1906 [fol. 298] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon Protectorate. - Directories. - Lomie, 31 March 1905 [fol. 303 - 304] Marital status of the white population. - Lomie (administration at Ngoko), January 1906 [fol. 309] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Secondary factories of the main factory in Garua. - List, July 1906 [fol. 301] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon Protectorate. - Directories. - Lomie, 1 January 1906 [fol. 303 - 304] Marital status of the white population. - Kribi, 31 March 1906 [fol. 309] Movement of the white population. - Lomie (administration at Ngoko), 1905 [fol. 310] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Duala. Main Customs Office. Annual reports 1905, 1905 [fol. 316 - 317] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Duala, Bezirksksamtskasse, annual reports 1905, 1905 [fol. 318] Public Health: Annual reports. - Annual reports 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 321 - 328] Native cocoa crops in Victoria district, - Directory, 1906 [fol. 332 - 334] Flotilla budgeting : revenue of government steamers. - HERZOGIN ELISABETH and NACHTIGAL, 1905 - 1906 [fol. 341] Companies. - A. Herschell & Co, Liverpool, Duala branch. - Takeover of the business of the company, which ceased trading on 20 May 1904, by John Holt & Co, Ltd, 1906 [fol. 342] Companies. - John Holt & Co, Ltd - Takeover of the business of the company A. Herschell & Co, Liverpool, Duala branch, which ceased to exist on 20 May 1904, 1906 [fol. 342] Activities of the chambers of commerce in Duala and Kribi. - Decree of the Foreign Office on the failure of the governorate to report and its justification with the non-appearance of the Chamber of Commerce in Duala and the alleged non-existence of the Chamber of Commerce for the southern district in Kribi, 1906 [fol. 346 - 352] Labour relations in the districts. - Report by Labour Commissioner von Lüdinghausen. - Victoria, 1906 [fol. 358 - 360] Regulations of the Gouvernement. - Directories, April 1905 June 1906 [fol. 364] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Buea. - Annual report 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 366] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Buea. - Buea Governorate Workshop 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 366] Plantation Statistics. - Entire protectorate, 1905 [fol. 367 - 372] Status of the white population. - Entire protectorate, March 1906 [fol. 375 - 388] Sea and river traffic in the Kamerun protectorate (records). - Coastal sites, January-December 1905 [fol. 373] Annual reports of the governorate. - Annual Report (1905/06) Volume 1: Draft [fol. 394 - 438] Customs. - Accounting year 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 439] Revenue of the protectorate. - Overviews. - Accounting year 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 441] Revenue from head and metallurgical taxes as well as tribute payments in the accounting years 1903/04 and 1904/05 - Overview, 1905 [fol. 442] Decrees and decrees, announcements and ordinances of the governorate. - General 1896, 1898 Sketch of the landscapes north of the Sanaga River in the Edea district, ca. l:300 000, Krücke, Bezirksamtmann, (1906) Ordinances and decrees. - Kribi , (signature uncertain), 1906

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 67 · File · 1905 - 1908
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Reports of the Departments of General Administration. - Garua Residency 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 13 - 24] Plantation Statistics. - Victoria, District, 1906 [fol. 27 - 28] White population status. - Lomie (Ngoko administration), January 1906 [fol. 30] Sentences passed in the districts of the Cameroon protectorate (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Entire protectorate, 1905/06 [fol. 43] Sentences passed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Jabassi, 1905/06 [fol. 46] Sentences passed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Dschang (Fontemdorf), 1905/06 [fol. 47] Sentences passed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Ossidinge, 1905/06 [fol. 47a] Sentencing in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Lolodorf, 1905/06 [fol. 48] Sentencing in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Ebolowa, 1905/06 [fol. 49] Sentences passed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Lomie, 1905/06 [fol. 50 - 51] Sentences passed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Bamenda, 1905/06 [fol. 52] Sentences passed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Kampo, 1905/06 [fol. 54] Sentences imposed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1905/06 [fol. 56] Sentences imposed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Rio del Rey, 1905/06 [fol. 57 - 59] Sentences imposed in the districts of the Protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Jaunde, 1905 [fol. 60 - 61] Sentences passed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Edea, 1905/06 [fol. 62 - 63] Sentences passed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Kribi, 1905/06 [fol. 64] Sentences imposed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Victoria, 1905/06 [fol. 67 - 68] Marital status of the white population. - Joko, January 1906 [fol. 37] Status of the white population. - Entire protectorate, January 1906 [fol. 76 - 89] Sentences passed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Joko, 1905/07 [fol. 91] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Lomie 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 94 - 123] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. Annual report. - 1905/06 , 1906 [fol. 125 - 133] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - Weapons and equipment. - Distribution of guns and machine guns, August 1906 [fol. 134] Comparison of the activities of the small number of troop doctors and the resulting overvaluation of the troop medical service in the annual report on the activities of the protection force for Cameroon 1905/96 - Memorandum by Medical Officer Naval Chief Surgeon Dr Ziemann, 1906 [fol. 135 - 138] Research and control of diseases: sleeping sickness. - Sleeping sickness in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon. - Questionnaire form, 1903 [fol. 144] Sickness rate and causes of sickness among the white members of the Cameroonian population. - Europeans who died of specific tropical diseases in the coastal areas of Duala, Edea and Victoria. - Overview, March 1900 - April 1904 [fol. 152 - 153]

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 68 · File · 1907
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Workers' mortality on the plantations due to dysentery and measures to combat it - Memorandum by Deputy Governor Dr Gleim, 1907 [fol. 2 - 3] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Bare, January - December 1906, 1907 [fol. 10] Status of the white population. - Jabassi, January 1907 [fol. 14 - 15] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Duala. Main magazine. Annual reports 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 25 - 30] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Lolodorf 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 31 - 35] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Victoria 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 37 - 47] Hydraulic engineering. - Victoria, district. - Construction of the 1005m drainage and reclamation canal from Victoria to the sea. - Report by Deputy District Officer Kirchhof on the merits of Kiessler, the prisoner in charge of supervising the construction, 1907 [fol. 48] Reports of the general administration departments. - Jabassi 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 52 - 71] Reports of the general administration departments. - Duala. Harbour Office, annual reports 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 57 - 61] Reports of the general administration departments. - Bare 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 77 - 91] Reports of the general administration departments. - Ossidinge 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 92 - 99] Cultivation trials in the experimental gardens. - Experience reports in accordance with Circular No. 242 of 25 April 1907. - Ossidinge [fol. 100 - 103] Reports from the general administration departments. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 104 - 106] Reports of the general administration departments. - Duala, District Office, Annual Reports 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 108 - 112] Reports of the general administration departments. - Edea 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 115 - 128] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Rio del Rey 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 132 - 137] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Dschang 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 138 - 148] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Bare February - March 1907, 1907 [fol. 138 - 148] Reports of the general administration departments. - Joko 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 149 - 160] Reports of the general administration departments. - Ossidinge 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 163 - 171] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Bamenda 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 196 - 201] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Banjo 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 184 - 190] Budget, treasury and accounting. - Banjo. - Budget control lists - April 1906 - March 1907 [fol. 191 - 192] Annual report of the Victoria District Court: 1 April 1906 - 31 March 1907 [fol. 204 - 207] Reports of the general administration departments. - Lomie 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 209 - 230] Public Health : Annual Reports 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 237 - 242] Veterinary Services. - Annual report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 241] Reports of the general administration departments. - Ebolowa 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 248 - 258] Reports of the general administration departments. - Buea 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 261 - 273] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kampo 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 276 - 282] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kribi 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 283 - 289] Annual reports of the land surveyors. - Gehlen, cadastral inspector for 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 291] Annual reports of the land surveyors. - Hahn for 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 292] Reports of the offices of the general administration. - Kusseri January-December 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 293 - 302] Status of the white population. - Bascho (Basso), May 1907 [fol. 304] Annual reports of the governorate. - Annual Report 1906/07 Volume 1, draft [fol. 306 - 349] Cultivation trials in the experimental gardens. - Field reports in accordance with Circular No. 242 of 25 April 1907 - Victoria cultivation trials in the experimental gardens. - Field reports in accordance with Circular No. 242 of 25 April 1907 - Jabassi [fol. 353] Cultivation trials in the trial gardens. - Field reports in accordance with Circular No. 242 of 25 April 1907 - Entire Cameroon Protectorate [fol. 354 - 358] Livestock breeding. - Annual Report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 359 - 362] Decline in ivory exports from the protectorate of Cameroon. - Report, 1907 [fol. 369 - 372] Sea and river traffic in the Cameroon Protectorate (records). - Coastal sites, (April) 1906, (March) 1907 [fol. 375] Telecommunications. - Development of telecommunications in the protectorate. - Annual report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 377] Forest administration. - Annual Report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 379] Revenue of the Protectorate. - Overviews. - Financial year 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 380] Status of the white population. - Entire protectorate, December 1906 [fol. 382 - 400] Status of the non-native non-white population. - Entire protectorate, April 1907 [fol. 401 - 402] Status of the native population. - Entire protectorate, April 1907 [fol. 403] Government schools : Duala. - Annual Report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 408] Government Schools. - Victoria [fol. 410] Evangelical Missionary Society in Basel. - Annual report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 411 - 412] Missionary Society of the German Baptists. - Annual Report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 415 - 422] Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. - Entire Mission Field. - Annual Report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 423 - 425] Co-operative Society of the Pallottines. - Annual Report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 426 - 432] Government Schools: Garua. - Status report, December 1906 [fol. 433 - 434] Labour relations in the districts. - Report by the Lüdinghausen labour commissioner. - Buea, Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi) - Victoria, May 1907 [fol. 441 - 445] Plantation statistics. - Total protected area, 1907 [fol. 446 - 449] Annual report of the Duala Chamber of Commerce 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 480 - 481] Versuchsanstalt für Landeskultur, Victoria. - Annual report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 451 - 465] Reports of the general administration departments. - Buea. - Annual report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 471 - 478] Reports of the general administration departments. - Duala, District Treasury, Annual Reports 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 482 - 485] Sea and river traffic in the Cameroon Protectorate (records). - Küstenplätze, January-December 1906 [fol. 487] Sentencing in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Entire protectorate, 1906/07 [fol. 488 - 490] Ordinances of the governorate. - Directories, April 1906 March 1907 [fol. 491] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Entire protectorate of Cameroon, 1907 [fol. 492 - 495] Europeans. - Numerical distribution of officers and medical officers for Cameroon to the posts and stations. - Overview, 1 January 1907 [fol. 496 - 498] Europeans. - Entire protectorate, 1 January 1907 [fol. 496 - 498] Reports of the general administration departments. - Residentur Garua 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 500 - 516] Sea and river traffic in the protectorate of Cameroon (records). - Yaoundé (Njong) see also Lomie, January-February 1907 [fol. 530] Establishment of native crops on the farm of the Buea station, 1907 [fol. 532] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Yaoundé 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 521 - 528] Native crops. - Crops and agriculture. - Ossidinge district, 1907 [fol. 539 - 543] Crop trials in the experimental gardens. - Field reports in accordance with Circular No. 242 of 25 April 1907 - Edea [fol. 544 - 548] Crop trials in the experimental gardens. - Field reports in accordance with Circular No. 242 of 25 April 1907 - Bascho [fol. 546] Cultivation trials in the trial gardens. - Experience reports in accordance with Circular Decree No. 242 of 25 April 1907 - Duala [fol. 552 - 556] Cultivation trials in the trial gardens. - Field reports according to Circular Decree No. 242 of 25 April 1907 - Dschang with Fontem, Mbo and Bamileke area [fol. 560 - 567] Native crops. - Crops and agriculture. - Bamum (Fumban) area, 1907 [fol. 561 - 563] Crop trials in the experimental gardens. - Field reports in accordance with Circular No. 242 of 25 April 1907 - Ebolowa [fol. 564] Cultivation trials in the experimental gardens. - Field reports in accordance with Circular No. 242 of 25 April 1907. - Kampo [fol. 565] Introduction of cotton cultivation in the Bamum (Fumban) region. - Report by the gardener Stössel [fol. 569 - 574] Sketch of the district and tribal boundaries of the Joko military station, no. M, pen and ink drawing with coloured inscriptions, thick cardboard, 1907 Sketch of the district and tribal boundaries of the Joko military station - by Heigelin, First Lieutenant of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon and station chief, 1907 General sketch of the old and new Deng Deng road in the area of the Joko military station, 1: 1 000 000 Pen and ink drawing with coloured inscriptions, thick cardboard, von Oertzen, Lieutenant, 1907 Graphic representation of the water level of the Sanaga River at Edea in the period from 1. 4.1906 - 31.3.1907, 1907 Operations in the Deng-Deng area and connections to the French post Kunde, 1906 - 1907

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Bd 2: 1912 - 1914
FA 1 / 116 · File
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Heranziehung der Träger der Firmen im Süden des Schutzgebietes Kamerun als Gouvernementsarbeiter zum Straßenbau. - Complaints, August 1912 [fol. 2 - 9] Offices of the local administration. - Baibokum. - Transfer of administrative powers to the 12th Company of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun stationed in the district of Mao Kabbi, 1 February 1913 [fol. 29] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - 10th Company. - Transfer of the administrative powers of a station to the company stationed in Oyem (Wolö Ntem district). - Order of the Governorate, 1 February 1913 [fol. 29] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - 5th Company. - Disbanded on 1 April 1913 on the occasion of the transfer of this station to the civil administration and re-established from 1 April 1913 in New Cameroon. - Order of the command of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon, 24 February 1913 [fol. 35 - 37] Ebolowa. - Handover of the military station to the provisional district officer, Stabsarzt Jäger, by First Lieutenant Heinicke, 15 April 1913 [fol. 59 - 68] Combating unrest and uprisings. - Planning of drastic measures against the self-confident population of the Ebolowa district, which is prone to assaults. - Order by Dr Ebermaier on the basis of Captain Heinicke's proposals, 16.7.1913 [fol. 91 - 92] Medical Corps of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Annual report 1912/13, 1913 [fol. 94] Ebolowa. - Handover of the military station to Assessor Dr Havemann by Staff Surgeon Dr Jäger, 26.3.1914 [fol. 101 - 103] Ebolowa. - Handover of the military station to First Lieutenant von Hagen by Assessor Dr Havemann, 8 May 1914 [fols. 104 - 105] Reports from the general administration departments. - Ebolowa April-September 1912, May 1914, 1912, 1914 [fol. 107 - 108] Sangmelima. - Administration of the station, 1912 - 1914 Sangmelima. - Handover of the station to the station officer Mellenthin by Sergeant Niemeyer, 6 May 1913

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Beiakten, Band 4
FA 1 / 8 · File · 1905 - 1907
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Kommandierung zur deutschen Abteilung der deutsch-französischen Grenzkommission Ost-Kamerun, 7 Aug. 1905 [fol. 2] Kröger, S. - Kommandierung als Expeditionsunteroffizier zur deutschen Abteilung der deutsch-französischen Grenzkommission Ost-Kamerun, 7 Sept. 1905 [fol. 4] Winkler, Erwin Gotthold, Oberleutnant. - Appointment as 2nd Commissioner of the German section of the Franco-German Border Commission South Cameroon, 27 Aug. 1905 [fol. 7] Engagement of workers from the Togo protectorate for the German section of the Franco-German South Cameroon Border Expedition, 1905 [fol. 9 - 14] Cancellation of the Banjo garrison and establishment of a police post under the Garua Residentur - proposal by Governor von Puttkamer, 1905 [fol. 9 - 14] Enlistment of soldiers from the Togo protectorate for the German section of the Franco-German South Cameroon Border Commission, 1905 [fol. 9 - 14] Bernhardt, Max, non-commissioned officer. - Commanding the German section of the Franco-German Border Commission East Cameroon, 1905 [fol. 47] General political, military and economic conditions. - East and South Cameroon. - Report by Captain Scheunemann, 1905 [fol. 50] Freier, Otto, cartographer at the publishing house Dietrich Reimer, Berlin. - Request for and assignment to the German section of the Franco-German East Cameroon Border Commission, 1905 - 1906 [fol. 56 - 97] Difficulties of the South Cameroon Society in supporting the German section of the Franco-German East Cameroon Border Expedition due to lack of support, 1906 [fol. 61 - 78] Incorporation of the Lamidat Binder claimed by France. - Request from Lamidos Chalid to Lieutenant Schipper, Garua, ca. 1905 [fol. 91 - 92] Regional border matters. - Binder, 1904 - 1906 [fol. 91 - 92] General political, military and economic conditions. - Njong area. - Report by Captain von Stein, 1906 [fol. 93 - 95] Glass beads as a means of payment for the German-French border commission East Cameroon due to lack of procurement of barter items from German factories, 1906 [fol. 105 - 106] Bernhardt, Max, non-commissioned officer. - Burial in Kunde after death on 5 May 1906, 1906 [fol. 108 - 113] Regional border affairs. - Djau Kombol, 1906 [fol. 140 - 144] Borders with the French possessions. - Non-recognition of the agreement approved by the Governor. - Secret decree of the Foreign Office, 1906 [fol. 142] Provisional Franco-German agreement on the course of the border in the Chari-Lagone-Tuburi region: copy, 21 July 1905 [fol. 146] Transfer of African soldiers of the protection force for Cameroon to the German section of the Franco-German Border Commission East Cameroon on 15 October 1905 - List of names, 1906 [fol. 183] General political, military and economic conditions. - Southern Musgum region. - Report by Lieutenant Kund, Bongor, ca. 1906 [fol. 194] Deployment of the Franco-German East and South Cameroon border expedition. - Memorandum, ca. 1905 [fol. 205]

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 22 · File · 1912 - 1913
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Einzelelfälle. - Oertel, medical orderly. - Leaving in cash, 1912 [fol. 1] Native taxes and benefits. - Entry into force of the Native Man Tax Ordinance on 1.4.1913. - Telegraphic order from Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 2] Cultivation trials. - Cotton. - Exploration of the eastern part of the Joko district by the agricultural expert Dr Simoneit for cotton cultivation possibilities. - Order of the Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 8 - 9] Local government offices. - Bamenda. - Retention of the administration at the previous location, expansion and fortification of the station (provision of funds), 1912 [fol. 10] Bamum (Fumban). - Establishment of a residence. - Memorandum by Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 14 - 16] Cameroon Northern Railway - continuation. - Development of the Bamum (Fumban) area after the extension of the Cameroon Northern Railway. - Memorandum by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 14 - 16] Personality of Chief Njoya. - Report by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 14 - 16] Individual cases. - Adametz, Captain. - Planned appointment as resident in Bamum (Fumban) from spring 1913, 1912 [fol. 14 - 20] Regional border matters. - Ossidinge, 1912 [fol. 17] Offices of the local administration. - Bamenda. - Administrative changes (planning), April 1912 [fol. 18 - 19] Distribution of European civil servants. - Lists. - Filling of administrative posts with officers of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - Plans by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 20] Reinforcement of the police force in the Dschang district by 10 soldiers. -Approval of the application of the district office by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 23] Gold deposits in the Garua (Njum) district. - Discovery of the deposit by The Niger Company, Ltd, 1912 [fol. 24] Cameroon Northern Railway - continuation. - Completion of the exploration for the railway line. - Report by technician Arnold, 1912 [fol. 31] Cameroon Northern Railway - continuation. - Economic importance of the Bamum (Fumban) area. - Report by Technician Arnold, 1912 [fol. 31 - 37] Offices of the Special Administration. - Buea Government Printing Office. - Conditions of the department. - Memorandum, Privy Government Councillor Dr Meyer, 1912 [fol. 39 - 42] Offices of the special administration. - Buea Government Printing Office. - Sanitary conditions of the office. - Expert opinion by government physician Dr Schütz, 1912 [fol. 43 - 44] Offices of the Special Administration. - Buea Government Printing Office. - Conditions of the department and strengthening of the private printing industry. - Report by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 45 - 51] Displacement of the Kauri snail as a means of payment from the markets of the Bamum (Fumban) region. - Memorandum by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1912 [fol. 52] Arrest of the chiefs Tedi Mbassa and Dalugene in the Dume area. - Report by Lieutenant Zipse, 1912 [fol. 53] Establishment of a meteorological service in the Kamerun protectorate. - Memorandum by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 62 - 66] Cotton. - Cotton cultivation in Nigeria. - Preparations for a business trip by the agricultural expert Dr Wolff, 1913 [fol. 67-70, 211 - 214] Livestock breeding. - Crossbreeding trials with Allgäu bulls and zebu cows. - Report by the government doctor Immel, Banjo, 1912 [fol. 73 - 78] Livestock breeding. - Stationing of European or zebu breeding bulls in Banjo. - Report of the government veterinarian Immel, 1912 [fol. 75 - 78] Livestock breeding. - Establishment of a breeding station for cattle, sheep and chickens. - Cost estimate by government veterinarian Immel, Banjo, 1912 [fol. 77 - 78] Livestock breeding. - Procurement of livestock for the Djutits livestock breeding station, Dschang district; establishment of the Bamenda livestock breeding station; livestock farming at the Kuti agricultural research station. - Provision of financial resources, 1913 [fol. 83-87, 171 - 173] Administrative and territorial boundaries (tribal boundaries). - Banjo and Bamenda, 1912 - 1913 [fol. 89 - 94] General political, military and economic conditions. - Bali area, especially support for the pro-government Chief Bali, 1913 [fol. 97 - 107] Administrative and territorial boundaries (tribal boundaries). - Dschang and Bamenda, 1912 [fol. 108] Mission and school matters. - Minutes of a meeting between Governor Dr Ebermaier and various experts in Kuti (Kutaba) near Bamum (Fumban), 1912 [fol. 109 - 120] Cattle breeding. - Cattle husbandry of the natives in the resident districts. - Questionnaire form, 1913 [fol. 121] Cameroon-Midland Railway. - Continuation of the Ngaundere Garua railway. - Memorandum by Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 127 - 128] Affairs of the chiefs. - Maintenance (re-gilding and re-silvering) and repair of the chieftaincy staffs awarded to the chiefs as emblems of sovereignty. - Order by Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 129] Affairs of the chiefs. - Handover of chiefs' staffs by Governor Dr Ebermaier during the Lake Chad journey. - List of chiefs, January 1913 [fol. 130] Development of the transport system in the Cameroon protectorate. - Memorandum by Government Councillor Schlosser for the colonial writer Zimmermann, 1913 [fol. 140] Europeans. - Budgetary departures of officers and non-commissioned officers of the protection force for Cameroon in the financial year 1913/14 - List of names, 1913 [fol. 144 - 145] Personnel budgets (drafts) for European civil servants and military personnel. - Accounting year 1914/15 [fol. 146 - 158] Local administration, general. - Renaming and administrative changes at the Residenturen. - Decree by Dr Ebermaier: Draft, 26.1.1913 [fol. 151 - 165] Taxes and services of the native. - Collection of poll tax and cattle tax in Lamidat Ngaundere. - Report by Governor Dr Ebermaier on the request of the Lamido, 1913 [fol. 159] General political, military and economic conditions. - New Cameroon (in particular reference to the insufficient German military forces there). - Report by Captain Schwartz, 1913 [fol. 166] Job applications for the financial year 1914/15 (with reasons). - Banjo (Bezirksksamtsmannstelle and discontinuation of the Bezirksleiterstelle) [fol. 174] Vacancy applications for the financial year 1914/15 (with justifications). - Molundu (District Officer's Office) [fol. 174] Europeans. - Personnel changes in the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Telegraphic order from Governor Dr Ebermaier, 12.2.1913 [fol. 184] European. - Personnel changes in the administration. - Telegraphic order from Governor Dr Ebermaier, 12.2.1913 [fol. 184] Members of the Special Administration. - Personnel changes in the forestry department after the death of Chief Forester Schorkopf. - Report by Privy Government Councillor Dr Meyer, 1913 [fol. 185] Development of the railway network in the Kamerun Protectorate, taking into account the navigable rivers after the acquisition of New Kamerun. - Report by Engineer Thevos, 1912 [fol. 185 - 206] March Garua Mbassi-Baibokum of the 12th Company (Captain von Raven, First Lieutenant Wanka) also: Representation of German power in the area of the eastern border at the request of Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 216 - 220] Local administration, general. - Establishment of the administration along the new eastern border on the Logone. - Memorandum by Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 221 - 223] Land law, land registration, expropriation, land ownership of the natives. - Duala expropriation. - Meeting of the Duala chiefs. - Minutes (extracts), 9 December 1912 [fol. 167] Land law, land registration, expropriation, land ownership of the natives. - Duala expropriation. - Petition of the Duala chiefs to District Officer Röhm. - Transcript, 7 Dec. 1912 [fol. 168] Affairs of the chiefs. - Jaimo, deposed Lamido of Kontcha. - Return from British to German territory. - Statement by Governor Dr Ebermaier on Captain Eymael's report, Banjo, 1913 [fol. 177 - 182] Local government departments. - Ngaundere. - Taking over the business. - Report by Captain von Stephani, 1 February 1913 [fol. 224] Combating unrest and insurrections. - Eastern Frontier, 1907 - 1913 [fol. 216 - 220]

Gouvernement von Kamerun
BArch, RW 51 · Fonds · 1891-1918
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: After the German Reich had abandoned an active colonial policy in the first years of its existence due to foreign policy considerations, this changed in 1884. The colonies Deutsch-Südwestafrika, Togo, Cameroon, Deutsch-Neuguinea, Deutsch-Ostafrika and Samoa, formally referred to as "protectorates", emerged. The governorates of these protectorates established in the following period were first under the control of the Colonial Department in the A u s w ä r t i g e s A m t and finally of the resulting R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t . The Kiautschou leasehold in China, acquired in 1898, was subject to the R e i c h s m a r i n e a m t . From the very beginning it was necessary to be able to assert and protect the interests of the empire in the colonies by military force. In the initial phase, this task was performed by ships and landing commands of the Imperial Navy. In the German South Sea colonies this remained so until the end. In the African colonies there was a development of their own. In 1889, a troupe of German volunteers with a contract under an active officer (Captain Curt von François) was formed in D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a , which was initially only to perform police duties. In 1889, in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, the Reich Commissioner Captain Herrmann Wissmann set up a troop of recruited Africans to suppress the "Arab Uprising" that broke out in 1888. With the law of 22 March 1891 the "Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika" was finally formed from volunteers of the army and navy as well as recruited volunteers, followed by the "Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika" and the "Schutztruppe für Kamerun" with the law of 9 June 1895. A protection force for Togo was planned at times, but was not formed, just as there were no protection forces for German New Guinea or Samoa. Only police troops were formed there. In the respective protectorates the governor held the highest military power, the commander of the protection troop was subordinated to him. The protection troops were responsible for maintaining security and public order. At times the individual protection troops were exclusively occupied with the suppression of insurrections of the indigenous population. To this end, some considerable personnel reinforcements were recruited from Germany. The Schutztruppen were first led by the Reichsmarineamt. With the "Gesetz betreffend die Kaiserlichen Schutztruppen in den Afrikanischen Schutzgebieten und die Wehrpflicht daselbst" of 18 July 1896, the Schutztruppen were subordinated to the Reich Chancellor, administered by the Colonial Department in the Foreign Office. In the Colonial Department, the Department M - Military Administration (Command or High Command of the Protection Forces) was responsible. The Prussian War Ministry (Army Department) took over the organizational support. Command affairs were handled by the Director of the Colonial Department, with Division M as his military staff. With the establishment of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t by the Most High Decree of 17 May 1907, the command of the Schutztruppen was placed under its control, now as a military command staff with responsible command power. Like the Navy, the Schutztruppen were under the supreme command of the Emperor. Its members were volunteers of the army (or armies of Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony and Württemberg) and the navy, who retired from the respective army or navy for the time of their service in the Schutztruppen and then returned there again. The male German population in the protectorates was subject to compulsory military service. The conscripts in the Schutztruppen were able to meet these demands. In 1913 the Schutztruppe included the following personnel: - Command of the Schutztruppe in Berlin: 80 men - Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika: 2758 men (266 Germans, 2492 natives) - Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika: 1970 Mann (German) - Schutztruppe für Kamerun: 1471 Mann (171 German, 1300 indigenous) During the Herero Uprising, the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika's personnel strength in 1907 was approx. 15,000 men. The outbreak of the First World War hit the German colonies unprepared. Defensive measures against other colonial powers had never been seriously considered, the Imperial Government had assumed that in the event of a European conflict the colonies could be kept out of the fighting according to the agreements in the Congo Act of 1885, despite warning voices from the colonies themselves. On 1 August 1914, therefore, only a state of emergency was declared in the protectorates. It was not until mid-August 1914 that mobilization began in the protectorates, but the armed units there (Schutztruppen, police troops, naval units present) were ultimately without a chance compared with the opponents who were far superior in terms of numbers and materials. The following were lost, partly after fierce fighting, partly without a fight: - on 27 August 1914 Togo - on 7 September 1914 Samoa - on 17 September 1914 Deutsch-Neuguinea - on 9 July 1915 Deutsch-Südwestafrika - in February 1916 Cameroon The Kiautschou leasehold area under the control of the Navy had capitulated after heavy fighting on 7 November 1914. It was only in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a that the Schutztruppe was able to hold its ground to the end and thus bind considerable enemy forces. Their commander, Major General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, only laid down his weapons on 25 November 1918 on order from Berlin. Processing note: The stock RW 51 was originally created as stock for the "imperial protection troops and other German land forces overseas" and comprised 29 units. In 2010, the documents of the East Asian Expeditionary Corps were extracted and, together with the corresponding new additions, formed the newly created holdings RW 61. Since then, the holdings of RW 51 have consisted exclusively of documents of the Imperial Protection Forces and were subsequently fundamentally revised and developed further. Some new additions were added. Description of the holdings: The collection contains the documents of the Imperial Schutztruppen for D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a , D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and Cameroon, as well as the command of the Schutztruppen, as far as they are available in the military archives. Characterization of content: The inventory contains only a few real fact files. It consists above all of a compilation of commandos of the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika from 1907 to 1914, as well as a file of the same commandos with reports of subordinated units and offices from 1916. In addition there are documents on organization and supply in Deutsch-Ostafrika and Deutsch-Südwestafrika and in particular some hand-drawn maps. Only two documents have survived on Cameroon. State of development: The inventory RW 51 was originally created as an inventory for the "imperial protection troops and other German land forces overseas" and comprised 29 units. In 2010, the documents of the East Asian Expeditionary Corps were extracted and, together with the corresponding new additions, formed the newly created holdings RW 61. Since then, the holdings of RW 51 have consisted exclusively of documents of the Imperial Protection Forces and were subsequently fundamentally revised and developed further. Some new additions were added. Pre-archival order: The tradition of the Schutztruppen In the Bundearchiv military archive is purely fragmentary. The Schutztruppen archive in the Heeresarchiv was destroyed during the air raid on Potsdam in April 1945. This applies to the personnel files of the Schutztruppen and to the records in the archives of the Schutztruppen in the colonies themselves. The tradition of the command of the Schutztruppen is essentially in the R 1001 R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t . The documents of the protection troops remaining in Africa after the First World War are now in the national archives of Tanzania (Dar es Salaam), Namibia (Windhoek) and Cameroon (Duala). In addition, the Belgian Imperial Archives in Brussels contain documents of the Rwandan Schutztruppen. Films on the documents in Windhoek and Dar es Salaam can be found in the Federal Archives in Berlin. Replacement records of the Schutztruppen and their deployments can be found above all in the documents of the Imperial Navy, which as a rule acted in a supportive capacity or, during uprisings, also issued landing commands. In addition, reference should be made to the tradition of the contingents of protection troops in the respective state archives provided by Bavaria, Saxony and Württemberg. Scope, explanation: 30 AU Citation method: BArch, RW 51/...

FA 1 / 23 · File · 1912 - 1913
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - Distribution of the protection force for Cameroon. - Entire protection area. - Planning, 1912 - 1913 [fol. 1 - 18] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - Distribution of the protection force for Cameroon. - Reinforcement. - Planning, 1912 - 1913 [fol. 1 - 18] Local administration, general. - Transfer of the administration of the German Lake Chad countries from Kusseri to Mora on 1 January 1913 as part of the preparations for the spillover of a European war into the protectorate of Cameroon and the resulting withdrawal of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun, February 1913 [fol. 20 - 21] Local administration, general. - Withdrawal from the German Lake Chad countries and Adamaua during the invasion of British and French troops on the occasion of European entanglements and the resulting transfer of the administration of the German Lake Chad countries from Kusseri to Mora. Report by Governor Dr Ebermaier, February 1913 [fol. 20 - 21] Individual cases. - Pulver, Lieutenant-Colonel. - Illness and request for release from the escort of Governor Dr Ebermaier during the Lake Chad trip, 14 February 1913 [fol. 21a] Individual cases. - Hansen, Privy Government Councillor, First Officer. - Action due to his behaviour as representative of Governor Dr Ebermaier during his official trip to Adamua, 1912 - 1913 [fol. 22 - 24] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - 12th Company. - Establishment and co-operation with the provincial governor for the territories in East Cameroon requested for the 1913/14 financial year, 1913 [fol. 35 - 36] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - 12th Company. - New Eastern Territories (Provincial Governor's Office) [fol. 35 - 36] Return of the Bangwa chief Fontem, allegedly involved in the murder of the explorer Conrau in October 1900, from his place of exile Garua to the Dschang district. - Efforts of Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 46] Geology and Mining. - The Niger Company, Ltd - Co-operation in Mining Matters, 1913 [fol. 48] Deposition of the Sultan of Mendif. - Report by Governor Dr Ebermaier for failure to report, 1913 [fol. 62 - 64] Installation and removal of important native rulers. - Circular by Governor Dr Ebermaier (draft), February 1913 [fol. 62 - 64] Exploration of cotton cultivation possibilities in North Cameroon. - Instructions for the agricultural expert Dr Wolf, 1913 [fol. 66 - 69] Affairs of the chiefs. - Pardon of the Etudi chief Tanga-Jiki, exiled to Garua. - Proposal by Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 70]Individual cases. - Netzbrand, medical assistant. - Transfer of Tiko as police master to Bare to replace police master Zydel, January 1913 [fol. 76] Individual cases. - Oertel - transfer to Ebolowa, January 1913 [fol. 76] individual cases. - Wilske, secretary. - Secondment from Ossidinge to Bare, January 1913 [fol. 76] Individual cases. - Zimmerer, Eugen von, Bavarian District Court Councillor. - Appointment as Chancellor of the Governorate of Cameroon and assignment to temporarily deputise for the Governor, 1887 [fol. 76] Individual cases. - Zydel, police master in Bare. - Replacement by medical orderly Netzbrand, Tiko, January 1913 [fol. 76] Economic expeditions Dr Fickendey and Dr Mildbread: Instructions for execution. - Telegram from Governor Dr Ebermaier from Germany, 1913 [fol. 92 - 94] Kamerun-Mittellandbahn. - Continuation to Ngaundere. - Memorandum from Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 95 - 98] Cameroon-Midland Railway. - Unplanned extension beyond Bamum (Fumban) or the Mbam. - Memorandum by Governor Dr Ebermaier, 1913 [fol. 95 - 98] Livestock breeding: Golombe, stud farm. - Budget (draft) 1914/15 (with explanatory notes), 1913 [fol. 102 - 109] Railway exploration expedition (engineer Thévos - 1913). - Exploration of the railway line Ngaundere - Tibati Joko Jaunde, 1913 [fol. 148 - 151] Affairs of the chiefs. - Jaimo, deposed Lamido of Kontcha. - Search measures. - Instruction from Governor Dr Ebermaier to Captain Eymael, 1913 [fol. 153 - 165] Gold deposits in the Garua (Njum) district. - Granting of mining licences, 1912 [fol. 166 - 171] Offices of the local administration. - Akoafim - Provisional formation of the district of Iwindo and transfer of administrative powers to the 11th Company of the Cameroon Protection Force, 1913 [fol. 182 - 188] Elevation and route map of the Lake Chad journey of the Governor of Cameroon, Dr. Karl Ebermaier, in 1914, elevation 1:25,000, longitude 1:2,000,000, based on photographs of the expedition and the available statistical material with explanations, 1914 expropriation and relocation of the native settlements in Duala, (1912 - 1913)

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 15 · File · 1905 - 1908
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Frontières du Protectorat. - Questions des frontières régionales- Frontière méridionalenMissoum-Missoum, Mai-Juin, 1905nFrontières du Protectorat - Questions des frontières régionales - Dja, Juin 1905nOccupation de la frontière du Protectorat du Cameroun par la Gendarmerie pour la protection contre des exactions françaises. - Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1905 Fight against unrest and rebellions. - Expedition to the South from May to July 1905 (First Lieutenant von Sobbe); progress of the expedition. - Report of the Staff of the Colonial Troops of the Protectorate of Cameroon, 1905 Fight against disturbances and rebellions. - Operation in the South from 25.5.1905 to 4.3.1907 (Captain Scheunemann, First Lieutenant Bertram, Captain Schlosser). - Carried out between June and July 1905. - Report by Captain Scheunemann, 1905 Fighting unrest and rebellion. - Expedition to the Njem territory in rebellion. - Report by First Lieutenant Sobbe, July 1905Questions of regional borders. Ndongo-Mabouli, October 1903 - June 1905Regional boundary issues. - Eastern frontier, 1902 - 1905Regional boundary issues. - Damage caused by French firms established on the southern frontier of the Protectorate. - Memorandum for the attention of the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, von Richthofen, 1905 - Regional border issues. - Doumé - Kadéï - Lomié, 1905 - 1908Regional border issues. - Ndélélé-Missoum, 1907 - 1908 Reports from the general administration departments. - Lomié. 1907/08, 1908 Industry and trade. - Hevea trade. -Export of raw hevea by French trading posts. - Report by the Head of the Doumé Station, 1907 Public safety. - French trade in war material in the German territories of Kadéï - Doumé under the pretext of Germany's supposed adherence to the Lisbon Protocol of 8.4.1892. - Countermeasures, 1907 Reports from the General Administration. - Doumé, April 1908, 1908 General political, military and economic conditions. - Yama (Southern District) Report by Lieutenant Reiter, 1908 Public safety. - Expulsion of the French trader Ch. Quintou from the District of Bertoua for false accusations concerning threats from the Batare populations and other offences, 1908 Regional border issues. - Sangha-Ngoko, 1905 - 1908Croquis des comptoirs installés sur le fleuve Kadey, 1:500 000, dessin à la pen avec des inscriptions en couleur du cours du fleuve Sangha-Ngoko, Scheunemann, 1907

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 136 · File
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Schwierigkeiten des Bezirksamtes Jaunde bei der Trägerbeschaffung für durchreisende amtliche Expeditionen und Handelsexpedition. - Report by District Officer von Krosigk, March 1907 [fol. 27 - 28] Business trip to the upper Njong from 7 November to the end of December 1906 (Captain Schlosser), 1906 [fol. 31 - 34] North Maka expedition from 22 November 1906 - 20 January 1907 (Captain Dominik and Captain Schlosser), 1906 - 1907 [fol. 35 - 130] Akonolinga. - Filling the post of station master until the return of Sergeant Liebert, who had transferred to the civil administration, June-July 1907 [fol. 55 - 64] Akonolinga. - Handover of the station, 1 August 1907 - 1 April 1908 [fol. 59 - 133] Jaunde. - Handover of the station to Bezirksamtmann von Krosigk by Captain Dominik, 23.1.1907 [fol. 72 - 76] Murder of the labour recruiter Voss of the Bimbia plantation of the company C. Woermann on 11.3.1907 near Jaunde. - Enquiry into alleged political motives, 1907 [fol. 78 - 109] Alleged links between a case of cannibalism by Mbo people on a Yaoundé man in Victoria, the murder of Voss and the feared effects of this offence on the administration of the reserve with increasing neglect of the supervision of the Yaoundé tribe. - Statement of the recalled Governor von Puttkamer, 1907 [fol. 93 - 119] Chief Ngutte. - Pardon at the request of Captain Dominik, December 1907 [fol. 113] Strength of the protection force for Cameroon on the occasion of the Anjang uprising and stationing of a powerful expeditionary company in Kribi as an intervention reserve against feared uprisings by the Yaoundé, Bule and other tribes in the Southern District. - Memorandum, 22 August 1907 [fol. 120 - 121] Tour of the Yaoundé district in May 1907 (Lieutenant Müller), 1907 [fol. 136 - 146] Akonolinga. - Conversion into a station to enhance the reputation of the provisional station commander. - Application by Captain Dominik, April 1907 [fol. 134] Bafia. - Report by Major General Müller, about 1907 [fol. 147 - 148]

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 119 · File · 1904 - 1905
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Dienstreise Victoria Nigeria Garua vom 5.9.-8.10.1904 (Hauptmann Langheld), 1904 [fol. 1 - 8] Grenzen mit den britischen Besitzungen. - Co-operation with the British authorities, 1902 - 1910 [fol. 9 - 11] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Residentur Garua [fol. 13 - 14] Introduction of imperial coins as official means of payment in Adamaua alongside the Maria Theresa thaler. - Report by Captain Thierry, August 1904 [fol. 17 - 18] Reports from the offices of the general administration. - Residentur Garua February-May 1905 [fol. 19 - 21] Police force in Cameroon. - Retired Schutztruppe soldiers. - Transfer from Yaoundé to Garua as police soldiers, April 1904 [fol. 22 - 24] Police force in Cameroon. - Distribution of police soldiers in Adamaua, 10 October 1904 [fol. 24] French transit traffic through the protectorate of Cameroon [fol. 26] General political, military and economic conditions. - Mubi (turmoil during the reoccupation of the Sultanate) Report by Lieutenant Sandrock, October 1904 [fol. 28 - 36] Affairs of the chiefs. - Lauan Haman of Kalfu. - Causing unrest in the Marua area. - Report by Captain Langheld, September-October 1904 [fol. 39 - 44] Individual cases. - Dominik, Hans, first lieutenant. - Agreement to join the protection force for Cameroon on appointment as resident in Garua. - Declaration by Captain Dominik, 23 October 1904 [fol. 48 - 49] Individual cases. - Dominik, Hans, first lieutenant. - Demand for military powers when appointed as resident. - Report by Lieutenant Dominik, 23 Oct. 1904 [fol. 48 - 49] Local government offices. - Garua. - Mistakes of the murdered Captain Thierry in the administration of Adamaua. - Report by Deputy Governor Gleim to the Foreign Office, 18 Nov. 1904 [fol. 50 - 53] Local government departments. - Garua. - Replacement of the police stationed in Garua with a company and the resulting changes in the stationing of units of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun in the Kamerun protectorate, 18 November 1904 [fol. 50 - 53] Offices of the local government. - Garua. - Appointment of Captain Glauning to the residency. - Report by Deputy Governor Gleim to the Foreign Office, 18 Nov. 1904 [fol. 50 - 53] Cancellation of the Adamaua-Bornu Residency based in Garua and re-establishment of the former Adamaua (Garua) and Lake Chad (Kusseri) Residencies. - Circular by Governor von Puttkamer, 16 October 1906 [fol. 54] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kusseri March- December 1904 [fol. 55 - 58] Public safety. - Intervention against mail robberies in the Garua residential district. - Report by Lieutenant Stieber, Kusseri, August 1904 [fol. 59 - 68] Garua. - Takeover and handover of the Residentur by Captain Glauning, 12 October 1904 [fol. 69 - 70] General political, military and economic conditions. - Adamaua. - Report by Captain Glauning, 15 Oct. 1904 [fol. 72 - 74] Observance of instructions on advising local rulers and mediation even in cases of open hostilities between them. - Order of Governor von Puttkamer, 11 June 1905 [fol. 87] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - 7th Company. - Stationing of the company in Garua due to the demands of Captain Glauning, Garua, 21 February and 11 June 1905 [fol. 80 - 88] Offices of the local administration. - Garua. - Takeover or handover of the Residentur by Captain Zimmermann, 17 July 1905 [fol. 104] Combating unrest and uprisings. - Punitive action against the Toro on 9 May 1905 (Lieutenant Nitschmann), 1905 [fol. 107 - 112] Combating unrest and insurrection. - Ngaundere expedition in May 1905 (Captain Langheld), 1905 [fol. 113 - 115] General political, military and economic conditions. - Ngaundere (disputes over the throne). - Report by Captain Langheld and Zimmermann, March 1905 [fol. 127 - 133] Affairs of the chiefs. - Hamadjam, Lamido of Tibati. - Banishment to Duala. - Improvement of living conditions for the Lamido and his Kaigama Taifu. - Efforts by government doctor von Brauchitsch, 12.9.1905 [fol. 134 - 135] Sketch of the battle report by Lieutenant von Raben on the warlike undertaking against the Kango heathens in Adamaua in the period from 18-25.6.1905, without scale, pencil drawing with coloured entries (through three heavily yellowed photographs of the mountain situation, 1905 Duala. - Establishment of the government school and appointment of an African assistant teacher. - Report by Captain Langheld, June 1905

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 124 · File · 1905 - 1909
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Angelegenheiten der Häuptlinge. - Haleru, Lamido of Gawar. - Trial of the Power Arbitration Court at Mendif for murder, sale of free fullahs, robbery and highway robbery, 29 Dec. 1906 [fol. 1 - 8] Reports of the departments of general administration. - Residentur Garua April 1907 - February 1911 [fol. 9 - 31] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Garua Residency April 1907 - February 1909 [fol. 20 - 22] Budget, cash and accounting. - Binder. - Revenue and expenditure (statement) - April 1903 - March 1907 [fol. 24 - 28] Affairs of the chiefs. - Haleru, Lamido of Gawar. - Imprisonment with the Lamido of Garua since 1907 - Removal and exile to Kampo and arrival on 1 December 1908 - Order of Governor Dr Seitz, 23 April 1908 [fol. 54 - 165] Boundaries with the British possessions. - Co-operation with the British authorities, 1902 - 1912 [fol. 56] Boundaries with the British possessions. - Protests and investigations into British border incursions against Bornu, 1902 - 1904, 1907 [fol. 62 - 72] General political, military and economic conditions. - Adamaua and Lake Chad countries. - Report by Captain von Krogh, 12 January 1908 [fol. 73 - 83] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - Allocation of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Status of planning, 1 January 1908 [fol. 85] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - Weapons and equipment. - Mounted detachment in Marua - equipment status (list), 1 Jan. 1908 [fol. 87] Indigenous levies and services. - Reduction of the travelling trade tax. - Memorandum by Captain Dominik, March 1908 [fol. 88 - 89] Hausa trade. - Memorandum by the merchant Louis Pagenstecher with comments by Governor Dr Seitz, 25 April and 16 May 1908 [fol. 91 - 95] Approval of the introduction of an export duty on rubber and ivory by the Ngaundere Resident Post, August 1905 [fol. 97 - 98] Customs. - Ngaundere (Resident outpost). - Introduction of an export duty on rubber and ivory in agreement with Randad & Stein, August 1905 [fol. 97 - 98] Native duties and benefits. - Introduction of a travelling trade tax in Tibati - Ngaundere. - Violation of the Governor's order of 5 July 1904 (report by Captain Zimmermann, Garua), August 1905 [fol. 99] Trade situation in the Garua Residency. - Report by Captain Langheld, 1 April 1905 [fol. 102 - 104] Indigenous levies and services. - Involvement of the Musgum area in tribute payments. - Report by Captain Zimmermann, Garua, January 1906 [fol. 105] Indigenous levies and services. - Collection of cattle export duty, January 1906 [fol. 105] Garua (Residentur) introduction of customs, 1905 - 1906 [fol. 105 - 130] Collection of export duties to increase the popularity of imperial nickel coins among the natives. - Memorandum by Lieutenant Strümpell, Garua, 1906 [fol. 131 - 133] Low popularity of imperial nickel coins among the natives. - Memorandum by Lieutenant Strümpell, Garua, 1906 [fol. 131 - 133] Establishment of customs posts on the British and French border of the Garua Resident District, October 1906 [fol. 135 - 140] Combating unrest and insurrections. - Makio and Hino Expedition (Garua District) Subsequent substantiated authorisation by Governor Dr. Seitz, 6.11.1908 [fol. 154 - 158] Combating unrest and insurrection. - Punitive expedition against the (Muhi ?) (Garua district). Rejection of the requested undertaking by the Governor Dr Seitz, 6.11.1908 [fol. 154 - 158] Affairs of the chiefs. - Negotiation of the Lamido Asura Daso. - Arrival in Duala, October 1908 [fol. 163]

Gouvernement von Kamerun